Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Jun 26, 2008


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment putposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 5

Justin walked on to the elevator to go up to his room. Drew looked up at me as though he had something wrong. "I need to go and talk to him," he said.

"Go ahead. Do you want me to come with? Maybe I can be of assistance." I replied.

"Can you read his emotions through the door?" he asked.

""Well yeah. They don't call it magic for nothing." I retorted. "Actually, I can be there without being there."

"You can glow invisible?" Jeff asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, you don't know yet. I have powers, and yes I can glow invisible." I looked at Drew. "I will follow you up to his room. Then I can be there and let you know afterwards."

"OK, let's go. You guys, just sit here and relax. We will have everything figured out soon." Drew said to the guys.

"Hurry back guys!" Brit said.

I followed Drew back to Justin's room. Drew knocked and Justin let him in. I had to teleport in because Justin slammed the door too quickly. Justin was not even looking at Drew when I made it inside. I linked minds with Drew to let him know that I was there. Then he started talking to Justin.

"What is going on man. You have known me for a long time. I didn't think that this would upset you that much." Drew said.

Justin turned and looked at Drew. There were tears in his eyes. I didn't ned to be told anything else. I froze the room, then unfroze Drew.

"What the hell?" he started.

"I did it. I froze him for a couple of minutes. He isn't mad because of the fact that you came out. He is upset because he wants you." I said to Drew.

"Oh shit. I am not going to lose you. I will let him down gently." Drew said.

"You don't have to do that. Not to mention the fact that you are famous. It would probably be better if I wasn't around." I said. Before he could spit out another word, I un-froze the room, and teleported out. Back to the dinner table, where I became visible again in front of everyone.

"I am going back to my apartment. Sorry about all of this guys. Have fun Brit. See you tomorrow." I said.

I then teleported out of the hotel and to my car. I even took the next step and teleported my car out of there and into my spot in the apartment complex. I went into my palce, and just stood there. I was in love with him. Yet I couldn't be with him. It was never meant to work out. I realized this.

I took out my frustrations on my punching bag for a couple of minutes, then I took a shower and went to bed. After I changed my clothes back into my work outfit. Then I cleaned them magically, that way I could sleep in. I left my BlackBerry at the hotel restaurant. Too tired to get it, I just went to sleep.

When I awoke the next morning, I had a new message on my house phone. I avoided listening to it, because it was either a bill collecter, Drew, or Brit. I didn't even feel like being around people today, and I had half of a mind to call in to work. Then there was a knock on my door. I wasn't wearing anything but a pair of pajama bottoms, and i figuired that was enough. There was a second knock. "I'm coming!"

I answered the door and found none other than Drew standing outside. He looked like he had been through the mill, twice.

"I let Justin down. I think of him more as a brother. I always have. I refuse to let what we have be hindered by anyone else." he said. And that was all that he had to say. I motioned for him to come inside. When he did, he shut the door behind him. He walked up behind me and put his arms around my waist. "I also brought this for you." he said as he handed me my BlackBerry.

"Thank you, Drew. My phone is a part of my life." I said. I realized when he actually showed up that I had done the wrong thing the previous night. I just couldn't bring myself to admit it. "I also want to say that I am sorry for what I said yesterday. I can't believe that I actually said that."

"I know. I actually thought that you had meant it too. Then I looked at the pain in your eyes when you said it. you never wanted to say it, but you actually thought it true." he told me.

"How could you have seen me? I was invisible." I stated.

"You may have been invisible to everyone else, but I could see you. I am not sure how that is even possible, but it happened. After you left, I let Justin down and told hin the same thing that I told you. He is more of a brother to me. No more than that. I also told him that my heart belongs to someone else." he said.

All that I could do at that point was stare at him. I had his heart, and he had mine. Tears started to well up in the cormers of my eyes when he said that. I couldn't be happier.

"You were right last night Drew. I am falling in love with you. I have been in love with you physically for years, but after I got to know the real you, I started to fall even harder. I don't even see you as a celebrity. I see a totally handsome hunk sitting in my apartment, and talking to me of all people. I never expected to be like this with anyone." I had told him.

"Was that your secret way of telling me that you have never been with someone else?" he asked.

"Yeah, I am still a virgin. Not too proud to admit it seeing as everyone else that I know is either in love or has been at one point in time." I stated.

"Not everyone," he said. I looked at him with a look of shock on my face. "I am too. When it comes to guys that is. I have only been with Leah, and it wasn't all that I expected. And it was only once."

"Wow, does anyone else know?" was all that I could ask.

"No. Well, Leah does. But that's it. I can't even tell Nick that little bit of information. He thinks that I lost my virginity when I was 16." he said lightly.

"To be technical, the dictionary says that you haven't truly lost your virginity until you have been penetrated by a male reproductive organ. So, technically, straight men never lose their virginity." I stated.

"Whatever, dude," he said. "Hot and smart. I have got myself the right one now."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" was all I could say.

"I'm serious. I haven't felt connected to anyone else but you. I have been on dates, only Jeff knew about them, and I even went out with the same guy or almost 2 months. We didn't even kiss. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was attracted to him, physically, but I never truly wanted to be with him. I knew that someone else was out there for me. So I ended it. Then the band got back together, and we decided to do a reunion tour. We have been here before and I thought that it would make the best place for the tour kickoff. I never imagined in a million years that I would end up meeting the man of my dreams while getting lunch." he said.

I felt tears welling up again. This man knew how to make me cry, and good too. That was broken by the fact that I received a call from Brit on my cell. "Hey, I need my uniform back!" she said.

"Oh shit! Hang on a sec." I said. I concentrated on Brit's outfit from last night, then transformed it back into the uniform that she wore to work. "That better?"

"Yeah, see you at work Sammy boy!" she said.

"Later." I said.

"I take it you need to get ready for work. I should get back to the hotel too. We have a sound check today, but tomorrow have nothing to do. Maybe we could get to know each other better tonight? On a date maybe?" he asked.

"Be here by 8. I will be ready." I said smiling.

"Doesn't your kickboxing class let out at 7:45? How are you going to make it from there to here, and get ready in 15 minutes?" he asked.

"It's called magic for a reason. Trust me, I will be ready. Now go on. I will see you tonight." I said. He kissed me then he left my apartment.

I made it to work on time, and the day went by uneventfully. That is until we received four shady characters come in around 4. 'Shit' I thought. 'I really want to leave.' Then I decided to be a prick and enter their thoughts, that way I could get their order and get out. I was too excited about my date to work. I realized who they were upon my entrance to their minds.

"You guys can take off the guises. I know that it's you under there." I stated calmly. After seeing Drew's face again, my heart did a small backflip in my chest. "Brit! You have a visitor!" I called out to the back.

"Okay! Coming!" she called out. When she came to the front, she looked at Nick, then leaned over the front counter and kissed him.

"How cute." I said. "Look at the love birds. Make me sick!!" Brit just stuck her tounge out at me. "I thought you guys had sound check today?"

"We are on break. Drew convinced us to come down here to the middle of nowhere for lunch today. Now I can see why he was so excited to be here. You really fill out that uniform!" Justin said.

"Thanks, I guess. Lemme take your order, then I am going to clock off. You guys came in at the right time. I am about done here." I said.

"Me too! Be out in a sec." Brit said.

We finished their order and clocked off to spend some time with our guys. It approached 4:25 and Drew looked at me and said, "Don't you have school soon?"

I looked on my phone and said "Shit! Love ya, see you tonight!"

End of Chapter 5

Again, please send my your feedback. I want to know how I am doing. This is my first story and am interested in hearing your feedback.

Next: Chapter 6

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