Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on Oct 19, 2013


This is a fictional story that contains sexual content between men. If this is illegal where you are please don't read this. Please donate to Nifty to keep this site free. I am still new to this and would love any and all feedback. Send emails to

Troy and Zack Chapter 1

My alarm went off at 5:00 am in the morning and I was ready to go. I was too excited to start my college experience. I had all of these big hopes and dreams of what college would be like. I took a quick shower and was ready to go. I had packed my Truck the night before. My parents wanted to come with me, but I asked if I could do this by myself. It wasn't that I didn't want them to be there or to help; it is just that I needed to feel like I could do it by myself. I get along great with my family; they have always been there for me. My younger sister was like my best friend.

So my mom got up and made a huge breakfast and we all eat together. It was so nice and meant a lot that they all got up to see me off. Even though I am pretty sure they would go back to bed when I left, it was cool. I finally hit the road at 7:00 and it was going to be like a 4 hour drive and I wanted to get there in plenty of time so that I wouldn't be unloading by myself after everyone was already settled in and out doing stuff. The drive was pretty uneventful and seemed to go by pretty fast.

Our family is very blue color, but my parents are savers and my grandparents and my parents both have been putting money aside for my sister and me to go to college. There was enough money so my parents got me this great Ford 150 for my graduation present. They told me that because my grades were good and that I didn't get into trouble and that I was a good kid they wanted me to be able to start off college with a reliable vehicle and not have to go into debit to get it. It was brand new and I felt like a rock star. It was black and loaded with all of the extras. CD player, leather seats, power locks, GPS and tinted windows. It was great. I found out that my parents had been putting money away for my college from the time that I was little. They had a great financial adviser and the money grew a ton. They told me that because I never got busted for drinking, I keep my grades up, I always kept my nose clean, they were very proud of me and they wanted to do something really special for my graduation. So I got this kick ass truck.

I stopped to get some lunch just outside of town. I don't know if I was getting hungry or nervous. It was about 11:30 when I pulled in to town and when I drove up to the campus it seemed so much big and more awesome than when I was here in the spring to visit. I was a little overwhelmed. Since I had a GPS system, I was able to drive right up to my dorm. Something seemed a little funny because there was not as much action around this dorm as I had seen at the others I had passed. I parked my truck and went to check in. There must be some mistake.

I checked in at the front desk and they told me that I was in the right place. I was given a packet and a key to my room. I was given a map of the dorm and directions to room. The girl at the desk told me there was also a note for me. I asked her if this was a freshman dorm and she very politely told me that this was an upper classmen apartments and that sometimes if there is an overflow that a few freshman get put here and also at some dumpy apartments across town. You lucked out she said and then she told me her name was Becca. "If you need anything I will be here till 4:00. I am one of the RAs. Looking forward to get to know you!" "Yah me too, Thanks!" I said. This can't be right I am never this lucky. Oh well, I wasn't going to complain. I went to get my stuff and I got in my truck and opened the letter. It was from my roommate.

Dear Zack

My name is Troy and I am your roommate and I just want to leave you a note since I won't be able to move into the dorm until August 28th. I am excited to meet you and hope you have a great week. I know that first come first serve so you will get to spread your stuff out in all the best places but at least save me a little space. Again sorry I have to leave you alone for the first week, but I will see you soon and we can get to know each other then.

Your roommate!


This was weird; I thought that all of the orientation stuff was mandatory at least that is what I was told. I thought it was a little weird that my roommate wouldn't be moving in with all the other freshman. I couldn't quite figure it out. I got the first load of stuff and went up to our room. This can't be right. This place is huge. Our pad had a bedroom, kitchenette area, a little living room and a bathroom. I thought Dorms were supposed to be small and crowded and everyone shared a shower room. Again not that I am complaining. When I moved in people were very nice, but they all seemed to be looking at me asking the same questions that I was. How did this happen. Why were we given this room? I went out to my truck and started to unload my things. Since I seemed to be the only freshman in this dorm there really wasn't too many people around when I was moving in.

There were a few RAs that were around and this one guy Jake offered to help me bring my things in. He was super hot. Very ripped and buzz cut hair. He had a great smile and perfect eyes. I was really embarrassed to find myself staring at him after he asked if he could help me bring my things in. "I..ah.. I ah...ah.. Yah that would be great! It seemed to go way faster now that I had this super hot guy helping and I had to try to make my mind work over time to control my dick. I could feel myself getting hard and didn't want Jake to notice that I was boning up now that he was helping me. We chatted about the school and what we had done this summer and a bunch of stuff like that. He was an econ major and was a junior. He was an RA last year and said it was a great way to pay for him room and it help to keep him out of the drinking scene. We joked and had a great time and I totally wanted him to ask me out, but that never happened. He didn't say anything about a girl friend. So there was still hope.

I asked if he knew if there were any other freshman in this dorm and he said only one. My roommate, but he didn't even know his name. "It is kind of weird it has been very hush hush. People just keep saying that he will be coming in a week and there will be a meeting to talk about some special arrangements." I asked what that meant, but I should have known better. He told me he wished he knew. After a half an hour my truck was unloaded and all my stuff was in my place. Since I wouldn't be getting a roommate for another week and I wanted to find a way to keep hanging out with Jake I decided that the boxes and stuff could wait until later. I asked him if he wanted to grab something to eat and that way I could pay him back for his help. Jake said yes, but he just had to go make a phone call and was going to get cleaned up and he would come back in an hour.

I thought that getting cleaned up would be a great idea since I had an hour and it was pretty hot and we had been working hard for what felt like three hours. I am sure it was more like 45 minutes, but still. I found all my stuff for the bathroom and headed in for a shower. Just thinking about Jake again got my rod going and by the time I got out of my cloths it was starting to swell. I turned on the shower and got out my shampoo, conditioner and soap. I got in the shower and started to tug on my meat. I slowly worked my soapy hands on my chest and into my pubs and around my cock. It wasn't long and I was at full mast. The thought to Jake sucking on my cock made things pretty hot and I started to speed up the pace. I closed my eyes and continued to pump my meat. After a few minutes of a pretty fast rhythm I could feel it coming. I pumped faster and faster and shot my load all over the shower wall. It was a great jack session and I had to laugh to myself in thinking I was the first one this year to cum in our shower. That's what happens when you show up a week late.

I got all cleaned up and dressed and had about 2 minutes before Jake was going to be back and I started to put some things away. I got all of my stuff ready for my bed and put some cloths away when there was a knock on the door.

I was pretty excited to see Jake again and that he said yes to hang out with me. I was that kid who really didn't have that many friends. Its funny people always said I was a great looking kid and wondered why I didn't have a girlfriend. Not only didn't I have a girlfriend, I didn't have really any friends. I am the kids who in 6th grade moved and when we ended up in our new location everyone else already had their group of friends. In 7th grade I thought I had developed some friendships, but found out that I was always being left out, or when I would invite someone to do something, they would say "Yes" and many times they would cancel. They would say that they had to do something with their family or they got in trouble or something like that, and then I would find out that they would end up doing something with someone else that was cooler. That didn't do too much for my self-esteem. Ok that was what was going through my head as I walked to the door to meet Jake to go out for dinner. Why did he want to hang out with me? He was a junior and he was hot. I was thinking he must know everyone here or maybe have a girlfriend. Was he just being nice, was it possible that he had feelings for me? I was getting nervous. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself.

I opened the door and there he was looking hotter than ever.

"Hey you ready to go?"

"I.. ah.. Yah!" Boy that sounded stupid.

"Do you mind driving? I don't have a car!"

"Not at all", I said.

I was totally planning on it. We got in the truck and Jake told me about this great burger joint that was not too far.

"They have the best food in town and it isn't that expensive."

"Sounds perfect!" I said.

As we walked to the truck Jake said that my truck totally kicked ass.

"Is it yours?" He asked.

I told him "It pays to be a looser who isn't invited to the parties I guess."

We both laughed.

He said. "I don't believe that."

He just kept going on about how cool the truck was, so I asked him if he wanted to drive it. He about flipped out. I told him that if he needed it he could use it whenever he needed.

"You are the best dude." He said.

We chatted about music and school and stuff like that. It didn't take too long to get there. Jake was right this Bar and Grill had the best food and the atmosphere was great as well. We had a great time at dinner. We talk about so much. I found out that he was from Chicago and his family didn't have much money. He has had a job since he was in 9th grade. He is very smart and got some scholarship money and is a tutor to help pay for school. I was hoping to find out about the girl friend thing, but didn't have the guts to bring it up. I am not sure why, it is just a question. I am not sure if it was that I didn't want to ask the question or I didn't want to know the answer.

Then out of the blue Jake asked me "So do you have a girlfriend?"

What? Are you kidding me? I can believe he just came out and asked it after I have been trying to get up the nerve to ask him all night.

"Ah no." I said.

He laughed.

"What?" I asked.

He said "You just seem like the kind of guy that would have a girlfriend from back home that you both decided that you were going to try to make the long distance thing work. That's all."

I laughed. "No I have never really had a girlfriend."

He didn't believe me. "Right I buy that one. Or was it that you didn't want just one you had them all?" He asked.

"No I telling you, I wasn't really in the "IN" crowd." I told him.

He laughed. If he only knew the truth, but that opened the door for me to ask. How about you, do you have a girlfriend? "No" he said. That's it that's all I am going to get. No. So I pushed for a little more info. YOU seem like the type of guy that has had a million girlfriends.

Jake laughs. "So cuz I give you a hard time you are going to give it right back? That's cool." He said.

"No! You just seem like a great guy that would have tons of girls after him."

He laughed. He said that he had dated a couple of girls in High School, but nothing real serious. He told me he played football, basketball, and Golf. He was always real into grades and with his job that didn't leave that much time to be a good boyfriend. I thought that was interesting. He didn't say have a girlfriend, he said be a good boyfriend. This guy was the real deal. We chatted for what seemed like hours and when dinner was done he told me that I didn't have to pay, but I told him it was the least I could do to repay him for his help earlier. So after I paid we got in the truck and I let him drive again. He said that if I wanted he would show me around the campus and town.

I said "You just want to drive my truck as long as you can."

He laughed and said "You caught me. It's just that you have a great truck."

It was really cool of him to show me around.

When we got back to the dorm I really wanted to find a way to hang out with Jake more, but he just thanked me again for dinner and letting him drive the truck and said he was going to head off to bed. He told me he would stop by tomorrow to check up on me and make sure that I wasn't feeling too lonely or home sick. I punched him playfully in the arm and told him he was very funny. I went to my room and got ready for bed and as I crawled into bed I found myself thinking what a great day. My first day at college felt more at home and real then anything I had ever felt before.

Then next morning I woke up at 10:30. I had an orientation meeting at 1:00 and then a meet with my Advisor at 3:45. I just lay in bed thinking back to yesterday. I kept thinking it was a dream. I kept hoping that there would be a knock at the door and Jake would be there wanting to do something. Then I would think to myself, You are just setting yourself up to be disappointed. He has tons of friends that are his own age and as soon as they all arrive then you will see that he really doesn't have time for you.

I got up and took a shower and decided I would take a look around and go get something to eat. On my way down to the commons and saw Jake was sitting in the Lobby. He was relaxing in a huge chair reading.

"Hey I was wondering if you got scared and went home!" He teased. "Did you just get up?" He continued.

"Yah I slept like a baby. No one making a ton of racket or pulling me out of bed at 7:00am. I think I can get use to this!" I joked back.

"Yah until you get your schedule with that 8:00am class." Jake teased. "You must be hungry, Do you want to grab a bit to eat?" He asked me.

"Yah, that would be great!"

So we walked to grab some lunch. I couldn't figure it out why was he being so cool to a freshman. I know what I was hoping for, but my mind kept telling me that wasn't possible so let it go. When we got to the Cafeteria we got our food and found a table that had two of Jake's friends sitting at it. He introduced me and told me that these guys were also R.A.s in our dorm.

"Hey guys this is Zack and he is in our dorm this year. Zach this is Brian and Toby. They are the ones who will be busting you for all the horrible things you will be trying."

We all laughed.

"So do you know anything about your roommate?" Toby said.

"Yah what is the deal" Brian added.

"I don't know. I got a letter that said he wouldn't be here till next week. That's all I know!"

"Something is up freshman don't get to miss orientation week and they don't usually get to live in Oakridge. No offence Zack."

" I just wish I know what was going on with this kid." Brian said.

"Maybe he is like a prince or a Royal or something" Toby said.

"Do you know his name?" Jake asked.

"I only know his first name, Troy. He didn't write his last name on the letter."

"That doesn't sound like a prince Toby!" Brian said.

Everyone laughed except for Toby. It was fun to be meeting new people and feeling like I fit in. There was a long pause in the conversation and then the subject changed. The guys were very nice to me. They didn't seem to be mad that a freshman was living in their dorm just more that it didn't happen very often.

After we finished lunch I told the guys I had to go to an orientation meet in the Thomas Building and asked if they could point me in the right direction. They gave me directions and I was off.

As I was walking off I heard Brian say "He seems cool!"

It seems like he is always loud. That totally made me smile. Again I can't believe how great college is.

The rest of the week was pretty typical with orientation meetings and freshmen activities. I meet a couple of people, but no one that really made much effort to get to know me or include me. I also was finding that living in Oakridge with no other freshman does make it harder to meet other freshman. It was ok though; Jake, Brian and Toby kept checking in on me and would invite me to eat with them. They also would include me in some of the things they were doing. I got to meet the rest of the R.A.s at a picnic they were having. It was mostly for the Oakridge and Towers R.A.s. Towers was the dorms next to ours and if was for sophomores and juniors mostly from what I could tell. Jake invited me to meet people and it was cool to get to hang out with him. We had brats and burgers and played Frisbee and other yard games. I felt like one of the cool kids.

The week seemed to fly by and on Saturday night I realized that I would be getting to meet Troy tomorrow. I was really excited; it would be great to have someone else here. I mean sure it is nice having the place to myself and to be able to walk around the whole place naked or in my underwear or watch porn and jacking off without anyone walking in, but it was still a little lonely. I also felt a little nervous. What if we don't get along, what if he doesn't like me, what if he finds out I am gay? I started to get a little more nervous. I felt like I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep that night my mine was racing like a week ago before I left. It was after midnight when I finally must have fallen asleep. I woke up and heard a knock at the door. I was a little confused at first then I realized that it must be my roommate. I looked at the clock and it was 7:00 a.m. Wow this is an early start. I mean where did he come from and if he got in last night then why didn't he just move in then. I threw on some cloths and went to the door. I opened the door and there were two guys with some boxes. They both seemed too old to be going to college.

"Hi I am Zack is one of you guys Troy?"

They both looked at me and then at each other and started laughing.

"No we're not Troy. He will be here later this morning"

"He fly's in around 10:00. He should be here about 10:30 or 11:00."

They finished bringing in about 10 boxes total and then they were gone. This is too weird. This kid must be rich or something. Who has people deliver their stuff to college? You have got to be kidding me.

I decided to go workout and then came home and hopped in the shower, got dressed, and got something to eat. I was playing on the computer at about 11:10 when I heard a key in the lock and someone opening the door. I got up and my heart was racing. The door opened and there he was! This is my roommate? Troy Anthony the movie star? Is this some kind of a joke? This was like a dream. This kid has been in more films then I could count. He is like the hot teen that is on the cover of all the magazines. He has longer blond hair that covers his hears and beautiful blue eyes. He has great skin and from what I have seen in pictures and in films an amazing body.

"Hi I am Troy, your roommate!"

I didn't say anything. I just stood there. My mouth must have been on the floor. He looked at me and then said "Is everything O.K.?"

"Ah...ah..." I must have sounded so dumb.

"Sorry I should have knocked?" he said.

"No it is your room too....ah your stuff got dropped off."

" Zaa"

"Zach Yah I am Zack, Nice to meet you. Is this a joke or ah...something?"

"What do you mean"

"Well...this can't be real, It must be a joke or something. Are there cameras in the boxes and I am being punked or something?"

"Nope no joke. I am a freshman here too, and your roommate? I hope that's ok"

"I..just didn't...expect...uh.. I mean... you that is ok!"

I am thinking I was not making a very good impression.

"I am guessing you figured out who I am and I am sorry I couldn't tell you. The college is kind of nervous that I am here and doesn't think it is a good idea, but this is where both my father and mother went along with a number of my family members so it has always been where I wanted to go. My parents would bring me to football games here when I was younger. I was born here and we lived here until we moved to L.A."

I think he was a little nervous too.

"Can I ask you something?"

Tory just shook his head yes.

"Why are you going to college" I asked sounding very stupid? "I mean won't that get in the way of your acting career? Do you really NEED to go to college?"

"Well it is just something that I have always wanted." Troy said.

"That's cool" is all I could think of to say.

So it was a bit weird for the first hour. I keep waiting for a camera crew to pop out and say that I was on some T.V. Hey look at this kid who thinks Troy Anthony was really going to be his roommate at college. Troy asked a bunch of questions about me and where I was from and stuff like that and then he started unpacking and we kept talking. After about an hour and a half Troy asked if I wanted to go the cafeteria and grab something to eat. I said yes, but asked how that was going to work?

He said "What do you mean? We just walk over and get some food. I have a card that I can charge the food to and that's it."

I looked at him like he was speaking a different language.

"I mean don't you think that once you go out there everyone isn't going to just mob you and want an autograph or a photo or just want to talk to you?"

"I think you might be exaggerating things just a little, I mean do you want my autograph or my picture?"

"YES" I said.

"Shut up" he punched my arm.

"I will wear this hat and I don't really think that people will recognize me and I really don't think most of these college kids are going to care if I am here or not."

I laughed. "I think you are crazy if you don't think that once people know that Troy Anthony is here, there is not going to be this crazy frenzy surrounding you. The people from the college are right to be nervous." I said not trying to be rude.

"Well I totally don't want that! I just want the chance to go to college and be normal like other kids my age. I have had to have tutors for most of my life and have missed out on so much"

"Yah, but look what you have done. Look who you are!" I said.

I could tell that he was not amused by my comment.

There was a pause and then Troy said "Everyone I know, except my grandmother said this was a bad idea. They told me that this wasn't going to work, not because I couldn't do it, but because my life is so different and that I would end up wanting to just quit. The situation would be too hard."

Then there was another pause. I could see that this really bothered him. I told him that I was sorry and that I was not trying to be negative.

"I got your back." I said.

Troy smile at me and I could swear his eyes were welling up.

"Thanks" he said and looked away.

"Ok let's do it, get your hat!" I said.

Troy hopped up and grabbed a baseball hat. He pushed most of his hair back and pulled it down a little so that it kind of covered his face and we were off. We made it down stairs and sitting at the desk was Jake. Here was our first test. I stopped and said Hi to Jake.

"Jake this is my roommate." "Troy"

"Tory Anthony" Jake said.

"Troy this is one of our R.A.s Jake Anderson. He is like the rules Nazi so you need to watch yourself."

Jake was still trying to find something to say and Troy put out his hand to shake Jake's and said "Its great to meet you!"

"Yah you too" said Jake as if he had just meet his hero.

Jake recognized Troy right away I didn't say his last name and Troy didn't even take off his hat. I was thinking that this might not go as well as we were thinking. Then I remembered that there was going to be a meeting with the RAs to talk about my roommate.

Jake pulled himself out of his daze and said "Well welcome Troy and if you need anything let me know!"

"Well we are going to get something to eat, we will be back in a little bit!" I said.

Jake said "Do you think that is a good"

"Yes" I interrupted. Then I gave Jake a look and smiled.

"What" Jake said.

"We'll catch you later" I said.

"It was nice to meet you Jake"

"Yah it was great to meet you to Troy."

We were off again. I was surprised that as we walked to the cafeteria nobody really noticed Troy.

We got our food and sat down and I started to notice people starting at us. Troy didn't seem to notice. He just started to eat and talk to me like we were the only ones there. I was starting to feel like this was going to be a bad idea. I could hear these girls at the table behind me talking about us and saying Troy's name. I knew that they were going to come over sooner or later and I was right. "um...Hi...ah... are you Troy Anthony?" One of the girls asked.

"Do I really look like Troy Anthony?" He said playing with her, but not being rude.

"YES" She said in this soft little squeal."

"O.K. yes I am and what's your name?" Troy asked her.

"I am Heather"

"It is nice to meet you Heather. What year are you?"

He asked as he put out his hand to shake her hand.

"I am a freshman." She said and wouldn't let go of his hand.

"We are too, this is my roommate Zack."

"Ah...Hi. What dorm are you in?"

"Well I can't tell you that, or I would have to kill you. Sorry!"

"Ha Ha that's funny. You are so funny...and cute. Can my friends and I join you?"

"Oh I am so sorry I just got here today so this is our first meal as roommates so we were talking over some of the rules and I don't want to be rude to my roommate. Maybe another time Heather thanks."

"But...can we like get an...autograph and a picture with you?"

It didn't seem like she was going to let this go, but Troy was too smart.

"I would really love to, but I am so sorry, I had to sign an agreement with the university, they weren't going to let me come here because they thought I would cause a disruption to the campus. So they made me agree that I wouldn't sign any autographs or take any photos in the first year that I am on campus. If I break the agreement I might get kicked out. I am so sorry!"

I thought I was going to laugh out loud. The girl didn't know what to say so she said bye and that she hoped to see him around, not me just him. We finished up and left with more people talking about him and some even pointing, it was so surreal. Troy acted like it was nothing, like it wasn't even happening. He kept talking to me like we were the only ones there.

When we got back to our dorm I asked him if he noticed everyone talking about him or what? He said. "I just have to let it go."

"You were so nice to that girl. That was pretty cool! I thought I was going to totally fall off my chair when you told her that you couldn't sign any autographs because you signed something."

"Its true!"

"Shut up!"

"I am kidding, but you bought it"

"Not at first"


"You are like so real, it's weird."


"I don't know, you are just...Troy Anthony?"

"Whatever! ... Shut up! I am kinda tiered; I think I am going to go take a nap."

So Troy went to take a nap and I had to pinch myself and take a minute to sort this out and make sense of everything that just happened this morning. My Roommate is Troy Anthony! He is so hot! This can't be real. And the weirdest part is he seems to like me, not like romantic, but like a friend. I started to think about lunch and how nice Troy was to that girl and how uninterested she was in me. It seemed like she didn't even notice that I was there, but Troy totally made me feel important. It was important to him that I was there. This is going to be a great year!

I had worked out this morning, but had all this energy so I decided I would go for a run. I like to run, it helps me think. I got changed and headed out. I stopped at the desk quick to talk to Jake.

"Hey dude!" Jake said "They told us this morning that he was coming, but I didn't believe it! I guess all the red carpet treatment for your roommate makes sense now?"

"Yah!" I said

"I can't believe that he is here and in our dorm! It seems so weird"

"Tell me about it" I said. "I feel like I am going to wake up and it is going to be a dream, or like someone is playing a trick on me."

Jake and I just talked about how cool and weird it was all at the same time. Then Jake said something that made me think WTF and I don't know if he realized what he said until it was already out of his mouth.

"He is even hotter in person!"

Before I even knew it out of my mouth can. "I know right and so far he seems to be really cool."

I think we both were a little shocked at what we said.

"I wonder if that will change once everyone knows he is here and his fan clubs start forming?" Jake said.

"I don't know he seems to want to be treated like a normal person." I said.

"Sure he does." Jake sounded really sarcastic.

I had that pit in my stomach, like when I was in Junior High and High school and my friends would treat me like crap. I could just see Troy and I getting really close and then when he meets all kind of new people he won't need our friendship anymore. I told Jake I would see him later and I was going to go running.

As I ran I let my head get the best of me. It took me back to those memories that hurt so much. I keep trying to figure out what is wrong with me and why can't I find friends that are real. I was coming back to our dorm when I was so deep in thought that I almost ran in to these girls that were coming out of a building. I stopped and apologized. They said it was ok and started whispering. I started to put my head phones back on when they asked me if I was in the cafeteria earlier for lunch.

"Yes?" I was confused until they asked the next question.

"Was that really Troy Anthony that you were sitting with?"

"Is it true he is here?"

"Does he go to school here?"

"Could you introduce us to him?"

They got more and more excited with every question. I didn't know what t say.

"You think he really looks like Troy Anthony? Hey I gotta go, maybe we will see you around!"

Wow this is going to be crazy. He went to the cafeteria once. Which made my brain race right back to Jakes comment about once his fan club starts. I think it has already started.

I got back and went to hop in the shower. I grabbed my stuff and hit the bathroom. Troy was still sleeping. I figured I'd have a little time to myself so I got the shower going and hopped in.

I decided to get right to work on my cock and it was thinking the same thing. I lathered up my dick and slowly worked up and down. I kept thinking about Troy and how hot he was, and then my mind would flip to Jake. I pumped my cock and thought about them both tagging me with Troy in my mouth and Jake in my ass. It was so hot. First we were in doggie style position and we were getting hot and sweaty then I flipped on to my back and they switched spots. After a few minutes things were really heating up and then Troy grabbed a hold of my cock and started pumping and that set me over the edge. I started to cum all over my stomach and my ass tightened which made Troy shot his load in my ass and Jake pulled out and started to jack it and he shot right in my mouth. I swallowed and then took his cock in my mouth and sucked for all it was worth.

This fantasy was more than I could take I shot my load all over the wall of the shower. I wanted to moan out laud but I didn't want Troy to hear me. I felt a little week in the knees. It took me a few minutes to catch my breath. I finally did and cleaned up the wall and myself.

I washed and conditioned my hair and then washed up my body giving a little extra attention to my dick and ass. Then I got out and dried off. I got dressed and cleaned up after myself. I like a clean bathroom. Nothing is worst than a messy stinky bathroom. I mean really if you miss the toilet or there are some pubs on the floor wipe them up. Nobody wants to see that. When I opened the door it seemed like Troy made a b-line for the toilet.

"Hey I really gotta go. Do you always talk long showers or were you just having some fun?"

And the door shut. I think my face must have turned fire engine red right there. I stood there for a second and could hear the stream of his piss that seemed to never end. I snapped out of it when it stopped and put my stuff away. He came out and didn't say anything else about it.

"So what do you want to do?" Troy said as if he were planning on strolling around campus.

"I don't know. What were you thinking?"

"I want to look around or go do something." He said.

Really? You think that you can just go out walking around the campus and that people are not going to flock to you like magnets. Of course I didn't really say that.

"Hey I almost ran over a couple of girls, literally, while I was out on my run and they asked if I was sitting with Troy Anthony at the cafeteria earlier today."

"What did you tell them?"

"You really think my roommate looks like Troy Anthony?"

Troy laughed.

"Why didn't you just say yes?"

"Because they were like, Can you introduce us, does he really go to school here, is it true? I didn't know what to say. I thought they might follow me back here and attack you. I am just trying to look out for your well being, unless you really are hoping to be attacked?" I teased him.

"No!" he said very defensively.

"I just don't want you to feel like you have to lie for me. Look I know that this is a little crazy and I hope that you don't feel like you are being cheated of a normal college experience. Things will be a little weird for a while, but I think that it will blow over and that it really won't be a big deal in a couple of weeks. The last thing I want to do is make this hard for you. If you decide that you don't want to be my roommate that is ok. I get it. This is going to be a little crazy at times, but I know what I signed up for and you didn't really have a choice, you just got picked and thrown into this situation. But you have to know that I thought that you would make a great roommate and that everything about you seemed like you were the kind of guy who would be able to handle this. So it is only fair to give you the choice now. If you want out there will be no hard feelings. If at any time you want out there will be no hard feelings, is that cool?"

I didn't know what to say. I think he just told me that he picked me to be his roommate. It was like my mind still needed to go back and play it again to make sure I really heard him right. Then it was like I was on auto pilot.

"I don't want out. I feel very lucky that I get to be your roommate. I know that things will be weird, but like I said before, I got your back."

"Thanks Bro!" And he gave me a huge hug. "Let get out of here and go shoot some pool or something!"

This is my first attempt at writing something like this. I know that my spelling need some help, but it is something that helps me release my thoughts. Please let me know what you think.

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Next: Chapter 2

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