Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on Nov 3, 2013


Zack and Troy

Chapter 3

Note: Not sure what happened when this chapter was first posted, but thank you to those who helped catch the problems and now it should be fixed.

This is a fictional story that contains sexual content between men. If this is illegal where you are please don't read this. Please donate to Nifty to keep this site free. I am still new to this and would love any and all feedback. Send emails to

When I woke up I thought that I had just had the best dream, only I wasn't dreaming, I was holding Troy in my arms. He was still sleeping and it was the warmest, greatest feeling I have ever had. I lay there thinking about last night and everything that has happened since I got here to school. I slowly started to rub his chest and he started to wake up. He nestled back into my body, grabbed my hands, and held the embrace.

"Good morning!", he said.

I kissed his back and said good morning back to him.

"I can feel your morning wood poking me in the back."

I reached down and grabbed his cock and said "I can feel your morning wood in my hand." We both started to laugh.

Troy rolled over and started to kiss me. We were grinding our bodies together and it was getting hot. After a couple of minutes of this I had to take a leak or I was going to wet the bed.

"Sorry I have to go to the bathroom."

"Why don't we move this to the bathroom?"

"OK, that sounds hot!!"

So Troy got up and pulled me out of bed and dragged me into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I went over to the toilet and lifted the lid, but he pulled me toward him and kissed me again. Then he bent down and pulled my boxers down, pulled his down, and got into the shower pulling me in too.

"I have to pee.", I pleaded.

"I know", he said and smiled.

So I got into the shower with him and let him take the lead. We kissed some more and I felt him reach down and softly caress my balls. I thought my dick was going to explode. He whispered in my ear "Go ahead and let it out."

That's all I needed to hear I guess cuz I started pissing right there all over his stomach and cock. He started kissing me again. Then he grabbed my balls again. I am not going to lie, it was so hot. Then I felt this warm flow on my cock and stomach. It was so fucking hot. I thought that I was going to finish peeing and then shoot my load.

After we both finished peeing, Troy dropped down and started to suck me off. It felt so good. I grabbed onto his head and gently pumped in and out of his mouth. It wasn't long before I thought I was going to blow my load, so I pulled out of his mouth and switched positions with him. I got down on my knees and started to lick his man meat. I could taste a little bit of our pee on his cock. It was very faint, but hot. I never thought about peeing on anyone or that I would want to taste it or that it would be so hot. Then I took him in my mouth and went to town.

"Yeesss, ahhh, yesss, ohhh, yessss", Troy softly moaned.

Then he started bucking his hips and thrusting his cock in my mouth harder and faster and I felt the first shot of his load hit the back of my throat and I swallowed and kept sucking. He shot 4 or 5 times and I just keep sucking. Finally, he had to pull me off his sensitive cock.

I stood up and kissed him and he opened his mouth and searched around as if he was looking for any last drops of his seed. Then he dropped down and started on my cock again. It was still rock hard. He sucked hard and fast and it didn't take long before I was on the edge. I could feel the pressure building up in my balls. I grabbed his head and fucked his mouth. I started moaning and gave him the warning that I was going to cum. I put my hands on the wall behind Troy to brace myself and he kept right on sucking until I started to shoot. I threw my head back and let out a long, low moan. It felt so good. I had to hold on to Troy's shoulders to keep from falling over. He then stood up and kissed me again.

We kissed for a few minutes and then I grabbed the soap and started to lather up Troy's chest, shoulders, and arms. He lifted his arms up over his head and I washed his arm pits. Then I started to wash his cock and balls. I made sure to take extra time getting them clean in case he wanted to use them again later. Then, I got down and washed his legs and feet. I have to say I have never thought about how hot feet could be, but they made my crotch twitch a little.

Troy turned around and I washed his back and shoulders and down to his butt. Again, I took plenty of time washing his crack and hole. I could tell he loved it, cuz he let his head tip back a little and let out the softest moan. It was so hot. I helped him rinse off and then he turned his attention to washing me up.

He washed my hair and then my back and shoulders. He washed my back and gave me a little massage as he did my back and arms. Troy reached his arms around and washed my chest and stomach and then went for my cock and balls. He pushed his body next to mine as he washed my dick. I could feel his cock getting harder. He got down and washed my legs and feet. , I could feel him breathing on my ass. As he finished with my feet, he ran his hand up my legs and gave my ass just a little more attention. He spread my checks and let his fingers massage my hole a little.

Then he said, "Let's save some energy for later."

"That sounds good to me", I moaned in reply.

We finished rinsing off and stepped out of the shower and got dried off.

"What should we do today", Troy asked.

"I am starving and then we should probably get you your books and then maybe we could go to a movie or something", I suggested.

"That sounds great", he said.

I brushed my teeth and cleaned up, got dressed and made our beds as Troy was finishing getting ready. I decided to call my sister and fill her in on everything that has been going on and tell her that I am rooming with Troy Anthony. I know she will be sooooo jealous. My sister and I are very close. She was the only friend I really had and could trust. However, I have not shared that fact that I am gay with her yet. I just can't really bring myself to say it out loud. Stupid right? I don't know why I just can't. I think she probably knows, but she will always point out girls that are cute or hot or tell me who she thinks I should go out with. Her friends are great! She is very popular and her friends have always been nice to me and have included me in some of the things they have done.

I think one of her friends Kelly has a crush on me. She is always very nice to me and gives me extra attention. My sister asked me once what I thought of her and if I would ever go out with her. I told her it would be too weird. It was like she was one of my little sisters. There wasn't much said after that.

Anyway I was excited to tell her about Troy to see what happened. I was thinking it might be more fun to just surprise her and have him come home with me sometime, but I couldn't wait that long. I am terrible about keeping secrets. Like when I get Christmas presents for people, I want them to open them early. If you tell me something in confidence, that is a totally different story. I have sent her a couple of Facebook messages, but have not talked to her on the phone since the second night. So I called her and we chatted for a little bit and she asked how it was going, if I had started classes, if I my roommate was here yet, and if I liked him. That's when I said, "You are not going to believe me, but I have the coolest roommate and it is someone you are going to know. "

"What?", she said. She was a little confused.

"You are never going to guess who it is."

She was quiet and there was a pause. "WHO?", she said sounding kind of annoyed.

"Troy Anthony!"

"What? SHUT UP!", she screamed. "You are lying! I don't believe you."

I knew she wouldn't believe me. "It is totally true. He is super cool too. He is nice and kind and has been really nice to me."

"I don't believe you. Why would Troy Anthony be going to college? He is a movie star!"

"His parents went here and he really wanted to go to college."

At this point Troy walked out of our bedroom.

"Do you want to talk to him?"

"YES! No wait, what would I say? Are you serious?"

Troy put out his hand to have me hand him the phone.

"Who is it?", he said in that sexy soft voice.

"It is my sister. She is a big fan and doesn't believe that you are my roommate. Hell I still can't believe you are my roommate." He laughed.

"Let me talk to her."

So I handed Troy the phone. He smiled at me with that super sexy smile, then he softly asked her name. I mouthed Emily.

"Hi Emily this is Troy...For real...Yes...No it is really me. Ask me anything. When I was 8... Yes...19...My parents went here...Yep... ok... Hey Emily?....It was great to talk to you and I can't wait to meet you. Thanks! Here is your brother again, bye!"

I was dying. I was holding in the laughter.


"I told you so! Now you believe me right?"

"Yes he seems so nice. Can you get me an autographed picture? OOOOHHHHHHH! Do you think I could meet him? PLEASE!"

She wouldn't stop.

"Please stop. I knew you would freak out! But you're jealous aren't you?"

I couldn't help myself. I mean, I can't tell her I have been blowing him can I?

"You have got to hook me up, he is so hot! Seriously! I have to tell Krista! Call me later and send me some pics!"

"Ok you have to calm down, he is just a normal guy and I think he is seeing someone."

"WHO?" She kind of screamed. "It isn't Taylor Swift is it?" She seemed a little angry.

"No I don't think so. I can't remember the name, but I don't think it was her."

Troy loved every minute of it.

"Ok Emily, I have to go, but I will call you again soon. I love you."

"Wait, I have like a million questions."

"I have to go sorry."

"Send me some pictures."

"Ok bye."

"Bye, I love you."

"Love you too." I hung up the phone and said to Troy as I held up the phone like it was my sister. "My sister is a big fan! She wants me to set her up with you."

Troy laughed

"Can we take a picture and send it to her?"

"Of course!"

So we took a couple pictures for my sister and sent them and then Troy said, "Let's go eat." So we headed to the cafeteria.

On the way there I was telling Troy all the things my sister said and he had a great laugh about the Taylor Swift part. It apparently has been reported in some of the tabloids that Troy and Taylor were dating at one time. He said that he doesn't even know her. I forgot until we hit the doors to the cafeteria that Troy was not your average college student and he wasn't mine. What were we? I know what I wanted us to be, but was it just two guys messing around? I wanted us to be a couple and I wanted him to be mine and not have to share him. I know that even if we are a couple we can't be open about it.

The first group of girls we hit when we walked in the door came up to him and literally pushed me out of the way. They were all asking him questions like.

"Do you really go here?"

"What dorm are you in?"

"Are you really Troy Anthony."

There was one girl who just didn't believe him.

She kept asking "Really? Really? If you are really Troy Anthony why would you be going to college? He must be a millionaire. That doesn't make sense. I think that you just look like him and you are going to pretend that you are him for as long as you can."

As annoying as it was I had to laugh, Troy was trying to hard not to be rude, but you could tell that he didn't want the attention.

"You know what you are right!", he said.

Then she asked to see his ID card. He pulled out his ID card to show them. He was so patient and polite. I love to hear the part about his contract with the school. Then I heard him tell the group something that I have never heard him say before.

"You know I am just like you! I am just a normal kid it is just that I have had some really great opportunities."

The girls all laughed and then came the question I have been waiting for.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Before he could answer came "Would you like one?"

They all laughed and Troy said. "I am seeing someone, but we are taking things really slowly now that I am at school. College is really important to me and I don't want to mess it up."

My heart sank just a little. I felt like maybe I am being played by a horny guy who doesn't really care about my feelings. Troy told the girls that he didn't want to keep his roommate waiting any longer cuz we were starving and we had a ton of stuff to do to get ready for classes to start on Monday. He thanked them and told them he would see them around. I think they were all just stunned and didn't know what to do. They just stood there as we walked off.

"Well I wonder how long this will last", I said as we walked off.

"I think people are just going to realize that I am kind of a dork and it won't be that big a deal."

I laughed and told him that was wishful thinking. We grabbed some breakfast and managed to find a table in the back kind of tucked-in so it was hard for people to see him. He sat with his back to the room. We did get some people looking, pointing, and whispering about him, but no one else came over. During breakfast I really wanted to ask him about the girlfriend he had told the girls about, but I am not sure I really wanted to hear it. I was still feeling a little weird about the stuff we did.

After breakfast, we went to get Troy's books. I got mine right away and so I told him that I would help him get his. We have pretty much the same schedule except for one class. The bookstore was pretty empty and we were able to get all his books pretty quickly. It was the checking out that took forever.

The girl behind the counter recognized Troy when we first walked in and it looked as though she couldn't wait for us to get up to the counter to strike up a conversation. She had asked us twice if she could help us find anything and both times we politely said thanks, but we were good. Now it was her chance and she defiantly didn't want to blow it.

"Ok! You are Troy Anthony aren't you?", she squealed.

"Yes I am and you are Sarah?" That caught her off guard. "Ahh...ah how did you know?" It says on your name tag. It is nice to meet you and this is my friend Zack."

"Hi" she said in a shy silly way as if I were someone important too.

"You were so hot in A Night at the Movies"

"Thanks" was all Troy said. Then there was this pause as she just started at him. I jumped in to save the day.

"I think we have found everything."

"Oh ok, great I will just ring those up for you."

She started to ring up the books and yet still keep her eyes on Troy.

"Do you think I could get your autograph?" She said before giving Troy the total.

"Oh I am sorry", he started, but I jumped in to help him out.

"He is not allowed to. It's a contract he has with the college so that he can go here. They didn't really think that he would be a good fit for the school, because they thought he would be too much of a disruption, so he had to agree to a whole bunch of things and if he breaks them he could be kicked out."

The look on her face was so sad; you could tell she didn't want that to happen.

"So you see I would love too, but I can't."

"It's ok I wouldn't want you to get kicked out", she said with sadness in her voice.

"Have a great day", I said as we grabbed the books and headed out of the store.

"You guys too!" She said as if Troy was leaving her for good.

We dropped the books off at the room and then headed to my truck to go to the movies.

"This truck is great!" Troy said.

"And I am sure you have like 10 different cars Mr. Movie star."

"Maybe if I had my driver's license then I could own a car."

"What you don't have your license?"

"Nope! My parents didn't think I needed it and I was always busy and most of the time had a driver."

I couldn't believe that he didn't have his license.

"Would you like me to help you learn? I will let you drive the truck if you want?"

He was like a kid on Christmas. "Really, are you serious? That would be so cool! You're the best Zack!"

"We will have to do a little scouting and find some back roads to practice on. Then you can go in and take the written test and then you could take the class and get your license."

"I think you are going to be a bad influence on me Zack!", he said trying not to laugh.

We pulled up to the mall where the movie theater was and we had about 45 minutes before the movie theater opened so we decided to walk around the mall. I have never been that into fashion or clothes. I never really hung out at the mall, but with Troy it was kind of fun. We laughed and looked in stores and then it started again. I noticed it before Troy, but as people passed us they would do a double take and look at Troy as if they knew him and couldn't believe that they were seeing him here. Finally there were these 4 kids that came up to us and asked if he was Troy Anthony.

"Yes", he said.

"Can we get our picture taken with you and your autograph?"

"Sure", he said. I was surprised, cuz it was the first time since I have known him that he did this for someone. I could tell that the girl with the iPhone wanted me to take the picture so I asked her if she wanted me to take it. She was so excited that I had offered. I took like a bunch of pictures of the group and then Troy signed papers that they had. They thanked him and then you could tell that they wanted to just hang and talk to him, but he was really cool about it and told them that he needed to get going and maybe would see them around. They were so excited it was cute.

"That was really cool!", I said.

"What?", he asked.

"The way you were with those kids."

"Oh it was nothing. I totally don't mind giving autographs and taking pictures with people, I just think that if I start at school then it will never end. Besides I want people to like me for who I am not who they think I am."

"Well you are kind of a dick you know?", I joked!

He laughed and pushed me.

"I am just kidding. I think that you came across real and not like some stuck up movie star who thinks that he is better than everyone else."

"Because I don't feel like I am better than anyone", he said.

"You are so cool Troy!"

He was embarrassed by the compliments. I was realizing that I was so lucky to have him as a roommate. And I am so lucky to get to see the real Troy not the one in the movies or in the tabloids.

"We should get going to the movie theater so we are not late for the movie." We walked to the movie theater and there was no one really there because it was the first movie. We got into the theater and there was no one else in there. We had the pace to ourselves. Of course we were not really hungry, but you can't go to the theater and not get treats so we got a big bucket of popcorn, we each got a pop, I got sour patch kids, and Troy got M&Ms. We settled in to our seats and the previews started. I didn't think about it until the third preview and I heard Troy make this soft grown and he said "Really?"

"What?", I said.

"You will see."

And then there it was. Troy up on the screen in a pair of board shorts and soaking wet. I didn't realize that he was in this movie, but there he was looking super hot and sexy. Vanessa Hutchinson was also in the movie. I didn't say anything, I just stared with my mouth open.

"That guy is such an ugly prick!", he said.

I started laughing and then chocking on a sour patch kid.

"Are you ok?", he asked.

"Yeah, I just swallowed wrong." I said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you choke."

"It's ok, that was funny."

"I didn't know that you had a movie coming out."

"Well, I guess it is one of those things that you don't really bring up in conversation. Hey guess what I have a movie coming out." I think I just gave him this dumb look like I didn't know what to say.

"What?", he said.

"I am sorry I just didn't know what to say. I have to remember that this is your job and you are used to it. It is still new to me and really cool that we are friends."

"Yeah and right before Thanksgiving I am going to have to do some press stuff. I tried to get out of it, but there was so way I was getting out of it all."

"That might be a little challenging with classes!"

"I will be able to do most of the phone interviews from our room if that is cool with you, but I will have to do a couple of TV interviews possibly."

"That is SO cool!"

He just smiled at me and then the previews ended and the really movie started and that was the end of our conversation. All during the movie my mind raced thinking about how surreal this was, Troy Anthony was my roommate, my friend, and I have fucked around with him. Please pinch me, I must be dreaming.

The movie was ok and after we were both so full from the snacks that we decided to go back to our room and take a nap. Before we left the room I had pulled the beds apart, cuz I didn't want things to be uncomfortable later. When we got home I had gone into the bathroom to pee and when I came out Troy was already lying on his bed rolled over facing the wall and seemed like he might be sleeping. So I took off my cloths and got in my bed. I wanted to be lying next to him, but I didn't want things to be weird. I feel asleep and took a great nap. I must have slept for an hour and a half.

When I woke up Troy was gone. I started to think about what he said this morning about saving some energy for later. I was starting to get a little confused about what he wanted. It felt great to have such a great friend and be able to mess around with him. I mean come on you have to be blind not to think Troy was super fucking hot. I was wondering where he went and why he didn't wake me up or leave me a note or something. Then I had to tell myself to stop. He didn't need me to be his mother or to hold on to him like I owned him or act like some needy boyfriend. It was just that we hadn't really been apart since he got here and it was weird think about him out on the campus all by himself. Then I realized he is a big boy.

I turned on the computer to check e-mail and Facebook. I got about four messages from my sister and she was getting mad that I have not responded. Her last message said "I know we just talked, but I have a ton of questions and want you to write back. I still can't believe it! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

I wrote her back quick and then checked the clock. It seemed like he had been gone forever and I was starting to think he had been attacked by fans or something. I kept looking out the window to see if I could see him. He must have been gone about 45 minutes which I realize wasn't that long, but it really seemed like it.

Then he came in and I wanted to say where have you been, but I restrained myself. "Hey!" he said kind of cold-like.

"Hey", I said trying to seem cool. I could tell that he had been out running and was really sweaty. He went into the bedroom to get changed or something. I keep working on my computer until he came out of the bedroom and went into the bathroom and took a shower. It was weird; it was like he was mad at me or something. I know you are thinking that I am over reacting, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Troy was just being different.

He finished his shower put his stuff away and came out and turned on the TV. I turned off the computer and moved over to the other chair to watch TV and asked him how his run was. "Great! It is beautiful out.", he said. We didn't say much and I so badly wanted to ask what was up. I didn't know how to break the silence so I asked if he was getting hungry. He said "Yeah what are you thinking?"

"I don't know do you just want to order a pizza or something?"

"That sounds cool." Then I just let it come out of my mouth. "Is everything ok? You seem kind of cold? Did I do something wrong?"

"What?.... No.."

"What? Tell me!"

"I don't know... it is just you moved the beds back so I thought maybe I did something wrong or that you didn't like sleeping with me or I don't know, I guess it just feels weird."

I can't believe I am hearing this. He cares? He felt bad or mad or whatever that I moved the beds. It was the best thing I could hear right now.

"OH MY GOD! That is too funny. I thought that maybe you would wake up in the morning and regret what had happened or be all freaked out when we went to bed and the beds were still together. So I moved them back so that it wouldn't be uncomfortable when we went to bed." He laughed.

"What is so funny?"

"I just thought that maybe you were wishing that what happened didn't happen and that you pushed the beds back so that we didn't have to talk about it or that it wouldn't happen again and now that I know what you were thinking it just makes me laugh."

I started laughing too. It was kind of funny. I must have been feeling really gutsy cuz the questions just keep coming out of my mouth.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure anything!", he said.

"What about the girl you are seeing?"

He looked confused. "What girl?"

"You told the girls in the cafeteria that you were seeing a girl, but were taking it slowly. "

"I didn't say that I was seeing a girl. I said I was seeing someone. I wasn't talking about a girl."

"What?" I was so confused. He looked a little embarrassed.

"I was talking about you."

I am sure that my jaw hit the floor. I didn't know what to say. Again I wanted to pinch myself to make sure what I was hearing was real. Did he just tell me that he wanted to be in a relationship with me? Troy Anthony in a relationship with ME. Are you fucking kidding me? I must have taken too long to respond, because he started to back pedal.

"I mean, I know that we haven't talked about anything, but I just ah... well I didn't wanted to... well..."

I had to jump in and save him. "I don't know what to say because I can't believe you would be interested in someone like me. I have never really dated and no one has ever really hit on me or anything and you are Troy Anthony! Look at you, your perfect. You could have anyone you want."

"Shut up", he stopped me.

"It's true. Don't you see how everyone looks at you not to mention the ones who come up and fall all over themselves to talk to you?"

"Yeah, but it is so empty. They don't know me. They don't really want to get to know me. It is just because I am in movies and on TV, but you have been real with me and shared things with me."

"For like two days. I could be some big freak that you wish you never met."

"Right! Remember I have been stalking you. I feel like I have known you for a long time. I think I kind of developed a little crush on you, remember?"

This was so weird to hear. I have never had anyone treat me like this.

"But I am, you could have your pick of the litter."

Then Troy stopped and looked really serious.

"I pick you! I think you are hot! You are a great person and from the first moment I saw you my heart skipped a beat."

Then he leaned in and kissed me and we made out for a few minutes. I finally asked.

"Well should we order that pizza now?"

"I don't know maybe it can wait." Then he reached for the button on my shorts.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Troy fell back on to the floor real dramatic like, so I got up and went to the door. I realized my shorts were tenting out just a little so I adjusted and opened the door. There was Jake and another guy I had not met.

"Hey! How's it going Zack? This is my roommate Travis."

"Hi nice to meet you Zack."

"Nice to meet you too."

"We wanted to know if you guys wanted to grab something to eat."

"Ahhh... we.. er..." I didn't know what to say and I sounded like an idiot.

"Sure!", Troy shouted.

"Hey Travis I am Troy nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Troy. We were just going to go grab some pizza down town if you guys wanted to come with us. We figured we could show our new freshman around a little."

"That's too funny we were just talking about ordering some pizza", Troy said. Then he turned to me and said, "Sounds like fun, do you want to join them?"

"Yeah that sounds great! I am going to change my shirt and go to the bathroom quickly", I said.

"I should do that too. Come on in and have a seat. We will be ready to go in a minute", Troy said.

Jake and Travis came in and sat on the couch and I went into the bedroom and Troy went into the bathroom. As I headed for the bathroom the door opened and Troy came out and whispered. "We will pick up where we left off when we get back."

I felt my dick jump in my pants. As we left Travis said that we could take his car. Travis has a black Ford Mustang that was so hot. He is a great looking kid that has a darker complexion with black hair and brown eyes. Both Jake and Travis seemed really laid back about Troy and didn't make much fuss over him being a movie star. The pizza place was this cool rustic place that looked like a log cabin. It was called SaVoy's.

"They have the best pizza here!" Travis said as we pulled into the parking lot.

We got a rockin' parking spot and went into the restaurant. It was not too busy and I asked for a booth in the corner. I got busted cuz as we were sitting down Troy gave me a look like I know what you are up too. I just think that if we can find little ways to hide him so he doesn't get mobbed and I don't have to share him then that is ok.

The waitress came over and was very friendly. She took our drink order. It took her a minute to realize that Troy Anthony was sitting there at her table and when she did it was like she was a record that skipped and she did the funniest double take. I have to say I love watching people and I think it is so funny to catch them in that moment when they recognize Troy or they can't quite place where they know him from. Troy played it cool like he didn't even notice and that he was just an ordinary person and gave her his order.

I was sure that she would not remember as she stumbled through her words and tried to repeat our order back without us knowing that she was nervous or star struck.

"Ok...ah you had a tall MGD and had a tall MGD and you had a Coke and you had a Coke."

"You got it!", Troy said.

"Ok... ah... I will be right back with those...and if you have any questions, I will be right back...ok."

She left very quickly and you could tell she felt stupid.

"You seem to have that effect on all the girls?", I said to Troy.

He pretended not to hear me.

"Yeah, I hear you have been causing quite a scene around campus Troy?", Travis said. This got Troy's attention.

"What? What do you mean? Who said that? I mean what did they say?" Troy seemed concerned.

"I was just yankin' your chain. I heard a couple of girls talking about how they heard from someone else that you had just left the cafeteria before they had gotten there and that they hope that maybe you are in their classes or that they will get to meet you soon."

Travis seems like a cool guy. The waitress came back with our drinks and she seemed a little more put together.

"Ok here are your drinks are you ready to order?"

"We always get the garbage pizza", Jake said to us and Travis chimed in with, "It's awesome!"

"That sounds good to me", Troy said and I added, "Me too."

"Garbage pizza it is", the waitress said.

"Let's make it 2 large!", Travis said.

The waitress wrote down the order and said, "My name is Bri if you guys need anything else."

"Thanks Bri!", Troy said.

We started chatting and found out that Travis is from Boston and his parents are very wealthy. Not that I wouldn't have guessed by the car. He wasn't being arrogant or bragging at all. He is majoring in business and economics.

Jake and Travis have been roommates for three years. It was so cool to hang out with these guys and not have them be weird about Troy. There were a few questions about some of Troy's movies and his family, but not like Oh My God what is it like to be TROY ANTHONY? They asked me tons of questions as well. They didn't act like I was invisible like everyone else. They were so cool. I was having a ton of fun and I could tell that Troy was too. I have never really hung out with guys like that before. It felt great to be a part of a group.

I kind of felt like Jake and Travis were the celebrities, because Troy and I kept asking them questions about the school and who were the best teachers and what advise they had just trying to get the inside scoop about the school.

We chatted like this through dinner and we made it all the way through and then at the end of dinner Bri asked if there was anything else and we told her no and she then asked.

"You are Troy Anthony aren't you?"

"Yes, I am afraid I am."

"Do you think I could get my picture with you? Nobody back home is going to believe that I waited on you."

"No problem!", Troy said.

"I got to go get my phone in the back it has a camera on it. Oh and my manager said that he was going to take care of the bill."

She came back with her manager and he was getting ready to take the picture of just Bri and Troy when she said will all of you guys be in the picture."

I thought this was super cool since most of the time I am kind of pushed out of the way so that people can get to Troy. The manager took the picture and then asked us how we enjoyed the meal. We all said it was the best pizza and thanked him for comping our dinner. We ended up leaving Bri the money that would have paid for the dinner which ended up being a huge tip.

It was funny Troy was really sweet with her he gave her a hug and singed a menu for her. I know this will be a place we come back too. We headed back to the dorm and Travis and Jack asked if we wanted to go to the beach with them tomorrow. Both Troy and I thought that sounded like a great idea.

When we got back to the dorm we headed to our rooms and said that we would meet up about 10 the next morning to head out to the beach. Troy lead the way and I found myself staring at his ass. He is so fucking hot I can't stand it. Troy opened the door and went in I followed and shut the door. When I turned around Troy was standing there right in my face. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a deep kiss. I put my arms around him and we made out. Our lips broke apart for a few seconds and he said that he had wanted to do that all day. I replied with a "Me too!" and then we were back at it.

He started to pull me to the bedroom and when we got there he took off my shirt. He started kissing my chest and rubbing my back. Then he kind of spun me around and was kissing my side and then my back with his arms wrapped around me and his hands rubbing my chest as he continued to kiss up and down my back. Then he stood up and started kissing my neck and shoulders and reaching for the buttons on my pants. He unbuttoned my pants and unzipped my fly and then started rubbing my rock hard cock through my boxers.

My head fell back and landed on his shoulder as he kept rubbing. Then he pulled the front of my boxers down under my balls and started to rub them ever so softly that sent shivers through my body. I know I gasped.

Then he took my cock in his hand and started to slowly stroke it. His hand was slowly going from the tip down over my ridge, sliding down my shaft and all the way to my balls and then back up. It felt so good. I reached behind me and started to feel his cock through his pants and I could tell that it was begging to be released.

Troy turned me around and gave me another huge kiss and dropped to his knees and started licking my shaft. I put my hands in his hair and started to rub his head. My fingers worked their way through his long hair. It was so erotic. Then he took the head of my dick in his mouth and started to suck and lick it. It was driving me wild. I was in heaven. He took his time to work my cock with his mouth and his hand, slowly jacking and sucking. Then he took the whole thing in and started going up and down I thought I was going to lose it.

After a few more minutes he pulled off and pushed me onto my bed and pulled my pants off and put my legs up in the air. He went back down and started to lick my balls and then he went lower and licked down to my hole. It felt great! I wanted to have him in me. I moaned and finally begged for Troy to fuck me. He stopped the assault on my ass and got up and lowered my legs. He pulled me up and stood in front of me waiting for me to take control.

I sat up and undid his pants and dropped them to the floor. His big cock jumped out of his pants and almost hit me in the face. I went right to work and put the whole thing in my mouth. I started giving the best blowjob I could. From the sound of it, Troy loved it. He was thrusting a little and I quickened the pace and so did Troy. He stepped out of his pants and I laid him back on his bed.

I followed his lead and pushed his legs into the air. I sucked on his balls for a little bit and then licked down to his hole. I could tell that I had hit the spot because he also let out a low moan. He was breathing hard and kept moaning yeah...ohhh...yeah...ohhhh...yeah. I stopped, lowered his leg and crawled up and started making out again and was grinding my cock with his. His lips were so soft and our cocks were nice and slippery.

Then I whispered in his ear. I want you to fuck me. Troy didn't need to be asked twice. He got out a condom and I bent over my bed. He got behind me and lubed up his cock and my ass. He rubbed his cock up and down my crack and then he slowly put his cock in my ass. It was so tight. I felt a sharp pain, but I wanted him so bad. He took it nice and slow. It took a while until I could handle his big dick, but then it was starting to feel so good.

He slowly fucked me for a few minutes and then he started to pick up the pace. After a few minutes Troy pulled out and flipped me over on the bed. He pulled my legs up and put them on his shoulders. He pushed his cock back in and started fucking me fast again. Then he grabbed my cock and started to jack it. I was losing control. It felt so good I wasn't going to last much longer.

"I am going to cum", I moaned and then I shot my load.

I must have shot 6 or 7 times. This must have turned Troy on because he started to moan and I could tell that he was cumming also. It was like we both just ran out of steam. He let my legs down and collapsed on top of me. It felt so safe. It took a few minutes for us to catch our breath and then he kissed me.

"God I loved that", he said.

"I did too", was all I could get out.

We got up and got cleaned up and ready for bed. When he came into the room he stopped at the door and got the biggest smile on his face. I had pushed the beds back together.

"I hope this is ok", I said with a shy little wink.

"Thank you! I feel so lucky", Troy said and then he jumped into bed.

Thanks again for reading this story. Hope you like it. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback if you want to send it to Also thanks to Mark for editing for me.

Next: Chapter 4

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