Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Nov 7, 2008


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 23

"What do you mean? How did you know that?" Drew asked me.

"I could sense his powers after I got out of the shower. There were too many people, so I couldn't tell who in the room actually was the witch. I didn't know until I shook his hand before they left. I am not sure if he knows about me, but he may. Most of us have the ability to sense each other. I have only met one other, besides Jonathan, and he knew about me almost immediately." I told him.

"That may be true, but we can confront him about it tomorrow night. He will be back for the party, remember?" he asked me.

"I know. Also, I know that I need to do this alone. He may be a good witch, he may not. I need to confront him about his powers. However, this can be all put aside until tomorrow." I told him.

"Let's go to bed. All of this drama can be saved for tomorrow night. Can you set up the conference for about 2 p.m. tomorrow?" Drew asked me.

SNAP "Done"

"Okay, let's get some rest. We, well I, need to be plenty rested for this thing tomorrow." he said as we made our way off to the bedroom.

I woke up several times over the night. I couldn't stop thinking about Jonathan. Not about him, but the magic thing. I thought that now that I was away from St. Louis, I would have no more drama in my life.

About 3 a.m., I finally got out of the bed, after not sleeping for about an hour. I had to check my book. There was some sort of prophecy in there, and I kept a record of it because it involved me. "Found it..." I whispered to myself. I took the book down to the living room so I could look for the prophecy page in the light, without disturbing Drew. "I know it is around here somewhere. No, no, no...Ha! Got it."

It read: Before the new year of the ninth in the 21st century, he who has been scorned by his family and turned to magic will find another who shares his exact talents. These two will share something special, much to the dis-approval of their lovers...

That was all that I got of it. The rest of it was lost before I had the chance to document it. So, there it was. I was to have "something special" with Jonathan.

"I could just ignore it. Or just not be around him. That way, nothing could happen. I don't know what this "something special" is, but if Drew is going to dis-approve it, then I just need to avoid Jonathan altogether. I also can't tell Drew about this. He doesn't need to know anything about this." I told myself.

I decided to try to go back to sleep. I am not sure how it was going to work out though, I was still thinking about that prophecy. This "something special" was to develop in the next three weeks. Three weeks, I can avoid him for the hext three weeks, right. I thought about that, and slowly drifted back to sleep.

I awoke about 11 a.m., which was unusual for me, but it was Saturday. In about three hours, Drew was going to be coming out. I set it up to where some news crews would be there, along with the other members of the ex-group, magazines, etc. He was already getting ready for the occassion, and making some phone calls for others who would be there.

"About time you woke up." he told me after I went into the kitchen. "I didn't think you were ever going to wake up. Why so late?" he asked.

"I didn't really get much sleep last night. I was worried about what may happen with Jonathan." I replied.

"Is this crush of yours coming back? Cause if it is, I will have to dispose of him." he told me.

"No, don't worry about it. I am just worried about the witch stuff, remember? I need to take care of this, so don't worry about it. I am going to shower, then we can get ready to leave, okay?" I asked him.

"Okay, but don't take too long. we need to get there early!" he yelled as I walked away.


I was standing there, in the shower, getting cleaned up, and I felt that twinge again. He was somewhere in the house. I quickly finished up, put on a towel, and stepped out of the shower, to find Jonathan staring at me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I half whispered, half screamed.

"I think you know why I am here. And I thought I recognized you too. You were there the day of the prophecy." he told me.

"How did you..." I started.

"I was there, just invisible. You have changed, quite a bit." he told me.


"You almost done in there? we have to leave soon!" Drew yelled from outside the door.

"Yeah, gimme two minutes!" I yelled back.

"Alright, hurry up though!" he yelled again.

"You need to leave, now. I have to get ready, and this can't happen now. We can talk later, and only talk. You use your powers on me, and I will be forced to take you down." I threatened.

"I don't think that you have enough power to take me down, although, you could try." he scolded me.

"Whatever, bye!" I said, as I waved my hands, and he vanished. I could barely believe that he had the balls to approach me, especially while I was in the shower!

I didn't have the time to dry off, or even get dressed. Drew was getting mad, and I could tell. So, I snapped my fingers, and I was dry, and had on one of my best outfits.

"Are you done yet? We should have left five minutes ago!" Drew called from the other side of the door. I stepped out of the bathroom, and he just stared at me. "Wow, never mind. Sometimes I forget what you can really do." he said.

We went down stairs, and left the house. I wasn't about to tell him what happened in the bathroom, because he probably would have either screamed, or shot me. I thought about revealing the information, but it would have to wait until later.


We arrived at the conference, and there were a multitude of people there. Many more than I had set up. Apparently, people have learned about the "announcement" that the former 98 Degrees band member had to make. I noticed that the rest of the guys were there too. Not too sure why, but when I saw Jeff, he was going to be silenced, permanently.

We made our way into the conference room, where none of the reporters were to be seen. The rest of the band was there, and I greeted almost everyone with a hug. I think you know what happened when I greeted Jeff, but I will tell you anyways. I laced my hands with a spell. After I shook his hands, his lips snapped shut. He was banned from talking, for as long as I wanted him to, or until the spell was removed.

I noticed soon thereafter, Lance walked in with Jonathan. I looked at him, and noticed that he snapped his fingers. I scowled at him, for I knew that he removed the spell from Jeff. I would have to get him back for this.

"Are you sure you are going to be okay with this? I mean, with him here?" Drew whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry about it. This is my battle. Well, it may be a battle, you know what I mean." I whispered back.

"All right. I am going to get through this. It is about that time." He whispered back.

"Good luck baby." I told him, and gave him a quick kiss.

And so, the conference began. There was the announcement, questions about Leah, questions about his daughter, questions, questions, questions.

There were so many questions, that even my head started to spin. Not literally, but, well, you know what I mean.


That night, at the party, I strategically avoided Jonathan for most of the night. In fact, I was clinging on to Drew for dear life. Yet, I couldn't stop thinking about Jonathan. I am not too sure why, maybe it was a spell, maybe it was something else, but I needed to find out.

The party went on, and over the course of the night, people started to leave. At the end of the night, even Lance and Jonathan left. But, before he left, he sent me a message, telepathically.

'We need to talk, tonight. Meet me at this place at midnight.' he said, then he sent me a picture. I didn't know the location, but I replied to him anyways.

'I will be there.'


As the clock approached midnight, I got out of bed, and started getting dressed, to meet Jonathan. I was feeling very apprehensive, because I had no idea what the rest of the "prophecy" said, were Jonathan and I supposed to be together? What was supposed to happen??

End of Chapter 23!!

Okay, I know the cliffhanger, but just think, I am almost done!!

What I need now is a little advice. In the next 2 weeks, I should be finishing up with this story. I am planning on writing an epilogue, that way you can see what happens after the last chapter.

I love writing, so, should I write another story? I can write anything, so let me know what I should be writing.

Feedback is always appreciated and welcomed.

Next: Chapter 24

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