Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Jun 16, 2008


Legal Stuff: I do not know any of the mentioned characters in this story, nor do I know their sexuality. This is purely fiction dreamt up from my imagination with some fact thrown in there.

If you are too young to be reading anything like this, then please leave now and spare your parents from finding out anything.


Because of Drew Lachey - Chapter 1

It had started as just another normal boring day in the life of a typical student. Part time job during the day and night classes for my degree. I was on my way to work when my favorite radio station had announced that my all time favorite boy band was having a reunion tour and that they would be stopping in St. Louis for a concert.

If you can't tell by this part, I am gay. Have been for years, just recently admitted it to myself though. Oh, and by the way, my name is Sam.

Anyways, when I had heard that 98 Degrees was coming back to St. Louis, I had almost died at the steering wheel. I instinctively picked up my phone and was going to call my best friend in the world, Brittany. On that que, my own phone started to ring and it was none other that Brit herself.

"OMG!! They are coming back!! We totally have to go to the concert," she said.

"I know girl, we will," I said.

"I wonder when the concert is going to be?" she said.

"They are going to announce the date just before 11:00, and when something this big happens here, that means that the radio stations usually give away free tickets." I returned with a smile.

"OK! I will listen to the stations and let you know when the concert is. And maybe we can try to score some tickets since we are both usually broke!" she said.

"Too true my friend," I said with a sigh. My luck was never good enough to win things like that. I never won anything in my life. Even though I have Irish blood running through my veins, my luck is rotten.

"Hey! They just announced that the concert is going to be in 2 weeks! We are the first stop on their tour! This is going to be so great! And it is on a Friday night, so you don't have class, and neither of us have to work."

I never mentioned my line of work. I work as a cashier at a local fast food restaurant. Not exactly my dream job, but that is what school is for.

"Yeah, Brit, how are we supposed to get tickets for this event when neither of us can afford them and my luck is worthless?"

"I have always told you that you can sell yourself for extra cash. Heaven knows that you look good enough to."

"Brit, we have been over this already, I am waiting for love. I am not you for gods sake."

Here is my story. In high school I was pretty depressed and gained a lot of weight. At my biggest I was well over 300 pounds. That was about 4 years ago. Since then, I have gotten involved in Martial Arts and doing a lot of working out and been on a healthy diet and have achieved the body that most men can only die to have. Totally ripped in the abs with muscles everywhere. Not bodybuilder, more like college jock. I am about 6 foot, short red hair, which I hate, and my ability to sunburn goes without thinking. Ever since I put on the weight back then, I have hated the way that I look and lost all forms of self confidence. To this day, I still don't have much self confidence. I have started to build myself back up and get in the game, but it just never really happened. And to that extent, I am still a virgin.

Brit on the other hand had almost gotten married to who she thought was the love of her life. That was until she had caught him cheating with none other than her maid on honor 2 weeks before the wedding. She has been living the single life ever since and loving it. She sort of resembles Tyra Banks, only in the white form. But trust me, she can be ghetto just as easily as she can be professional.

"All right Sammy, will I see you at work today?" she said.

"Yeah, I am on my way in right now. Gotta be there at 11 today."

"OK then, I will see you when you get here! Love ya!!"

"Later." I said as I hung up the phone. Brit always showed up to work early for some reason. You can't pry my ass out of bed with a crow bar. Just before I pulled into work, the radio had announced that they would be giving away tickets to the 12th caller every day until the concert. I had relayed this information to Brit as soon as I walked in the door.

"YAY!! I am totally going to try to win the tickets! And I know that your luck stinks too, but you should at least try."she said.

"I will try but I am not going to get excited. I am usually caller 10 of 11 whenever I try to win stuff like this." I said.

"Will you please try, for me???" and she gave me the puppy dog face that no one can resist.

"Fine" I finally grumbled, then she walked up to me and gave me the biggest hug ever.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" As an FYI, she tends to get way too excited when she gets her way with everything.

And so the day started without a hitch. There were a couple of refunds that had to be done on my account because I simply could not concentrate on anything that day. My head was obviously in the clouds about the concert. I really didn't even feel like doing anything else except go back home and listen to the collection CD which I had to re-purchase because someone stole it from me. Other than that, I had a pretty regular day on the front register.

Now here is the best part of the story. I have always had a secret crush on the Lachey brothers. Mostly on Drew. However, I knew in my mind that nothing was going to happen between me and them. Nick is currently with Vanessa and Drew is still married to his high school sweetheart, Leah. Not to mention that I am only 21 and the guys are now in their early 30's. I really didn't care about the age thing though. Age is just a number in my book. Also, Drew's birthday is August 8th and mine is August 3rd. He is exactly 10 years older than I as well. If I ever had my chance with either of them, I would be in heaven.

The next week went by with no significant event to speak of. I had tried to win the tickets myself, so had Brit, but neither one of us had done it. I was either always caller 9 or 10 and she was always caller 10 or 11. I had given up on it and knew that with my rotten luck, I would never be going to that concert. So, it was the Monday before the concert, and rumor had it that the band was already in town. With my busy schedule, I could never manage to try to find them. Brit however found their hotel on Monday before work.

"They are staying at the Hilton in St. Louis" she said with a smirk.

"You can go and stalk them if you want, but count me out. I have no desire to be the only guy sitting outside their hotel waiting for them to run to the car on their way out to lunch or something." I said with a growl in my voice.

"OK, fine, but when I get their autograph, don't start crying. I know you want to go!" she cried.

"I do want to go, but I refuse to do so." I replied. With that said, I clocked in and assumed my usual place at the front register, ready to begin the day. The lunch rush had gone over very smoothly. I had seen a lot of my regular Monday customers and was about ready to call it a day. I had left my position at the register temporarily to run to the office and check my schedule for next week. Upon my arrival to my position, I noticed a couple of guys who had tried to disguise themselves.

'Are they too good to be seen by people' was the first thought that jumped in my head. I was in no way, shape, or form ready for what was about to happen in that restaurant.

"Sorry guys, but for security reasons I cannot help you unless you take off the sunglasses."

"We don't wish to be exposed to the people," a somewhat familiar voice said.

"Look around guys, you are the only ones here!" I said calmly. They removed the guises that they had been wearing to reveal that they were indeed famous at that. I had been talking to the Lachey brothers.


"What you want ho!" she called out from the back of the store.

"You need to come up here, NOW!" I said.

"What is so important that I need to be up here, did you forget everything that you...OMG! OMG! You guys are Nick and Drew Lachey!"

End of chapter one.

Please submit feedback.

I will continue the story anyways because I love to write, butI still would like to hear what you guys out there think.

Next: Chapter 2

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