Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Nov 10, 2009


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Chapter 25.

"C-O-F-F-E-E, coffee is not for me!" -Children's song

"Do you two ever stop making out?" Olivia's raised voice, broke Christian and Olli's faces apart, as she approached the car. Olli rolled down the passenger side window and motioned for her to get closer. "What did she say?" He was unmistakably nervous. "Of course she said yes. What did I tell you? Now, come on!" Olivia made like she was going to pull Olli through the window.

"Ok, just a minute!" Olli started unlatching his seatbelt. He hadn't realized it was still attached, until it began to strangle him. "You too." Olivia said without enthusiasm, while motioning for Christian to join them. "She says she wants to meet you." Olli and Christian gave each other a, here we go' look; it was followed by a, you really don't have to' look, from Olli to his boyfriend. Christian shrugged and then spoke happily, but with a pinch of uncertainty. "Let's go in."

The trio stood at the front door of the fully landscaped and beautifully put together house. There was a warmth to it that Olli had not experienced in any of his previous dwellings. Olli had only a vague memory of his aunt. His mother didn't get along with the woman and he couldn't recall the last time he'd seen her. `Anyone would be better than her.' He thought, as he pictured his mother's disappointed face.

"Why do you guys look so afraid? She's not gonna bite. Come on..." Before Olivia could turn the knob, the front door opened and a gorgeous woman with caring eyes and light blonde hair, stood before them. The seasoned looker had a smile on her face that could light the sun. "Oliver, darling, it's so wonderful to see you!"

Charlie went in for a hug and Olli was caught a little off guard. He hesitated briefly and then returned the embrace. Her perfume smelled good. When they parted, Charlie's eyes looked Olli over. She squeezed his upper arms and gasped at the breathtakingly handsome person he had become. "You've grown!" She said with amazement, as if she'd expected him to still be a small child.

"And who might you be?" Charlie asked Christian, when she realized there was a person standing to Olli's left. "Hi, miss...ummm...I'm Christian." He was uncharacteristically shy. The source of his bashfulness; he couldn't recall her last name. Olivia hoped Christian would make an even bigger fool out of himself, as the meeting progressed. She had to find her entertainment somewhere.

Charlie reached and hand forward and said, "Charlie Schneider." She smiled when Christian awkwardly and almost apologetically, gave Charlie his hand. He was surprised when the charming woman grasped it and pulled him in for small hug, as well. Olli snickered because Christian made a funny face. "Why are we standing out here in the cold? Let's go inside!" Charlie said, as she softly pushed Christian's shoulder toward the front door.

"Sit wherever you'd like. Coffee?" Charlie offered, as they entered a large living room that was attached to an equally large, well stocked kitchen. "Thanks!" The boys said cheerfully and simultaneously, as they settled into some soft cushions. "And you?" Charlie waited patiently for Olivia's answer.

Olivia took her time; she folded her arms smugly, hovered over her intended seat, unfolded her arms and brushed some imaginary lint off of her dress, and finally sat down. "Don't you know that coffee's bad for your skin?" She asked, as if Charlie had insulted her by offering the hot beverage. "So, I guess that's a no then?" Charlie laughed off her niece's rudeness and made her way into the kitchen.

When she returned with the drinks, Charlie saw three very tired faces looking up at her from a large, white sofa and a parallel, matching loveseat. "You all look as though you've been up for days." There was concern in her pleasant voice. "You'll be able to sleep soon enough, but first thing's first..." Christian saw Charlie approaching the couch, so he made room. She sat down between the boys and put a hand on Olli's shoulder. "Tell me what happened with Henriette."

After Olli gave a short and to the point explanation as to why he had to move out, Charlie's face didn't hide her anger. "What kind of a..." She shook her head and restarted her sentence. "Never mind that. You can stay here as long as you like. I've always wanted to know you, Oliver." She rubbed his shoulder, before using it as leverage to stand up.

"I need to call your mother; just so she knows that you're with me." `This will surely give her another reason to hate me.' Charlie's face didn't hide her discomfort at the thought. She looked at Olli to see if he would protest the phone call. All she saw looking back, was an understanding sadness that emanated from his darkly lined eyes. Charlie excused herself and left the room to make the dreaded call.

Olivia watched her aunt disappear down the hallway. She yawned and her eyes wandered to a shiny surface, which allowed her to check on her makeup a little. After coming to the conclusion that she looked hot, Olivia turned to the boys. As soon as her eyes landed on the couple, her brain went, `Annoying!'

Christian and Olli were dreamily sipping their cups of coffee and were once again, lost in each other's eyes. `Ugh! They are just so...ugh!' She decided she'd had enough. "Well, I guess I'm going to bed. This is getting pretty boring." Olivia paused for Olli to protest. "Sweet dreams!" Olli said with glee. Disappointed, Olivia slowly headed down the hall.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're cute when you're dead tired?" Olli blushed at Christian's strange complement. "No, never." He answered with wide eyes. Olli laced his fingers with Christian's and they thumb wrestled a little. Olli giggled out, "Has anyone ever told you that you're cute when you're caught only wearing boxers, hiding in a closet?" "I hear that one everyday." Christian said, as if it were true.

"We should really start bringing in your things." Christian's hand was still attached to Olli's, but the movements were more deliberate; sensual and sweet. "We could do that, or we could..." Olli seductively whispered the end of his sentence into Christian's ear and a shocked Christian's smile grew wide, at Olli's naughty suggestion. "Your aunt could walk in any second!" "You're right. What was I thinking?" Olli said dramatically, before pretending to be ashamed by burying his face into Christian's chest.

Olli's face lingered against Christian, as he breathed him in. Christian grinned mischievously and started to tickle Olli. "Stop it!" Olli almost fell off of the couch, he was so ticklish. "Stop please?!" Christian heard Olli's desperate pleas, but didn't relent. They were both cracking up. Olli managed to yelp out, "Get away from me!"

"Never!" Olli went from sitting position, to horizontal; body shaking, legs kicking and twitching. Christian's misbehaved fingers, were delightfully assaulting Olli's nerves, when suddenly, and without warning, Christian found Olli's spot. The one spot on Olli's body that you should never ever tickle; not if you enjoy your life.

Olli made a weird squeak sound, when Christian poked his funny button (located on Olli's waist, to the right of his belly button and down an inch). The impact of the touch was severe and it caused Olli to jerk in an unpredicted way.

"Sorry!" Olli could barely make out his apology, he was laughing so much. "It's ok. That's what I get for tickling you." Christian said with an airless voice, as he waited for the pain to subside, that Olli had induced when he accidently kneed him in the groin.

"You're right about that, but I feel bad." Olli stopped laughing and watched Christian suffer a little, before making a deliberate sad face. Christian looked up from his wincing and said, "I'm ok, Olli. Just give me a minute." He forced a smile. Olli crawled closer to the injured solider, who had just lost the Great Tickle Battle of 2008. Christian could barely feel the pain anymore when Olli began to kiss him.

Standing at the entrance to the hallway, Charlie watched the boys for a short while. `What a sweet couple.' She smiled at them, remembering what it felt like to be young and in love. Seeing others in a state of bliss, made her shine outwardly, but inside Charlie worried that she may never find her soul mate. Her heart was so full; she so wanted someone to share it with.

"Sorry to interrupt." Charlie startled the smooching duo, upon entering the living room. Christian practically hopped away from Olli. Olli put his hands on his knees; looked down at them for a short while, gathered courage, and then looked up at Charlie, only to see a genuine smile. He forced out a quiet, "Ummm, no worries." Olli was immensely comforted by the fact that his aunt seemed to be truly open-minded.

"Do you want to see your room?" Charlie asked. "Yeah, great!" Olli answered and jumped up energetically. Christian turned his phone on as he followed the reunited relatives, down the hall. He skimmed through his messages. There were a few from Olivia, one from Judith, as usual, and one from Gregor. He was instantly excited to see his brother's name on the tiny screen and he quickly pressed the phone to his ear, to listen to his voicemail.


Additional note about Olli's funny button -- You know...the one that's located on Olli's waist, to the right of his belly button and down an inch...

Later, when recalling said spot, but not remembering exactly where it was, Christian pondered, `A diagram would be extremely helpful in this particular situation...and fun to look at.' Christian wondered if Judith's art skills, were really all she'd claimed they were. He decided to call his best friend.


Thanks for reading! :D

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