Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on Feb 14, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 11:

I woke up the next day at the crack of yawn. There was a dawn trying to creep through the small window, but the crack yawning was that of my butt and the cock crowing for it was Michael's. He slid into me pleasurably and with ease, pressing in from behind. With his chest stuck firmly to my back and arms wrapped under me he began a slow, gentle pumping, tickling my hard teats as he kissed the back of my neck. With my own cock pressed into the pallet beneath me it was not long before it crowed too. As my arse clenched at my spending I felt Michael tense as he let out a loud "Oh Jaysus!" breeding me with his seed.

I had finally managed to get back to Idris' rooms the night before. Having disrobed I fell naked onto the bed. Frankly I was exhausted from the previous two days, so much had happened in so short a time. I needed rest which was not to come for all the coming going on in the next room. The door to Gallant's chambers was not only left open, it was left WIDE open and blocked. Apparently the two humpers in the next room were inviting an audience. I was too tired and, as Sprite had made no appearance, drifted into sleep with my very hard pointed lance in hand. I woke up as that lance was penetrating Michael's arse. He'd not only oiled his own hole, he'd oiled my lance, and my hole in hopes of later penetration. Tired as I was; lances can have minds of their own. I regretted Sprite's non appearance as I could only imagine what the three of us could have gotten up to; perhaps in the future.

Michael had returned from Lord Castlemount's rooms rather early. "The old fart only wanted me to suck him dry. Not the first time, probably not the last. I made sure his `particular' page watched. He did not seem enthusiastic until I sucked him too, what can you expect from an..., OOOH! That feels good!" He had at that point disrobed and kept on talking as he mounted and slid down on my lance. The boy could no shut up. He rode me like I was some sort of stallion. I noted the sounds passion had resumed in the other room.

I could not have been more bored with the chatter but when he spent all over me in great geysers of come I almost followed him in excitement. Those three balls were very productive. I was surprised when he not only came all over me but then flipped me over and pushed his not unsubstantial cock in me. My rectum was needing it. Having had only furtive fucks in the previous few days, except for the one with Idris, my arse needed satisfaction. We proceeded to go at it all night, swapping man place for woman place, but it became mechanical. Even Idris, who's cock had fit perfectly, would not have been able to satisfy my needs. I enjoyed the fun, but there was a missing element.. I did not know what it was but did recognize its absence. Plus, as adept and insatiable, as Michael was, I was exhausted.

Didn't matter, cocks crowing or not, the morning ride Michael was taking was interrupted by laughter from our two masters who were standing arm in arm, naked and erect, their free hands stroking themselves as they chortled at us. "It seems, our squires have become playmates." Giggled a naked Gallant, he was a muscled, hairy, beast and it was easy to understand my master's attraction. I would not turn him out of bed; but was also not someone I would throw into it either. His lance was suitably long and of moderate girth.

"Mayhap we should join them?" Suggested Idris, just as Michael cried out and shot yet another fantastic load deep into me. Michael was quickly pushed to the side as Gallant entered me.

"Oh, this boy is well slicked up!" Cried Gallant as he began to pump me, raising my legs over his shoulders. His lance fit well, not as well as Idris' but well enough. Idris, for his part, wasted no time filling my mouth with his own weapon, as Michael took mine in his. All of us more than willing participants in what the Christians call sins of sodomy. A long night of multiple fornication had given us all staying power and we went on for some minutes. I was in ecstasy, my nipples hard and firm as Gallant thrust away and I tasted my master's sword. Michael pulled his mouth off, straddled me and sunk down on my member, bouncing on it with his back to his own master reached around my legs to stroke Michael's nipples causing the boy to spurt again. The sight sent Idris off, flooding my mouth with his nectar, which in turn sent me spewing up into Michael causing my hole to clench and setting Gallant off. My hole had been filled and my body drenched in the seed of many. I can think of worse ways to wake up in the morning.

The four of us collapsed on each other atop the bed with happy sights. Idris whispered in my ear, "Robin and I love each other, but we both like to sport with boys as well." I certainly had no objection to that. We all lay catching our breath for a few moments before I extricated myself from the pile of limbs, rousing Michael with a slap on his arse.

"Come," I commanded, "we have work to do." So saying I wet a rag by water jug and bade him stand so I could scrub evidence and odors of the night's doings from him. He returned the favor, and then we both washed our Knights. A bath would have been preferable, alas none was available and it was too far to dash for a swim.

"About your lack of man hair..." Gallant started as Michael washed him.

I rolled my eyes and merely said, again, "It keeps away, stink, vermin, and hair from our teeth."

Gallant laughed "Sensible. I find it quite fetching. I have decided Michael and I should do the same."

"Later M'lord." I agreed with a smile "but now we must hurry as the day grows on and we have lands to inspect."

After re-dressing my wound, and dressing ourselves, we had a quick breakfast of breads and cheese before calling for our mounts and setting off. Gallant led us south following the road along the river. When we had passed the last of the farms extending out from Castlemount, we came to a small woodland. "This," said Castlemount, bringing us to a halt before entering the wood, "is where your lands begin. From the small hills you can see to the west and coming back to the river, then down to the sea." We proceeded on with Idris commenting on the loveliness of the wood; for myself I looked for enterprises that would support my master and his new household. At first there only seemed to be trees, but we soon cleared them and the river grew wider and shallower, the land becoming flat and marshy on the river side and rising slowly on the other side in a rolling and rocky spread of land not fit for farming. We came to a place where the road diverged directly into the river.

"There is a ford here used to cross to my father's lands on the other side. However, we will continue on to the sea where your estate will end. There was a settlement by the Ford from when the Romans ruled, and beyond that a small village of fishermen." So we continued on, the Roman place was indeed a ruin, but there was a small dilapidated tower, and what looked like the remains of what had once been a prosperous settlement. "I think you could fix up the tower and put a respectable house and wall next to it." Said Gallant, while I wondered with what money? Then I grew bold.

"Sir Gallant?" I asked, "Would your father grant Sir Idris a parcel of land from above the ford to the sea to Sir Idris as a wedding gift?"

Gallant looked affronted at my question but asked cautiously "why would he do that?"

"Sir, there seems little these lands have that could provide an income for my Lord and his new family; but if he were to hold the land on both sides of the Ford he could charge a toll to all who wish to cross it."

Gallant considered for a moment before his face lit up, "I shall have to speak to my father, but that is a capital idea Jack." Idris and Michael just shrugged at one-another having no idea what had just transpired.

However, not wanting to appear daft Idris agreed "Yes a Capital idea Bug."

"Bug?" Both Gallant and Michael's brows raised as they spoke in one voice.

"Oh, yes, Bug. It is a childhood name..." Idris stumbled.

"Yes," I jumped in. "A childhood name, a play on my family name Gwenyn, a bee. I was forever running about and getting in the way like a bee but being the nuisance of a bug. Those who know me from the time still call me that; but only my familiars." I thanked the stars I'd learned the talent of making things up on the go. My father had a particular talent for it, often pleasing the crowds and audiences he met with it in the places we had traveled.

"May we call you Bug too?" Asked Michael. For someone as gossipy and sexually precocious as he was the boy really was quite the innocent.

"Given our exchanges of this morning I believe we can call ourselves `familiars' at this point don't you? So yes." I smiled, "but only in chambers. Right Robin?" Gallant let out a snort of laughter.

Gallant laughed "Then Bug it will be, but only in private."

Michael coughed "M'Lord, remembering our, um, `familiarity' of this morning, and it having been a few hours, I'm afraid my, um, issue, has come up. May I catch up with you after, I, um, take care of it?" He was blushing a shade of red I don't believe I had ever seen before.

Again Gallant laughed, "I'm sorry Idris, you may not have noticed this morning in our haste, but Michael has three bollocks. At 16 summers this makes his nethers a bit over-productive and he finds he must relieve them on a somewhat regular basis."

"Three bollocks! No I hadn't noticed, this I must see!" Exclaimed Idris.

"Perhaps Bug would like to help him out and we could watch?" Suggested Gallant.

"Bug? He helped Michael out all night, its my turn." Idris demanded.

With a shrug and smile Gallant agreed saying, "Then perhaps Bug would help me out as we watch you. I find the more one gets the more one wants when sex is involved and am feeling a bit randy myself." Great minds thinking alike, I had looked at Michael and seen the bulge between his legs poking at his hose, straining them and the juice that comes before the joy creating a stain the sight making me quite stiff myself. We rode a little off the road and tethered our horses, using them as a shield in case someone else should happen by.

Idris and Michael had pushed their hose down in a flash, and my master was on his knees with Michael's lance buried deep in his throat while he stroked himself with one hand and used the other to fondle the boy's sumptuous bollocks. I was not far behind, falling to my own knees and pulling Gallant's hose down, swallowing his eager member to the root. He let out a sigh and before a moment had passed both Idris and I were having our faces fucked. The four of us eyed each other lustily as we went after a rapid conclusion. Michael let out a cry, flooding Idris' mouth with his sweet milk. Gallant followed and with his final lurch and gasp while Idris and I spending on the grass by our hands. I should note Gallant's milk was as thick and tasty as it was voluminous.

None of us were embarrassed as we righted our garments; in fact we were all chuckling. "Oh, that we had more time." Moaned Idris wistfully.

"We will have all night my love," Gallant said, leaning in to give Idris a kiss on his cheek. The morning shenanigans, and then this encounter, are probably what set the stage for our future relations. None of us hid desire from the others after this and would couple, with one or all of the others most casually after that. Idris and Gallant might be lovers, but we were all lovers of men and boys and we would in future satisfy our needs with each other from then on with a easy familiarity that might shock some. All of us enjoyed giving as well as receiving pleasure, and none of us were greedy or jealous about it. Our only problem would be remaining discreet.

We continued on to the sea where the tide was out and several small fishing boats were beached. A few huts with little gardens stood back from the shore of what was a natural, if not significant, harbor protected by rocks. From the beach to the where the water met the land large posts, the remnants of a wharf or jetty, jutted up into the air. In front of the huts men worked at fixing nets, and boats. With our approach the entire populace stopped their tasks and came out to greet us, led by a burly older man.

The man dropped to a knee and tapped his head having no hat to doff. "M'Lord," he quivered, "I am sorry we were not expecting you. We would have..."

Gallant interrupted him "No need, no need, and I am not your Lord, he is, or soon to be." Gallant said indicating Idris. At which point the man turned his attention, unsure of where, he should make his obeisance.

"I am pleased to meet you..." Idris bowed lightly at the codger.

"Fisher Sir," the man genuflected again, "We are all Fisher's here now, the few that are left."

"Tell me more of yourselves Fisher." Commanded Idris, in a level but inviting tone. At which point I noticed a boy, about my real age with lovely curly locks and sparkling green eyes. He was blond, like most of the others, and was staring at us with pretty red lipped mouth open. I stepped over to him, leaving the men to their talk. He was stunningly beautiful in a cherubic way; if a cherub was no more than stick-and-bones. He particularly kept trying not to stare at Michael.

"Boy," I called to him, leading Agatha with me. Michael noticed and followed. The boy's attention snapped to my word, his me mouth closing only to open again.

He trotted to us gasping "Sir, yes Sir. What can I do for you Sirs? Are you really Knights."

Michael snorted, but I responded "No boy, we are but squires. How are you called?"

"They call me Rump Sir." He squeaked.

"Well Rump," I addressed him noting that his rump was indeed pretty. "We are Squires and such you may call me Jack and him Michael. Our masters are indeed Knights, but right now my fellow and I are in need of someplace to relieve ourselves. We do not wish to offend, so a private place. Can you tell us where such might be?"

"Oh! Of course Sires, but may I ask is it bladders or bowels? I do not mean to be rude but the one place is fragrant and the other stinks." His eyes lit up at the first part, then scowled at the second.

"Bladders!" Exclaimed Michael. With that the boy led us behind the huts to a grassy area surrounded by bushes. Oddly enough it was graveled and in the center was a small statue of some long dead god with a mighty phallus clutched in its two hands.

"We piss on him," explained Rump. "He is the God of, well, the obvious." He paused before almost whispering "Sometimes we seed on him too."

Michael and I stepped up to the thing and drew out our lances, causing the boy to gasp, especially when Michael's bollocks were set free. The two of us began pissing on the statue as Michael suggest to the boy "join us if you have need."

With little hesitation Rump lifted his tunic and revealed a not fully grown weapon of some 5", thick and worthy of attention for a boy his age and a not inconsiderable bush. Michael looked over and began to grow hard even as he released his stream, he began to stroke himself and grow harder. The sight of that started me up as well and the sight of us stiffening had the same effect on Rump.

"So you, uh, say, you seed on this God do you?" choked Michael as his flow ceased.

"Yes, it is an offering to the God." The boy gasped as he watched Michael and I stroke ourselves.

"Then perhaps," Michael stepped past me "we should all make such an offering. Can I help you with yours." He had locked eyes with the boy as he took hold of the young one's cock. There were no more words, I stepped up to Michael and took his fat manhood in my hand and he took mine in his with his free one not busy with Rump's. It was not long before we were all shooting onto the grinning God. Rump's growing even wider at the sight of Michael's volume.

While I find mutual gratification more satisfying with an arse or a mouth (taking or giving), there is something exciting about simple hands-on satisfaction being achieved by mere touch as well and it is not to be rowned upon. Rump surprised us by dropping in front of us after and eagerly cleaning us with his tongue. Which inspired the insatiable Michael to blow again in the mouth so willingly applied. Michael looked stunned, having stared into the boy's eyes the whole time he was serviced. When done he pulled away and we hastened back to our masters.

Rump could not stop staring at Michael who kept looking back nervously. "Why is it you like our seed so much Rump?" I paused to question him.

Drawing himself back together he looked at me and smiled. "I just like it, it is like fine wine I expect, not that I have ever had any. I have taken it from all the men both in my mouth and up my arse, since most of the women have died or left; I am their relief. At first, when I was very young, it hurt because they were all so big, but I desired it all the same. It is how I got my name. Now I really like it. My father says I was sent from the God to appease the men, and I do, and enjoy it. But, I,.."

"But what?" I pressed.

"There will be nothing for me here after I am no longer young and pretty. All there will be is fishing, fishing, and the stench of fish. There is no future for me here." He said, looking sadly to the ground. "And then, for a moment with your friend there was something even better. I should not want it. All things are above my station." With that he sobbed, turned, and ran from me.

"Don't be so sure!" I called after him, my words probably lost in the wind.

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066.

Next: Chapter 12

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