Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Nov 1, 2011


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that,

I do not know ANY of the celebrities depicted in this story, even though I wish I did, nor their actual sexuality. This is complete fiction, and is meant purely for entertainment purposes.

Finally, this depicts male/male sexual interactions and relationships. Not to mention supernatural stuff as well. If anything like this is offensive, then go somewhere else.

I sincerely want to apologize for my extreme delay in the updating. I have been VERY busy with work, school, and life amongst other things. One of those things being very extreme writer's block. I very much intend to pick up right where I left off with the story.


Because of Drew - 37

It didn't last very long. No more than about 5 seconds before I felt Drew's presence behind me.

'Don't stop on my account.' he said in my head. He actually pushed me to keep it up a little more.

I pulled back, against the force of the power behind me, and froze Nick in place. "You know damn good and well that I did NOT start this, right?" I asked.

"Yeah I know. Nick has the hots for you. I can tell because we share a brotherly connection which is amplified now since I have a magical assist. I can tell what he's feeling, even when I don't want to. He has been fantasizing about this for quite some time actually." Drew told me.

"I've had visions about this. I don't want him though, I want YOU!" I said/screamed. "Why are you here? Did you manage to get a break this early in the day?"

"No, I told her I had to head home for a few minutes, family emergency. I sensed Nick and that he finally had his chance to move in and try his hand. So I took a little time to see what he was gonna do. I've been here for the entire show." Drew said, smiling.

"What should I do? Like I said, I don't want him. If he wants to experiment, it needs to be with someone else. I am ENGAGED." I said.

"Tell him that. I don't think he is gonna give up easily. And no, your friend Brit does not know that he has secret homo tendencies. And no, he also does not know about our connection, nor that I am right here. Now, get back into position, because I am going to unfreeze him, and you are gonna tell him that if he really wants to get in some homo practice, he needs to come back tonight. And that I am gonna be working late." he said, answering all of my questions.

I got back into the position I was in earlier, and as Drew un-froze the room, he vanished. Nick began the kiss again, and I tried to stop it, but he was far too forceful. "Nick, stop." I said, and I pushed him away slightly with some telekinesis.

"What's wrong? I know you want this. I am like 10 times hotter than Drew. I have been asked by girls AND guys to sleep with them, and there have been a LOT of them." Nick said, a little upset.

"Two things first, does Brit know you are secretly homo? And what about Drew? I seem to recall that when HE kissed ME you beat me into a bloody pulp. Not to mention, Brit is like my BEST FRIEND! And YOUR fiancee!" I said.

"No, and no. I don't want anyone else to know, but you are seriously hot, and out of all the guys I have been asked by, they had nothing on you. Come on, I have no experience in this, just let me get my experimentation in and it doesn't have to go past that." he said.

"So you are gonna use me and leave? Wow, I have never had that before. I guess it could be pretty fun!" I said, and his face lit up with a huge smile on it. "But, you have to come back tonight. I personally don't have sex with people unless its dark outside."

"That's cool. But what about Drew? I really don't want him to know that I have some deep rooted stuff going on, please don't tell him!" he said to me.

"I won't tell a soul. If ANYONE can keep a secret, it's me! Although, if this turns out to be something that you like, you are gonna be slowly eaten away inside until you tell someone. Someone ELSE." I said,

"I know. But for now, I am gonna leave, get myself fired up, and come back here tonight. 7 o'clock." he said, walked over to me again, kissed me, grabbed my ass, and pulled off. DAMN he is a wicked fine kisser, but it is about time to find out if he 'measures up' to his little brother!

"Get out of here sexy. And put your shirt back on! You don't want to walk out of here without it on, there could be paparazzi anywhere around here." I said.

"Good point. Bye sexy!" he said as he put his shirt back on and walked out the door.

"DREW!" I called out, and he appeared in front of me. "Spill."

"What?" he asked in return, looking slightly shocked.

"You know something about your brother. Something I don't know, and that is something we agreed on. No more secrets between us." I said.

"Okay, I know that back on the bus when we were touring that Nick and Jeff did stuff. I always heard noises, and I thought they were just light sleepers." he said. "It wasn't until later that Jeff told me they were giving each other hand jobs. They never went further than that. Nick wouldn't tell me that."

"Not surprising. He told me that he doesn't want anyone else to know." I said in reply.

"I know. I was listening. I need to get back to work. And I will be here around 7:30 or so." he said. He kissed me, and vanished.

"I guess I need to get ready for this. I wonder if I will have to be on bottom. Maybe I will get to fuck Nick! Maybe I can get it from both Nick and Drew at once. The possibilities are practically endless!!" I said. I then started cleaning up the place, the mortal way, and proceeded to get to the shower and clean myself up. Seven o'clock would be coming around faster than I knew!

End of Chapter 37

What is going to happen with our star crossed lovers? Will Nick break Steven and Drew up? Will it be a one night thing? Will Drew join in the fun? Only I know, but everyone is free to help me by giving me suggestions!

By the way, I know this is a short chapter, but I have a writer block problem.

Everyone should know by now how to contact me, but here it is again in case you need it.

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