Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Oct 14, 2008


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 21

She looked over at me, and smiled. Wait, smiled?? Was she on drugs? Or was she sincerely happy to see me? I was so totally confused!!

"Drew, am I crazy, or did she just smile up here?" I asked him.

"No, she did. Do you think that she is more accepting of you now?" he asked.

"Which part, the gay part or the witch part?" I asked.

"Either," he replied.

"Not sure, but I think that it is about time that we find out." I told him.

"I don't think you have much of a choice." he told me.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because all of them are on their way up here." he told me.

I turned my head to see everyone coming up to us. This was it. The ultimate test. Could I actually stand up to the woman who I have never been able to stand up to? Ever?? I had half of a mind to just leave. Not everyone there knew about my abilities, so they would all be shocked. Then, I almost threw up. I realized that I didn't have what it takes to face her. But apparantely, I didn't have a choice. By the time I realized this, she was already almost face to face with Drew and myself.

"Hey sweetheart!" he said, when she was a little closer.

"Mother." I replied. "Can I help you?"

"Is that any way to greet your mother whom you haven't seen in years?" she replied.

"Yes, after how we left things all those years ago." I replied very coldly.

"Maybe we should talk somewhere a little more private? Away from everyone else?" she asked.

"Fine by me." I replied. "With one exception. He is coming with me."

"And who is this, a friend of yours?" she asked.

"You will find out soon enough." I replied.

The three of us ended up going to a place in the park a lot more secluded. There was extreme silence between all of us, until SHE broke that.

"Haven't I seen you somewhere before? You look really familiar." She said to Drew.

"Maybe, but I will wait for him to explain everything." Drew told her.

"Okay, what does he mean by that? Explain what?" she directed at me.

"Do you remember why I ended up leaving years ago?" I asked her.

"Yeah, you actually thought that you were gay and you had powers. I got over that. Neither is possible, so how have you been?" she went on.

"You are so clueless! You never paid attention to how much I hated high school, so I had to take matters into my own hands. I was teased and ridiculed and the butt of everyones jokes, but you were too busy with your new husband to care or notice anything. Him and his son. Ever since you got married again, you haven't cared about me. And I am your first born. I had to activate the powers in myself in order to get the protection that you have never given me. And you never noticed." I ranted at her. The whole time, she kept a straight face, as though she wasn't even fazed by my speech. "Also, you should recognize him, he is Drew Lachey from 98 Degrees. He is also my fiancee, and I do not expect to see you at the wedding."

With that said, I grabbed Drew, kissed him hard, then we vanished. We appeared back at the car, and almost everyone gasped at my appearance.

"I would say that the pleasure was mine, but it wasn't. Have a nice life." I told everyone. Following my last little show, Drew and I got in the car, and we vanished. I didn't care about exposure at that point.

The next thing we knew, we were back at the apartment. "Now that was totally fierce. You are usually so calm and together, I have never seen you snap like that." Drew told me.

"I know. She needed to know what she did though. It was after all her fault that I ended up getting into magic in the first place. Everything that I said was true. I was in the marching band, and every other Friday, I had to be at the school for a game. The same nights, my step-brother had his bowling tournaments. She went to those, and I had no one to be there to see me. No one cared. I am actually surprised that I made it this far! After every game, I just wanted to go back into my room, curl up into a ball, and die." I finally breathed.

"How did you end up getting through it?" Drew asked me.

"Well, I ended up getting involved in a bunch of things. I was involved in every class project, every dance, every show the Drama Club put on, everything that I could get my hands on. It was the greatest distraction from everything in my life. Then the incident happened. I ended up leaving the house, and staying with a friend, not my grandmother as I had told you before, so I could finish high school. My grandmother lived about 50 miles away at the time. Had to finish my schooling. So, I lived out there for about a year, then I gradutaed. No one was there for me, so, I didn't go." I finished.

Drew was on the verge of tears. "Don't you dare start crying for me. It is in the past, and I survived it. Obviously, because I am still here. It was my cross to bear, and I took it, and burned it. Everything happened in the past, and that is where it is going to stay!" I ranted.

"I can't help it. You have been through so much, and you are so young. It is like you have been through enough drama in your life to make you half a century old!" he exclaimed.

At that one, I couldn't help but laugh. It was a true statement. I felt like I had been alive for quite some time. I was surprised that I didn't have any wrinkles. Oh yeah, I had a spell to block those!!

"I know what we can do. Let's have a party. You call your brother and the guys, and I will get my friends here. We need to turn things around, and stop all of these negative feelings and thoughts. Go, make phone calls! Now!!" I told him.

"Okay, okay, I am going. Call your friends." he said.

So, I called Brit and Andy. I figured it wasn't the time to be calling my cousins, after what happened earlier. Then I actually got a call from them! I was shocked, but they called to tell me that my mother said that she was wrong. She still didn't approve of my lifestyle, but she accepted it, if it meant her getting back into my life. I told them that she needed to make the effort, not have someone else do it for her. Then I told them about the party. They said that they would love to come over for it.

About 2 phone calls later, and and a snap of my fingers, the party began. There was food, music, dancing, DDR, everything. If it wasn't there, and someone asked for it, it was there after a snap.

About 4 hours later, everyone started to leave. I was happy, yet sad at the same time. I didn't really want to be alone, but then I remembered about Drew. He was always there for me. From the time that we first met, he has just always been there.

He was still talking to his brother, so I didn't want to bother them. I actually started to clean up, the normal way. When something upsets me, I clean. That is just the way I am programmed.

Drew noticed that I was cleaning, and said bye to Nick, and as Nick left, Drew came up behind me, and said, "What the hell are you doing? You never clean. Talk to me, something is obviously bothering you."

"My cousins told me that my mother wants back in to my life. The problem is, I don't want her back in just yet. Tammy told me that she accepted my life, but didn't approve of it. No one has told me that before. So, until she gets that through her skull, I don't want her back here." I went on and on.

"I understand baby. That reminds me, I need to tell my mother that I am getting married. And I don't care if she approves or not. I just want to be with you for the rest of my life." he said as he leaned in and kissed me, passionately.

"Yet again," I said as we broke, "Why should I care what she thinks. So long as I am happy, right?"

"That is so right, and baby, and all I want is for you to be happy, but more so if you are happy with me." Drew told me.

"Trust me, you make me happier than anything in this world. I could not imagine the rest of my life without you in my arms." I told him.

"Aww, that is so sweet! Here's an idea, why dont we leave the destruction here, and go to bed? I am not sure about you, but I am exhausted." he said.

"Yep, totally exhausted. But I need to get this stuff cleaned up. Tomorrow is job hunting/martial arts registration. Meaning if I don't get this done tonight, it won't get done all week." I told him.

"Okay, but could you do it the fast way? You know, since you are so "gifted"?" he asked.

"Fine, but just so you know, I will not be using my "gifts" for everything you know." I told him.

"I know, I just want you to come to bed with me. Please don't deny me that!!" he said.

"Okay, I already said that I would do it. Give me just a second." I told him.

I could have done the job with just a snap, but I decided to be a bit more dramatic. I moved Drew out of the way, and waved my arms over the mess. It disappeared, and Drew said, "Nicely done."

"Thank you, now, you mentioned something about the two of us, and a bed?" I asked.

"Someone feeling a little frisky?" he asked.

"Aren't I always?" I said, as I vanished and appeared in the bedroom. "Come and get your love!!" I yelled out.

End of chapter 21

Okay guys, sorry about the delay with this, but I have been SUPER SUPER BUSY recently, and not had any time to do anything but work, and sleep. You know the drill, if you life what you read, let me know!

Next: Chapter 22

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