Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Jul 25, 2008


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment putposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 14

We got to dinner at the Millennuim Restaurant, for me, the second time this week, and everyone placed their orders.

"You are free to get whatever you want. The entire evening has already been paid for. We have also been informed that you must leave by six, so everything that you order will be done first priority." the waiter said as we began.

Our orders were taken, and 20 minutes later, we began eating. Leaving 40 minutes for us to eat, and talk and stuff. Over the course of this time, I told my cousins about the witch thing. They took it okay, seeing as they are both catholic. Better than I expected them to. Although, they actually asked me to prove it. I changed my water into diet soda. They just stared at it. Oh well, if they didn't want to be around me anymore, then it was their loss.

"That was totally cool. Do it again." Tammy said.

"Later, we have to get ready for a concert!" I said. It was slowly pushing six, so the waiter came over and said, "Thank you everyone, and good night."

We all left the restaurant, and went back to the limo. The ride from Downtown to Riverport was long, so I entertained the entire limo with magic. After about 45 minutes in the limo, we arrived. With only 15 minutes until the concert starts, we had to get moving.

Everything was going great. We had found our seats, and soon after, the concert acually began. "Wow, this is the first concert that I have been to where they were actually on time." I said out loud.

"No kidding," Brit said from next to me.

They started the concert with "I Do". One of my favorite songs that they ever sang. They went forward to sing, "The Way You Want Me To", another great one, just so you know.

The concert went on, they sang all of their greatest songs. I thought that they were almost done, but I was a little sad. They had not yet sang my all time favorite song, "My Everything".

"Okay, We hope that you guys enjoyed what we did so far." Nick said into his mic.

The entire crowd screamed.

Drew piped up next. "Well, this last one that we have to sing is one that my brother and I dedicate to 2 very special people in the audience."

I stared. I knew that he was talking about me. And Brit as well.

"I hope that he is talking about us," Brit said into my ear.

"Don't worry, he is." I said.

The song began shortly after.

"The loneliness of nights alone, the search for strength to carry on, my every hope had seemed to die, my eyes had no more tears to cry. Then like the sunshine from up above, you surrounded me with your endless love, and all the things I couldn't see, are now so clear to me."

"You are my everything, nothing your love won't bring, my life is yours alone, the only love I've ever known, your spirit pulls me through, when nothing else will do. Every night I pray, on bended knee, that you will always be, my everything."

Drew began the next verse, as he stared into my eyes. "Now all my hopes and all my dreams, are suddenly reality, you've opened up my heart to feel, a kind of love that's truly real."

Nick began to sing once more. "A guiding light that'll never fade, there's not a thing in life that I would ever trade, for the love you give and won't let go, I hope you'll always know."

Chorus again, after that, they finished out the song, and they were magnificent. As usual.

After that song, they ended the concert. After everything was done, one of the guys bodyguards came out from backstage and took the five of us to the back. Some poeple were around us were a little confused. Then I flashed them the backstage pass. They got wide eyed, and gace me the stare of death. "Sorry!" I said to them.

We went to the backstage area, and waited for the guys to some back from their wardrobe area. They looked good on stage. Whoever did their clothes really knew what they were doing.

Suddenly, just three of them entered, hot and sweaty from the performance, but mainly hot. Drew came over and sat next to me on the love seat. Brit and Nick started to suck each others face immediately. "Eww, they so confuse me sometimes." I said.

"So true, anyways, who is this handsome looking guy that you brought with you?" Drew asked me. "Did you dump me without notifying me?"

"No, this is my friend Andy, we have been friends for a really long time, and I brought him here from LA for the concert tonight. Where is Jeff?" I asked.

"He will be out in a minute. He had to shower first. He got the long stick, and he gets the first shower, then me, folloewd by Justin, then Drew." Nick replied.

After he got done, Jeff entered the room, shirtless I might add, he looked around, and got kinda confused, then he saw Andy.

I had half of a mind to cast the spell at that time, but I wanted to see if nature could bring these two together first. Emotion check!!

Jeff: Holy shit! He looks better in person than what Sam described! Andy: No way, is he actually staring at me?

No spell needed to be cast on these two. I had succeeded in making everything go well again.

"Reverse the magic acted here, undo the spell so all is clear." I said under my breath.

"Hi, I'm Andy. Jeff right?" he asked.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." he said out loud. He looked at me, kind of surprised and I projected thoughts into his mind.

'This is the way that it is all supposed to be' I said in his mind.

He just nodded, and him and Andy started to talk up a storm, about everything.

"Oh, by the way guys, these are my cousins, Tammy and Sarah." I introduced them to Jeff and Justin.

"We know. Nick and Drew think the world of you guys. Especially dealing with this little shit that you guys have over here," Justin said as he pointed at me.

"Hey, I am not that much trouble!" I said. "Well, not all of the time!!" and everyone started laughing at that one.

I was truly happy that everyone was getting along. It was only about 9:30, and we only had dinner a while ago, but I was feeling kind of hungry. Not too sure why. Suddenly, I felt the hunger of a bunch of different people.

"Question," I said aloud as everyone looked at me. "If you are hungry, please raise your hand?" I said to the room.

The guys that just performed all raised their hands, and so did Andy, and Brit.

"Go freaking figure. One of the best moments in my life, and I get a new power." I said out loud.

"Really, what is it baby?" Drew asked.

"Empathy. I feel what people around me feel. All of their emotions and feelings. And now, I feel a lot of hunger. Excuse me." I said as I ran to the bathroom.

For the first time in years, I threw up. I couldn't take this power. It would cause me to feel the emotions of everyone in the area. Too many people out there for me to be able to adjust to this at once.


"Come on in Drew. I know that it's you." I said.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good." he asked me.

"No. This is too much. I cannot have this now. I am not sure if I can do anything that would require me to leave my apartment for a while." I replied.

"WHAT?? I had so many things planned for this weekend. Are you sure about this?" he asked.

"Not really. Not sure what to do about this." I replied.

"Okay, I trust you. What needs to be done for you?" he asked.

"Little to no contact with anyone for a few days, maybe even a week or two. Otherwise I will feel everything that they do, and that is not a good thing. Like what happened out there. I felt the hunger of 6 people, and it made me throw my guts up." I replied.

"Are you sure that this is for you?" he asked.

"Not really. I am going to send it back though. I am not about to ruin my life and love life over this crap." I stated. "Remove this power, take it back, this power is one I need to lack, but keep the rest inside me here, for all the rest are very clear." I chanted.

A small light appeared and I felt the power leave me.

"Are you okay baby?" Drew asked me

"Much better, and now I can go out this weekend!!" I told him.

End of Chapter 14

Hope you guys out there enjoyed it. Picking things up quickly, moving a little faster, I hope. If you think that it is good, please let me know

Next: Chapter 15

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