Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on Dec 20, 2013


Zack and Troy

Chapter 6

This is a fictional story that contains sexual content between men. If this is illegal where you are please don't read this. Please donate to Nifty to keep this site free. I am still new to this and would love any and all feedback. Send emails to

Monday morning seem to come too fast. I woke up to Troy bolting out of bed and making a dash for the bathroom. I thought that maybe he had to go to the bathroom, but then I heard the unmistakable sound of puking. I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom to help. I felt so bad. I got a glass of water ready for Troy to rinse his mouth out and put some toothpaste on his toothbrush in case he wanted to get that awful taste out of his mouth.

As Troy finished puking his guts out, he slumped onto the floor. I am sorry, but even in his most miserable state he was still sexy, naked on the floor in a little puddle. My poor baby.

"Do you want me to help you back into bed?"

"Can you get me a blanket, please?"

"Of course baby!"

I flushed the toilet and ran to get him a blanket. By the time I got back he was shivering. I covered him and then gave him a big hug.

"Careful...I...don' get you ssssiiiiiick!"

"It's ok. Can I get you anything else?"

"No...I..I..I...jjjjuuuust nnnneeeeeed to warm up a little."

I tried to help warm him up. After a few minutes he was warm and got up to rinse his mouth and brush his teeth. I couldn't help it, but while he was rinsing his mouth and brushing his teeth I couldn't take my eyes off of his beautiful cock. Even soft, it hangs nice with his blond pubes, which seem to be neatly groomed. I held the blanked over his shoulders and then helped him back into bed. He was able to tell me that he wanted me to get him some underwear, a t-shirt and sweatpants. I got him dressed and then got him a bucket in case he was going to be sick again.

"Is there anything else I can get you?"

"No thank you. You should get ready for class so you are not late."

I didn't want to leave him, but I should go to class and I could check up on him after each of my classes. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep again.

I got in the shower and started to get ready for class. I was thinking about how lucky I was and what a great guy Troy is. I need to do something nice for him, something to help him feel better. I was not coming up with anything. I got breakfast and was ready to head to class, but peeked in to check on him one more time. He was sleeping and for the moment looked like he was feeling better.

I got to our freshman comp class and Mr. Frank seemed to notice that I walked in alone. I thought that was funny because I didn't think that he even noticed me before. I got my stuff out of my backpack and when I looked up, Mr. Frank was standing by my desk.

"You are Troy's roommate right?"


"Is everything ok? Is he upset about what is in the tabloids?"

"What are you talking about?", I was so confused. "Troy is just sick today. He woke up and threw up. What do you mean by in the tabloids?"

Mr. Frank went to the table at the front of the room and pulled a magazine out of his bag. He gave it to me and I about fell off my chair. There was a picture of Troy with Vanessa Hutchens walking and it looks like she is walking in front of him and is angry. The article read, "Troy Anthony Chooses College Girls Over Girlfriend." I opened the magazine to find the story and it makes Troy out to be this player that is going to go to college and is messing around with all these girls and that his girlfriend Vanessa Hutchens is pissed and has given him an ultimatum. Drop out of college or get dumped.

This is just what Troy needs today. I gave the magazine back to Mr. Frank and said, "This is a bunch of shit! Troy is not running around with a bunch of girls. He is a great guy and I am sure that if he is dating Vanessa Hutchens then she has nothing to worry about because from what I have seen, he is a pretty upstanding guy."

Mr. Frank looked at me and then looked at the magazine and said, "You are right. I bet they are just making this up to stir up drama and sell magazines."

Then he headed back to the front to start class. I thought to myself, you are a generous Mr. Frank the freshman comp teacher. You have figured out that the tabloids are not real. They are making things up just to sell magazines. Good thing we are here to learn from you!

It still made me mad. Why would they need to write something like that? Why attack Troy when he is trying to go to school? Was it because he was doing something that most Hollywood stars his age would never do? Are they trying to knock him down? That pissed me off.

Class seemed to drag on and on and my mind kept coming back to the magazine. I wanted to get it back so I could read the whole thing. Then I thought, "Fuck that! I don't even want to know what it says." I started thinking about Troy and hoping that he was feeling better. I started thinking "Oh my God, Troy knows Vanessa Hutchens." Of course he knows her they have done a movie together and they are dating. Wait! What if he was dating Vanessa Hutchens? I was going crazy.

Class finally finished and I grabbed my stuff and tried to hurry out the door, but Mr. Frank stopped me and told me, "Please tell Troy that I hope he feels better."

"I will Mr. Frank. Thanks!"

I was feeling a little snarky. Mr. Frank seems to have a little crush on Troy, but who can blame him; with that hot blond, tan sexy body and blue eyes. I was tempted to skip my next class, but thought I better not. At least one of us should go to get the notes.

After class, I ran into Jake when I came into the commons in our dorm. "Hey how's it going Zack?"

"I am good, but Troy is sick. He puked this morning. I was just going to go check on him."

"That stinks. Tell him I hope he feels better. Are you up for working out later?"

"That would be awesome Jake. What time were you thinking?"

"What about 3:30?", he asked.

"Sounds great! I will just come to your room at 3:30 and we can go over. Oh Jake, do you know a good place to get some chicken noodle soup?"

"Go to Mac's. It is on Water Street. They have great soup."

"Thanks man. See you later."

I hurried up to our room and tried to be very quiet. I snuck in to peek in on him and he was sleeping. I looked to see if he had puked in the bucket at all. I was glad to see that it was empty. It seemed like he had been sleeping the whole time.

I had a couple of hours before my next class so I figured out where Mac's was and I ran to get Troy some chicken noodle soup. Then I stopped by the grocery store to get him some Sprite and applesauce and a few other things to make him feel better. I stopped when I saw the magazine that had the article about Troy. I wanted to read the article, but I didn't want to buy it. I wasn't sure what to do so I grabbed a copy and walked around the store slowly and quickly read the article.

It made me sick. I could tell that they didn't know him at all. It did make me wondering about his relationship with Vanessa, but I could ask him about that later. I put it back and checked out and rushed home again.

When I got home Troy was up and looking a little better. I put things in the kitchen and went in to see him. He was in bed and smiled at me when I came in. That perfect smile, which melts my heart.

"How are you feeling buddy?"

"A little better, but I am still feeling a little unsteady."

"I got you some chicken noodle soup, Sprite, and applesauce. Any of that sound good?"

"You are the best! Maybe a little Sprite.", he said softly.

I ran and got him a glass of Sprite for him. I just wanted to make sure that he felt better. I came back with the Sprite and he had his eyes closed. When I set the glass down he opened them. I sat on the bed and felt his forehead, he was still really warm. "Do you want me to take your temperature?", I asked.

"If you are hitting on me, I am so sorry but I don't think I am up to it!" He smiled and it made me laugh. His charm still comes through when he is sick. He told me that he was ok and that I should not hang around too close, so that I don't get sick. I told him that I was a big baby when I get sick so he better watch out and if I get sick because of him then he would really be in for it. That made him smile.

I told him that I was going to go grab something to eat and then head to my last class, but that if he needed anything to text me. I got his phone out of his pocket and told him that I was putting it by the side of the bed. When I grabbed his phone out of his pocket I must have hit a button, because the screen lit up. His cover picture was of Vanessa and Troy hugging cheek to cheek. It was very cute, but it quickly brought the magazine article back into my mind quickly. It was funny, because I had a mixed feeling of jelousy, and protection for him. I shook it off, said goodbye, kissed him on the forehead and headed for the cafeteria.

As I walked I found my mind racing. Was Troy really dating Vanessa and I was just some loser on whom he could use his fame to suck in and have some fun with while he was at college? Then I thought why would he do that, because I could out him? But then I thought maybe that is why he picked me. Maybe he knows that I am not there myself and that there is no way I would say anything. It was crazy. Like there was this internal war going on in my head.

It wasn't until I started to walk up the hill to the cafeteria that I realized that I had spent so much time with Troy that I really didn't have any other friends and neither did Troy! However I am sure if he was walking into the cafeteria alone he would have no problem finding someone to sit by.

"Zack!" I heard my name yelled from behind me, so I turned around to see who it was. I saw Meg, Brian and Heather coming across the street.

"Hey guys! What's up?", I asked as they got closer.

"We were just going to grab lunch! Wanna join us?", Meg asked with enthusiasm.

"That would be awesome!", I said back not trying to sound too excited and desperate.

We headed into the cafeteria and grabbed lunch. As we were deciding what to eat Brian asked where Troy was and I explained to that he was sick. They all felt bad and wanted me to tell him that they hoped he felt better. They asked a bunch of questions about what it was like to be Troy's roommate? They asked where I was from and really seemed interested in getting to know me better. Questions about Troy were sprinkled in, but really more about me. It was cool.

Brian asked if I wanted to play volleyball with them at 7:00. A bunch of them were going to go play for fun. I told them that I was going to see how Troy felt, but it sounded super fun. It would be fun to get to hang with them and I like to play volleyball, but I am not that great!

We finished lunch and I headed to my Biology class. It was not as much fun without Troy! After class I headed home quick so that I could get my stuff to head to the gym with Jack. It felt great to be invited to hang out with him and to play volleyball with the others.

When I got home Troy was sleeping. I was super quiet getting my stuff together. I changed into some under armor, basketball shorts and a t-shirt. As I was getting ready to leave Troy woke up so I asked him if he needed anything.

"Could I get a little more Sprite and maybe a little applesauce?" So I got the things that Troy asked for and I told him that I was going to work out with Jake unless he wanted me to stay with him. He said that I should go. Then he said that he was going to take a shower and then see how he feels.

"Do you want help?"

"No, I don't want to get you sick too!", he said sounding sound tired.

I helped him get out of bed and have a few sips of Sprite and then he headed into the shower. Then I went to see if Jake was ready to hit the gym. Jake was ready and we headed for the gym. As we were leaving we ran into Travis and Becca who were working on a project for one of their classes. We chatted with them for just a little bit and then headed to the gym!

The gym was pretty busy. Jake had his workout routine and said that he would help me so we lifted for a while. We worked our upper body and then did some cardio on the elliptical machine. It felt good, but also kind of kicked my butt. We chatted a lot and got to know each other even better. I was starting to feel like Jake was a big brother. He is a great guy and I am not going to lie, he still turns me on a little.

After an hour workout we headed back to our rooms. On the way back Jake asked if Troy and I wanted to come over tomorrow and play cards with him and Travis. I am not sure if I have said this yet, but I am loving college. I told him that I would love to, but would want to see how Troy was feeling.

We got back to our dorm and I thanked Jake for taking me with him. I said, "I hope this doesn't sound weird, but it kinda feels like you are like my big brother. It is the greatest feeling."

"I like that! I have never had a little brother but I've always wanted one. You are cool Zack, I would love it if you were my little brother!"

I almost started to cry right there. We both headed to our rooms and I went in very quietly again. Troy was watching TV all wrapped up in a blanket.

"Feeling better?"

"Yes. Now I am just freezing. My stomach is much better. Thanks for taking care of me Zack! How was the workout?"

"Good! I am pretty sure that I will be sore tomorrow. Jake kicked my butt!"

"That's good for you" ,Troy said still sounding tired and a little weak.

"Jake invited us over tomorrow if you are feeling better to play cards. I told him that we would see how you are feeling."

"That would be great! Those guys are awesome."

"Well we can see how you are feeling tomorrow. Do you want me to get you anything?"

"Maybe a couple pieces of toast and some more Sprite, please."

It was so cute how pathetic he looked. I wanted to go over and kiss him and snuggle him and keep him warm and make him feel better.

I got up and fixed the food that he wanted and then got myself something to eat. Then I sat by him and we snuggled and it felt so good to hang with him for a little while. He seemed to be getting better. I worked on some homework till about 6:00.

"Aren't you going to go play volleyball?" Troy asked.

"I don't know. I was thinking that maybe I would just stay here and keep you company."

"You should go! I think I might try to take another nap."

"Are you sure? I am happy to stay here."

"I think it will be good for you to go and have some fun. Besides you use the practice.", he said with a weak smile.

I packed up my homework and got ready to go play. I made sure that Troy had everything he needed and then I headed over to the athletics center. They were already warming up on the court when I got there. Brian, Trevor, Kent, Meg, Heather and Kerri were on the court with a few other people I didn't know. Brian waved me over and introduced me to the other people that were playing with them.

"Hey guys this is Zack. Zack, this is Jeremy who is Kent's roommate and Kyle who lived in our dorm and Brianna, Laura and Kim." Brian announced.

We decided on teams and we were playing 6 on 6. The teams were Trevor, Kent, Jeremy, Kerri, Brianna and Kim against Brian, Meg, Kyle, Heather, Laura and me. I am glad we are just playing with mostly people I know, because I'm not that good a player. I was glad that I had two days of class to practice and learn some proper technique, but I still needed lots more practice.

It was super fun to be hanging out with this group. They are fun and other than a few people mentioning that they heard that Troy was sick and hoped he got better; no one really talked about him or made a big deal. They were treating me like one of the group and not like they just wanted to hang with me so they could get close to Troy. I never felt like this before.

There were times back in high school when I wondered what was wrong with me. I would spend so much time alone. I always thought that if only people would just take the time to get to know me, things would be different. I also thought that maybe because I was gay, people somehow could tell. They didn't want to hang out with the gay kid. This was so different. It is amazing!

We played the best three games out of five. My team won thanks mostly to Brian, Kyle and Heather. The other team was doing really well and the teams were pretty evenly matched. Maybe we just got lucky. We won 3 to 1, but still played the last game just for fun!

Afterwards, we all went to the Cold Stone Creamery on campus and got some ice cream. I still can't get over the feeling that I am in a dream. We talked and I learned a lot about the group. It seemed like Heather and Brian were dating and Kyle and Jen were dating. I wondered why Jen and the others didn't come to play and was told that Jen and Maggie had homework so they decided to go to the library.

As we headed back to the dorms, they asked if I wanted to join them again next week. I told them that I would love to and if it was alright I would bring Troy too. They all said that the more the merrier. I am pretty sure that as I left the group and crossed the courtyard, I floated the rest of the way home.

I called my mom after I got out of sight of the group. I was so happy and I knew that she would like to have a check in and hear what a great night I had. I stood outside my dorm and chatted with her for about 15 minutes. I think she was a little weepy, because I was so happy. She made sure I would tell Troy that she hoped he felt better and also told me what a great young man he is and that I was very lucky to have him as my roommate. If only she really knew.

When I got back to the room, Troy was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up so I hopped in the shower and got ready for bed. I crawled into bed as quietly as I could. I was hoping I wouldn't wake him. We both sleep the whole night without moving, or at least that is the way it seemed.

When I woke up Troy was already in the shower. I rolled over and looked at the clock on my phone. It was 8:00 and we didn't have our first class until ten. Plus it was volleyball, so we would need to shower after that anyway. I was wondering why Troy was showering now.

I didn't have to wonder long. He finished and came out of the bathroom and into our room drying himself off. I was already hard, but now my cock was ready to explode.

"Looks like you are feeling better?"

"Holy shit soo much better! That sucked. I am starving. Let go get some breakfast before volleyball."

"We better be careful that might make you start puking again!"

He laughed and then dropped his towel and crawled on to the bed all sexy-like. He felt his way up my body starting with my feet, then my lower legs and thighs and then he used both hands to feel my crotch. He stayed there for a little while and said, "Looks like somebody is already awake?"

I just smiled and waited until he worked his way up my stomach, chest and them my face that he took in his hands and leaned down to kiss me. We kissed for a few seconds and then he said, "You need to brush your teeth my friend!"

And with that he trapped me in the covers and started to tickle me. I started to squeal a little and told him that I was going to pee in the bed if he didn't stop. Finally he let me up and I ran to the bathroom. I started to pee and he came in behind me and pressed his body up against mine. He reached his arms up and around my chest and was giving me a great hug. I could feel his cock pressed against my crack. He was still soft, but starting to grow a little. I finished as he was kissing my neck and back, which was making me get a little hard as well.

He leaned in to kiss me on the mouth again, but I turned away and said, "I thought that I needed to brush my teeth?"

He laughed as I went over to the sink, washed my hands and prepared to brush my teeth. As I was brushing he started chatting and it was like he was a wind-up toy. He was talking as fast as he could. You could tell that he was feeling better and it was like he was trying to make up for the day that he had lost. He was also asking me questions about class and the day and me going to play volleyball, which was funny since I could'nt answer. So he switched to asking yes and no questions so that I could respond.

"I am so glad you are feeling better", I said after I spit the tooth paste out of my mouth. Then I rinsed as he kept talking.

"Oh my god that was awful. I have not been sick like that forever. I don't even remember the last time I threw up. I was so cold and couldn't seem to get warm. You were amazing. Thank you so much for the Sprite and the soup."

It made me feel so good to know that I could help him when he was feeling like shit.

We got dressed and headed to the cafeteria to get something to eat. On the way, we were stopped three times by different people who wanted to talk to Troy. He was gracious and took a little time to talk with each group and made sure that he didn't seem like he was blowing them off. He got asked for autographs and photos by two of the groups, but the last group seemed to have heard about the deal with the college.

I grabbed some coffee, a banana and a cinnamon and raison bagel and Troy had Honey Nut Cheerios, apple juice, and an apple caramel muffin. We found Brian, Trevor, Kent and Jeremy so we asked if we could join them. If I was a guy that was sitting in the cafeteria and saw these guys sitting together, I would be jealous and would want to sit with them.

We talked about the volleyball game and when we would play next. I was actually looking forward to class and to the next time our group would get together to play. I know that I am not that good, but I am getting better.

After breakfast we said goodbye to the guys and headed back to our room to get ready for our volleyball class. We asked Kent if he wanted to come back to our room with us, but he had to run back to his room first. On the way back to our room I realized that if Kent came back to our room, wanted to see our place and went into our room the beds would be pushed together. I didn't bring it up to Troy, but thought that we might want to think about that before we invite someone back to our room again.

We headed to class and got there early so we grabbed a ball and started to warm up and practice bumping the ball to each other. Kent joined us and so did a couple other students too. It was awesome and I feel like I was getting better. Troy didn't need the practice, he is a natural.

Once the class began, we reviewed serving and practiced with a partner. Troy and I were partners. After about ten minutes, the teacher divided us into teams and we started to play some games. Troy and I got put on opposite teams, but my team was better. We were playing the best 2 out of 3 and my team won the first two games. His team was still having fun and I could tell that they were enjoying having Troy on their team. Kent was on my team and it was fun for both of us to tease Troy a little. I was playing pretty well and when it was my turn to serve I got all four of my serves in.

After class Troy, Kent and I walked back toward our dorm with a few other kids from our class just chatting and being college kids. We got to our dorm and said goodbye to everyone and told them that we would catch up with the gang later.

We got into our room and as Troy headed for the bedroom he started to take his shirt off. I couldn't take my eyes off of his hot body. He tossed his shirt into his clothes hamper and then pulled his shorts and underwear off at the same time. I felt like everything went into slow motion. I loved looking at his perfectly round ass. His muscular legs with the light dusting of hair looked so perfect. I walked up behind him and said, "I think I will take a pair of these!" as I grabbed his ass. I think that is what he was hoping for as he didn't even flinch. I could feel him pushing back into my hands and then he slowly stood up.

"I was hoping you would notice me Zack!"

Then he turned around and leaned in and softly put his lips to mine. It was so sweet and then we kissed and I opened my mouth just a little so our tongues could meet. They played together in our mouths and it was getting me a little hard.

Troy broke away and then asked if I was going to join him for a shower in a soft whisper of a voice. All I could do was nod my head. I quickly took off my clothes and followed him into the bathroom where he was turning on the water. I ran my hands up his muscular back and rubbed his shoulders for a little bit and then I ran my hands down and rubbed his ass for a little bit too. I could tell he liked it by the little coos that he was making.

He stood up and I brought my hands around to the front of his body and rubbed up his abs and chest and then started to play with his nipples. Troy turned his head so that he could kiss me and I kept rubbing his chest as we made out. I love the feel of his muscular, hairless, chest. I wanted to make every inch of him feel great. I felt his chest and abs and then couldn't resist any more, so I slowly snaked my hands down his body to where his trimmed pubes were. I had to control myself not to just grab his cock and start jacking. I played with his pubic hair and then rubbed the inner part of his legs so close to his cock I could feel the heat radiating off it.Troy had his eyes closed as I was rubbing him and kissing his neck and shoulders. I rubbed his legs and then finally let myself work my hands over to his cock. I rubbed up and down it so softly that I was barely touching him. His perfect cock was standing tall and wanting more attention, so I wrapped my hand around his thick cock and gripped it firmly in my hand and started to slowly tug it. After a few minutes I grabbed the soap and put a little in my hand and returned to his cock and stroked it. I worked my hand up and down the full length of his hot cock. I know he loved it as he was thrusting his cock in to my hand as I was pumping away.

I wanted to suck on his dick so bad so I turned him around and dropped to my knees and held his cock in my hand and wrapped my lips around his cock head. I sucked and pumped his cock and with my left hand I reached under and grabbed his balls. I played with his balls and rubbed up to his sweet hole and then back. I was working him over so hard.

Troy grabbed the back of my head and started to fuck my face. It was so hot and I knew he wouldn't last long. "OOOOHHHH FUCK!", Troy grunted and shot his load down my throat. I swallowed every drop. He had to pull his cock out of my mouth when his head got too sensitive.

Then he pulled me up and started to make out with me. We kissed as the warm water ran over our bodies. Our hands rubbed up and down each other's backs and grabbed and squeezed each other's asses.

Then Troy leaned and whispered in my ear, "I want you inside me Zack!" He turned around and bent over a little to lean against the wall and spread his cheeks a little to expose his hot hole. My cock was so hard that I thought it was going to burst. I spit in my hand and rubbed it on my throbbing cock. Then took my cock head and rubbed it up and down his crack. I place my cock head at his sweet rosebud and spit on it. I spread it on his hole and then pushed in a little.

"I love that huge dick of yours!", Troy grunted

I slid my cock in and out of his hot ass and it felt so amazing. He was nice and tight and I didn't want it to end.

"Yeeeees...oooooohhhhh,fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!", Troy moaned.

"Yes baby, you feel sooo good!", I told him.

I picked up the pace and could feel the pressure building up in my balls. I knew that I was going to shoot my load. I reached under and grabbed his balls and pulled a little. It made him let out a little moan.

"I am going to fuckin' cuuuuum!", I said so full of lust.

"Shoot it in my ass baby!"


I shot load after load into Troy's hot ass and then I collapsed on to his back. I reached around and hugged Troy. I held my cock in his ass for a few seconds and then I pulled out.

"That was amazing Zack!"

"I didn't want it to end!"

He turned around and kissed me again as he rubbed my chest. I was in heaven. We grabbed soap and cleaned each other. I loved the feeling of having him rub soap all over my body. I also loved rubbing soap over every inch of his body.

We finished and dried off and got dressed. Troy pulled me onto the bed and then he told me that that was the first time that he had bottomed. I told him that he was my first as well. It was so sweet. We talked for a little while, kiss a little and then we both fell asleep.

We woke up and quickly got ready to go over to Travis and Jakes' room to play some cards. I had to pee and as I headed to the bathroom, Troy's phone rang. He grabbed it and I shut the door. I could hear that he sounded excited, but couldn't really hear what he was saying or who he was talking to. I finished and headed out, but he was just hanging up the phone.

"So my agent has set up a meeting for me with Steven Spielberg over Thanksgiving break!"

I could tell that Troy was looking for my reaction.

"That is awesome!", I said.

I was sad inside. After going to my house and visiting my family, I think I was hoping that maybe Troy would want to come home with me again over the Thanksgiving break.

"I was thinking that maybe you would want to come with me and meet my family?"

I think I screamed in my head like one of the girls who are Troy's fans.

"Are you sure? That would be amazing!", I said so fast that I am not sure that it was all audible.

"I was also thinking of seeing if Travis and Jake would like to come too. If that was ok with you?"

"Are you kidding that would be so amazing! We would have the best time.", I said.

"And it is all my treat!", Troy said as he walked over and put his arms around me and leaned it to kiss me. I melted. He is the most amazing guy.

We grabbed some snacks and headed over to the guys room. I was so excited to see their reaction to Troy's surprise. I was really hoping that they would be able to come. I was blown away by Troy's willingness to treat. I had not thought about how I would have paid for the trip. I also had not thought about my parents and if they would be ok with me going. I will have to call them later.

We got to their room and I was so excited to see their reaction that I could hardly stand it. Troy went in first and I was thinking that he would ask right away, but he was waiting and it was killing me. There was all this small talk. The guys wanted to know how Troy was feeling and how we liked our classes and teachers. I felt like I was going to just blurt it out, but finally Troy asked.

"Hey, so if you guys don't have plans for Thanksgiving would you want to come with Zack and me to California and stay at my house. I have a meeting and would love it if you guys would come out with us, my treat!"

There was a silent and they both looked at each other and then at me and back to Troy.

"Are you kidding?" ,Jake asked.

"No I am totally serious.", Troy said looking at them.

"That would be awesome. I would have to check with my parents, but I think that they would let me.", Travis said.

"I am sure I can go. My parents won't even miss me.", Jake said with a kind of serious tone that made me think that he wasn't really kidding.

We talked about the trip and some of the things that we could do and I told them about the meeting with Spielberg that Troy humbly forgot to mention. The guys got excited at that and wanted to know all the details. I did too. Troy down played it and said that he is not even sure that he can do the movie, because he really wants to give college a fair shot.

We kept the conversation going, but started to play cards. We played poker for a while. The guys brought out 2 huge bags of tootsie rolls and said that they used them to bet with. We divided up the 2 huge bags of candy and then played.

After about an hour of playing Troy and I were losing pretty badly. Jake said, "It's a good think we aren't playing strip poker!" Everyone laughed and then Troy said, "I'm game, let's go." Everyone laughed again.

"Really? You would be up for playing strip poker?", Jake asked.

"Sure, why not? We're all guys here."

I am sure that my face had a look of shock on it as Troy smiled at me and then Jake turned and asked me. "Would you be up for strip poker?"

Thanks again for reading this story. Hope you like it. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback if you want to send it to

Also thanks to Mark for editing for me.

Next: Chapter 7

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