Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Nov 14, 2008


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 25

I arrived back at the apartment, my safehouse. I was usually never away from there for very long, and that still stands thus. I cast a quick spell to block my location from any magic users. Completely off the radar. I will not lie, I was hurt. I wouldn't let my powers get the best of me though, I would not let my emotions make me do anything rash, so I cast another spell.

"The seeds of love, no longer weave, take my pain, and make it leave."

Now, nothing would become destroyed or worse because of the way I felt. I felt nothing more for him. Since he obviously couldn't trust me, there was no love there to be had. I still remembered everything, but felt nothing by it. Scorned by a lover, the only way to go out with a bang.

"Midnight, where are you kitten?" I called out. Mid day sunday, left me with little things to do, now that I was alone. She came running to me, excited that we were back in the apartment, familiar territory. Made me glad that I didn't yet break the lease!!

"Hi kitten, little baby." I said to her. she started purring, snd I said, "The only one I could ever love."

The rest of the day went on, rather uneventful, had nothing to do. My job was still in San Francisco, so I would be teleporting out there every day, can't afford to not make money!!

So, I ended up falling asleep, and forgetting the days events, why remember what wasn't important??

Monday morning, and I woke up early. Because of the time difference, I didn't actually have to be at work for about 3 hours though. This was going to get confusing after a while, but I got a phone call early. Checked the caller ID to find out that it was actually Drew. Didn't answer the phone, didn't want him to know where I was. Even though I am completely sure that he knew where I was. I also remembered that he knew where I worked. Fuck!!!

Whatever though, let him try, and I will simply ignore him. Then I remembered that I had an assistant, who did whatever I told him to. Good, because I knew that he wouldn't let Drew in to my office!! Ha ha!! I win again!!!

Suddenly, something that I was not expecting happened. Jonathan broke through my shield, and appeared before me.

"You. What makes you think that I shouldn't kill you?" I shouted.

"I had no idea that he would get that mad. I also didn't know how emotional you would get by it. I am sorry." he said.

"Sorry doesn't mean anything! Because of you, I no longer have the emotion of love. Thank you very much, now leave me before I do something that you will later regret!" I screamed.

"What could you possibly do that I would regret?" he spat at me.

"This!" I said, and I threw a potion at him. "Power stripping potion. Who has the upper hand now!!" I said, he tried to vanish, but couldn't. "You destroyed my life using magic, so I destroyed your magic! Good luck surviving now bitch!!!" I said, and I threw an energy blast at him. I wanted him to suffer for what he had done to me.

He dodged the energy blast, and left the room, but this was a new environment for him, so he was kind of lost. I followed him, and tried again, but realized that my emotions were getting the best of me, and stopped.

"You are done now. I send you back to your man, never to bother me again!" and he vanished from my sight. Work was in 15 minutes, and I was nowhere near ready, so I snapped my fingers, and I was cleaned from head to toe, with new clothes on and everything. After that, I vanished and my car and I appeared in my spot in the parking garage at work. Had to keep up appearances!!


After I got to my floor, my assistant gave me my messages, which there was one from my boss, asking me about the books form last week, and the other 49 were from Drew. "Anything that comes from Drew, delete it. Don't take calls from him, or anything. Should he show up, call security." I said.

"Trouble at home?" he asked.

"You could say that. Just, please do as I ask?" I asked him.

"No problem boss. See you around lunch?" he asked.

"Just order chinese or something. I don't really care." I said.

"You got it!" he said, and I walked into my office. I stopped after the door shut, because I remembered that Drew and I had christened the office just last week. Hot sex too, lasted about an hour. Long enough for a private meeting, but not too long, so no questions were arisen.

And so, my work week went on, and surprisingly enough, nobody tried to contact me at all. Until about 4:30 on Friday that is.

BEEP "Steven?" my assistant rang.

"Yes" I replied.

"You have a visitor, says something is wrong with your family. He says that it is urgent." he told me.

"Send him in then." I replied, I didn't want to know who it was, although, I had a feeling that it wasn't really family!

And to no surprise at all, Nick walked in. A look of anger/depression read across his face. He actually looked kind of funny like that, but in all seriousness, not really, confused?? Something was eating him, and I could tell.

"Hey. Whats up?" I said to him.

At that point, he broke down and started crying. he walked over and put his head in my shoulder, and I still didn't know anything!!

"Something is wrong, and if I have to use magic to get it out of you, then I will do it. Don't try me!!" I said to his face.

"Drew...was in an accident. He was on the phone with me last night, in the car, on his way to the airport to try and get you back, and someone swerved over to his side of the road. Head on collision." Nick told me.

" you mean. Drew doesn't trust me anymore." I said.

"No, you don't understand. He told me most of the situation, about you and Jonathan, and the fight. He told me that after the fight, he was so shocked that he was compelled to think about everything you said. It took him three days to get up the courage to try to get you back." he stated.

"Wow, I guess he had a change of heart after all. Too bad my heart is cold now. After Drew flipped out on me, I cast a spell to remove the love that once existed in my heart, and the only person that could fix that, as you say, is in a coma. You can leave Nick, I don't have the time for the pity party." I told him.

He had this shocked look on his face. I guess he never actually expected me to do anything like this. The past is the past! Can't change it now!!

"All right, I will leave, but know this. Drew told me that flipping out on you was the biggest mistake that he has ever made." Nick replied, then stormed out.

That statement kind of shocked me back into reality. He actually admitted to making a mistake. That was the first time that I had ever heard him do that, and all this time I thought that he thought he was perfect. Nothing is what it seems, apparently!

The end of the day came around, and I knew exactly where I wanted to be, where I had to be, next to Drew, wherever he was. I left the office building, and went back to the house. Our house, in San Francisco. I was surprised to see that the key I kept still worked. I thought I may get a sense of what had happened after I left. The place was trashed, like he went on a tyrant after I left. He did need me around for something, obviously! He had no idea how to clean!!

I went to the bedroom, and had another vision.


I just vanished, and Drew stood there shocked. He got this look of extreme anger on his face, and started throwing things everywhere. He made his way through the house, and after his tyrade, sat down on the couch, and started crying his eyes out.


Drew was in his car, driving, on his phone, and he looked down for a moment, and someone from the other lane swerved out of the way of something in their lane. Head on collision.


Drew was laying in a hospital bed, in his own room. Room 1325, which hospital though?


That vision seemed to trigger something in me. The spell that I cast on myself broke itself, and I began crying my eyes out. The first thing I did was bring all of my stuff back to the house, before I cast one more spell.

"Together we should be throughout all of time, seperated not be a simple crime, remove me now from this, our place, and transport me now, throughout space, to take my place by his side, I go now, on the wind I ride!"

And I was whisked away, floating across the city, to the hospital where Drew was. I was taken to just outside the entrance, and even though there were people everywhere, no one seemed to notice that I just appeared out of nowhere.

I made my way up the stairs, to the room that I saw in my vision.

I got just outside the door, and had these overwhelming feelings in my system. There was a lot of sadness, and I couldn't sense Drew anywhere. I had arrived too late. I bursted through the door, and everyone was there, crying. I walked over to him, laying there on the bed, and I could only think of one thing. One final spell, to fix everything that happened.

"I take my powers and send them back, to return to me what I now lack, now end mine and everyones strife, and bring this sweet man back to life."

As I finished the spell, I felt my powers ebbing, slowly fading, and as they left, Drew started breathing.

The spell took final effect, and I was powerless. For the first time in years, I could not feel the powers that I felt coarsing through my veins.

About five minutes later, Drew awoke, and I moved away from the bed. I couldn't actually bear to look at him, since I left him that way, so I left the room, and waited outside. Everyone in the room made way for the doctors and nurses that went in and out of the room. Everyone was talking about the miraculous recovery of Drew Lachey for the next couple of hours, until someone else came in the emergency room.

Another 20 minutes later, Justin came out of the room, and found me out in the waiting room.

"Thank you, for what you did. Everyone is so happy that he is back, but, I guess my only question is, why? Why did you give up something that you have lived with for so long?" he asked.

"Because of Drew." I said.

"Really? I thought you guys would be done, Drew called me and told us about what happened." he said.

"And all of that is true, but know this, I screwed up bad by leaving. I thought I could try to help him, but I didn't know what else to do. I gave up what I have had for years, so I could get something back that I hope will last for years. I just have this feeling that it won't be enough though." I admitted.

"You never know, he may have forgotten about it, he may have forgiven you for it. No one has bothered to ask him about it. Everyone is just way too happy that he is alive." Justin told me.

"Thanks, I think I will go and see him now." I said, and I got up to leave, to see him again.

I made it back to the room, and walked in. Everyone was happy to see me, and started thanking me for my sacrifice. I walked over to Drew and he looked up at me, somewhat confused.

"Um, who is this guy?" he asked.

I realized what happened, and started crying, and left the room. Drew lost his memory, of a not many things, but the one in particular, was me.

End of Chapter 25

Okay, here's the deal, I said 25, but I need to extend this a little more. Not quite sure how long this will take to finish off, so there is some of the last of the story.

Questions, comments, concerns, you know where to find me!

Next: Chapter 26

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