Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on May 21, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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Dear Reader: If you have not been following the story an explanation of where it came from is after the end of the chapter.

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 33

Saying goodbye is not easy, even if one is to return. Then as now one never knows if one will actually live to return because on a journey there was no telling what wars, outlaws, plagues or what not will strike you. Nor do you know if the same will be visited on those you wish to come back to before you return. Gwydion and I, by comparing our our purple dreams, had already seen we would be re-united and that all would be well. The outcome would be the same, though things would be changed, we would all return. What those changes would be we could not tell. These times as in those, even though they seem a lifetime ago, three months was going to feel like a century.

Neither of us wished to tell Idris or Lillian that Agatha's prediction would prove wrong. We knew from our dreams that Lillian's child would be a girl. News like that we deemed best to keep to ourselves until the timing would be better. It is not always prudent to reveal dreams before they come true. Especially when those dreams could just be dreams.

The day before our departure on the big Journey Maq had insisted we make another visit to Mountview. He claimed there was much progress that had already been made and his plans had changed and he wished to show them to us. So it was we set off early on the morning before our real journey, to Mountview. Our party consisted of Shik, Myself, Robin, Idris, Michael, Sprite and Sir Malificant (I would learn his name was John but pronounced in the Norman way of Jean). Malificant came with us because, in his reasoning, if he was to spend three months jousting and sharing his pavilion with Idris he should get to know Idris and his companions better. Being as we would be travelling on his gold there was really no room for argument.

Regardless, Malificant was a large man, not fat, muscled. Hairy with a well trimmed beard, dark brown locks, deep dark brown eyes to match. If I had not known of his penchant for hairless boys (he had reasons for that I would come to learn later). He was very affable and appeared to prefer a jest to a joust. He also made clear to everyone as we rode, imparting it as new news to Idris and Robin that the only reason he had enlisted his sword to Castlemount was because the place was an unholy backwater and he could remain unnoticed by other Normans, which meant no reports would reach his father back in France. He was not getting any younger though and new he would have to wed and produce some sort of progeny if his allowance was to continue. Hence his reason for travelling with us in hopes he might find some lady who could be had for the job. On hearing this I immediately had a solution to his problem, however kept my lips sealed as saying anything might have endangered his journeying with us and financing much of our trip in comfort.

Maq and Gwydion met us at Mountview along with the former outlaws who had made great progress in clearing the ground. While the Outlaws were still a fairly homely lot they seemed happy to be alive and have honest work. Not to mention their loincloths did little to hide there finer attributes; some of which appeared quite impressive.

We dismounted and Maq led us around the small town to be explaining what could go where and how much was already laid out. He and Gwydion would be chalk marking the various stones surrounding the foundations and where they would be going to virtually reconstruct what the Romans had left. This would be time consuming but not his biggest problem. The lack of wood was the real issue as it would be needed for floors and roofs. He would be putting the outlaws and laborers to work felling appropriate trees and creating the timber needed, the problem there was the time it would take to cure the wood as that could take months. There certainly was no money to buy what was needed even if it was available.

That was when Shik blurted "I know where there is wood." We all looked at him like he was crazy. "Just beyond my father's village there is a virtual graveyard of old ships. We use them for the wood to burn in our fires."

Maq was skeptical but it was decided we would ride there and investigate which we did, somewhat impressing the inhabitants of the fisher village, especially to see Shik riding and clad in what, to them was a new tunic, shoes, and riding his own pony! The graveyard and how it came to be was anyone's guess, but it was there. Maq and Gwydion did some inspecting but seemed very excited at what they were finding. Maq finally proclaimed "some of this is useless being too rotted, or the wrong shape and size for our needs; but much can be used. If we start by felling timber and setting it to cure, then harvest what we have found here, we can move more quickly and begin the actual construction of Mountview. This is indeed a great find."

Shik beamed as we all congratulated him. He beamed even more when, on our return, we stopped long enough in the Fisher Village for Idris to tell Shik's father " you should be proud of your son. He has done a great service to his master this day." Shik's mother heard from the doorway of her shack and smiled with pride at her son, a tear in her eye.

On returning to Mountview it was decided the party would continue on to Castlemount leaving Sprite, myself and Gwydion behind as Gwydion had something for us to see in the Tower again. Robin and Idris understood the special relationship the three of us had and Malificant shrugged his shoulders in permission for Sprite to remain behind when he saw the exchange of winks between ourselves and our masters.

We tethered our mounts and climbed to the top of the tower. It was where Gwydion and I had first come joined. It would be our last day together as the three of us alone and we made the most of it. This time there was no frantic need to have each other and just get off. We stripped and under the sun made slow, sensuous, love as only our magical bond could provide. Tasting, touching, and caressing until it grew late and we had to return. Threesomes are difficult enough to fathom when just for a night of fun but when all three are of one heart it is another world that outsiders cannot understand.

That night there was something more than a typical meal as we were being sent off. Plus the "Theater of the Newlyweds" was extra boisterous because of our imminent departure. Castlemount became more than regularly drunk and failed to show up in the morning. None of those events matched the send-off that was had in our secret tower room. There was nothing to compare with the combinations and coupling of lusty boys who would not be seeing each other for months to come, if ever again. All of us returned to our various rooms for appearance sake and in the morning had a last swim together. That was necessary as our stench from the previous night would not go unnoticed.

Thankfully the others had left Sprite, myself and Gwydion alone for a few moments and we bid our farewells there. Gwydion saying "I don't know if I can be there when you leave Castlemount. I am not sure I could control myself." Sprite and I understood hugging and kissing him before leaving him in tears at the swimming hole while we took our own with us as we made our way back to the castle to conduct our duties.

Thankfully our chores to ready everything took over and we had little time to dwell on our sorrow at being parted from Gwydion. The Stable twins were sad to see us go and assured us they would make it their duty to take "good care" of our lover while we were gone. That, of course, was said with joking leers and clutched crotches. It made Sprite and I laugh for a moment as we were sure they would.

We were a little troupe consisting of Malificant, his two pages, Idris, myself and Sprite. The pages would drive a small cart containing the pavilion, armor and other supplies, Idris' pack horse, The rest of us would ride our ponies and horses. We hugged Shik and Michael goodbye, and Brood, the two other Squires I had been training, assured me they would teach the others what little they had learned.

Mainly for public display Lillian came out to give Idris a loving kiss and with that we mounted and set off, exiting the castle and proceeding through the village where Ceres and Bath gave us a wave farewell. In all Castlemount was not much of a Castle, nor much of a town, but for the previous few weeks it had been home, a thing I had never had before. I looked back from the edge of town and there was a figure atop the tower closest to the gate; it waved. I nudged Sprite to look and we both waved back. It was still morning of a new day with many miles to go with new challenges to be met, and a new adventure begun.

THE END (for now)

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cor. I have eliminated anachronism and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible Cornwall, Wales and Scotland were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066. I have eliminated anachronisms and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible. EG: thees, and thous are replaced with you, me and us. Medieval English can be very confusing and I apologize if I have gone too far in the transliteration.

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