Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on Jan 2, 2019


Zack and Troy Chapter 22

Thank you for reading my story. I love writing this story. I thank you for being patient with me. I love hearing from readers with your thoughts and feedback!

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I was so tired from the flight, but still woke up to go to the bathroom. I looked out the window in my room as I navigated the dark room and the snow was falling, which looked so beautiful! I looked at my phone and it was 2:14 am. I hope Santa Clause doesn't skip our house because I am up and out of bed. As a child, my parents would tell us that if we didn't get to bed AND fall asleep that Santa wouldn't stop at our house. We didn't have tons of money, but my parents went a little over board with Christmas. They spoiled us! I love Christmas.

I rolled over, wrapped my body around Troy and kissed his shoulder. I drifted off to sleep thinking about so many Christmas memories from the past!

Troy woke me up with a kiss and whispered "Merry Christmas baby!"I kissed him back and could feel his morning wood pressed against my leg. I slowly opened my eyes and his beautiful smile was there. As much as I wanted to lie there all day and just make love, I knew that we needed to get ready for the Christmas morning festivities! Troy was like a little kid he was so excited for presents! We got presents for my family and he couldn't wait to see how my parents and sister liked what we picked out! Troy totally went overboard.

As we came downstairs my mom was in the kitchen putting pancakes on a plate and the smell of bacon filled the room. "That smells amazing!" Troy said.

"Good Morning boys, I hope you are hungry!"

We looked at each other and agreed that we were hungry. When we were kids, the first thing that we would do was open presents, but as we got older we would have breakfast first! I think that Troy was hoping that we would do presents first. I could see it in his eyes.

We sat down at the table as my mom set down the pancakes and the bacon. We loaded up our plates and about 10 minutes later my dad came down followed by my sister. My mom was the last one to sit down and didn't sit for long before she would hop up and get something for someone. I realized that she probably never gets to eat a warm meal.

We had a great breakfast catching up and talking about school and our friends and the trip to visit Troy's parents. My sister had a lot of questions for Troy about what it was like to be famous and being in movies and famous people he knew. It was a little embarrassing, but Troy was super cool about it. My mom and dad asked a few questions like that too when he would talk about someone they knew. They got really excited about Julia Roberts. Troy was in a movie where she played his mother. Sounds like she was very nice to him and they were very close.

Breakfast seemed to go very fast, but really went much longer than any other Christmas morning breakfast would take, but it was great!

We all helped clean up and then headed into the living room to open presents. I could tell that Troy was excited to see what my family thought about their presents.

The tree was beautiful and looked like it was being held up by a mountain of presents. Troy and I had all our gifts wrapped and sent. Ok Troy did most of the shopping and there were a number of gifts that he got for my family that I am not sure what they are.

As we were growing up, my sister and I would take turns playing Santa, which meant that we would be the one to decide who got to open what gift when. When we were very young we would always take the first present for ourselves and as we got a little older we would be the last person to open a present. As we were telling Troy this my mom said "I think that Troy should be Santa this year!" We all agreed and Troy seemed super excited to take on the roll. He told us that he never had a Christmas like this. Troy reached on the tree and pulled out 4 beautiful boxes and handed them to each of us. He told us that it would make sense for us to all open them at the same time. We untied the ribbon and opened the box. My mom was the first one to figure out what was in the box and let out a huge gasp! We all looked at her as she covered her mouth and her eyes swelled up! We went back to our boxes and one by one pulled out a card that said Disney Adventure!!!! As we read the card that was in the box, it said that we were all going to go to Disney World in Florida and then take a cruise on the Disney Cruise ship.

Troy was sitting on the floor and I wanted to tackle him and kiss him to thank him, but that would have to wait. We all sat there with our mouths open for a little bit and then everyone started thanking him and talking all at once. I can't believe this my mom said. My sister was flipping out and kept saying "this is so cool, I can't believe this."

After everyone thanked Troy like a hundred times, my sister said "I think someone forgot to tell Troy that when you are playing Santa you have to save the biggest and best gifts for last." We all laughed and then Troy said "How do you know that is the biggest and best?" The room went silent again. I got the feeling that maybe Troy went a little overboard with the gifts this year.

"Well now it is your turn Troy." My mom said. Troy looked for a gift with his name on it. There was a huge pile, but I think that he sent most of them. He found one and brought it out and sat on the floor to open it. It was from my sister. Troy un-wrapped it very carefully. It was a book of some type. He was looking at the cover and then tears ran down his face.

"Great you made him cry!" I said not knowing what it was.

"It's a journal, so that when you are in the show this summer you can write all about the experience. I thought it might be a nice way to remember the experience."

Great now I feel like a dick! I was just trying to be funny!

"It's amazing! Did you draw this?"

Troy turned the book around to show us and my sister said yes she had found this amazing old photo of 42nd street in New York and she drew her own version with colored pencils.

It was a great gift! Troy got up and gave her a hug. "This is such an amazing gift! Thank you so much." He sat back down and whipped the tears away.

"Well it's no Disney vacation!" My sister said which made us all laugh except Troy. He said "It is way better!"

We went around the room opening gifts and having the best time. I could see that Troy was really enjoying this. I am guessing since he is an only child and has been famous for a pretty long time that Christmas presents are not as special when you can just go out and buy whatever you want, whenever you want.

My parents got us a bunch of clothes and I could tell that my mom was very nervous that Troy wouldn't like the cloths that she got for him, but he seemed to love them. We got a couple of sweat shirts with the college logo on them. I could tell that my mom took a lot of time to pick out things that seemed like they would fit Troy's personality.

Troy spoiled my family, with new cloths, things for the kitchen, gift cards for restaurants, the movies and a new set of deck furniture that my mom commented on the last time we were home when a commercial came on that she said she wanted to save up for. Troy got them and said they would be delivered in the spring.

My parents always gave my sister and I cash and so this year they gave Troy cash too. I think they didn't want him to feel left out, but it was a little silly. Troy was so gracious and thanked them.

There was one more set of boxes under the tree that all matched. Troy gathered them up and handed them out to each of us. Then he sat down on the couch next to me. We all looked at each other and Troy said "Ok open them."

These presents looked as amazing at the first ones in boxes that were all tied up with a bow. I didn't want to ruin it. I untied the box and then took the lid off. There was a bunch of tissue paper and so I opened that up and then pulled out a fancy envelop. I opened the envelope and started reading. Of course my mom was ahead of all of us and let out a gasp again and then she said. "Oh my gosh this is amazing!"

It read:

A New York Extravaganza!

Flight and hotel in New York City. Dinner be for the show Tickets to opening night Backstage tour VIP invite to the After Party Other NYC surprises to come

Then there was a hand written letter to each of us that read.

I want to thank you so much for welcoming me into your family. I could not imagine meeting such an amazing family and getting to spend Christmas with them. Each of you has made me feel so wonderful and I would be honored to have you be in the audience as part of my family!

Love and Friendship Troy

Now we all had tears! I wanted to kiss him, but I figured I would wait to thank him later.

My sister said "This has been the most amazing Christmas ever!" as she picked up the Beats headphones that Troy and I got her.

Troy said "I agree!"

We all felt the same and I wanted to say that I could never imagine having a family Christmas where my boyfriend would be welcome to be here and that it would be Troy Anthony!

We all helped clean up then my sister suggested we watch one of the movies she got. She pulled out Oceans 8 and turned it on. It didn't take long and I fell asleep on the couch.

I woke up to my sister and Troy playing cards. I rolled on my side with my back to them. I still had my eyes closed, but could hear them talking. They were talking and teasing each other like they were old friends. My mom and dad must have been up stairs or something because my sister started talking about a boy and I wasn't sure if she said he was her boyfriend or not and then Troy got really excited and said that we should all go to a movie tonight.

OMG my sister has a boyfriend! I can't believe she hasn't told me yet. I wonder how long she has been dating this guy. I lay there for a little bit longer listening. She told Troy that she likes him and that he is a really sweet guy. She said that he was shy, so she can't tell if he really likes her or if it is that he is shy. She said that it took him a long time to finally ask her out.

"How long have you been dating?"

"Only 2 weeks, but we have been hanging out since the second week of school."

They talked for a little bit more and I was listening and still kind of drifting in and out of sleeping and then I heard my sister ask "How did you know you liked Zack? I mean no offense, my brother is great and all, but you could have anybody you want! You must get girls and guys hitting on you all the time?"

My ears perked up and I was curious to hear what Troy would say. Then I realized in a split second that maybe I didn't. There was a small pause and then Troy said "I am not sure if your brother told you the whole story, but my parents did not want me to go to college. They said that it would be too difficult because of me being famous. So I begged and begged and begged and they finally said they would consider it. I wish that would have worked when I wanted a baby brother."

They both laughed.

"So we met with the school and they let me have access to students who would be coming to the Eastman. I was able to looks some of them us on social media and then.....well then we hired a private detective to help learn a little more about them."

"Oh My God! Did you tell Zack any of this?"

I couldn't tell if she was mad or if she thought it was creepy or what.

"Yes I told him everything. So when I first saw him I thought he was so handsome and felt a connection. I think I fell in love with him before I even met him. I knew that we had to be roommates and then I was so nervous to see if he was gay and if he would like me. Then when I met him.."

My sister had to jump in and ruin his perfectly good story "You found out what a dork he was and wished you would have picked someone else to live with?" They both laughed.

Then Troy said. "I have never met someone as amazing as Zack. He is so thoughtful and caring and I can't believe that he puts up with me. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world."

My sister said "He is pretty amazing, but don't ever tell him I said that!"

They both laughed some more and kept talking. I now had tears running down my face and snot coming out my nose, but couldn't do anything about it or they would know I was listening.

After about 5 more minutes Troy got a phone call. He got up and went up to my room. My sister went to the kitchen which gave me a chance to get up and go to the bathroom and clean up my face. After about 10 minutes Troy came back down stairs and looked a little sad.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

"I just got a call from Brad and it looks like they are going to be moving out after the break."

"WHAT? What happened?"

I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. These guys were like my brothers. I am so sad at the thought of not having them around.

"Brad said that they took a little vacation to Hawaii to do some diving and they found this amazing little dive company on one of the islands and the owner was an older guy who has been running the place with a small staff for many years. The guys got to be really close with him and helped him for the past week and this morning he presented them with the offer to buy it. They have not made up their mind yet, but are pretty sure they are going to do it. They are heading home to spend the rest of the Holiday with their mom's and are going to talk it over with them. It sounds like an offer they can't pass up. I can hear in Brad's voice how excited they are."

I dropped to sit on the couch! I didn't know what to say. I am so happy for them, but also so sad. Troy came and sat by me. He put his hand on my knee and rubbed it a little and said "They sound so happy. Brad is sad and really wanted to make sure that we wouldn't be mad at them. "

"How could we be mad at them? I am just sad that they won't be around."

"I know, but we are still family and we will just have to go visit them in Hawaii and they can come visit us anytime as well."

We sat there for a while and then Troy suggested that we do something. "Let's go for a walk!" He said trying to make it sound exciting.

"It's freezing out." I said.

"We can bundle up and go for a winter walk!" He said all excited trying to make it sound better. So we did. It was nice to get out and get some fresh air. My mind was spinning at how the house wouldn't be the same without them, but we would survive. Troy changed the subject and asked if I was excited to go to New York. I really was, because I had never been there before and have heard it is amazing. We spent the rest of the walk talking about all the things we should do and places Troy wanted to show me. I think we are going to have to save some of the things until the summer.

When we got back to the house my sister told us that she had talked to her friend and that we were all set to go to the movie tonight. I played dumb about the movie and the "friend" because I was supposed to be sleeping. She said that we would pick her friend up on the way to the movie. I wanted to ask more questions, but I figured there would be time for that later!

We spent the rest of the day hanging out with my mom and dad and talking about school, our trip to California, the house and the summer plans. I can tell that they are not super excited about me going to NYC, but realize there is not a whole lot they can say about it. They are excited to visit and were asking Troy a lot of questions about the show. We did skype with Troy's parents and my mom and dad got to meet them and they talked about all meeting up this summer. I am excited for my parents to meet Troy's parents in person.

We snacked a little, but decided not to eat dinner so that we could have a big bucket of popcorn and some snacks! As we were leaving the house and got in my truck, my sister said "Ok so Brain and I have been dating for like two weeks and I wanted to tell you, but I wasn't sure if it would last and what we really were for a while and so I want to tell you now and I please don't tease us."

I think that my jaw hit the ground. I wasn't sure what to say. I was super happy for her, but also a little shocked that she thinks I would tease her and also that she hasn't told me yet.

"Well thanks for telling me and of course I will not tease you guys. I am really happy for you."

We talked about it a little and I could see that she really liked him. Then she said "I think he is a little nervous to meet you both."

"Why would he be nervous?"

"Well if you think about it, I would be nervous if I was meeting my sister's older brother and his bf, who also happens to be a movie star for the first time. What if they didn't like me?" She said.

"I guess you are right!" I said. Then I promised to behave and that we would be nice and make sure that Brain has fun and felt comfortable.

When we got to his house, Brian must have seen us coming, because he came out of the house right away and was almost to the truck before it even stopped.

My sister introduced us all and I could tell that Brian was a little start struck. Troy is always so good talking to people and was asking Brian a bunch of questions and made him feel comfortable. We were talking as we walking into the theater and as we got closer I saw Tommy Peterson standing looking at his phone. It looked like he was waiting for someone. I felt bad that I have not reached out to him much since he came to visit. We had text back and forth a little but not too much.

As we got our tickets I leaned in and told Troy that Tommy was inside. We walked over to him to say hi as his sister walked up.

"Hey there, Merry Christmas!" I said to Tommy as we walked up.

"OH Hey, Merry Christmas to you guys too! How are you guys?" Tommy said. Then he introduced us to his sister and as he got to Troy she said "OMG you are Troy Anthony!"

It wasn't too loud, but it was not a whisper either. Troy just smiled and said "Yes I am, and you are?" As he held out his hand to shake hers.

"I'm aaa... Hi I am Becca!" She says and they shake hands.

We ask how their Christmas went and then Troy asks Tommy if he has made a decision about coming to school at Eastman. Tommy tells us that he is trying to save money, but is not sure that he will have enough to go this next year or not. He explained that their parents are divorced and that even though his dad doesn't help he still is included in their application or something like that and he doesn't qualify for assistance! "Make sure you keep us posted on what you decide." I said.

Then we realized that we needed to head to our movies. The funny part is that we both went into the same movie and Tommy and his sister had the seats next to us. Tommy and I ended up sitting next to each other.

I was thinking about when Tommy came to visit and what he told me. Then I was thinking about high school and how I wished I would have know how he felt. I was hoping he could figure out a way to be able to come to school.

The movie was good and everyone liked it. Every once in a while Troy would reach over and hold my hand or rub my leg. It was very sweet and no one could really see. After the movie we all walked out together and Tommy asked how long we were going to be in town and asked if we would want to grab dinner or something. Troy told him that we would be here for 2 more days and then we were heading to New York.

"Damn you guys are lucky!" Tommy said.

"Troy is going to be in a play there this summer so he has to go for a meeting and then we are spending New Years there!" I said.

"Wow that is awesome. What is the play?" Tommy asked

"It is a new work, I am not sure that they have given it a title yet." Troy told him.

We talked for a bit more and said that we would keep in touch and if it worked out to grab lunch or dinner we would love to do it.

We said our goodbyes and as we started to leave 3 girls came over and asked if they could get their picture taken with Troy. Troy was super cool with it and asked their names. They must have been around 16 and seemed a little nervous. Troy took a few pictures with them and then they thanked him and we headed out.

Brian came back to our house and the 4 of us played cards for a while and had a great time. It was nice to get to know Brian a little better and I decided that I really like him. My sister seems really happy. We laughed and joked and had a great time. Around midnight we drove Brain home. He thanked us and said it was really great to meet us. Troy and I told him it was great to meet him too. We let my sister walk him up to the door and say goodbye. We did not tease her and on the drive home just talked about what a great guy he seemed to be. Troy suggested that they come to visit us sometime next semester. My sister got super excited about that.

When we got home everyone was so tired. We headed to bed and I don't think it took me very long at all to fall asleep. Troy was spooning me and rubbing my chest and I drifted off to sleep smiling!

I was having the best dream when I realized that it wasn't a dream it was Troy sucking on my cock and playing with my balls and ass and everything in-between! I wasn't sure what time it was, but I was feeling great! Troy stopped for a second to say "Sorry to wake you, but I was so horny!" He smiled and went back to sucking my cock! I closed my eyes and put my hands on Troy's head as he licked my cock and sucked it! Then he stopped and I looked to see him spit into his hand and rub it on his ass and then he climbed on top of me and sat on my cock. He leaned down and kissed me and said I want to feel your load in my ass. I slowly fucked him as I stroked his cock. Troy was helping as he bounced up and down on my cock.

"Oh fuck baby you feel so good!" I said

"I love you so much!" Troy said.

Then I was so close I announced "Fuck I am going to cum"

Just as I was about to shoot my load Troy shot the first of about 6 shot of cum all over my chest and face and that made me shoot my load too. Troy kept bouncing on my cock until every drop was out. Then he leaned down and kissed me. "This has been the best Christmas ever" Troy whispered in my ear.

Then Troy moved off of me and went to get a towel. Then he cleaned me up, tossed the towel on the floor, crawled back into bed and kissed me. Then he cuddled up next to me and said "Sorry to wake you!" Then I heard him giggle a little. This time I made him be the little spoon and I rubbed his chest until he fell asleep. I have never felt so happy in my whole life. It really was the best Christmas ever!

We had made arrangements to have lunch with Tommy and on the way to meet him Troy asked what I would think if he helped Tommy out with his tuition. I was surprised, but felt so proud of him for thinking of Tommy and being willing to help. We both felt bad that Tommy wanted to go, but was stuck in a position where it was financially to tough to swing it.

We grabbed lunch at TGI Fridays and after we ordered our food Troy told Tommy that he wanted to help him with college. I couldn't believe it, but Tommy didn't say anything and his eyes welled up.

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything. I am happy to help."

Tommy was overwhelmed and so thankful. We talked about seeing if he could check out starting this next semester. He was going to look into it and keep us posted. We dropped Tommy off at his house and headed back to my house.

The next few days we spent a lot of time being lazy, playing games and just talking with my family. I couldn't stop thinking about Brad's phone call and the thought of Brad, Ricky and Drew leaving. Troy would do everything he could think of to distract me. Troy fits in so well and I can tell that my family loves him. I think my sister loves him almost as much as I do. Ha ha! It was so nice to spend the time with my family and I know that Troy had a great time too! I was a little sad to leave, but I was super excited to go to New York. My parents took us to the airport and are going to come and pick us up when we get back. So we will get to spend a few more days with them we get back.

To be continued......

Thanks again for reading! I have some ideas and a few shake ups. I hope you enjoy and I always love to hear your thoughts and feedback! Send emails to

Next: Chapter 23

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