Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on Feb 7, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 9

Michael and I had at least been able to take a quick dip, after an equally quick head to toe interlude where we tasted each other on the bank, before dressing and returning to the castle. Our masters not so much. We found them in Gallant's room snoring naked in each other's arms, the place stank of man sex, and the two were blatantly covered in come crust. Thankfully, knowing his master, Michael had thought to collect a bucket of water and some rags on our way back from the river.

The two piles of muscle, Gallant's hairy one and Idris' hairless, were sort of adorable to look at, but it did not help Michael and I in our need and duty to prepare them for the evening meal. It was not to be a feast, but it would be a presentation and Idris at least needed to look his best.

, Michael, made a polite cough, with no result and then another which caused Gallant to roll into Idris' arms and mutter "I uv oo Iddy."

"I uv oo too Wobby." Idris responded. Cute as they were Michael's coughs did nothing to wake them so I jumped on the bed and kicked Idris' lovely naked rump.

"Wake up you poor excuse for a Knight!" I bellowed, hands on my hips and standing over the two. Gallant rose like a lion, ready to deal heavy blows but I danced around him, tapping his face as he roared blasphemies, curses, and fury at me. Michael threw himself against the wall aghast at my actions, while Idris woke laughing.

"Is that the best you can do Robin?" I teased, using his first name as he rose naked in a flurry of fur.

"You impudent bastard! You'll not leave this room alive you scum!" He was furious, and rightly so, I had overstepped my place.

"Oh, so you're awake now you poor excuse for a Knight. Lying there, unaware, what if I were some Saracen, or thief? You'd be lying there with your throat slit!" My taunts only further enraged him, not wishing to do him harm I jumped to the small window.

"Farewell Idris, I wish I'd known you better!" I called as I slipped out the small opening, giving my last words an echo as if I were falling.

What I did was wrap myself to the wall and crawl over to the window in Idris' room before climbing back inside. A simple thing, the walls were of rough stone and gave me a fine purchase. Most anyone else would have fallen without too much harm, as it was only one flight up: even so it was a drastic and dramatic thing to do. I had been trained since I was no taller than an ant's knees and had taken to it as I had to water. Climbing was a natural thing for me.

I re-entered the room through the adjoining door, swept up one of the rags Michael had brought and was wringing it out as the three of them tried to see where I had fallen, their backs were to me as they tried to see where I might be and they made mixed exclamations such as: "Oh, Mother of God he could have hurt himself!", "Where is he, I cannot see from here!" and distinctly from Gallant "Sweet Saints, I've caused him to kill himself!" which I found surprising from a pagan such as he truly was. Unlikely as that might have been, given the height, it was a touching thought.

"Ahem!" I coughed nonchalantly, keeping my mirth to myself. "If you Knights are finally awake the hour grows late and it is time to dress for supper." Their three heads snapped around at my voice. Idris laughing as Gallant threw himself at me.

"Thank God! Thank God!" he howled as he crushed me to his breast. "I thought I'd killed you!"

"Nonsense," I protested in a calm voice. "It would take more than one mere Knight to kill me."

Idris's laughter redoubled, while Michael slid to the floor in tears, the sight causing me to regret my actions. I'd not meant to hurt him.

"Idris said you were a magical beast!" Gallant pulled back with a grin, then scowled and released me standing and admonishing half-heartedly "But you should never treat your betters in such a way; next time I will have your head."

"Unlikely Sir, as you would have to catch me first Robin." I boldly winked at him and he laughed, embracing me again. I must add here that I have never been averse to hugs from big, hairy, muscle-bound men and his touch was making my lance tingle.

"Very well then, but my first name is only in chambers, and I will not put up with impudence." He declared. This was an astonishing privilege from one of my betters.

"Until the next time," I winked. "For now it is my duty to see my master washed, dressed, and on time for all his presentation."

Gallant winked back then turned and threw himself in Idris' laughing arms trying to whisper "He's alive, I didn't kill him!"

I lost track of what else the two were saying because I'd taken the sobbing Michael in my arms who cried softly into my neck "You son of a whore, I thought I'd lost you. Until we met today I thought I was just a thing. I thought we were to be friends and I'd lost the first I ever truly had and you threw yourself out the window!" Clearly this boy needed companionship and it all gushed out "I'm no good at arms, and nobody likes me for more than my balls and a willingness to satisfy. You liked me for them too, but you also seemed you might be a friend, a real one...."

"Shush Michael, I am your friend, but I have many secrets and you shall know all of them in time." I whispered in his lovely ears and he hugged me closer. "Just trust me, it has not even been a day we've known each other, it will take time to know everything about each other better."

"I love you Jack!" He snorted, taking me aback.

"Um, Michael, we've only just.."

He cut me off with a chuckle saying with a smile "not like that you silly thing. Like a brother, a family, Gallant has been the only person who has ever treated me as more than a cute come receptacle, or a thing worthy of collecting night soil. Except he is a Lord and I am a mere squire and would not be even that without my third friend."

"Nonsense!" I admonished pulling away, "You are more worthy than that, and you are my friend. However, we are expected at supper and must make our Lords presentable." He nodded and we rose, I knocked Gallant, still laughing in his lover's embrace, on his foot with mine.

"M'Lords, T'is time to prepare you for the welcoming meal being prepared for Sir Idris" I proclaimed. With that both Michael and I took damp rags and cleared the crustiness and sweat from them as they stood naked with arms spread to be washed. I grew hard at the sight, harder at the touch. Even a dead man would be aroused by the scrubbing of such a blond God; then again, dead men cannot scrub.

"There will be time enough for that later," Idris giggled as I cleaned his nethers. His own lance having risen completely at my attentions.

"Aye, but only for Robin," I giggled back.

"You'll have Michael in my bed and perhaps another time...,"

"Not tonight. He is pledged to show how a good Squire sleeps at the foot of his master's bed." I interrupted as I polished his very hard lance. I could not help but stroke it as both it and my mouth began drooling.

Over-hearing me Michael giggled "That won't take long. He will not expect me to sleep with him, he doesn't like to wake up with anyone next to him. His own squire will be outside the door. I will simply please him then leave him." The evening was looking better for my already leaking and needy member.

"Um, Idris..." Gallant began "I noticed you have no hair in your loins anymore. Have you been afflicted with something I should have concern about?"

Idris and I both laughed, "No, it is part of the way we met yesterday. Jack explained why he shaves his as I noticed it when we met and swam together, and he was right. It removes stench, scum and vermin, and while I find it itches it is far less than the critters who have lived there before." Said Idris.

"Well, that explains things!" chirped Michael.

"Wait! You only met your squire yesterday?" Exclaimed a shocked Gallant as Michael, following my example, continued to polish his stiff lance eyeing it with a hunger equal to mine.

"Yes, I will explain later, but right now, ungh!" Idris groaned, I was not about to let him create more stink by spewing again into the air so I had taken him into my mouth, allowing his lance deep into my throat. Idris stuttered "Lay-lay-Oh lords! -ter" as he shot into my throat.

"I, un..., un..., Ohhhh!...understand." Agreed Robin as he spewed into Michael's willing mouth.

"You know," Gallant said recovering his breathe "I think we are fortunate to have such accommodating squires"

Michael and I grinned at each other and kissed exchanging our masters' come. After that it was a simple matter of rubbing our them with mint leaves (I would have to get some scented oils) and dressing them, all accompanied by ridiculous (but informative) gossip about the castle and the bride by Gallant and Michael before we proceeded to the, so called, "Great Hall" across from the house. There we two, very randy, Squires were dismissed to the lesser of several tables where squires and other un-notables were deigned to eat. Pages acted as servers and I was not surprised to find them all comely pretty boys, and was rapidly informed by Michael about their sexual peccadillos and preferences. He seemed to have knowledge of them all. He and I gossiped through most of the meal which was boring, smelly, and smokey. Why Castelmount had not put one of those chimney things into the hall was beyond me. Say what you will about the Normans, they do have some clever ideas.

Throughout the meal I was surprised at how many of the other boys said I reminded them of someone they had seen or knew. Having little idea, like most, what I looked like because the only looking glass I'd ever had was a stream, I took them for their word. One boy stood and scampered over to me, embracing me and asking in a whisper "Gwydion, what are you doing here?"

He was a pretty thing, all blond and nubile, Michael licked his lips at the sight of him. "Sorry," I said, "I'm Sir Idris' Squire Jack Gwenyn. Who are you?" The boy, startled, stepped back.

"I am so sorry. I mistook you for Gwydion, the mason's son, I thought you were he; but I see now you are younger and not him." The boy was flustered and embarrassed, I patted the bench next to me inviting him to sit, which he did with a lovely great blush. Though short, I estimated him at about 15 with lovely golden locks and blue eyes, but muscles that betrayed his age no matter his small stature, still he was taller than me. "No one can pronounce my name I am squired here to Sir Malificant who is currently at Sir Gallant's Castle. OOP!" he covered his mouth and blushed. "He prefers the company of his pages, these days, oop!" he covered and blushed again. Apparently he had been taught not to divulge information about his master. I was rising to his charm and judging by the tent in his hose the feel of my arm over his shoulder was having its intended consequences.

"The..., they call me Sprite," he stuttered. "Because my name is unpronounceable as I am from the north of the north. I am a youngest and Sir Malificent took me on as a favor to my father to be page and then squire as I am now." I looked at Michael who licked his lips with a nod.

"In spite of the mistake, perhaps we can become friends Sprite?" I lowered my hand to his thigh under the table and slid it up to his groin where it was greeted by surprisingly large, very hard and wet sausage.

"I..., I'd..., like, that" the boy gulped, placing his own hand on my thigh and sliding it up as I had to him. I glanced at Michael who was verily salivating and nodding at the interchange he had overheard.

Alas, our interchange was interrupted by a tumult. Lady Lillian had fled the room for some reason creating something of a scene.

"I suppose she has heard the news," giggled Michael.

The following tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066.

Next: Chapter 10

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