Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on May 6, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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Dear Reader: If you have not been following the story an explanation of where it came from is after the end of the chapter.

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 31

There were only a few days left until out departure on the "Tourney-tour" yet somehow even in that short time we fell into a routine. Morning swim and various copulations between Gwydion, Sprite and I. Afternoon training with the Squires and Pages. Then the evening meal and on to the show. Afterwards the Tower and more copulation.

One would think it was boring; only it wasn't. It was exciting and frightening all at once. This was all still a new life to me where I was no longer either performing, thieving, or skulking in shadows. Dizzy heights to reach in so short a time. On top of which I not only had regular lovers but friends! Very heady stuff for one so young and we were heading off to great adventures.

Fortunately Malificant actually owned a Pavillion which Idris and I would share with Sprite and two adorable Pages of about 12 years each. We held the secret of my true age from them, though it was known in our inner circle. Sprite spent most of his days with the Pages setting up the Pavillion which was checked, then taken down, repaired where needed, then set up and checked again. I had Ceres make up a Cockeral banner for Idris to fly with Malificant's outside the great tent as we toured.

For my part the majority of my time was spent with Brood and his two favored friends fighting in mock combat. I did not have time to make any headway witth all of the Squires and Pages anywhere significant and had resolved to teach those three as much as possible in as short a space of time in order for them to then pass it on to the others. What little they learned they could improvise on, but then mainly practice, practice, and practice so it became reactive instinct. Boys in our position of being Squires and Pages had little to do with the entire day other than prepare for the art of war, serve our masters, polish there armor and in the case of the Pages serve at table. After meals duties at night there might be other duties to service, er, serve our masters; but those were not openly discussed even if they were expected.

After one such lesson I pulled Brood aside to ask about his new interest in boys and men. "I noticed you are dropping the knife now, have you had a change of heart and prefer the lance to the sheath these days?" I queried.

Brood grinned "I'm not so sure about that. Boys are simply more available."

"True, but until recently you didn't drop the knife; so to speak."

He blushed stammering an admission "well, I was curious at first, because so many seem to enjoy being on that end of things. Then I found out I sort of like it. It is different from seeding someone else, but the way it excites the person you are with is kind of addictive."

"I couldn't agree more." I responded, then he seemed to hesitate for a moment before blushing more.

A look of determination came over him and he blustered "Does the other stuff, getting fucked in the arse hurt? Some boys, like you seem to really like it."

I tried not to laugh saying "it can if you don't know what you're doing, but there is this spot inside that if you rub it sends bolts of lightening all the way through you."

"Really?" He seemed amazed, never having heard of such a thing."

"Very much so, I call it a nut, or berry. When you've had yours massaged enough it can be even better than spending." While intrigued by the conversation I was scratching my crotch. The loincloths I had purchased from Ceres itched and so I was scratching that itch as we spoke. Brood watched and his breathing grew harder but he pressed on.

"Better than spending? Not possible!"

"Possible. Why are you asking about this? Have you been thinking of trying it?"

I swear every time the boy blushed he came up with a new shade of crimson. "Sort of." He admitted.

"Well, if you do it you should make sure it is the right person at least the first time. A lot of men and boys think it is simply a matter of just `shoving it in' which is not the case." I weighed what I said next before opening my mouth. Brood is ugly enough that some mules would be considered more attractive. However, if he was to learn what it was like to be on the receiving end he might be more considerate to his future partners. Besides, if you turned him around his backside had a lot of appeal. If you were to fuck him, doggy style would be the way to go. So I told him if he really wanted to know what it was like to wash in the swimming hole, paying attention to his bum, use soap (he hadn't heard of it so I gave him the bar I had started carrying in my sleeve). I also explained to him how to clean out his inner passage using a wine-skin filled with water. We joked about not using that particular wineskin for anything else unless we were serving a particular Lord we did not care for.

Lots of many things that were inconsequential passed that day and over the coming days. Mandragora joining the group of boys in my training lessons was notable. Her argument, and a sound one, was that because she was a girl she needed to know how to defend herself. That was when I noted the Master at Arms was always watching when I gave my little classes. The man might be a brute, but he was not stupid and watching meant he was learning and eager to do so.

The Outlaws, bandits, whatever you wanted to call them readily agreed to slave labor on Mountview. Why wouldn't they? It was better than ending their days at the end of a noose. Castlemount, as mean as he was, saw it would cost him less if he used them. That stingy, drunk, boy-fucker, was not stupid when it came to money. He put his honor (?) before his purse and knew he was going to have to finance the building of Mountview. He had sent away for some Norman scribes and advisors to appear less Saxon to his masters and therefore protect his holdings. They had not arrived yet. He even started going to Church on Sundays the Christian faith was the way of the of the future and of the ever shuffling kings that theoretically ruled us all. In reality, life went on as always, everyone adhering to the old ways. New ideas were frowned upon, just being safe was the name of the game.

Castlemount co-opted the Squires and Pages into guarding the Outlaws, who indeed would only be clad in loincloths, in their new work in building Mountview. They were to be guarded by his pledged Knight's squires and overseen by the Master At Arms. A nice arrangement as it would cost him nothing. Plus a few skilled laborers stuck around to keep working with Maq and Gwydion on Mountview. Stay where there is pay was their over-riding motivation. It did not hurt that Robin got his father to agree to co-finance the whole thing.

There were other odds and ends, bits and bobs, that happened over those days. Mainly I was flying high on love, or magic, whatever it was. I didn't care all my thoughts were consumed by Gwydion and Sprite when I was without them, and my entire being, physical and mental, was consumed by them when they were present. I was a giddy lass in a fools world and did not care. Love, or whatever it was, tends to make one senseless and silly.

The day of our conversation Brood showed up at the room in the tower. There was a soft tap on the wall with a torch he bore. I had just had my turn at a double fuck and was sort of delirious with two softening lances in me and covered in my own come. Shik, having spent on the floor, had just received a load up his arse from Michael. Over the days they had discovered that neither could take two at once, and they preferred to watch and make their own enjoyment from the play before them. A satisfactory arrangement for all as when together there was no way Gwydion, Sprite and I could keep out hands off each other.

"Um," said Brood tentatively "am I interrupting something?"

"I moment ago you would have, a few moments from now you would be." I managed to wheeze and smirk in my delirious after glow of satisfaction.

"What the hell are you doing here Brood! How do you know of this place!" Roared an outraged Michael. I had forgotten to tell the others I had invited him.

"Sorry lads, I asked him to come if he wanted. He wants to try things up his arse instead of just plugging others holes."

"Really?" asked Gwydion cheerfully "good for you!"

Sprite, Michael and Shik looked skeptical until Michael broke their wary trance saying "We can help with that Brood. On some conditions. The first being you get naked, the second is you have to come to the Hole tomorrow where I will groom you from head to toe. You don't have to be as ugly as we think you are and the third is I get to be the first to fuck you."

While the rest of us laughed Brood looked frightened. "Relax Brood, but do get naked so we can prepare you for Michael."

"Why him first?" I noted the use of the word "first" wondering if he had a more salacious mind than even I had ever thought. He did not even seem to think for a moment before propping his torch in a corner stand and thinking for but a brief moment.

"Because I have three bollocks and intend to fill you with their produce."

"Agreed." Said Brood eagerly as he striped off his tunic revealing a vey hard 8" lance. We were all agog with mouths open at the sight of it. The man was a horse! I cannot swear to it, but I believe all of us were salivating at the sight. "How do we start?" He was still being kind of tentative and unsure, completely unaware of how his lance had entranced us. Do not ask me why a big lance is so appealing, it just is. I have had many lances up my arse and in my mouth and for me, at the end of the day or play, it isn't about the size, it is about what its owner does with it. Nonetheless, a big lance always garners attention.

Shaking myself back to reality I pulled off the dual lances inside me with regret and dripped over to the now naked Brood and taking him by his lance I lead him to the pallets.

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cor. I have eliminated anachronism and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible Cornwall, Wales and Scotland were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066. I have eliminated anachronisms and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible. EG: thees, and thous are replaced with you, me and us. Medieval English can be very confusing and I apologize if I have gone too far in the transliteration.

Next: Chapter 32

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