Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on Aug 29, 2015


Zack and Troy Chapter 14

Thank you again for reading my story. Thank you for being patient as it has taken me longer than I would like to get this chapter out. I love writing it and enjoy getting your feedback!

This is a fictional story that contains sexual content between men. If this is illegal where you reside, please don't read this. Please donate to Nifty to keep this site free. Send emails to I am also on Twitter now! @cory4travis. I think it could be an easy way for me to keep people updated and for people to share pictures of what they think the guys look like.

Mr. Frank couldn't even get the full phrase out of his mouth before he lost it! The poor guy started to heave and cry. He tried to wipe his face and quickly put the last few things in his bag and said "I am sorry I have to go." And he headed toward the door. I looked at Troy and could see that he was just as shocked as I was. I turn toward the door and said "Mr. Frank wait!" but it was too late, the door was closing and he was out into the hall.

"We have to go talk to him! Do you think that he is headed to his office?" I said. Troy agreed and so we took off toward Mr. Frank's office. I wasn't exactly sure where it was, but I thought it was on the fourth floor. We took the stairs and once we got to the fourth floor we stopped and looked at each other. "Ok, now which way do we go?" Troy asked. I wasn't sure, neither of us had been to his office before and I was trying to remember what office number he told us on the first day of class. Then Troy pointed out a directory that listed who was in which office. "414!" Troy called out and then he took off to the right! "Come on this way!" I followed him and we went down the hall and around the corner. The light was on, but the door was closed.

Troy knocked on the door and said "Mr. Frank? We would really like to talk to you!" His voice was filled with concern. I think we were both holding our breath waiting to see if Mr. Frank would open the door. It felt like it took 5 minutes, but the door finally opened and Mr. Frank looked at us with the saddest eyes and then down at the floor.

"Can we please come in?" I said. He stepped back and opened the door wider so that we could come in. He let us in and then shut the door. His office was very cool. Pictures and posters and 2 large bookcases filled with books. He had an old wooden desk and an old wooden rolling chair. There were also two newer chairs for students to sit on that had a small table in between them. I noticed Mr. Frank was trying to hide his face from us as he closed the door and sat down.

"I am sorry I said anything to you guys. I shouldn't share my personal issues with my students." He said as he looked at the floor. My heart was breaking for him. "We asked what was wrong! We could tell that you are not yourself and we wanted to see if there was any way we could help." I said before I even had a chance to think about it. I could just tell that he was hurting so bad.

"I hope you know that we don't care if you are gay? You seem like a great guy and we think you are a great teacher."

Mr. Frank lost it. He had tears pouring out of his face and was heave crying. Troy leaned over and put his hand on Mr. Frank's shoulder and said "Everything is going to be ok!"

"How do you know that?" Mr. Frank said as he tried to get himself under control and turned to get a tissue. "I feel like my life is falling apart. It seems like a nightmare. I feel like I have made the biggest mistake to come out and I am going to lose everything. I wish I was dead!"

"Ok! First of all that is not an option! No matter how bad it seems things are going to get better and if you were dead that would not solve anything. Your kids NEED you. I can promise you that it will be so much better to have a gay dad than a dead dad!" I said as I put my hand on Mr. Frank's shoulder too.

He looked at us and got a little smile on his face. "You are right Zack." He said very soft so that you could almost not hear it.

"Please tell us that you will never hurt yourself?" Troy said.

Mr. Frank nodded his head.

"I am serious! You kids need you!" Troy said sounding a little more stern. I like it when he talks like that! It turns me on, but I can't go there right now!

"Can I ask what made you decide to come out? Or what happened?" I asked.

Mr. Frank quickly looked at Troy and then at me and then back at the ground! "It is kind of embarrassing to say." Mr. Frank said softly.

"Oh come on you can tell us!" Troy said. I don't think Troy knew what the deal was, but I knew that Mr. Frank had a crush on Troy from the first day of class.

Mr. Frank looked at us again and then looked at the floor. He said "Well when the semester started and I realized you were in my class Troy I was a little star struck and the feelings I had were very confusing. I was up late working on some paper for class when I was grading your paper and ?" Mr. Frank stopped and his face got even redder. I couldn't help it I had to push. "Ok then what happened?" Mr. Frank took a few moments to figure out how we was going to explain that he got distracted and googled images of Troy. "I went on line and googled you and started checking out images of you! There were a lot of images where you had your shirt of and in a bathing suit and even some of you nude." Troy started to say something, but Mr. Frank cut him off. "I know they are fake, but to a horny teacher that has you in my class I let my thoughts believe that they were real. Flash forward and a few days later my wife found the history on the computer. She confronted me about it and at first I said that it was nothing. Then I told her that I thought that I was gay. She did not take it very well."

Troy and I just sat there looking at each other. I am not sure where it came from, but I just started talking. "Mr. Frank you have to be true to yourself. You have to be authentic. I am gay also and I have not told any of my family. There are only a few friends here that know, but I think that you are so brave for being true to yourself. I am sure that it is hard to be going through this, but please know that we will be here for you and you are not the only one that is going through this. I am sure that there are other married men out there that also know deep down that they are gay, but are not sure how to deal with it. Also I am sure that there are other man who have been married and have come out and would be able to give you some perspective and help." Troy flashed me that amazing smile and it made me feel like he was proud of me. Mr. Frank had tears streaming down his face. Troy jumped in and said. "Mr. Frank I am also gay! I am in love with Zack and I want to say that I am proud of both of you. I know that it is hard. I am trying to figure out how to come out publicly so that I don't have to worry that some photographer will snap a picture or tabloid is going to print something about me. Each person's journey is different and challenging and hard, but together we can help each other and support each other. I hope you know that you can trust us and that like Zack said we are here for you!"

Troy reached out and put his hand on Mr. Frank's knee. I am guessing that Mr. Frank got an instant hard on. I know I would have. He looked up and smiled at us and then stood up and gave each of us a hug. "Thank you! You guys are amazing!" We talked for about 15 minutes and Mr. Frank told us he had to get ready for a meeting. "I need to go to the bathroom and wash my face so I don't look like such a mess." We told him he looked fine and not to worry. We said goodbye and gave him our numbers and told him that if he needed to talk to someone that he should call us. He agreed, but it wasn't very convincing.

Troy and I talked about Mr. Frank on the way back to our room. I really felt for him and told Troy that I bet there are a lot of guys that are in the same position as Mr. Frank and feel stuck and alone. He agreed. I couldn't stop thinking about it the rest of the day and it felt like a very long day since tomorrow was the day we would be able to start moving into the house.

I know that we would still have our dorm room, but we were going to be moving into the house tomorrow and this place would not be the same after that! I wanted to surprise Troy with a romantic dinner and an evening of pleaser! It can sometimes be hard to sneak away and arrange things when we are in almost all of the same classes and are around each other all the time, but after Bio I told Troy that I had to run a few errands and that I would be back a little later. He was cool with that and said that he was going to study for a while and then maybe go for a run. I called Brad and asked him if he would help me keep Tory out of the room so that I can get everything set up!

I took off to the grocery store and went to Mall to get some candles and massage oil. I was able to get everything pretty quick and get things set up! I started dinner and had the table set with some tall candles and it looked pretty amazing, if I do say so myself!

My plan was working out great and Brad keep me posted on when they left and where they were at! I was a little nervous that I wasn't going to get everything finished, I needed like 10 more minutes when Brad said that they were done with their run so he asked Troy if he could talk to him for a few minute about Drew and his thoughts about pushing him to stay. It was perfect!

I finished everything and sent Brad a text and he told Troy that it was Rick and he had to go. I quickly turned off the lights so there were just candle lights and got everything set on the table and took my clothes off and was sitting at the table in my underwear! The look on Troy's face was priceless! His amazing smile lit up the dark room. Then tears started running down his face!

"This is the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me! How did you? I mean where did.."

I interrupted and told him that I called Brad and he helped me and that he was stalling so that I could finish everything!

"I can't decide if I want dinner first or just to jump your bones!" Troy said as he was whipping the tears!

"Oh just you wait! I have the whole night planned!" I said with a devilish smile.

I took Troy to the bathroom and quickly cleaned him, up! He wanted to fool around, but I told him that I didn't want the dinner to get cold. We dried off and put some underwear on and I pulled out his chair and then served the meal. Troy kept thanking me for doing this. I could tell that it meant a lot to him. We talked and I told him that I was planning on telling my parents over Thanksgiving! He smiled and asked if I was sure I was ready. He told me that he did not want me to feel any pressure! I smiled and said "You make me so happy and I want to share that with them." He got out of his chair and came over and gave me the most amazing kiss and hug.

We sat back down and Troy stopped eating and said that he had some news for me. I looked at him and waited and he just smiled. "What?" I said being very impatient.

"I have been in contact with a new agent and I really like her. We have been talking and she is totally on board with me being in school and is also willing to go back to Steven Spielberg and open up talks about the movie I met with him about. Plus she has another offer for me." He stopped and just waited for me to say something. It felt like forever and I finally said "OK! What is it?" Troy laughed and said she said that she is working with a producer and director for a new play in New York that she thinks I would be great for. They are doing a workshop of it this summer and she said that she could get me an audition if I wanted."

"OH MY GOD! That is awesome!" I said very excited for him. Then my mind started racing about the summer and that I was not going to see him all summer and it was like I was punched in the stomach. I had not thought about the summer and what that would mean. Even if he did not go to New York and do the show, I am sure that he would go back to California and I would go home and we wouldn't see each other. "What's wrong?" Troy said as he must have seen the look on my face that was painting a picture of what I was thinking.

"Nothing." Not wanting to have to explain my thought process.

"I can tell that you are thinking something by the look on your face. Just tell me what you are thinking. Please! Do you think it is a bad idea?"

I couldn't let him go on thinking that I was not supportive of the idea. "No, it is just that I have been so focused in the moment that I had not thought about the summer and not seeing you all summer. Even if you didn't do the show we would both be back at home and a million miles away." He flashed that amazing smile and said "You are so cute, you know that? I was thinking that if I did the show in New York, that you should come with me and we could spend the summer there together!" I feel like a rush of warm water was dumped on me. "Are you serious?" I said looking at him to see if he was just teasing me. He just smiled and nodded his head. This time I got up out of my chair and hugged him so hard. I kissed him and then I said. "I really think that you should do this play in New York!" He laughed and held me so tight!

We finished dinner and I brought out desert. I had made a brownie sundae with whip cream and chocolate syrup. Troy told me that I was amazing and this was the best meal ever. As he ate the sundae he moaned and then dipped his finger in the chocolate and rubbed it on his nipples very seductively. He took another bit and then put some on the other nipple and moaned some more. "This is getting me so turned on! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhfuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" he said as he finished his sundae and had chocolate all over his chest.

I finished my sundae and got up and grabbed him and lead him to the bedroom. I head set up a bunch of candles. I laid him on the bed on his back and got down and started to lick the chocolate off his body. I could see that he was getting hard so I grabbed his dick through his underwear and started to squeeze. Troy moaned again and he worked his hand over to my dick which was now trying to break free from my underwear. He slipped his hand under the waistband and grabbed my dick hard and as we were kissing Troy moved to kiss the side of my face and work his way to my ear. He whispered in my ear "I want this big dick in me." It about sent me over the edge feeling the warm air on my ear and his strong hands squeezing my dick. He rolled me over and pulled off my underwear and then went down on my dick. I put my hands on his head and ran my fingers through his hair as he was giving me the most amazing blow job. I had closed my eyes and rolled my head back and I was in paradise! It felt so good.

I wanted to have Troy's cock in my mouth so I started to slide around and he got the message. Troy flipped around to let me crawl under him. He helped me get his underwear off and I quickly grabbed his cock and started to lick the pre-cum off the tip! I licked the tip and shaft and his balls a little until I couldn't take it anymore and then I took his whole cock in my mouth! It tasted so amazing! I slowly sucked up and down and worked the underside with my tongue! I could stay here forever. I love sucking on his amazing cock! Having Troy suck my cock and having his cock in my mouth was pushing me close to shooting my load so I had to have him stop.

Troy flipped around again so that he was straddling my chest and his big beautiful cock was pointed straight at my face. He leaned in and I took hold of his cock and started sucking again! He looked so hot on top of me looking down into my eyes and I sucked his cock and played with his balls and teased his hole! He was slowly pumping his hips in and out, fucking my face! Now it was Troy who must have been getting close as he pulled his dick out of my mouth and leaned down to kiss me again. Our cocks were touching and he started to grind them together even more. Between the kissing and the cock fighting, my body was filled with electric shock!

Then Troy slide up so that my cock was lined up with his ass crack! He started to slide up and down so that my cock was riding the full length of his crack. As my head got close to his hole he would take a little more time to grind on it and it felt so amazing! I wanted to be inside him so bad and I could tell that he wanted it too, but it seemed like he had a plan and I was going to let him work it. Troy did this for a few more minutes and then he said "I need you in me!" He grabbed the bottle of lube from the night stand and put some on my cock and his ass. Then he took hold of my cock and lined it up with his hole and sat on it! It took him a little bit to get all of my cock in his ass, but he slowly worked it up and down until he was riding my whole cock! He went slow and was looking in my eyes as he worked my cock with his ass. It felt so good to be inside him. He smiled a wicked little smile and picked up the pace a little. I reached up and grabbed his cock and started to stroke it as he rode my cock. His head tipped back and he was moaning so soft and sexy. "FUUUUCk..OOOOHH?..YEEEES..FUUUUCK" He was picking up speed and his breath was getting shorter and shorter and I could tell that he was getting close. It was pushing me closer and closer too. His head snapped back up and he looked at me and said "Oh baby, I am going to cum?.FUUUUUCK YAAAAAAAAH!" and he shot a huge load that sprayed about seven shots and covered my chest and even hit my cheek. As the shot of cum hit my face it sent me over the edge and I started to shoot my load deep inside him. I thrust my hips up and let loose. As we came down from our sex high we both fell asleep. I was finishing up some homework when there was a hard knock on the door. Almost like someone was hitting it with a hard object and it scared the shit out of me. I went to check to see who it was and there was Brad standing at the door with a cut on his lip and he looked super pissed.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I motioned for him to come in. "Yes but I might have fucked up Troy's plan." He said as he came in and kind of paced around the floor. "Is Troy here? I have to talk to him." "He ran out to do some paperwork of the house, but he should be back pretty soon. What happened?"

Brad told me that he had just finished one of his classes and went into a bathroom that was out of the way. He did not see these guys follow him in to the bathroom, but the next thing he knew there were these three guys standing there as he finished pissing. He zipped up and turned around and was going to go wash his hands when one of the guys said "So let me ask you why you turned down that invitation from Omega Alpha Phi?" "You are fucking kidding me right now, right?" One of the other guys said "They are all a bunch of faggots that's why." They all laughed and Brad said it was pissing him off, but that he just started to clinch his fist and keep telling himself to keep his cool! Then one of the guys said "Maybe we should teach this fag a lesson." Brad felt himself getting ready to explode.

The guys started moving in on him and one of the guys tried to grab Brad. Brad took the guys arm and bent it back and he dropped to the floor. One of the other guys went for Brad and grabbed him and the third guy tried to punch Brad in the face. He hit Brad, but Brad was moving as he struggling with the guy who grabbed him. Then Brad kicked the guy who punched him in the stomach and knocked him backwards into the wall and he fell down. The guy holding Brad tried to get a better grip on him, but Brad was able to focus on him and turned the tables on him and took his arm and pulled it around behind his back. The first guy was starting to get up and Brad kicked him in the face and knocked him back down again. He took the guy he was holding and jacked on his arm again and he yelled out in pain and then Brad pushed him toward the guy who had punched had punched him. He was trying to get up, but must have hit his head because he was moving slow. When the two guys hit they both fell down like bowling pins being knocked over.

Brad went over to the first guy and kicked him and then grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up to his feet and threw him at the other guys. He fell on the pile and all the guys let out a groan. Brad walked over to them and stood over them and said "I would advise you guys to never fuck with a Marine again and stop using the work Fag! He spit on them and walked out! There was a guy standing guard at the door and as Brad came busting out the door it scared the shit out of him and he backed away. "Your friends might need a little help getting home! And you can tell your little club that they better stop fucking with my friends or they are going to be sorry!" Brad said that there would other people in the hallway and they stepped to the side to get out of his way. He came right here after.

I called Troy and he said that it was going to be ok and that he would be back in about 20 minutes. I grabbed some paper towel and helped Brad clean up his lip. It was getting a little fat, but he still looked sexy as hell and with all that adrenaline I realized that I never want to piss him off! We talked and I think I was able to calm him down. He was so pissed that these guys had tried to jump him, but he also was being very hard on himself that he might have fucked up the plan we had going.

I told him that he was pretty amazing taking on 3 guys all by himself. I kept telling him he was a fucking stud and with his military background I consider him a hero. He laughed and said that he was no hero. We argued and then agreed to disagree. I said "With all that adrenaline I didn't want to piss him off and get my ass kicked. Ass fucked ok, but ass kicked no thank you!" He looked at me funny and then laughed.

Troy got home and Brad was apologizing for fucking up the plan. He said "I tried to say clam, but these guys pissed me off."

"It's ok! Did you have your camera on you?" Troy asked. Brad nodded his head and lifted his hat to show Troy that it was on. Brad had a baseball cap that had a hidden camera in it. Troy had Brad explain the whole thing to him and then told him that he was just defending himself and that the plan was still good. "These guys attached you and it is totally fine for you to defend yourself!" Troy explained that it sucks that he got jumped, but that all of this evidence is going to help.

Troy said "That is pretty amazing that you took on 3 guys and only got a small cut on your lip!" I added "Pretty fuckin sexy right?" Troy smiled and agreed. Brad left feeling better that he did not mess up the plan and knowing that we both thought that he was a sexy stud!

We had just finished unloading the last boxes from the car when Ricky's phone rang. He took the call and I could tell from his excitement that he was talking to the dive shop and that it sounded like he was going to get the job. I love the look on his face when he is smiling and he had the biggest smile. I could tell that he was so happy! Rick was doing a little dance as he was talking and his eyes looked like they were going to bug out of his head as it seemed like the news just kept getting better and better! He was on the phone for about 5 minutes and then when he got off the phone he started to jump around and calling out "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIIIIIIIIT!"

"So did you get the job?" I said, being a total smart ass. We all sat down and Ricky told us that he was not only hired, but that there was a trip in 2 weeks and they would be going to Hawaii! He was going to get to go on the trip and be one of the dive instructors. He said that he would be on a team with 4 other dive instructors and they would be leading a group of 20 people on a week trip and they would be diving off of 3 islands in Hawaii. He said "Not only will it be so amazing to go to Hawaii, I am getting paid to go and all my expenses are covered! HOLY SHIT!"

The owner told Ricky that he loved him and that he thinks that Ricky will make a great addition to the shop! He told Ricky that he seems over qualified and that he was going to pay him the rate that was advertised and if he was as amazing as he seemed he would get a raise after the first trip. He also told Rick that he thinks by bringing Rick on to the team there might be some opportunity to expand the business!

Ricky was so happy and it was really fun to see how sexy he looked when he smiles. Brad was so proud of him as well. He kissed him and gave him a huge hug and told him how proud he was of him. I think they make such a cute couple and you can totally see the love between them. Drew was also thrilled for Ricky. He was the second person to congratulate Ricky. He gave him a big huge and then smacked him on his ass and he came over to hug Troy and I!

"I need to run down there and fill out a some paper work!"

"That is totally awesome man. You guys can take my truck whenever you want?" I said. Ricky hopped over a box and gave me another hug! He was so excited and asked Brad if he would go with him and then they could come back and start unpacking! You could tell that Brad was so proud of Ricky. They headed out and it was just Drew, Troy and I!

We started to move boxes around and unpack a little. Drew was helping put boxes in rooms. There was a loud knock on the door and it scared the crap out of me. Troy had ordered some furniture since we didn't really have any and it was being delivered. I didn't know that he had done this so I was super excited to see what he got! He was super sweet and said "I wanted to surprise you with a few things, but we can go and shop together to finish off the rest of the house."

He ordered sleep number beds for all of the bedrooms. He got queen size beds for all of the rooms, but got a king size bed for our room! He also got a couch and coffee table for the living room and a kitchen table for the dining room. There was a counter with bar stools in the kitchen. The floor plan was open between the dining room and the kitchen. The guys that were there to deliver the furniture were really hot! Both Troy and I keep giving each other the eye that these guys were hot! As they finished I heard one of the guys saying to the other. I am going to just ask. The other guy was telling him not to say anything, but he didn't listen.

"Ok I just have to ask, are you Troy Anthony?" Troy smiled and said yes he was. Then the guy said to his friend. "I told you! You owe me $20 bucks!" The other guy looked really embarrassed and then the first guy asked if Troy would be willing to take a picture with them. Of course I was asked to take the picture. I was fine with it I just wanted to get my picture taken with the hot mover guys! Ha ha! They were very nice and then headed out. Troy gave them a large tip and they seemed excited with the tip and were very cool guys!" As they left Troy said "See you guys around!" I think the first guy was hoping Troy would invite them back to hang out some time.

When the guys had left Troy grabbed my hand and took me to the bedroom and pulled me onto the bed. We started making out and I was getting so turned on. I wanted to rip his clothes off and fuck him right there! We were making out and Troy was on top of me grinding with me when Drew came around the corner into our room asking "Did you really?.OH SHIT?.Sorry I will come back?FUCK!"

"It is ok you can come in!" I said as Troy rolled off of me and laughed. Drew turned around and was a little red! "I am sorry I didn't know you guys were ??." He pauses as I am not sure he did not know what to say! I noticed he was staring at our crotches, which were nice and hard.

"So what where you going to ask?" Troy asked Drew snapping him out of his little trance.

"Oh Yeah! Did you really buy sleep number beds for all of the bedrooms?"

"Yep! I thought it would be nice to have comfortable beds for everyone!" Troy said with a little smile!

"Ok maybe I will stay!" Drew said looking at us with a smile! Both Troy and I got this excited look on our faces and Drew laughed. We realized that he was not serious. I really wanted to get the chance to chat with Drew again and see if I could talk him into staying! I think he needs some distraction and if he stayed here with us we could all look after him and could be there for him!

We all got up and went back to unpacking stuff. Troy asked me if I thought we should order pizza and get some beer for our first dinner in the house. I told him that was a great idea and asked him if he thought we should ask Jake, Travis, Matt and Hunter to join us. Troy said that he loved the idea and so I called Jake who said that he was in and he would talk to Travis. Troy called Hunter and had him ask Matt. It was going to be great to have everyone here for our first night! I could tell that everyone wanted to just hang at the house all day, but everyone had stuff to do. We all headed out for the day and I felt all warm inside thinking about how this was going to be our new normal!

I came home and thought that everyone was out! I knew that Drew and Troy had gone to work out and I thought Ricky was doing something for his new job and Brad had class but I was wrong. I came into the kitchen and heard Rick and Brad in the family room. They were both naked and Rick was sitting on Brad's cock. I quickly hide behind a stool at the end of the counter in the kitchen and they were so in their own world they didn't hear me come in or even care. It was magical! I couldn't stop watching! It was so beautiful! Brad was slowly fucking up into Ricky's amazing ass. They were both moaning with pleasure as they fucked.

As Brad picked up the pace a little Ricky started to ride Brad's big cock even harder! I was so hard and I reached down to grab my cock! They got a little carried away and Brad's cock popped out and I got a look at the whole thing. It was amazing! He quickly put it back in and started to pound Rick again. After they fucked like this for a little bit more Rick hopped off and pulled Brad up. It freaked me out, because I thought they would see me, but they were still into each other and didn't even look around. They switch spots and I got a great view of both of their cocks as they switched positions and then Brad started to suck Ricky off. The look on Ricky's face was so hot. He was in heaven and loved every minute of the attention that Brad was giving to his cock. Every once in a while Brad would pull all the way off and make a nice popping sound. It was driving Ricky crazy!

After a while of this Brad took a little lube and prepped his ass and then sat down on Ricky's cock. He bounced up and down and said "Oh yah fuck me baby!!!" This sent Ricky into over drive and he started really fucking Brad hard. I could hear their bodies slapping together. "Oh My GOD!!!" Ricky yelled out. You could tell that he was getting close. I could tell that he grabbed on to Brad's cock, but I could not see it very well! Brad also let out a little moan and then said "Oh FUCK baby I am going to FUCKING CUM!" That was all it took for the both of them to kick it into over drive. Brad shot his load first and let out a nice load "FUUUUUUUUCK!" and that sent Ricky over the edge. "Oh FUUCK YEEEEEEESSSS!" They slowed down and started kissing. I was seeing true love! It was amazing! Brad got off Ricky's cock and kept making out with him!

I heard the tough, bad ass Marie whisper "I love you so much!" It was so sweet. Then they started to make out again! I realized where I was and that I needed to get out of there before they caught me and I also need to go jack off! I was able to crawl back to the door and then I had an evil idea. I opened the door and made it seem like I just came in and said "Heeeellloooo! Anybody home?" I quickly came through the kitchen and into view and there they both were sitting there naked and with this fantastic look on their faces. They had no idea that I had been watching the whole thing and I knew that they could not see my hard on because I had it covered by the counter. "WOW! I wish I would have come in earlier!" I smiled and then said "I will leave you guys alone." I turned and headed for my room with a vision of my two hot friends that I was going to have a nice hot jack session too.

After I finished jacking off, I was taking a little nap when I felt a pair of warm hands on my back. It was gentle and felt so good. I keep my eyes closed and smiled and then I felt the hands slide up my shoulders and then a naked body pressed against my body and the warmth felt so good. I let out a little moan "MMMMMMMM!"

"You like that baby?"

"MMHHHHHH! I love to feel your body next to mine! How was your workout?"

"Good, but it got me all horned up for some shower fun!"

I smiled again and Troy pulled me up and took me to the bathroom. I told him about seeing Brad and Ricky and I could tell he was getting hard and I think that he was a little jealous. Troy reached down and grabbed by cock and gave a nice hard tug. Even though I had jacked off I was still horny to have so hot sex with my boyfriend! I wanted him so bad so I got down on my knees and pulled his underwear off and started to suck his magnificent cock. He gasped and let his head fall back. I had flipped the control and I think it only took Troy a few minutes to realize that he wanted the control and so he put his hand under my chin and gently pulled me up to his mouth and he kissed me. His tongue feels so amazing in my mouth.

Troy pulled off my underwear and turned on the shower and as we waited for the water to heat up Troy dropped down and took my whole cock into his mouth. He sucked it hard for a few strokes and then he grabbed it and jacked my cock a few times. Then he checked the temp of the water and stood up and pulled me into the shower where he started to kiss me again. It was so good. I put my arms around and pulled him in close so our cocks could grind into each other. The water rushed over us as we made out for a few minutes. Troy was getting all worked up and he pulled away from my lips and asked ever so sweetly "Can I fuck you baby?" I smiled and turned around to give him my tight ass. He dropped down and started to rim me a little and get me nice and lubed up before he stood back up and placed his cock head at the entrance of my hole. He teased me a little by rubbing his cock head up and down my ass and then slowly put some pressure on and started to slide his cock into my ass.

As he split my ass open he was gentle and then slowly picked up the pace and he was filling my ass with his big cock. As the pain turned to pleasure he was pumping my ass and he reached around to grab my dick! He was pumping my cock in rhythm as he fucked my ass. "OH MY GOD BABY!" I said softly! I was in heaven! I felt my orgasm building and shouted "OH FUCK I AM GOING TO CUUUM!" I pushed back onto Troy's cock and shot my load all over the shower wall. My ass tightened around Troy's cock and this pushed him over the edge too and he shot his load deep into my ass. He slowed his pace as he emptied his balls.

He pulled out and turned me around and started kissing me before I could say anything! Our cocks were next to each other as if they were hugging! It felt so good! Then he stopped and looked at me and said "You have no idea how happy you make me!" I melted and smiled! He gave me a little kiss and then grabbed the soap and started to wash my body! He started with my chest. He washed my whole body and then I washed every inch of his. We rinsed off, got out of the shower and dried off. We got dressed and headed down stairs to see what everyone was up to and to get ready for our house warming party!

It was about 7 when everyone arrived. Troy and I had pulled together a spread of snacks and drinks. I love to make Strawberry Margaritas so I made a pitcher. Matt and Hunter got there first and Troy gave them a tour. They loved the house and kept saying that they were going to just move in and sleep in the basement. Then Jake and Travis got there! I gave them a tour and showed them around the house. They also loved the house and said they wanted to give us the heads up that they would be over all the time. I was hoping so. I loved the idea of all of us hanging out here!

We stood around the kitchen for a while and chatted and caught up on everyone's life. Matt and Hunter were so cute together and Hunter was fitting into the group great. Matt was super cute on the subtle way he would touch Hunter on the shoulder or back or ass. I find that so sexy! Troy does that too and every time it gives me chills! I can't get enough of it!

We eventually moved to the pool and everyone had brought their suits, but it didn't take too long for the fun to heat up. I am not sure who started it, but it was like a bunch of teenage boys messing around. Brad's suit came off first as he was showing off on the diving board and jumped in and pulled his suit down to moon everyone as he jumped in. Then it became a contest to see who could do it and how far they could get their suit down. I was the last to go. I am a little shy, but not that bad. I didn't get my suit down too, but Brad and Drew both challenged each other and were able to get their suits all the way off. It was pretty impressive.

Drew got his suit off and then when he hit the water lost his grip on it so Brad grabbed it and threw it on land so Drew would have to get out and walk over to the house to get it! It was funny and we all laughed. Drew played it cool and said "I am cool just going naked! Besides I am the straight guy and you all want to check this out anyway!" He was right! We all laughed. That was pretty much all it took to get everyone to start shucking their suits.

There was more diving off of the diving board naked and the only thing was that you need to cover your junk when you hit the water. It is amazing how much a suit protects your cock and balls! At first I didn't get out of the water too much as I had a raging boner, but I wasn't the only one. Troy swam up behind me and as he reached around to grab my cock he also slid his hard cock up my ass crack! He whispered in my ear. "Feels like you are having fun!" I smiled and said "Oh yes and it feels like you are as well!" Troy just humped my ass a little and let out a "mmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhh!"

After about an hour of us all running around naked and seeing each other and that everyone one including Drew had a boner at some point the party took another bump up. Drew and Brad love to push each other buttons and of course we all wish would could push either one of their buttons, but they were giving each other shit, challenging each other and daring each other to do stuff off the board or trying to see who could out do the other one and then the conversation turned a little sexual. Brad was saying that guys know how to give better head and stoke a dick better than girls. Then Travis said the only girl that ever gave him head was awful at it! Then the teasing turned to Drew and that it is kind of sad that he will never truly get to experience great hand jobs and head!

I am not sure how it happened, but then there was this question thrown out. Brad said "I wonder who here gives the best head and hand job and if someone could tell who it was that was doing it." Like could Drew tell if it was a guy or a girl and it evolved into a challenge to see if Drew would be able to guess who was sucking and jacking him off. It was a cross between a dare and a challenge. So after a number of drinks and a lot of smack talk Drew agreed to be blindfolded and let ever guy suck and jack him off and see if he could guess which one was which! HOLY FUCK is this really happening and FUCK do I have a raging hard on!!!

Ricky ran and grabbed a shirt or something and tied it around Drew's head to cover his eyes. He was standing there with a rock hard cock that was amazing! I think I might pass out! Brad was helping get things set up and after Ricky tied the shirt on he backed up and looked down to check Drew's cock out. I scanned the group and noticed that everyone was hard. Troy was standing off to the right and he was eyeing up Drew and so was Travis. I was still in the pool with Jake, Hunter and Matt. I am not sure the best way to describe the vibe, but it was chill. There was this feeling of love in the room and I did not get the sense of jealousy or anything like that from any of the couples. I started to think that this is not something that Troy or I have ever talked about or that I have even really thought about. I have fantasized about other guys, but NEVER thought that I would do anything or even consider being in an open relationship! But the vibe in the room made me feel totally safe and comfortable. I was not feeling jealousy either!

Now that Drew was blindfolded Brad motioned for all of us to move around and mix up the group so Drew wouldn't remember where we were. He then told him that we were going to each give him 2 minutes of a blow job/hand job and if he was getting close he had to tell us. Drew shot back and said "I am not sure if any of you queens are going to be able to make me shoot!" And then he stared to laugh and so did a few of us. Brad gave us the single to move around again. So then we all stood there for a second and looked at each other and then Brad started to point. He pointed to me first and I shook my head no. I didn't want to go first. I was a little nervous. Then he pointed to Hunter and he also shook his head no. Brad rolled his eyes and stepped up and grabbed Drew's cock. He started by jacking it a little and then he went in and took it in his mouth. It was so hot to see Brad jacking and sucking his best friend. Ricky was smiling and reached over and started to rub Brad's back encouraging him! It was like the gay guys against the straight guy.

After 2 minutes, there was a bell ring on Brad's phone and then it was time for the next guy. Matt stepped up and it looked like Travis was going to go in as well, but Matt beat him to it. He started slow and then picked up the pace a little switching between sucking and jacking. He was working Drew's cock over and I noticed that Hunter also looked totally cool with his boyfriend jacking and sucking one of his buddies. Drew let out a little moan and Brad almost laughed out loud. As Matt's time was finishing Travis stepped up and he quietly spit in his hand and when the timer went off they switched places very quickly. As Drew felt the wet palm grab his cock and start pumping he said "OH FUCK!" Brad couldn't contain himself and let out a laugh! The Drew said Fuck you Brad!" We all let out a laugh at that! Travis then started to suck on Drew's cock so good and I thought that maybe he would shoot his load, but he didn't.

After Travis was Jake and I almost shot my load watching Jake suck and jacking off Drew, but I didn't. After Jake, Troy took a turn and that was also fucking amazing. I was surprised at how long Drew was lasting. He keep letting out moans and saying things like "Oh FUCK" and "Shit" and "AAHHHHH Jesus" as it seemed like he was getting close to shooting his load. As Troy's time was finishing he stopped sucking and keep jacking Drew's cock and looked at me as if to say your turn. I moved into place and decided I was going to make him cum. I reached in and as Troy let go I took hold. I gave Drew's cock a nice hard squeeze first and then pulled done toward the head! Drew let his head back and said "HOLY FUCK!" I smiled and then went in to suck that beautiful cock. I sucked and jacked his cock and used my tounge to tease the underside of Drew's cock. After a bit I let up the pressure and focused on his cock head. He had a beautiful shaped mushroom head and I was hitting every button. I pumped and sucked and picked up speed and Drew's breath started to pick up. I could tell that he was getting close and that gave me the motivation to squeeze and little harder and bring this home. I had no idea how much time I had left, but I loved every second. Drew started to pant and said "I am going to fuckin cum. HOLY FUCKING SHIIIIIIITTT!" So I pulled my mouth off and keep jacking as Drew shot a huge fucking load all over the pool deck! I keep pumping until rope number 7 and 8 shot out of his big dick. I took his cock in my mouth once more time to give him a last ounce of pleasure and then I let up the pressure and the slowed down and gave a loving squeezed. Drew was still riding high and I cupped his balls and gave a little tug. Then the bell went off ending my turn. Poor Ricky and Hunter never got a turn.

We all backed away and Drew finally took off the blindfold and bent over putting his hands on his knees. Brad spoke up and said "What was that you said Bro? None of us QUEENS are going to be able to make you shoot?" We all laughed and then Drew said "Holly Fuck that was amazing!" We all laughed again. We let him guess and he totally called Brad as the first one. He said "I just figured it was your idea and no one else would have the balls to get it started!" This caused everyone to laugh again. God I love my friends! Then he guessed Ricky which was wrong. Then he guessed Matt which was also wrong. Then he guessed me. Wrong again. Then he thought that Travis, which was also wrong and then he guessed that Jake was the one to make him shoot his load. When he found out it was me he said "Holy shit dude you felt amazing!" I am sure that I turned 50 shades of red! Then Drew said "I can't lie, that was fucking hot!"

Drew seemed to have a perma grin the rest of the night! We teased each other and talked about some of the other things we could do as a group, but did not do anything else. We also talked about how this was something special between us and that we all loved and trusted each other.

I woke up the next morning with Troy holding me! I was wondering if he had any regrets or if he was thinking of what it would be like to be with Drew instead of me! My mind wondered and I was feeling a little unsure about last night! Then I felt Troy push his cock into me and I was snapped back to reality! I flipped around and got under the covers and took Troy's beautiful cock in my mouth! I started giving him the best head I could. I heard him let out a soft moan! I took his balls in my left hand and stroked him with my right while I sucked his head! I licked his piss slit and worked the head. Troy was totally awake and I could tell that he had a big smile on his face. After a few minutes of sucking his big cock, he pulled me up and gave me the best kiss! "I love you so much!" He said as he broke the kiss and smiled at me. "I also love that you give the best head of all our friends! I am the luckiest guy in the world!"

I moved back down to finish what I had started. It didn't take long of me sucking and jacking Troy until he was shooting his load down my throat! I kept his cock in my mouth till he put his hand on my head letting me know that it was getting to sensitive. I put my head on his stomach and rubbed his cock and balls with one hand and then I was rubbing his leg with my other hand.

"Do you love me Zack?" Troy said with a soft, questioning sound in his voice. I popped my head up and looked at Troy and he had a little tear running down his check.

"What are you talking about baby? I love you more than I ever thought possible." I crawled up to his face and kissed him and wiped the tear from his face. I held on to him and gave him the biggest hug! How could you ever doubt that?

"I know that so many people in my life just want to be close to me because of my fame and if I was not in movies or stuff they would not give me a second thought. You are so amazing and I know that you don't look at me like that, but do you ever feel like you want something different?"

"Baby, I feel so lucky that you are in my life. There is a part of me every night that is afraid I will wake up and this will be a dream or that it will be the last day with you or that you will want someone else or someone better will come along! I actually felt like maybe you we interested in Gabe."

"Why would you think that?" Troy said again sounding very sad!

"I know that it is hard for you to see sometimes, but you are so amazing even if you are not a big famous Movie star! The truth is that you make me feel so special and I love you more that you can ever know!" Troy smiled and another tear ran down his eyes.

"Did you have fun with Drew last night?" Troy asked still sounding a little concerned.

"Yes, but when I saw the look on your face it seemed like you were proud of me and that meant the world to me!"

"I was totally proud of you! It was weird because I found it hot to watch you giving Drew head and getting him to cum at the same time I was a little jealous, but I felt comfortable, because I know that we all love each other like family. Ok that is weird, but it is a safe feeling!"

"I totally agree! I am glad that we can talk about this! I think it will make our relationship stronger to share our feelings and to be as open with our thoughts!"

I hugged him and he pulled me into him! It felt amazing! We stayed like that for 20 minutes until we got up and hit the shower together.

The first couple of days in the house have been amazing. Everyone was getting along great and the little sex challenge didn't seem to affect any of them in a negative way. Drew seemed like his old self and like nothing ever happened. Brad and Ricky had a few more things to move from their room and so I let them us the truck and told them that I would just walk home from my class on Friday. Troy was meeting with one of the people on campus to see about the opportunity that he had to do the show on Broadway and so I was going to beat him home and set up some stuff to give him a full body massage. I can't help it I love to give them. The house was about a mile and half away from campus so it wasn't that far to walk.

I made the last turn to head the final 10 blocks to the house when a van pulled up and these guys with ski masks jumped out. I ran, but from the next block up there were more guys in black running at me. I was surrounded. They grabbed me and throw me into the van and took off. I could hear them laughing and one of them said. "Yah we got him! This little fag is going to wish he never heard of Omega Alpha Phi!"

Thanks again for reading my story. I love hearing from the readers. Thanks to Brad for editing for me! Send your thoughts to I hope to work faster to get the next chapter out sooner. Thanks for being patient!

Next: Chapter 15

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