Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on Apr 14, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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Dear Reader: If you have not been following the story an explanation of where it came from is after the end of the chapter.

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 26

We all rose at first cock-crow, mainly because we Squires were uncomfortable sleeping on the hard floors. "You know we should really get some pallets in here for us." Observed Michael as he stretched, trying to get the kinks out. Both Shik and I swatted him on the back of the head, kicking ourselves for none of us having thought of that before.

"Hey!" Michael giggled, "I will take care of it today."

We went into Lillian's room and woke her for the morning show. We were all tired, but rallied to the performance of simulated morning sex. It wasn't as much fun as the ones we had done in the evening because of everyone's weariness but we got on with it and she departed shortly after.

"Fellows," I said. "I fancy a swim and then I have some things to do, not to mention meeting Agatha this afternoon. Do you think you will survive without me? After all, you would have two rooms all to yourselves and I can't imagine what you could do with them."

The two couples immediately looked at their better halves as their eyes popped accompanied by lusty grins. I was tossed out of the room quite unceremoniously their laughter and mine matching as I scurried down the stairs. I had to admit, though not all that big, this dwelling was quite sensibly thought out and practical. I wondered what Mountview would end up looking like.

Before heading off I dropped by the kitchen and grabbed some bread, cheese and left over ham. I had a feeling the three of us would be working up an appetite. There was nobody else there when I arrived at the swimming hole and I thought to remove my clothes and give my tunic a quick wash, then laid it out over a bush to dry. Who knew when I would have a chance again. I cursed myself for forgetting the soap and resolved that just like the oil I would need to keep one of those bars with me always. They were a luxury, but very handy.

That being done I went back into the river and gave myself a proper wash by swimming to the opposite side of the small river and back. The flow of the stream was quite strong but I found I could achieve each side of it by swimming upstream at a diagonal without being swept downstream. That way I ended up almost directly across the river from where I had set out.

On returning to the original bank I took my vial of oil and began to lubricate my arse hole in anticipation of the fun to come. My lance was already hard and dripping, and it was all I could do to keep from taking myself in hand. Suddenly, from behind me, there came a voice.

"Now THAT looks like a very good idea. Need any help?" I looked over my shoulder to see Gwydion and the day suddenly grew brighter and warmer. He was stripping off his own tunic revealing his own hard and dripping lance.

"I would love some as my fingers cannot seem to get it far enough into me."

"Perhaps I could help with a special tool I have?" He chuckled taking the vial he applied some oil to his cock which he quickly slid in to me. The lightening was back! I was on all fours when he mounted me and began to thrust in and out, hitting my nut with every stroke. I knew I would not have to touch myself to come. By all the stars in the sky, nothing felt so magnificent.

"There is only one problem with this" He panted.

"What is that?" I gasped relishing every thrust and the feel of his bollocks slapping against mine.

"How is my hole to be oiled?"

"Perhaps I can help with that," came Sprite's giggle. I looked around but could not see him behind Gwydion.

There was an extra hard thrust and a grunt from Gwydion who stammered out "Oh, Marcus, that feels so good."

"This will feel better."

The energy inside of me suddenly grew even stronger. I knew Sprite had mounted Gwydion from behind. That surprised me, I knew Sprite could ride but preferred to be ridden. After that there was no more conversation, just sweating, groaning and pumping. We seemed to hit a natural rhythm and were making some fantastic music, I hit my crescendo and my whole body shook as I came. My arse clenched down on Gwydion who let out a howl and spent in me, this in turn setting of Sprite who let out a little shriek as he erupted into Gwydion's chute.

We collapsed in a heap. Even as we pulled out of and apart from each other our lances remained stiff; just as they had the day before, only now Sprite was part of the equation. It was becoming apparent that if the three of us being around each other was a guarantee of never ending stiff lances. I made a mental note to ask Ceres about loin cloths. If we were to be around each other in public we would have to do something about pushing our tunics out in excitement.

As much as I wanted to do nothing more than continue our sex play I knew we had to talk. Steeling myself I sat up saying. "Right you lot, no touching, or we'll never get anywhere. Quick wash to cool ourselves down and then we speak and get this all straightened out."

There was some grumbling from the other two, but they understood it had to happen this way. We all splashed into the river, raced to the other side and back laughing like the boys we were. Sprite was quite brave and showed no fear of the water but was not that strong a swimmer, so Gwydion and I kept and eye on him. Returning to our side we plopped down on the bank and sat naked and cross legged in a triangle so we could see each other.

"Alright," I started. "Sprite, or Marcus, Gwydion and I know this about each other, much through our dreams, or fits as I call them. We are half brothers by the same mother and to understand how this can be. It is very strange and we are only beginning to figure it out, but one thing we both know is we love you, not as a toy, but because we genuinely love you. I must confess, and you must keep it secret, that I am but 13."

"13! I am barely 15! Everyone thinks you are older but look young for your age. No wonder." Exclaimed Sprite.

"You mustn't tell anyone. Idris and I decided on it so I could be his Squire. Back to what we know as we have little time." I continued, "We believe our mother, who was a travelling woman, intended not only for us to be born of separate fathers, but to eventually meet and become lovers, which we have. There is some purpose to this which we have not figured our yet."

Sprite was looking downcast and a tear rolled down his lovely cheek "I can see the brother thing, you look alike right down to your pointy ears, but where does that leave me? I told you I was in love with both of you, sex games aside, there was something else but I was feeling it for both of you and now you two are..."

"Sssshhh," Gwydion reached out to calm him but I slapped his hand down. He grinned sheepishly at me realizing what would happen if we laid hands on each other. "Yesterday I told Bug that as much as I loved him and that we are destined to have together I was in love with another. He later confessed that he thought he also might be in love with another. Then we met you in the Great Hall and your touch threw us all to the ground. We realized we were both in love with the same boy; that being you. We know it is not conventional but we believe we were all meant to be together. Certainly you have observed that there is some strange energy connecting us." It amazed me how in less than a day Gwydion and I already knew instinctively what the other was thinking.

"You mean instead of me and you, or me and Bug, or you and him, it would be we three?"

"Exactly!" Gwydion and I cried in unison.

Sprite sighed "My real name, and even this is not the full one because it leaves out the tribe names is Marcus MacGiolla Ruaidh, even if I am just a silly blond boy, I am proud of where I come from in the north countries. My friends call me Sprite, which I prefer. I am in love with two brothers and I have visions too though not like yours. I say this because I want to be clear on who I am. I will make a poor Knight, but I will be a good friend and lover and if you will have me I pledge myself to the two of you, body and soul, on this day because I am in love."

Gwydion and I were stunned, but understood, we were about to hug him when he held up his hands to stop our touch. "I should also point out again that I have visions too."

"You do!" Again Gwydion and I spoke as one, with Gwydion asking "purple ones?"

Sprite grinned "Nothing like yours, but I did have one when Malificant was fucking me last night. Maybe it is more a desire than a vision..."

"Malificant is fucking you again, I thought you had aged out?" Asked Gwydion.

"Yes, he saw me pissing last night and noticed I no longer had man hairs, so he took me to bed again because I look like a boy but come like a man. He especially liked it when I lapped all the seed off him that I had sprayed. He is pretty good, and huge down there, it was just sport like we have when we play with the others." Sprite looked at me.

"You mean Robin, Idris, et al?"

"Yes. Anyway, I was hoping for the words I have heard from you today, but was not daring to think it possible and as he was pounding away at my arse a vision came to me that if you did feel that way, and said what you have said, I knew a way to seal our bond."

"And how, or what, exactly do we have to do?" I was intrigued.

"Fuck me."

Gwydion laughed "THAT is no problem, I assure you."

"At the same time."

Gwydion and I looked at each other with an evil, lusty, gleam in our eyes. "What are we waiting for?!" We shouted out at once and pounced on Sprite with kisses. Our energy soared when we touched again, and there was nothing to stop us after that. Gwydion and I took turns lapping at and into Sprite's arse with our tongues which actually made him come all over himself once; but there was no stopping him. His lance did not even droop a little.

We then fingered him at the same time, applying more oil, with both of us achieving three fingers inside him at the same time. The way he writhed and bucked under us was amazing. Then determined he should mount Gwydion and I would come in from behind. It was difficult, but we managed. The sensation of my lance against Gwydion's in that tight hole were beyond belief. I reached around and held Sprite, tweaking his nipples as he rode us howling to the sun. I swear I could feel the throbbing of Gwydion's cock against mine as the boy basically rode both of us at once.

The intensity was beyond belief, it was beyond just sex. That energy that possessed us merely by touching was now embedded and glued us together in this bonding. Sprite let out a scream and I saw his come fly up over his head height. As if his arse was not tight enough it clamped down like a vice and Gwydion and my own howls matched Sprite's as we shot bolt after bolt deep into him at the same time.

Sprite collapsed, passing out from the ecstasy he had felt. We other two could do little more than try and catch our breath. Regular sex is wonderful, but this was beyond anything I could imagine. When all of us finally came around Sprite looked up with a satisfied, groggy, grin and a glazed look to his eyes and gurgled "we have GOT to do that again."

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066. Editing I have eliminated anachronisms and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible. EG: thees, and thous are replaced with you, me and us. Medieval English can be very confusing and I apologize if I have gone too far in the transliteration.

Next: Chapter 27

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