Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on Sep 2, 2014


Zack and Troy

Chapter 10

Thank you, again, for reading my story. Thank you for being patient, as it has taken me longer than I would have liked to get this chapter out. I love writing it and enjoy getting your feedback!

This is a fictional story that contains sexual content between men. If this is illegal where you reside, please don't read this. Please donate to Nifty to keep this site free. Send emails to I am also on Twitter now! @cory4travis. I think it could be an easy way for me to keep people updated and for people to share pictures of what they think the guys look like.

I want to thank CO for helping me edit, as I am not very good with that!

I wasn't sure what was happening, but I could feel a hand running down my chest and if felt so good. I realized that it was Brad. I froze. His fingers moved over my abs and chest and stopped to circle my nipples. I tried to keep my breathing steady so he wouldn't notice that I was awake. I didn't want him to stop. His hand moved slowly down the center of my chest, then towards my abs, and then into my underwear. My cock was as hard as a rock. Brad was making me feel so good and I was pretty sure that my cock was leaking pre-cum all over. I rolled over just a little so that Brad would have easier access to my cock and balls. He paused for a moment. I tried to make it seem like I was still asleep and was just adjusting my sleeping position. I was afraid that he had stopped for good. But after a few seconds, he cupped his hand around my cock and started to rub my wet dick. It felt so good. As he rubbed, I leaked more and more pre-cum and my cock was jumping at his soft touch. I didn't want him to stop. I let out a little moan.

Brad picked up the cue and let his fingers slide around my throbbing cock. He started to slowly jack. I didn't feel like I was going to last long. I wanted to. I wanted to have him go down on me and flip so that I could suck his, too. I was starting to lose control and knew that it wouldn't be long before I was shooting my hot, sticky load.

"GET DOWN!" Brad screamed! "You fucking son of a bitches! Drew, GET DOWN!" He continued.

I shot up out of bed and almost shit a brick. I quickly realized that we had both been dreaming. He was shaking and thrashing around in the covers. I put my hands on his shoulders and tried to wake him. "BRAD, IT'S OK! You are ok! You're just dreaming!" I shouted. His eyes flew open. All he did was pant and look around the room, as if he was in a foreign land. I began to speak to him in a soft manner to tell him everything is alright and that he was just having a nightmare.

After getting his bearings, Brad apologized, "Sorry I woke you up, Zack." He collapsed back into his pillow.

"Brad ... wait! It's ok." I replied. "What were you dreaming about?" I asked.

"Ish twasnothing soory" He sobbed into his pillow, sounding like he was drunk.

I don't know why, but I pushed anyway and wanted to hear about his dream. "Please tell me. It seems like it was something awful." The room stood silent for moment. I pulled out the only card I had left, "If you tell me about your dream, I will tell you about mine!" I whispered in a sexy voice that was full of hidden meanings. Brad slowly rolled over and looked at me. "It's dark, Zack." He responded, as if trying to protect me. I could sense that it was a place that he didn't want to go to. I wanted to respect his wishes, but at the same time, I wanted to assure him that he could tell my anything. After all, I've started to develop a brotherly love for him. Our eyes locked and it was almost as if Brad could hear my mind telling him that it would be ok, that I was here for him, and he could tell me anything.

"On our second tour in Afghanistan, we were in this small town and there was some intense shit going down. We were assigned to this school where we were teaching the children English, playing baseball, singing, and dancing with them. It was an amazing experience. At least until one afternoon a group of locals blew up the school, killing 26 of the children. It was chaos. I ran for one of the children who was not killed instantly when the explosion occurred. All I could do was pick him up and hold him in my arms until he died. There was nothing else I could have done. There was nothing anyone else could have done. I just watched him die right in front of me in my arms. I have seen fellow Marines die and lots of other horrible shit, but to watch this innocent child die in my arms is something that I will never forget—it still haunts me to this day."

I sat there with my mouth open and tears running down my face. I had no idea what to say to that. After such a horrible experience to have lived through, I just got up and hugged him. I pulled him in tight and all I could say was "I am so sorry!"

I could feel Brad shaking. I just continued to hold him for what seemed like an eternity. We were both overwhelmed with emotion. I wish I could erase this memory from his mind. Leave all the good parts of the memory with the teaching and playing, and then just let his memory go blank when the attack happened. Take this horrible experience away. As he started to break the hug, I gazed into his stone-cold eyes. I could just see the hurt.

Brad suddenly blurted out, "Zack, I really miss my boyfriend, Ricky. I am not sure what is going to happen because he has accepted a great job opportunity in San Diego while I'm all the way across the country in school. We're going to try to make it work long-distance, but I'm afraid. We've been apart for so long. I feel like I should have picked a school closer to him. Hell, I should've picked something in the same city to make it work. I just miss him so much!"

The tears were now running down his face as if it was a waterfall. Brad had let me into this private, intimate place that he was hiding from the rest of the world. It's still difficult to imagine that someone like Brad, who is so incredibly strong and tough, can also be so delicate and filled with turmoil on the inside. I leaned in and hugged him again to reassure him. We held on to each other for a minute. Then, I began to ask him questions about his boyfriend, starting with where he was. Even though he was upset, I figured it would be good to shift away from those horrible flashbacks and talk about someone positive in his life.

Brad started telling me all about Ricky and that they grew up together. They were neighbors and best friends. Ricky was the one who showed him how to jack off and they started messing around pretty young. Brad and Ricky would have sleepovers all the time, and they got to pretty much do anything they wanted.

Brad continued that when they both made the decision to come out and date, Ricky's parents were supportive. Brad's parents, on the other hand, rejected the whole concept. In fact, his father would have it no other way than to kick his own son out of the house immediately. Thankfully, Ricky's parents let Brad stay with them. Needless to say, there was a lot more to the story that Brad didn't care to get into. All he knew was that he needed to get away from everything—and that's why he joined the Marines. I tried to get him to talk more about what happened, but he just choked up and shook his head.

I didn't want to push him further, so I asked if it was hard to be apart while he was in the service. His response was that there was a time where they weren't really together. It was complicated, but essentially he had messed up and needed to get away. During one of Brad's leaves, the two of them began to talk again and slowly reconnected. I was deeply interested in Brad's story, at this point.

When he got out of the service, they were able to spend a month-and-a-half together, along with his friend Drew. Drew had become a brother to him, considering all of the shit they had been through together. But Drew was a whole different story for another time. Brad had always planned to go to college and he loved our school. Towards the end of the summer, Ricky was contacted by a recruiter for a large company. It was such a great opportunity and quite the dream job. Of course, there was no way that Brad could ask him not to accept the offer. Somehow, they planned to make it work.

After listening to what Brad was saying, Ricky sounded like a pretty amazing guy. It sounded like it was pretty tough on both of them to have to separate yet again, but at least this time it was under better circumstances. After talking about it, you might have thought that a ton of weight was removed from Brad's chest. He just looked relieved. Following a brief pause, Brad looked at me and asked what my dream was about.

Turning beet red, I smiled and told him. He said that was hot and now he was horny! We laughed and both realized that we couldn't do anything, as we would never want to hurt our guys. We both agreed that maybe someday we all could play together. I think it made us both feel good and horny! We both feel asleep quickly, as it was now 1:14 AM.

After falling asleep again, I felt Brad rubbing my hair. I thought I must be dreaming again, until I started to wake up and realized this was real. I was laying on the left side of the bed and I was flipped facing away from Brad. A moment later, I also realized that it wasn't Brad rubbing my hair, after all. It was Troy, who was sitting next to the bed, rubbing my hair with tears running down his face.

"Don't cry!" I murmured. Troy smiled and replied, "I'm okay. I'm just worried about you. Can we talk?"

"Yes, of course." As I started to get up, Brad woke up, as well. He rolled over and asked if we wanted him to leave. I asked Troy if we could go to his room and let Brad stay here. He was cool with that, and I thanked Brad for everything he did for me tonight. I told him how lucky I feel to have such a good friend. With that sweet smile of his, he replied and thanked me with the same kind words.

Troy helped me out of bed, and we went into his room. I was rubbing my eyes as I sat down on Troy's huge bed. Troy came over and sat next to me. Putting his hand on my thigh, he asked, "Can you tell me what happened?"

I started to tell him what happened when Trent pulled me away from the party into the other room, then I started to cry. It all came flooding back to me. I could hear all of the things that Trent was telling me, and I couldn't get it out. I couldn't stop crying. I felt like I was going to lose Troy.

Troy pulled me into a hug and said it was going to be ok. He said that he was here now and that we were going to be ok. I was able to calm down enough to tell him what happened. With every detail, I felt like it was my fault that I should have been stronger to stop it, but I didn't know how. I kept pleading with Troy with how sorry I was, that I didn't want to be the reason that he was choosing to come out, and if it ruined his career I would feel terrible. Troy was looking a little pissed off, at this point.

Then he exclaimed, "I am not going to ruin my career, and Trent has no business telling you that! It is my career. I love you, Zack! I am so sorry that I was not there for you."

"You couldn't have known. He must have planned this to keep you busy and get me alone so that he could talk with me." I expressed.

Troy pulled me back into his warm embrace, and I felt so safe. It was like everyone else had disappeared.

"I don't want to have to hide anymore! I want to be with you and I don't care who knows. I love you, Zack! Always and forever! I have never had anyone make me feel the way you do. That beautiful smile, your genuine kindness, and that huge cock you have."

That made me laugh, which also made a huge snot bubble come out of my nose.

Troy got up and grabbed me a tissue. I didn't know what to say, except "I love you too!"

I am not sure that I will ever convince myself that someone like Troy could truly fall in love with someone like me. It still feels like it is all an incredibly vivid dream.

"I am so sorry that Trent did this to you. He obviously has lost his mind, and I can't believe that he thought this would work to split us up! I am going to call him, and I think that you should spend the rest of the night in here with me."

"But what about your parents?" I asked.

"They are not going to even notice. Besides, even if they do, it won't matter, because I'm going to tell them tomorrow anyway."

The look on my face must have been one of pure shock, because he quickly added, "If that's alright with you?"

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" I asked.

"I'm positive! I know this is who I am and I love you so much! I don't want to hide. Do you think that you are ready for this? I mean, it would change your life too. I don't want to push you if you are not ready."

Troy looked at me with those amazing eyes, and I knew that I wanted this too. I felt confident, scared, and so lucky all at the same time.

"Troy, I love you too and I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I still can't believe that you are really into me. There's this little voice in the back of my head that is still telling me this is all a prank or a new TV show where someone is going to pop out from behind a door or something."

"OH MY GOD you have a crazy imagination. Does this seem like a joke?" He questioned as he leaned in to kiss me. No, he was right. It didn't. Again, I was swept up into his amazingness. It felt incredible. As long as he was by my side going through this, I know everything is going to be ok.

"Do you want to sleep in here tonight?" Troy asked with a flirty smile. I responded by telling him about my conversation with Brad, and added that we should at least check on him first. We went back into my room, and Brad was sleeping. I couldn't decide if I should wake him or not. He looked so cute sleeping there. I also wanted to make sure that he knew that I was going to be there for him and that since he shared this personal story with me, I wanted to make sure that I didn't just leave him. I crawled into bed next to him and started to rub his arm. He woke up slowly. I kind of expected him to wake up swinging and punch me.

"Hey Troy and I are done talking and are going to go to bed. He asked if I wanted to sleep in his room tonight. I didn't want to just leave you without coming back and talking to you."

"Can I come too!? I'm scared! It is really dark and scary in here by myself. Pleeeeeeease!?" Brad begged in a little kid voice, kind of teasing Troy and I.

"Well, if it would make you feel safer..." Troy said, sounding like a parent.

"It would be really hot to sleep in the same bed with two hot studs. I will check to see if Jake and Travis will let me sleep with them." Brad said with a smile, teasing us.

`OK, bye!" I announced, thinking I was being smart.

"Well ... I'm cool with you sleeping with us, if you are Zack?" Troy voiced.

I totally was, so Brad joined Troy and I and we all slept in Troy's huge king-sized bed. I was in the middle and we all snuggled up. Troy thanked Brad for being there for me and told us that he was going to fire Trent in the morning. I was a little afraid that I was not going to be able to sleep, but we all fell asleep very fast!

The next morning I woke up with two hot studs on either side of me. I felt like I was in heaven! Both Brad and Troy were turned into me and were very close. I felt so safe! Troy woke up first and leaned in and gave me a kiss! He put his leg over one of mine and I could feel his massive morning wood! I put my hand around him to squeeze his ass. He smiled and said that he loved me. I told him that I loved him too.

We were talking very quietly, but we still woke Brad up. As he reached his arms up over his head, his beautiful chest peeked out of the covers. I wanted to reach over and rub his chest so bad, followed by Troy and I rubbing his entire body with both of us going down on his cock until he shot his morning load! I can't help it that we have some super-hot friends coupled with my dirty mind!

Troy started a conversation about last night and wanted to review some of the details, especially to get Brad's take on things. I could tell that this was making Troy both upset and angry at the same time. Brad described how he found me and got me out of there. I made sure to let Troy know that Brad was amazing and took great care of me the whole time. Troy told us that his plan was to tell his parents that he was gay. He also wanted to discuss what had happened with Trent and make sure that they had a heads up that he was going to fire Trent. Brad asked some great questions to ensure Troy had really thought this through. The last thing any of us wanted was for him to look back and regret such a major decision. Everything Brad asked Troy was exactly what I had said to him prior, but it reassured me that someone else was looking out for him, too.

Unexpectedly, Brad brought up his experience with coming out to Troy. I admired his willingness to share this information. Not only did it deepen our trust and friendship, but it also provided some insight as to how things could possibly turn out for Troy and I. Brad noted that when he came out to his parents, it was very hard and didn't go well. He was kicked out of the house and his Mom and Dad refused to accept it. He ended up moving in with his "friend" Ricky. He lightly touched on the subject of Ricky, when I interjected "That's a whole other story for another time."

After a while, his mother came around to the idea and wanted to rekindle their relationship. His father, however, wanted nothing to do with it. In the end, it tore his parents apart and they ended up getting divorced. To this day, Brad doesn't have any contact with his dad, considering the shitty things that have happened in their relationship over the years. Brad didn't get into all of the details with Troy that he had shared with me last night. I knew that we would have plenty of discussions once getting back to school, though. You could just hear the difficulty in sharing all of this in Brad's voice; I commended him for opening up and trusting us with such personal information.

Our conversation continued, with Troy really feeling like his parents would be supportive. They have a number of gay friends, and have always been supportive of Troy's decisions. Although at first Troy's parents didn't see the need for Troy to attend college, Troy's explanation and reasoning allowed them to get on board with his choice. They were mainly just nervous and wanted to protect him from the unknown.

In the midst of our discussion, I blurted out "Lying in bed between two hot guys has got me so hard. I think that we should pull the covers down and see who can shoot their load the fastest!"

I couldn't actually believe I just said that! I was slightly intimidated, as I was the scrawniest of us all. But, I still wanted to see Brad's cock and thought that if Troy and Brad were as horny as I was, they would be game too.

Troy smiled and agreed, "I would be down for a little jack-off contest."

Brad questioned, "What are the rules of this `contest?'"

"The last one to shoot his load has to eat it!" Troy replied, almost immediately with a wicked looking smile.

Fuck, I thought I was going to shoot my load right then and there. We all agreed and kicked the covers off and pulled off our underwear. I didn't think it was going to take me long, considering I was like an Oreo—sandwiched between two hot studs. Getting to see Brad's dick was going to make it even faster!

Everyone was hard and Brad's cock was amazing! I saw Troy check it out first, so I figured it was ok to peek, too. Troy announced, "Ready, set, GO!" We were all off to the races. My eyes darted back and forth between all three cocks. I switched hands for a minute, as I spit in my right hand to make it nice and slippery. We were all checking each other out the whole time. It felt so good to stroke my cock while these two hot, fucking studs were jackin' away, pushing me closer to the edge. Brad's cock looked like it was close to 6-and-a-half inches. I was getting so close, but didn't want to moan, as I thought it might help the other two cum first. Now, I didn't have a problem with eating my own jizz, but I wanted to win. I am a bit competitive.

It didn't take long for me to shoot 6 or 7 nice big squirts onto my abs and chest. I knew I was the first one and the winner. The soft moans I made were enough to push Brad over the point of no return. He shot a nice load onto his abs, with one of the shots hitting him right on the cheek!

This left Troy in last place, although he was not far behind. He pumped his fist on his cock and grabbed his balls and shot his load. He opened his mouth, however none of his shots made it that far. He also had a nice load all over his chest. Troy started licking what was already on his fingers in a sexy, seductive kind of way. He certainly knew how to entertain and put on a show for us. I spared no time in helping him by scooping the seed from his chest and bringing it up to his mouth. He sure licked my fingers clean—it was so sexy!

"Fuck, that was really hot!" Brad noted after a few minutes. We all agreed and decided to take a shower together to get cleaned up. Nothing happened in the shower other than each of us helping the other scrub down our backs. It was still hot, nonetheless, and I could feel my cock getting a little hard, wanting to play some more games.

We dried off and Brad and I went back to our rooms to get dressed, leaving Troy to get dressed and go find his parents to have a little talk. Ok, well, a REALLY BIG talk!

I headed to my room and got dressed and after Brad got dressed we checked in on the other guys. They asked if I was feeling better. I made it seem like it was a fluke thing and that I felt better now. Brad took my lead and just left it alone.

It seemed like everyone else had a great time at the party and from the sounds of it, Trent pulled out all the stops for the rest of the guys. They went on and on about how great Trent was and how he showed them this super cool thing and told them this other amazing story and pulled out some sort of expensive liquor that was just so cool of him.

Finally, after about five minutes of this, Brad had enough and jumped in, "Last night Zack didn't get sick, Trent pulled him aside and basically made him feel like shit and that if Troy came out it would ruin his career and that would be a hard thing for Troy to deal with. He made Zack feel like he was being selfish for not trying to talk Troy out of it and left him feeling like shit!"

Man I never want to piss Brad off, because he shut down the Trent party train just like that! All of the guys sat there speechless, with their jaws stuck to the floor. Then, the questions came. I felt bad, because it was like they went from loving Trent to hating him all in a matter of a few minutes just because of me. I told them that Troy felt horrible and that he was going to fire Trent today after he talked to his parents to come out to them. You could've heard a pin drop, at this point. It freaked me out! Then, the questions resumed, again.

Everyone pondered the possible outcomes to that situation. "Do you think his parents will be ok with this? I mean, this could affect his career." Jake asked. "I am sure that he is not worried about his career right now! It will be hard enough to come out to his parents and have to deal with Trent!" Travis added.

"All I have to say is Trent better not try to fuck with Troy's career!" Brad conveyed. Everyone agreed that Trent would be in for an ass kicking if he fucked Troy over. Not sure what we would do to him, but if we caught him, there certainly wasn't going to be any sort of positive outcome for him. We all went down stairs and grabbed some breakfast. I couldn't really eat much as my stomach was in knots. I could tell that the guys were trying to get my mind off of things. Brad and I had begun a game of pool when Troy entered the room. I froze like someone in the middle of a minefield. I didn't know what to say. Nobody knew what to say. As Troy walked closer, I started to move forward to meet him half-way. Fearing the worst, I asked, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, they said they would support whatever I wanted to do." He said as he looked down with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"You sound disappointed...or like you are not sure what you want to do?" Brad interjected. I was grateful for Brad stepping in because I still didn't know where to go from here.

"No, I know this is the right thing and what I want to do. It's just going to take some time for them to wrap their heads around the whole thing. They said they love me no matter what and that they stand by me not matter what, but that things could get really rough for a while and that Trent may try to ruin me." Troy continued.

Everyone jumped in with their supportive thoughts. It was hard for me to say anything, because I keep hearing Trent's voice in my head telling me that this would be all my fault and that I should try to stop it! I know that is not actually what he said, but that's all I heard.

"My mom seemed so sad. She was trying not to cry, but the tears just rolled down her face." And as Troy said that, tears started rolling down his face. He tried to force a smile, but my heart was aching for him. I wanted to go back home, before we came here, and have everything be like it was before. Only we would know, and he wouldn't be hurting. Then he looked at me and asked if I was ok. That is when I realized that I had tears running down my face as well.

"Yes! I am just sorry that you are hurting having to go through all of this!" I sobbed.

Troy came over to me and hugged me. "You know that this is not your fault? We are going to be ok! This is what I want! We are what I want! You make me so happy! I would give it all up to spend the rest of my live with you!"

Troy turned on the faucet because now the tears were pouring down my face. He wiped the tears from my face, leaned in, and kissed me. It was so nice—the feel of his sweet lips on mine.

Jake was very sweet and asked if we needed a little time alone, but we said that we didn't. Then Brad asked if Troy told his parents about me. Again I wanted to kiss Brad for asking the questions that I was thinking and was too scared to ask.

"Yes, I told them that Zack and I were dating and they said that he was from the wrong side of the tracks and that I was forbidden to see anyone from the Johnson family. The Anthony family never mixes with the Johnson family!" He was dead serious, until he saw the look on my face, that is. He just burst out in laugher, "I'm totally kidding! That is the part where they seemed to realize how happy I was! My mom said that she could tell that I was really happy, and she thought that it was just getting to go to college and that I had some amazing friends. All of a sudden, it all made sense to her."

Troy tried to hug me again, but I pushed him away. "That was not nice. I have been so worried that your parents were not going to like me."

"They love you!" he said.

We chatted a bit more until Troy and his parents had to leave to deal with Trent. The rest of us decided to pack our belongings, so we would be ready to leave once they returned home. After packing, we decided to spend some time floating around the pool enjoying the bright and beautiful sunny day. The whole time, my mind kept drifting back to Troy and what was happening with Trent. It felt like time was standing still. I just wanted everything to work out in a positive way for Troy.

The car doors shut, and we all knew they were home. Grabbing our towels, we darted towards the house to meet Troy. We came to a screeching halt and fell silent when Troy smiled and announced, "Well, it's all over!" My heart just about jumped into my throat. I was sure that he meant his career. "I'll save the story for the flight home" Troy added.

We had to hurry and get changed so we could head home. Troy came up with me to my room and helped me change. Well, more like distract me while I was changing. "I want you to come and talk to my parents with me." Troy said. I panicked! Why did he was me to go with him? What did he tell them? What would they say? "Dude! Chill! It's going to be ok. They are super supportive of us and want to have a chance to talk to you before we go." He reassured, as if he could read my mind.

"I have been so nervous about them liking me and now that they know about us I am even more freaked out!" I replied.

"Don't be! They are happy for us. We had a great talk on the way home from the meeting and they said that they can see a happiness in me that they have not seen before. They said they thought it was college life, until I told them about us and then they realized it was you making me feel this way."

It felt so good to hear and made me so happy that they were supportive of us being together. Then Troy told me that they asked if they could talk with us privately before we went back. Hearing this also made me feel great.

Eager to tell me what had happened with Trent, he decided not to wait until the flight home to spill the beans. Trent started out trying to justify his actions and explain that he was not "trying" to be mean to me. He was just trying to get to know me. I laughed out loud when Troy said that. Troy's reaction to that B.S. was the same as mine, and Troy made sure to call him out on it. Troy explained that he had lost Trent's trust; he used to have his back, but he was sucked into the money and fame and lost sight of what is truly important. Needless to say, Troy informed Trent that his services were no longer needed.

"OH MY GOD! What did he say?"

"He was shocked! At first, he thought that I was kidding. But, when he realized I was serious, he started to beg me to change my mind. I told him that ever since I decided to go to college, he was driving his own agenda and seemed to have no regard for what I wanted or needed. He had betrayed me and lost my trust. I'm not sure we could ever get past that. Anger then set in and he went on to say that I was just a spoiled, rich fuck that had no talent and was going to regret getting rid of him because I fucked with the wrong guy."

I didn't know what to say! I was so shocked. Troy went on to tell me that he went off on Trent, "You can go ahead and do what you think you need to, but I would like to just give you some friendly advice: if you think that for one second people in this town are going to believe you and your pathetic, made-up stories, you're fucking delusional. And don't think for one second that if you try to slander my name that I won't sue your sorry ass! I don't want to have to fuck up your career or life, but if you think I am going to quietly sit by while you go after me, you have lost your mind. I would advise that you just tell people that we have gone our separate ways and leave it at that, otherwise shit could get real for you. I am pretty sure that you are going to want to let me come out how and when I am ready. If you even go there, I will fuckin let loose on you! How about we just both choose to take the high ground and move on?"

Seeing Troy get so fired up had me all excited—I wanted to rip his clothes off right then and there. "I am so sorry that you had to go through this." I spoke.

He smiled and said, "I feel so much better. I was tired of fighting with him. I can move on and get a manager that is looking out for my best interest...not what is best for him."

We hugged again and kissed then finished packing and headed to talk with Troy's parents.

Troy's parents were sitting in the study. They were each sitting in chairs reading parts of the newspaper. Troy walked in first and I followed. I realized that I was getting nervous. Troy went over and sat down on a couch and patted the seat next to him. His parents folded up their papers as we came in and said "Hello" as we were sitting down. They could tell that I was nervous.

Troy's mom spoke up first, "Zack we wanted to talk with you to let you know that we love Troy and support him in the choices he is making. We also want you to know that the road ahead might get bumpy. We want you to know that we are happy for you two and will always be here for you."

Then Troy's dad said, "Zack, it has taken us some time to get used to all the crazy things that go along with Troy's career. It isn't always easy and there will be times where you might feel like giving up. Please know that Troy loves you very much and that we think you are a great fit for him. I know that we have not gotten to spend that much time together this trip, but from what we can tell and all the things that Troy has shared with us so far you seem like an amazing guy!"

I couldn't help it tears were streaming down my face.

"Are you ok Zack?" his mom asked.

"Yes! I am just a little overwhelmed with happiness! I feel so lucky to have Troy in my life. I told him that I keep thinking that this is some reality show where I am being punked or something."

They both laughed it off. I finally realized how stupid that same line I kept saying really sounded.

"Zack, I have never seen Troy this happy. I thought it was the fact that he was getting to go to college, but I was wrong. It is you. You make him so happy. I see it in his face, when he talks about you, in the way he walks. I know that he loves you very much." His mom said.

I looked at Troy who had this huge smile on his face. "See I told you it was not some TV show! We all laughed and I lightly pushed Troy.

"We would love to have you come visit again Zack so we can all get to know each other better." Troy's dad said.

"I know you guys have to go, but please keep in touch and come visit again soon!" Troy's mom said as she was getting up. They both came over and gave me a hug. It felt amazing! We all headed to meet the other guys so that we could head to the airport. Troy's parents said goodbye and hugged us all and stood at the front door and waved to us as we loaded into the Limo and headed off. It was a crazy weekend, and I was never going to forget it!

I was in my own little world as we drove to the airport. I was snapped out of my daydream when I heard Jake ask "Do you think this will ruin your chances for the Spielberg movie?"

"I'm not sure, to be honest. We called his office and told him that I was no longer working with Trent. But the truth is, if it does, then it was worth it! If the only reason that they would be interested in me was because of Trent then I don't want to work with them. Trent is a douche bag!" Troy said with such profound confidence.

The conversation continued and the guys shifted to teasing Troy. They tried to come up with alternative job ideas if his career was ruined. Jake said that he could work at a gas station, Matthew said that he could clean pools in a speedo, and Jake said he could be a porn star.

I zoned out on the flight home. I was relieved when Troy and I dropped our bags on the floor in our bedroom. I needed to have some fun with my man and show him how much I love him. I truly appreciate all that he did for me this weekend.

I spun him around so that I was standing behind him, and I started to kiss the back of his neck. I pulled his shirt up a little with my left hand and reached up in with my right. I started to rub his abs and work my way up to his chest. I was getting hard as I rubbed my cock around his ass. I pulled his shirt off and kissed his back. I worked my way back down his body and snaked my hands into his pants. It was a tight fit, but I was able to grab his cock and squeeze it a little. I was so horny and I wanted to get Troy's beautiful cock into my mouth. I spun him around and got down on my knees and started to unbutton his pants.

I pulled his pants and underwear down, allowing his cock to pop out. My mouth was right there to catch it! Troy let out a soft moan. I was sucking up and down, playing with his balls, and teasing his ass. After a few minutes of this, Troy pulled me up to my feet and undressed me. We kissed and it was so amazing! I opened my mouth and our tongues we making up for all the time that was missed this weekend. Troy reached down and grabbed my dick. He was going to go down on me, but I stopped him and said, "I want to please you. I want to show you how much I love you and how much this weekend meant to me."

He smiled and then commanded, "I want to feel you inside me." He pulled the lube out of the side table drawer and lubed up my dick and his hole. Then, he pulled his knees up and I got into position to make love to the man of my dreams. I went slowly, and as I was going in, his face tightened, and I knew when to slow down. Once I was in I started to fuck him with a nice, slow stroke. I reached down and grabbed his cock and slowly started to stroke him. It was so hot. This is my favorite position. I knew that I was not going to last long, and as I was getting closer and closer, I picked up the pace, both stroking his cock and fucking his ass. Troy couldn't stop moaning and saying "Oh yah...oh fuck...damn, baby...make me cum! Oh feel so good!"

I was charging toward the climax when he looked at me with the smile of approval. I let it fly! His head fell back and his cock erupted. Cum flew all over his chest. This pushed me right over the edge and I let it fly, too. Fuck, it was so amazing to feel his cock in my hand and his tight ass clenching my throbbing cock. Afterwards, I slowly pulled out and cuddled next to Troy. I put my head on his chest and he kissed the top of my head. I was in heaven.

Next: Chapter 11

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