Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on Jan 11, 2015


Zack and Troy Chapter 11

I want to send out a HUGE THANK YOU again for reading my story!!!!!!! Thank you for being patient as my life has kinda of been turned upside down and it has taken me longer than I would like to get the last couple of chapters out. I have given myself some goals for this year and I am hoping to dedicate more time to this story and getting chapters out once a month. We will see how that goes! I love writing it and enjoy getting your feedback!

This is a fictional story that contains sexual content between men. If this is illegal where you reside, please don't read this. Please donate to Nifty to keep this site free. Send emails to I am also on Twitter now! My id is @cory4travis. I will try to give more sneak previews on Twitter. It might also be a place for people to share pictures of what they think the guys look like. I love to see what people think the guys look like.

I want to thank Brad for helping with editing this chapter and for also being my first fan of this story. I have added Brad, Ricky, Drew and Hunter to this story. They are real people but the storylines are fictitious. There may be elements from their lives but this is a fictional story.

Ok here we go!

I lay in bed thinking about the crazy weekend. It was a little like a blur. Then I started thinking about Troy coming out and how that was going to be for him. I was thinking about how lucky he is to have such supportive parents. My mind started to wonder about me coming out and my parents. What were they going to say? What is my sister going to say? I felt a wave of emotions rush through me and tears started to run down my face. What if they can't accept this? What if they shut me out of their life? My mind started racing of all the people in my life that I wondered their reaction.

I got myself to stop thinking about it. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and take a piss. I was being stupid. My family is great and I think that they love me for who I am. I know that my sister will be fine. I hope that my parents will be ok. I think it will hurt them, but I think they will accept me.

I brushed my teeth and hopped in the shower! I let the hot water wash over my body and wash away my thoughts. I tried to just clear my mind. I was able to get those negative thoughts out of my head and then I started thinking about Troy and how sexy he is. I started to think about his amazing eyes and that smoking body. I thought about his big cock and how much I loved to play with it.

I realized I had my dick in my hand and was jacking it nice and slow. I was so horned up. Too bad Troy had that meeting with Hunter this morning! I kept thinking about my stud and sliding my fist over my throbbing cock. I let the water run over my body and just as I started to think about Troy putting his cock in my mouth I pumped harder and shot rope after rope of cum on the shower wall and floor. It felt so good. I closed my eyes and tipped my head back to let the warm water melt me. It felt great! I cleaned up and hopped out of the shower and got dressed for class.

I was planning on meeting Troy at class because he was going to meet with Hunter today to tell him about sharing his script with Steven Spielberg. Troy had told me a little more about Hunter and that he seemed like a great kid who wrote this amazing story that is loosely based on his life. He had come out when he was 14 to a friend who turned on him and then Hunter has been out cast and bullied. I was excited to hear about Hunters reaction to the news.

I headed into the cafeteria to grab something quick to take to class with me. As I walked in I saw Brian, Trevor and Kent. They came over and said hi.

"Hey where were you this weekend?" Brian asked

"California!" I said as if it was no big deal.

"Right!" Trevor said

"Really!" Troy had a meeting and a bunch of us went with him to his house in California. It was quick."

They guys laughed and seemed to think that I was fucking with them.

As if it was scripted Troy walked up and Brian asked "Hey Troy where were you last weekend?


"Just seeing if Zack is pulling our leg or not."

"Ok well we spent the weekend at my home in California. I had a meeting with Steven Spielberg so some of the guys came with me to keep me company and meet my parents." He said with a smile as he knew that Brian didn't believe me. I know that Troy was being modest as he didn't put in the part about the private jet and the party.

The guys gave Brian some shit for not believing me. So he finally apologized. The guys wanted to see if we could get a pick-up game of Volleyball going sometime this week. Troy and I agreed that sounded like fun. As we split to head for our classes Brian said "We will try to find some more people to play and will call you." Trevor said "I am going to meet Jen and then will see you at class."

I was excited to hear how Hunter felt about Troy giving his script to Steven Spielberg. Troy said that Hunter didn't believe him at first and that he felt like Troy was just kind of messing with him. Troy said that he gave him all the details of how he told Mr. Spielberg that when he read this script it moved him and that it was something that he should take a look and when he decides to make this movie he should let Troy play the lead character.

"What did Hunter say to that?"

"Tears filled his eyes. He was so moved. He couldn't stop thanking me. I told him that I am not sure what will happen, but I think that it is an incredible story and that I feel that something is going to happen with it."

I could see the passion Troy had for this project as he wiped his eyes. I could tell that it made him feel great to be able to help Hunter by getting his script to someone who could make it happened. Without Troy, Hunter might never get the chance to get it in the hands of someone like this.

We headed to our normal seats and I pulled out my computer so that I could look over my notes for class and be ready for our discussion. Mr. Frank seemed pre-occupied today, but also gave me a lot of praise for my comments during the class discussion. As class ended and we headed out of class, I noticed that he watched Troy leave and there was this longing and kind of sad look in his eyes. When he caught me watching him he smiled and said "Nice work today Zack!" I couldn't put my finger on it, but he sounded a little sad! It was very nice to hear, but there was something it his tone.

We headed out of the building and it was a beautiful sunny day. As we headed to Geometry my phone rang and I didn't recognize the number.

"Hello this is Zack."

"Hi Zack it is Tommy Peterson!"

"Ah?.Hey Tommy."

It was like I was hit right in the chest with a basketball! Back in middle school and high school Tommy was always as ass to me. He was a part of the cool group and seemed to enjoy making me feel like shit.

"Umm your parents gave me your number. I was thinking about coming up and checking out the school and wondering if I might be able to have you show me around?"

"Ahh yah for sure."

I didn't know what to say. I felt like I was sounding stupid and Troy was looking at me for some sign as to who it was and what was going on.

"If not, that's cool too. I can always contact the school and see if they have someone who can show me around. I think they have kids that host and let you stay with them and stuff. I just figured since I know you I would try asking you first."

"Yah! That's cool"

"I was thinking about coming the second week in November. Like the 12th or the 13th and then heading back on the 14th. Would that work?"

"Ah yah I am sure that will be fine. I will check with Troy."

"Great! Just let me know. Thank I really appreciate it. I will give you a call in a couple of weeks and check in again to check everything when I know for sure that I can get off work."

"Ok!" I said as we hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Troy asked

"That was Tommy Peterson. The kid from the restaurant who use to treat me like shit back in middle school and high school. He wants to come and visit and stay with us and have me show him around."

"I am sorry I encouraged him."

"It's not your fault. I just wonder why he wants to go here and why he is being nice to me now?"

"Maybe he feels guilty for the way he has treated you in the past."

"Or maybe he wants to hang with you."

Troy gave me a look as we entered our Geometry class.

I couldn't get Tommy's call out of my mind. Why didn't I just tell him to fuck off or ask him why he wanted to come here and visit the school and was calling me? I spent the whole class trying to figure out what was going on, reliving what had gone on back in middle school and high school. I was pissed at myself.

Troy could tell that I was not focused in class and as we walked out he said "If you want to tell him that I said I was uncomfortable with him staying with us you can."

"I need to sleep on it. Figure out what the best thing to do is."

We headed to the cafeteria to grab some lunch before we headed to Biology. As we headed into the cafeteria we ran into Brad and Matt so we all grabbed a table back in the corner.After about 5 minutes of chatting about our day and plans we had for the rest of the week a good looking kid came up behind Troy and I could tell that he recognized him. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and my guess is he was about 5'8" and weighed about 135lb. He was good looking.

"Hi Troy!" The guy said as Troy turned around to see who is was he hoped up and gave him a hug.

"Hunter! Hey guys this is Hunter. He wrote the script that I was telling you guys about."

We all greeted Hunter and Troy introduced us to him and invited him to join us.

"I just saw you and wanted to come over and thank you again for what you did. I can't stop thinking about the possibilities and that you actually passed my script on to Steven Spielberg. I don't want to crash the party!"

Brad jumped in and said "It's totally cool sit down and join us it would be cool to hear more about your script, plus I am sure that you are going to need a hot stud to star in the movie and once you get to know me I am sure that you won't need to look any further." We all laughed as Brad said it in a tone that even the blondest blonde could tell that he was joking.

Hunter still needed a little nudging, but we finally got him to put his stuff down and headed up to get some food.

"He seems really cool!" Brad said as Hunter got out of ear shot. "Yah!Kinda shy, but also very cute!" Matt said.

"He is a great guy and his story is incredible. I think that it would be an amazing movie if someone had the balls to take it on. Some of it is auto biographical and gut wrenching. I would love to be in this movie!" Troy said.

Hunter grabbed a salad and came to join us. You could tell that he was a quit, shy type. We all wanted him to feel welcome and asked a bunch of questions and shared about ourselves too. Matt asked him a bunch of questions and I noticed that he seemed a little more animated. It seemed like he was almost flirting with him. I am not sure if Hunter was picking up on it, but I could tell Matt was acting a little different!

"Troy has told us that your script is amazing and incredibly emotional?" I said trying to make Hunter feel welcome.

"Well I don't know about that." Hunter said being very modest! I could tell I was going to like this guy.

"So tell us what it's about!" Matt said again seeming very interested.

"Well it is about these two guys Brian and Sam, who are in high school and they are great friends and dating? Brian is a little more popular and Sam is a shy guy, but the two of them have been friends since they were younger and as they grew up they realized that they loved each other. They secretly decide to date and not tell anyone. Things get complicated and as they decide to tell their parents. Brian had a very hard time with it and his parents are not accepting at all. They kick him out of the house. Sam's parents are much more accepting and kind of expected it. Brian takes it really hard and goes through some major depression. Sam tries to help him, but he pushes him away and Brian ends up living on the street for a little bit. It is really hard for him because his life was so perfect. He got great grades, everyone loved him. Sam finally gets Brian to come stay at his house and tries to help him talk to his parents. Things just seem to keep getting worst for Brian and at one point his parents tell him that they cannot accept this. They tell him that they are devastated and that he is dead to them. Brain is so hurt and things start to spiral out of control. He stops going to school and his life just unravels until he doesn't know what to do. "

There is a pause and Hunter is kind of staring at the center of the table and a tear runs down is face.

"Brian is so lost he ends up killing himself."

It seemed like the sound in the room was turned off at that moment. I felt like there was no noise in the room and we all sat there looking at Hunter with our jaws open and tears running down our faces. I had heard a little bit about the script, but hearing him tell this story was something that was so personal and real. You could tell that this was something that he lived.

Matt broke the silence and asked "This is a true story about you and your boyfriend isn't it?"

Hunter nodded as he wiped the tears from his face. Then we all started to wipe the tears away as well.

"Wow that is so tough man." Brad said with so much compassion.

"I am so sorry Hunter. How long ago did this happen?" Matt asked.

"Two years. I took a year off of school after I graduated. I spent a lot of time with my family and in therapy and writing. I wanted to write it for him."

Troy jumped in "It is even more beautiful when you read it. This script has to be made into a movie. It would be an amazing tribute to Brian's memory to have people experience this story and maybe kids that are lost because of their sexuality."

"I am sure that you will find a way to get this movie made Hunter!" Matt said.

I think we were all moved by Hunters script and I know that if Troy has anything to say about it the will be a movie made. We sat and talked for a while longer until we all had to head out. We all said goodbye and Matt invited Hunter to join us again.

As we walked off in our different directions, I asked Troy if he noticed how Matt seemed like he was totally into Hunter. Troy didn't notice, until I pointed it out and then it was like the light bulb went off in his head. "Oh My God, You are right!" Troy said as is I had just solved a mystery.

As we walked to Biology we tried to think of a way to get Hunter and Matt back together again. I suggest that we have a game night at our place and Troy loved the idea! We started talking about the different games we could play and who we would invite. Of course we were getting super excited about it and having some great ideas when we approached our next class. I really just wanted to skip it and head back to our room to plan our game night and fool around! Ha ha! I know it is a bad idea, but I couldn't help it! My mind raced all through class on the games we could play and how we could set it up so that Matt and Hunter could be on the same team!

The class seemed to drag on forever even though I usually like Biology. After class we headed back to our room to study for a little bit, then went to work out and grabbed some dinner. After dinner Troy took me to bed and gave me the most amazing back rub. It may or may not have turned into a hot sexy session, but I will never tell. Ha ha!

The week was flying by and I had been thinking a lot about our game night! I might be obsessing about it a little bit. Troy went to the library and I went to Brad and Matt's room. We were just shooting the shit when there was a knock at the door. Brad got up to get it and there at the door was this beautiful stud in a plaid button down shirt, with dark blue jeans on, amazing blue eyes and a beautiful smile. Then I realized that he wasn't even smiling. " DREW! WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Brad jumped up off the couch and ran to the door and almost tackled this guy. I noticed that the look on this guys face changed for a short few seconds as Brad realized who was standing in front of him and as he approached and gave his a huge hug, but when they pulled apart his face went back to this look of concern and shock! It only took Brad a second to recognize that something was wrong. "Drew, What's wrong?" "We need to go get Ricky! Something happened at his job and he called me crying and is freaked out and doesn't know what to do and didn't want me to tell you." "What? Why?" "He feels like a failure!" "What happened?" "I don't know exactly, but it sounds like a few guy went out to drinks after work and they were talking and stuff and started asking questions and found out he was gay and then started giving him a hard time. He said that one of his supervisors was there and then they went back to his house and things got really bad. He couldn't tell me the rest, but he is afraid to go to work again on Monday." "Oh My God!" Brad had his back to me and I couldn't see his face, but I could tell from his body that it was like he had just been punched in the stomach. "We need to go get him.He needs to quit and he needs us to help him do it." I could see that Brad's head was spinning and he also seemed scared. He sat down and I could see that he was trying to figure out what to do. Then he turned to me as said "Zack will you come with us and get Ricky?" "I would do anything for you Brad! Of course I will come with you. I am Zack by the way." I reached out my hand to shake Drew's hand! "I am Drew!" He said as he grabbed my hand and shook it! Fuck he is sexy.

Brad jumped in and expanded on the introductions. He explained that this was the guy he was telling about, his best friend in the Marines! They had become brothers.

I remembered him telling me a little about Drew and how they helped each other survive and looked out for each other. I got the sense that Marines become very close for the most part. The experiences that they go through bring them very close.

Brad also told Drew about me and that I had become an amazing friend is a short time. He told him that Troy and I helped pick him up after his first couple of days here!

"You would think that this big tough Marine would be ok and could handle anything, but send his best friend back to Texas and his boyfriend to California and he is a blubbering mess."

"Fuck off!"

"I told him that he and Ricky would be fine. They have been apart before and a little break would be ok for them. And they could call it a break but I know that both of them are not going to be seeing other people so it is more like they are still dating long distance."

"Ok Dr. Phil, lets figure out the plan to go get Ricky!"

I could see that Brad did not want to talk about this anymore. We called Troy and told him what was going on! He called to get the jet ready and said that he would be home in an hour after his class and we could all head out to get Ricky.

Drew and Brad did not want Ricky to know that Brad was coming so Drew called him and said that he would get a flight and come out to see him. Drew said that Ricky sounds like a mess. I could see that this was all very hard for Brad.

Troy got home and I could see that he thought Drew was very attractive too. I think I saw his cock jump in his pants as he shook his hand. We packed some cloths and headed to the airport. It felt like we were just here. Oh wait we were. Ha ha.

We arrived in California and were picked up and taken to the hotel. I could see Brad getting more and more tense, the closer we got. We were staying at a hotel in town and it sounded like Ricky was living about 20 minutes away. After we got settled we came up with the plan that we would all go and surprise Ricky and bring him back to the hotel and chat about things and then go out and get some dinner.

The drive took about 30 minutes with traffic and as we were getting closer Drew called and told Ricky that he was almost there. Ricky seemed like he was in a better place, but was still freaked out about what had happened.

When we got to Ricky's apartment it was like Brad froze. "What if he doesn't want to see me?"

"Shut up! He is going to flip his shit when he sees you and how much you care about him!" Drew said in only a way that someone who was that close could.

Brad took a deep breath and said "Alright let's go."

We went to the door and Brad knocked with all of us just off to the side so that Ricky would see Brad first and then us. Brad knocked on the door three times and took another deep breath!

It felt like forever before the door opened and when it did there was this amazing looking young stud that burst into tears! Ricky took one look at Brad and fell into his arms. He was sobbing and saying "I am sorry! I am so sorry! Brad picked Ricky up and carried him into the apartment. We all followed and shut the door. Troy and I stayed back close to the door and Brad carried Ricky over to the couch and sat down holding him. It was so beautiful and sad at the same time. Ricky could not stop crying. Drew went over to the other side and sat next to them and started to rub Ricky's back.

You could tell that the love between these three guys was so strong. Brad and Drew were able to calm Ricky down and then introduced Troy and I. We asked if we should wait in the car, but Ricky said it was ok. We went in to the living room and sat on the floor. Brad asked Ricky if he could tell him what had happened. Ricky's eyes immediately went to the ground. "It's ok. No matter what happened I am here for you and I love you!" I noticed that Brad also had tears running down his face now.

Ricky looked up and into Brad's eyes and said in a whisper "They gang raped me."

Now we all had tears running down our faces. I know that I had just met Ricky, but the pain in that statement was so powerful that it hit me like a freight train. Brad just reached out and pulled Ricky into his arms and gave him a huge hug and held him for like 5 minutes. Every once in awhile Ricky would say "I am sorry!" but Brad just kept rubbing his head and would quiet him down. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

After Brad helped Ricky calm down, he pulled him up and said "I love you so much and there is nothing that is going to change that!" Ricky pressed his head against Brad's chest and Brad kissed the top of Ricky's head! After about 5 minutes of Ricky holding Brad tight, he pulled back and looked him into the eyes and said "I wanted to call you, but I was so afraid. I didn't know how I was going to tell you this." Brad leaned in and kissed Ricky. It was so beautiful. It was a passionate kiss that communicated to Ricky that Brad was totally in love with him and that this was not Ricky's fault. What these guys did to him was a horrible thing.

After about an hour Ricky was able to tell us what had happened. He explained that a bunch of guys went out to get a drink after work. One of the boss's sons came with them. He was in his late 20's or early 30's and at first was really nice to Ricky. It seems like most of the guys don't like him because he acts like kind of a dick and doesn't seem to really know what is going on, but because he is the boss's son he is a manager of the department that Ricky works in.

Ricky got up to go to the bathroom and one of the other guys followed Ricky to the bathroom. He didn't notice him until the guy came up and stood in the urinal next to him. Out of the corner of his eye, Ricky could tell that this guy was checking him out. There was no one else in the restroom, but the two of them. The guy was being very obvious that he was staring at Ricky's cock. Then he said "So let me ask you, Are you gay?" Ricky said that he didn't know what to say. He was super uncomfortable and kind of stammered and said "Yes, I have a boyfriend who lives out east." "I thought that you were." The guy said is a way that Ricky wasn't sure what he meant by it. "Are you gay?"Ricky asked the guy. He just laughed a little and said no. As Ricky finished and washed his hands the other guy asked a few other questions about if he was out and if his family knew. How long he had been dating this guy. They got back to the table and the owner's son invited everyone over to his house. Ricky was going to go home, but the guys all were asking him to come over and giving him a hard time about leaving, so he decided to go for a little bit. As he told that part of the story tears started to roll down his face again. He said that if he had just went home none of this would have happened. Brad reassured him that this was not his fault and that just because he went over there does not mean that he agreed to do anything.

The next part was incredibly hard to hear and for Ricky to tell. He said that as soon as they got to the house the guys started talking about how horny they were and that they wish they had some slut girl over that they all could fuck together. Then the guy from the bathroom said "Hey guys! Rick here is gay, I am sure he would love to help his buddies out and suck some cock tonight and let us fuck his tight little ass." Ricky said that he told them that he was really uncomfortable and that he thought he would just go, but the guys surrounded him and the owner's son said "Rick, dude I think if you know what is good for you, you are going to help out your buddies who are super fucking horny, and we are just going to keep this between us." Then the guys grabbed Ricky and pushed him to the ground. The guy from the bathroom was the first to pull his cock out and was putting it in Ricky's face and telling him to get it hard. The memories came flooding back and Ricky broke down and couldn't continue with the story. We were all drying our eyes. They took turns with him and then they all shot their load on him. They had taken his clothes off and gave him his undershirt to clean up with. Ricky said "I can't believe they were so stupid to let me clean up with my own shirt and then let me leave with it. I have their DNA."It was like a light bulb went off in Brad's head. I could see by the look on his face that he had a plan. "Ok first we need to go to the police and then we are going to set up an appointment with the owner and let him know what went on and that you are quitting and that will be having your lawyer contact them.

I could see that Ricky seemed very nervous about this plan. Brad being the amazing guy and incredible boyfriend noticed Ricky's apprehension and immediately started to calm him and reassure him that we were going to be there to help him through this. That he was no longer going to be alone. Ricky agreed to the plan and Brad and Drew went with Ricky to the police department with the clothes and filed a police report.

While they were gone Troy contacted his lawyer and got some advice and started to figure out a plan. He advised Troy that they should not go talk to the owner of the company until he could get there and go with them. Troy's lawyer was going to head to the airport and be in town by the end of the day. He wanted to meet with us when he got in.

When the guys got back from the police station they filled us in on the details and it sounded like it was a tough thing to have to do. I felt like Ricky was being so strong. Troy told them about his lawyer and that he wanted to meet with us tonight at his hotel when he got in. Ricky started to break down. Troy jumped in right away and asked "Are you ok? I am sorry if I did something wrong?"

Ricky shook his head and said "I don't know how I can pay for a lawyer, who is flying in."

Troy went over to him and gave him a hug and said "You are not going to have to pay for anything!"

Ricky hugged Troy back and said "You don't even know me and you are willing to help? That is pretty amazing!"

I looked over at Brad and there were tears running down his face. Troy said "Brad is family and we would do anything for him. I know that I don't know you well yet, but I can tell that you are an amazing individual and what happened to you should never have happened. These guys are going to pay for what they have done to you."

Everyone was wiping tears away now. The conversation turned to moving Ricky back with us. Brad told him that he wanted Ricky to come live in Davenport with us. He said that we could look and find some work for Ricky and just take things slow, but that he wanted to be there to take care of Ricky and he let his guard down and said that he really needed Ricky to be there for him too. "I know we said that we could make this distance thing work, but I need you baby!" Brad said pleading with Ricky to move. Ricky agreed with Brad and then the conversation moved to how to get everything packed up and moved.

Troy suggests that we hire a company to come in and pack everything and have it shipped. Before Ricky could say anything Troy said "I would like to take care of this for you too!" I know that Troy likes to take care of his friends. He is not trying to show off he is just trying to help. Ricky agreed to let Troy help and he picked up his phone and started to make some calls.

After everything was arranged Troy and I went and took a nap. It was so nice to have Troy hold me. I felt so comfortable in his arms and as I fell asleep. I think that I was having an amazing dream because when I woke up to the buzz of Troy's phone ringing I had a raging hardon. It was his lawyer who was at the hotel and wanted us to come over and meet him. So we got up and got dressed, but first I grabbed Troy's hard cock and gave it a couple of tugs! "I want to suck you off so bad!" I said with a little pout. Troy smiled and said "Tonight I am going to make you feel so good and then you can have my big cock!" I knew that it would be worth it. So we got dressed and grabbed Drew, Brad and Ricky who had all gone into Ricky's bedroom to take a nap, or something like that! "How come we didn't get invited to take a nap with you guys?" I said using my pouty voice again. "This was a hot boy's only nap!" Brad said back without missing a beat! My mouth just fell open and everyone else laughed. "OH shots fired!!" Troy said. Brad could not be mean for that long and he came over and gave me a hug! I pretended like I didn't want it at first, but then accepted it and got a huge hug! We all got ready to go to the hotel and headed out!

When we got there Troy introduced us to Thomas Johnson, his lawyer. He was a tall man with broad shoulders. He had dark brown eyes and hair and had a chiseled chin, the kind that is kinda square and has a dimple in the middle. I find that very attractive on a guy. He wore glasses and was dressed nice but not in a suit and tie. He was very friendly, but I could tell that he was tough and you didn't want to be on his bad side. We all sat down and he asked a bunch of questions. I could see him putting the plan together as he gathered information from Ricky. He did a great job of telling Ricky that this was not his fault and that he was going to help and make sure that these guys pay for what they have done and make sure that they never do something like this to anyone again. After about an hour of questions and discussion Ricky looked exhausted and we all could feel the emotion of the situation.

Mr. Johnson said "Gentlemen, here is what we are going to do; first we are going to set up a meeting with the owner of the company to let him know what has happened. Second during this meeting we are going to inform him that you will be resigning from the company, but are going to file charges against these individuals. Being that this was a group of employees from his company and one was his son, it will be hard to keep the companies name out of this but that our intent is not to destroy the company because from what you have told me Ricky, you have enjoyed working here and that you wish that this had never happened and that you could still work there, but because of what had happened, you can't work there and feel safe. What do you think of that plan?"

Ricky looked a little like he had not been paying attention, but then he said in a quiet voice, "Yes. I don't know what I would have done without your help?"

Thomas smiled and said "Well don't you worry; I will be here with you every step of the way!" With that Ricky smiled and you could see him breathe a sigh of relief.

We were all getting pretty hungry and I think from the sounds of it Mr. Johnson has a pretty solid plan. We asked Mr. Johnson to go with us, but he declined saying that he had work to do before we headed out to our meeting.

We went to a local place that Ricky had eaten at before and said had good food. It was a nice family owned restaurant, which specialized in burgers. Of course as we walked in Troy was spotted and a group of teens came over and asked for his autograph and his picture. He was super cool about it and spent some time asking them questions and answering theirs. I stayed with him as the rest of the group got a table. I have become a great photographer. I sometimes think it would be funny to turn their camera around and take a picture of me instead and then when they go to look at their picture it would not have Troy in it. I could never do that, it would be too mean. How sad if you meet Troy Anthony and get an autograph and think that you have a picture to go with it and then its turns out all you have is a picture of me. That could be a huge disappointment! I make sure that I get a good picture. After we wrapped up with the fans we found the group back at a round table in the corner. Brad was sitting next to Ricky and Drew was sitting on the other side of Ricky. It is so sweet to see them looking out for him. They started talking about Ricky coming back with us and I could see that Ricky was excited, but still a little sad about things not working out here. I could also see the hurt on his face about the whole incident. I sat next to Drew and Troy sat next to Brad. As I sat down next to Drew I thought for a second that he would probably rather sit next to Troy, but then he flashed that sexy smile and it made me think he was cool with it. I get a little self conscious about things like that sometimes. I know it is not a big deal, but I can see why people might think that! I mean who wouldn't want to sit next to the famous person instead of a"nobody", but Drew made me feel like he was glad I sat next to him. He asked me more questions as he had done with Troy, and was very polite and respectful. You could tell he was a Marine. Both he and Brad said ma'am when they spoke to the waitress. I guess I didn't pay that much attention anymore as Brad talks like that all the time, but to hear Drew talk like that too with his southern accent (which was super sexy) made me realize that it was part of being a Marine.

We all ordered burgers, fries and malt shakes. After the waitress left Drew asked Troy what is was like to be in movies. Ricky also seemed interested and it was nice to see a smile on his face. Troy was captivating as he told them it was not that big a deal, but they didn't buy it. They asked a bunch of questions about people that he had worked with and the craft services, and if he would get a trailer and what they were like. They asked when he would be doing his next movie. Troy explained that he was trying to focus on school, but that he did just have a meeting with Stephen Spielberg, but that he also just fired his agent! Then the conversation switched to me. Drew asked me a bunch of questions. Where I was from, about my family, what I was majoring in. It was very nice.

Our food came and the subject switched to Brad and Ricky. It was very sweet to hear about their relationship and how they met! They were so young. The two grew up next door to each other. It is the kind of relationship that you dream about. Having that best friend that knows everything about you and that is there for you. They explained how Ricky was the first one to figure out masturbation. One night when Brad was sleeping over Ricky asked about Brad if he knew what it was and then showed him. Then he pushed it a little further where he asked him if he wanted help so they both helped each other. That was the beginning of them messing around. It was so sweet to hear them talk about each other and you could hear the love that they have for one another in every word they said. They would also tease each other about past girlfriends and how they would go on double dates and then go back to Ricky's house after they dropped the girls off and mess around.

I could see that Ricky would let his mind drift from the present to the past and when he was revisiting the past you could see this smile that was amazing. He is very handsome, with dark black hair and brown eyes and he has light brown skin and is very sexy. I could also see the hurt in his eyes. I am sure that it is hard for him to get his mind off the horrible situation that he went through.

Brad was telling a story about how this one time they went to stay at Ricky's family's cabin. When they got there, Brad said that Ricky told him that they were going to spend the whole weekend naked. Ricky jumped in and said "That is not true. When we walked in the cabin, Brad pulled off his shirt and then said, that we were going to be naked the whole weekend." It was so great to see Ricky so animated. The story continued and they got to some parts that they skipped so that they didn't get to dirty, but I will tell you, it was making me horny! I was also thinking about when I could have a weekend alone with Troy so that we could be naked all weekend. They told us how they went skinny dipping in the lake at night and how the sky was clear and the stars and moon were so bright that it almost seemed like it was day time. I wanted to know if anyone saw them at all during the weekend and Ricky explained that the cabin is back in a little cove off the big lake and they were the only cabin back there, so it is really secluded.

Brad was trying really hard to make sure that Ricky and Drew were getting to know Troy and I and so he was bragging about both of them and telling us how amazing they were. He was telling all about how smart Ricky is and how he likes to godiving, the kind where you go under water and look at fish. Brad told us that Ricky has even worked for a while in college as a dive instructor. It was so sweet to see how proud Brad is of Ricky and Drew and it was great to see Ricky be a little embarrassed as Brad was talking about him.

Lunch was a great distraction and it was great to get to know Drew and Ricky better! It seemed like they were enjoying meeting Troy and I and for at least a little bit Ricky seem to be able to take his mind off everything that had happened. We finished lunch and headed back to Ricky's place.

After we had been back at Rick's apartment for a couple our hours, Troy got a call from his lawyer and when he finished the call he said that Mr. Johnson had thought about our plan and realized that it would be better to contact Ricky's boss by email and not meet him in person. He was working on drafting an email to send. Ricky liked this plan better. Since he would not need to meet in person he asked if they could leave tomorrow. Ricky did not want to stay here any longer. Troy called Mr. Johnson and he said that they could leave. Troy made arrangements for Ricky's apartment to be packed up and the group to head back home.

We got to the air plane and as we boarded I noticed that Ricky was crying. He was very quiet about it and was whipping his tears, but I could tell that something was bothering him. I was able to pull Brad aside quick and point out that something was bothering Rick. He went over and grabbed his hand. Without saying a word Ricky turned and hugged Brad and broke down. They held each other for a long time and I could hear Brad whisper "You ok?" Ricky shook his head yes and then Brad asked "Can you tell me what's wrong?" Ricky said in a soft voice "I feel like such a failure." Brad grabbed him and pulled him into a huge hug and said "You have not failed. You have been a victim and there is no way you could continue working in that environment. They would do this again. I could not be more proud of you, or more in love with you! I have missed you and am so excited that you are coming back with me. We are going to figure out the next steps together. Please know that you are not a failure in anyone's eyes!!! They kissed and got in their seats and the plane took off for home.

Next: Chapter 12

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