Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Sep 11, 2008


Because of Drew

Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 20

The next morning, I woke up before Drew did. He looked so awesome, just laying there, sleeping, so peaceful, so perfect.

I had to get up, nature called, and so did my stomach. I realized that I hadn't eaten in quite some time. So, I decided to get up and make breakfast for myself and my fiancee. That felt so good to think. Fiancee. I never thought in my mind that I would be getting married. Let alone to my childhood crush of my life!

Then the reality of it all started to sink in. Marriage. Was I really ready for that? I am only 22 years old!! I know that he is about a decade older than me, and that he had been around a little while longer, and maybe he was ready for that. That doesn't necessarily mean that I was though.

I lost myself in my thoughts, yet seemed to make a perfect breakfast for myself and Drew. The bacon was kind of burnt, but ah, nobody is perfect. I wasn't about to go and make everything perfect, magically that is. In fact, I was seriously considering giving it up.

So, I was standing there, with the breakfast getting somewhat cool, and I decided to be a little spontaneous. I gathered everything up, put it on a tray, and walked back to the bedroom, to find Drew still asleep. Go figure, his last concert was last night, then there was the four hours of sex that followed. I don't even know how I was awake, but oh well.

"Drew, wake up baby." I said kind of lightly.

"No, I wanna sleep." he said, rather flatly.

"Then at least take a deep breath, through your nose." I said. Kind of a weird statement, but oh well.

He did exactly that, and his eyes shot open. "Aww honey, breakfast in bed? You are such a romantic!" he said.

"What can I say, I aim to please!" I retorted. After that, he leaned up, kissed me, then we began to eat. There was an assortment of bacon, eggs, cereal, and fresh fruit. So we ate, fed each other, and got food all over the bed. I actually think that more of the food ended up on us or the bed, than in our mouths. But oh well, I could always clean it up later.

"Okay, now that we have eaten, lets go out for a jog. I could use the exercise, and you could too." he said.

"What is that supposed to mean? I am still in good shape!" I replied.

"Yeah, but for the last month, you have been on tour with us, and while we have been sweating and dancing, you have been sitting. I am surprised that you haven't put on too much of a pooch by now!" he said.

"Okay, you got me. Let's go!" I said.

"First, I have to go pee. After last night, well, you know..." he said.

"I know, go ahead, and I will get you an outfit to wear." I told him.

"Cool, be back in a sec." he replied.

At that time, I realized that I had absolutely nothing there that would fit him, seeing as I stood about 5 inches taller than him. So, instead of acting all crazy, I decided to zap in something that would fit him perfectly. Or, I could actually do that crazy image changing thing that I have done before. I would have to ask him before anything!

"You know, I realized that you might not have anything for me to wear on this!" he called out from the bathroom.

"You are totally right! Everything that I have here would be way too long on you!" I seemed to almost yell back, only to realize that he was almost right behind me.

"You don't have to yell, I am right here babe!" he said in my ear.

"And I have two options for you. You can let me change your appearance again, so you can fit into something of mine, or you can let me conjure up something to fit you perfectly, and I do mean perfectly." I told him.

"Actually, I would prefer to have something that fits me. I am way too tired of having to hide from everyone." He replied.

"Wait, what are you saying here babe?" I asked him.

"I am saying that I want to come out. Publicly that is. Tell the entire world about how happy I am to be with the love of my life." he replied.

"Are you sure that you are ready for this?" I asked him.

"Absolutely. I have never been more sure about anything in my entire life. I just want to be with you, no matter what that means!" he told me.

"Do you think that you should consult some people about this first? Like maybe the guys? Or telling your parents?" I said.

"Okay, here is the deal. When I meet your mother, then I will come out." he told me.

"Then you probably will never be coming out, because I am not going to be calling her, for anything!" I replied.

"Maybe I can convince you otherwise. But until that happens, we need to get back into shape." he told me.

"Fine, I am going back to my martial arts, and you are more than welcome to join me!" I told him.

"That is cool. When do you start back up?" he asked.

"Monday, 6:00 p.m. sharp. Just be here, and I will take you up there. I am going to be looking for a new job for a while, and I need to be out there. I fed my martial arts studio a bull shit lie, saying that I was away on business for a while, so I need to actually be actively looking for a job for some time. As for now, I have the internet, and my resume. After that is done, I am going to be doing a gruesome workout on DDR." I ranted.

"Okay, how much is the class per month?" he asked.

"About $130 a month. Which I am sure that you can afford, after my car present. Especially since you are super-famous!" I replied.

"Okay then, we will have to set up some sort of a schedule. I want to be doing some sort of workout every day." he told me.

"Well, the classes are going to be enough of a workout, but that is only Monday through Thursday. Friday there is a kick boxing class at 7:30, but that is it. As far as the weekends, you can decide what we do on those." I went on.

"Sounds good to me. But, since today is only Saturday, lets go and have a good time. Do you know of any parks in the area?" he asked.

"Yeah, lets go." I said. We got dressed, and I had to zap in his wardrobe from his house in California, then we just had a good time.

I drove him to the park that I had in mind, and we just hung out, talked, and had a good time enjoying each others company. People walking by just thought that we were friends, and it was good to be out, in the world, just being together. It felt so right for the two of us here.

I then decided to drop the question on him. "Are you sure that you are ready to come out? You aren't worried about your status?"

"My status doesn't matter anymore. The band is over, and this was just a reunion tour. Even my stint on DWTS is done. I am not going to be doing anything more with those Hollywood people anymore. I just want to be with you. No one even remembers me anymore. It was always all about Nick and he is the one that has the solo career and is still going strong. The next thing that I would ever be seen on is some fallen pop stars show, along with Jessica and Britney!" he told me.

"Excuse me, Britney has not fallen yet. She just came out with another album, but she is going down quickly." I replied.

"I know. But admit it, Jessica has gone so far downhill since her split with Nick." he replied.

"Nick was indeed the best thing that happened to her. I don't know what happened between the two of them, but I know that she certainly has no taste in good looking men." I replied.

"Are you implying that my brother isn't good looking?" he asked me.

"Well, not nearly as good looking as his younger brother. I have always thought that you were the best looking of the group. And that was back when I was in my early teen years." I replied.

"How sweet. And I thought that everyone always was in love with Nick and Jeff over me." he replied, kind of hurt sounding.

"Well I will have you know, that you have always been my favorite. Even Tammy has preferred you over Nick, but Jeff over you." I replied.

"I expected this much. Nick was always more buff than me, and so was Jeff, so they always got more attention. I always did everything for those guys, as far as keeping them on time, and shit. I feel as though I was always taken for granted by the fans." he told me.

"Well, you never have to feel like that again. You have me here, and now have nothing to worry about." I replied.

"You may have something to worry about though." he replied, not looking at me.

"What do you mean sweetie?" I asked him, then I looked in the same direction that he was looking in. There stood my cousins, with their mother, and my brother, his girlfriend, and none other than my mother. Tammy and Sarah looked up, saw me and Drew, and swatted us away. No sooner than they starteed that, then my brother looked up, and saw us. He noticed me, and told my mother, who looked up.

"Oh shit. Drew, I am going to let you know, that I am not leaving here. I am going to confront them, all of them. You can leave here if you want, but that is up to you." I told him.

"I am staying here, and I will back you up for all of the problems that may arise." He stated.

End of chapter 20

Hey guys, its me again, this is coming to a very rapid close, just know that there will be 2 major flash forwards in the future. I am planning on finishing this by about 25. Also, I wanted to apologize for the delay. I have been busy, and rather sick at that. And when you are sick, you don't want to move, let alone think to write. If you like what you read, or don't like it, let me know. I can take anything.

Next: Chapter 21

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