Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on Mar 11, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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Dear Reader: If you have not been following the story an explanation of where it came from is after the end of the chapter.

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 18

As Rump and I walked into the village I realized my mistake in bringing him with us so suddenly. Castlemount was no more than a thriving town, truly no larger than a big village. Rump, on the other hand, was frightened, excited and intimidated all at once. Many people never leave the places they are born in, small communities where everyone knows everyone and is probably related to everyone in one way or another. He had never left his village before where all the people there, save his mother, were not just his brothers or cousins but also his lovers.

Though we were technically the same age and about the same height, he had been sheltered and had no learning outside of the manly arts of fishing and the sucking, and taking it up the arse, of any lances that came his way. He was trembling and took my hand for reassurance. This little spit of a town may as well have been a major city for all of his experience. We made our way through what I am sure he thought of as throngs of people.

"This is a big family!" He exclaimed to me in a whisper, making me laugh, realizing he had no concept of somewhere people were not all related. Holding his hand I gained an even better sense of this. We received a scowl from one man, seemingly upset at two boys holding hands. I saw his look and the cross hanging round his neck. It was a sign of "civilization" to some that they could disapprove of the accepted simply because someone had fitted blinders on them.

"He's fresh from the country." I threw at him as we passed and the man rolled his eyes, smiling in understanding as he went back about his business.

The ability to understand what others are thinking had always been pronounced in me. I had always thought it was just what I had been taught by Brother John and Da, you had to know how to read your mark before you cut his purse. Holding Rump's hand though was like having a connection to his thoughts, or energy really. The sweat of his palms, the way he held my fingers and hand, all communicated at a higher level the emotions going through the boy. Frankly it was almost overwhelming. This was a new world to him and I was able to see it through his eyes. Suddenly everything was vibrant again, and I relished the sensation.

We wended our way to the weaver woman's cottage. It would be nice, poetic, to say through the twisted winding streets. I am sure that is what Rump thought; but it was really one street with some houses up off the sides on dark pathways that intersected the road. The weaver woman's place was on the corner of one of these pathways and we entered to find her whistling at her loom, or "working the flax" as she would say. Wool being beyond her budget. I have failed to describe it adequately before so shall endeavor to do so now.

You came in to a room that was filled floor to ceiling with balls of flax string, bolts of cloth, pre-sewn garments and the accoutrements of her trade and all sorts of scissors and needles. One corner, separated from everything, there were bolts of actual wool. In the center sat the loom, a great device of wood that somehow wove fibers together to make cloth from the bales surrounding it on the floor filled with bound string around wooden dowels, and raw materials. There was also a wheel with a pedal which I think I understood is used to make the threads she needed to make her weaves. All of the cloth seemed fairly coarse, but in a place like Castlemount it was unlikely she'd have much trade for the finer things. The smell of the leathersmith's next door permeated the room.

Seeing us she rose saying with a smile "Back so soon my little Squire? Was there something wrong with the garments I made for you?"

"Not at all, um, I don't actually know your name?" I confessed.

She shrugged "I don't know yours either, but thought we'd get to that when the time was right. People call me Ceres."

"I'm Jack, and this fellow here is known as Rump. He is to be a page to Sir Idris, now Lord Mountview. He shall need suitable clothes."

Ceres circled Rump, appraising him for more than just his size. "Pretty little thing isn't he? It will take a few days to put a badge on tunic and vest, I assume you want one, and I will have to see what I have in brown cloth, but it should not be too difficult. For now I think I have at least a plaincloth tunic to replace that rag he is wearing." She said without pause or break before spinning around to rustle through some piles of already sewn garments while she continued speaking. "Of course, you will need to get him shoes, and a belt as well."

Suddenly she stood up straight and cried out in a surprisingly loud voice "BATH! GET YOUR ARSE IN HERE!" You would not have thought her capable of such a screech for she was a slender thing of medium height. delicate features and not much bosom for the voice that came out. "Bath is my husband and the leather-smith next door." She explained as she went back to rummaging.

"Yes, yes, yes," a man's voice called momentarily from outside the front door. "What is it now Cedric?" a large hairy man asked bursting in and pulling up short at the sight of us. Ceres spun around, hands flying to her hips and a killing glare in her eyes. "Um, I mean Ceres." Bath corrected himself. Thus was another secret of Castlemount revealed as at that moment I noticed Ceres adam's apple.

"This boy needs a belt and shoes, do you have anything that might do for now?" Ceres voice seemed to steam with the question. He glanced at Rump nervously while I wondered if Bath would get his dinner or anything else that night for his gaff.

"Yuh.., yes, I think I have something that might make do" he stammered before turning and scurrying away. Ceres then looked at me questioningly, wondering if I would keep her secret.

"It appears Bath and I are afflicted with the same problem. I am always answering people by someone else's name, when the someone else is who I have been thinking of." I winked, and Ceres relaxed. Bath just stood there quaking a little with his eyes bugged out, wondering what had just happened.

In short order we had the boy stripped of his rags and clad in a tunic that reached to his ankles, the sleeves were a bit long as well. Ceres, on seeing him naked, let out an appreciative whistle without thinking about it saying "What a tasty little Chick." Which I decided would be his new name, not the best, but far better than "Rump", only we would change it to Shik to avoid any unpleasant teasing.

When Bath returned we soon had the tunic pulled up around Rump/Shik's waist and tucked over the belt. The plain shoes, more like hard slippers, fit reasonably well and with a few leather strings we were able to girdle his sleeves as well. I had known this would be an expense before we set out that morning and had put enough silver and copper in my small purse before setting off. I used a portion of this to pay for the things we had and would pay for the vest, hose and proper tunics with the cockerel badge when we collected them. As an after thought I also commissioned Bath to make leather vests for Shik and I with the Idris' cockerel badge sewn or painted on them. There was no time or money to create a brand.

There were two more stops to make before returning to our masters' apartments. The first was at the smithy where we procured an eating spoon and knife for Shik. Then headed off to the Castle, that done and alone in the crowded street, Rump, I mean Shik, burst out with questions and observations "What happened at the Weaver's, and why do they have spare things lying about? This is fine cloth!..."

I calmed him down explaining "they have spare things because this is a working town. Often there is call for basic items when a garment is rent by accident, or a spoon lost. People need them when they need them even if they are not of the finest cloth, or metal. Often they are practice pieces made by apprentices and kept for sale to those with immediate needs."

I cleared my throat, and thought about ignoring his first question but decided he should learn of these things sooner rather than later. Shik was in a whole new world for him and had no knowledge of how it worked. "You have been entrusted with the first of many secrets," I said. "You must never tell them or speak of them with any but those who know and hold them too. The first secret is our sex play, many think it wrong for men and boys to enjoy each other that way. Though it is common knowledge it goes on, gossiping about it can get everyone in serious trouble.

"As to the secret Ceres shared: I have encountered this in the past, but rarely, sometimes a man may have all the man parts, but still feels more like a woman. So they become one and live their lives as such, but it is secret and nobody is ever to know. I suspect Ceres is such a man."

"But how can a man become a woman?"

"Technically they can't, short of cutting off their bollocks and lances," Shik winced as he thought about my words. "Just remember, it is secret along with our sex-play and you must never speak of it outside our circle, and if you hear others speaking of it you must report it to myself or Idris at once. You have much to learn and myself, Michael and our masters will teach you." The boy nodded gravely in understanding, it was a big responsibility for a child his (our) age to take on when until now his life had been so confined and sheltered.

The boy stopped and hung his head, a tear formed in his eye, trickling down his pretty red cheek. "Can I ask you? I have never felt this way before. I know we do sex things, and I really like them and doing it, but Michael..." he sniffed, wiping the snot off with the sleeve of his new tunic. "There is something about him that is special. My stomach churns and he makes me happy and is special. We can do the sex things together or with others; that is just sex. But when he touches me it is like a fire shoots through my body. Since we first met I can't think of anything but him. What is wrong with me?"

Young love, what is one to do with it? I rolled my eyes and said "You'll get over it." HAH! My scoffing at love was to get a come-uppance in the days to come. Who was I to judge when all I could think of was Gwydion who I had not even properly met? I yanked his arm and we continued on.

Our next to last stop before continuing to our quarters were at the women's apartments in the Castle itself. Shik took it all in with awe, it was the most magnificent set of buildings and towers he'd ever seen; never mind it was a rather pathetic castle in general. "We live here!?" He gasped, and I nodded.

There was a guard at the womens' building who knocked and permitted us entrance when Mandragora answered the door and bade us enter leadung us upstairs to the rooms. Shik was confused by the stairs at first, never having seen any. Lillian and Marjorie greeted us with curious looks.

"It seems the guard at our door is not enough to keep un-escorted men from our rooms." Grunted Marjorie.

"Oh hush," giggled Lillian, "they are not men, just boys." She seemed much more relaxed now knowing She would not be torn from her sister or Manragora.

"Which is why I let them in." Snorted Mandragora.

I had no time for women's chatter and stated our business "This is Shik, who until this afternoon was called Rump..."

"Aptly named for a new plaything." Interrupted Marjorie.

I scowled back and continued on "He is to be Page to Lord Mountview, and shall..."

"Lord who?" asked Lillian.

I had forgotten he too had only been re-named that day, so I explained before continuing on. "Sir Idris is to be known as Lord Mountview now that he is to have a manor. Rum..., er, Shik is to remain behind when Lord Mountview and I leave to see his father. Shik will be privy to all the secrets of our chambers..."

"And a participant no doubt." Marjorie snorted again.

"Aye M'Lady, a very willing one too." Shik popped in defensively causing Lillian and Mandragora to laugh, Marjorie fumed at his impertinence. I playfully smacked his head for speaking out of turn but had to stifle a giggle myself.

"Regardless M'Lady, he shall be left under the tutelage of Gallant, his squire Michael and yourselves, but he is Mountview's Page. He would have them, and you, train him to his duties until we return from Wales. I present him today merely by way of introduction." We then bade them good afternoon until supper and made our retreat from their rooms.

As we exited the building Shik looked at me and shook his head smiling as he said "If that is what `Ladies' are like I think I will stick to Knights at night!" The boy had a sense of humor, a good thing, I thought as I laughed. It was a momentous day for him.

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066.

Next: Chapter 19

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