Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on May 13, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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Dear Reader: If you have not been following the story an explanation of where it came from is after the end of the chapter.

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 32

Brood seemed a little hesitant as I led him by his lance to the pallets. I was enjoying the feel of his huge thing in my hand. "Wuh..., will this hurt?" He whimpered, the bully Brood was gone. I knew he wanted this as I could tell from the juices leaking all over my hand.

"I won't lie, the first time it does a bit. But it is no worse than a thump you would feel in training only it is in a place you are not used to. After you have done it for awhile the pain goes away and you will be in heaven if properly ministered to, and we are ministering tonight, so it will be proper." I responded. The rest of us were, of course, all naked and already sweaty, if not come covered. I glanced at his face to see he was trying not to gasp at the sight of totally nude men in aroused or semi-aroused states. This was new to him. He was used to raise the tunic and push it into whatever mouth or hole was available. He had no knowledge of sex as anything other than the brute and furtive kind. Hopefully that night we would open new worlds for him.

There is something very erotic about teaching, or guiding, a quasi-virigin in their first real sexual experience. This lad only knew about coming, not about the more sensual side of himself and those he toyed with. I overheard Shik and Michael observing and whispering.

"I want to be first." Michael gushed quietly.

"He may not be the prettiest thing, but what an arse!" Said Shik.

"He's not ugly, he just doesn't know how to care for what he's got. Fuck his arse, I want that monster lance up mine!" Was the response from Michael, then they leaned in really close and I knew they were plotting but could no longer hear.

We had Brood lie down on the adjoining pallets. His breathing was hard, and he was very tense. I beckoned Sprite and Gwydion over. "I want to try something to make him relax, put your palms on his body, but put your hand on the hands nearest you. Or let a hand be put on yours so we are all joined." I said and Gwydion's eyes lit up.

"You want to see if a bit of what we have transfers to him?" He questioned.

"Oh! I get it!" Exclaimed Sprite, dropping to his knees by Brood, followed by myself and Gwydion.

We did as I had suggested and as we were coming to accept as a norm the three of us grew hard instantly, the sparks between us popping almost physically from our bodies as we touched each other's hands. Our anticipatory drool was soon dripping like gravy from our spouts. With our hands, one on top of the other, we began to glide and guide them almost instinctively over his entire body from head to toe. Brood moaned and thrust up his groin. I leaned over and attacked his eyes and ears with my tongue on one side, Gwydion followed suite on the other while Sprite leaned in and tongued and sucked on the boy's very stiff teats. Our hands continuing to roam in the confines of where they could with our mouths so occupied. To my surprise Brood let out a quick, sharp, cry and his lance spurted three, four, then five times! It was quite a show. We three moved down to lap up his bitter-sweet come. His lance had not softened and he groaned, begged, "More, please more!"

Shik and Michael had been watching and playing with their own dripping weapons. I looked up and they winked at me, almost instinctively knowing their jobs. Shik scooped up the vial of oil we had been using and he and Michael spread the viscous liquid on their hands. Positioning themselves by and below Brood's hips they used their hands to first massage the boy's arse clefts, then the pink hole hidden there. Brood moaned his appreciation, pushing up and spreading his legs to invite their intended invasion.

First one finger made its way in and found its mark, causing Brood's eyes to pop open and him to gasp as his hips bucked up. Before you knew it the one finger was three and then six from two boys. Brood had almost lost all contact with the real world, one of his hands managed to clutch my wrist. "Ya..., you, you first" he gurgled. I was happy to oblige. So much for that being Michael's treat. But it was, after all, Brood's virginity and Michael just smiled and gave me an encouraging nod.

I got between his legs and threw them over my shoulders then pushed in. Even with the fingers having loosened his canal he was still tight. I looked down into his face, bending him half over, and saw his eyes were nothing but white his pupils having rolled so far back into his head. Sprite mounted me, and Gwydion mounted him. The energy was almost more than I could bare. I pumped in and out, feeling the length and girth of Sprite's lance inside me and loving every inch of it.

"More! More! Harder!" Screamed Brood. Again I obliged becoming a veritable rabbit pounding into him. I could not hold out, it was too much when I felt Sprite's seed begin to fill me, his hands on my hips taking almost a death grip. Somehow, Michael managed to mount Brood's Lance, and I could hear Sprite screaming as he unloaded in me while I watched Brood spurt anther fountain into Michael, tellable by the creamy goodness pushing its way out of the hole it was plugging. As I unleashed my own fountain into Brood. Shik had managed to get his mouth over Michael's phallus taking every drop of my three bollocked friend's load. I was able to sense Gwydion unleashing into Sprite. All of us finally collapsing in a happy, sweaty, lusty and panting mess.

You would have thought he would be done, but Brood looked up groggily managing to spit out "more" in a small voice. I am not sure if he really wanted it, but had no time to stop anything. In an instant Shik was buried to his bollocks in Brood's tight cave and Michael had again sunk down on the still steel hard lance, facing Brood. Again it did not take long, Brood managed to look up as Michael let go another of his magnificent spews all over the boy beneath him while they both called out "Oh YES!" as they came together, with calls from Shik not far behind theirs. The other three of us were still catching our breath from our own encounter with Brood and ourselves. If you are going to lose the virginity of your arse, the fuck festival we'd just had was certainly the way to do it.

The hour was growing late and it was time to for us to get back to our respective beds, or floors, as the case might have been. Sprite helped a staggering Brood back to his own Lord's quarters in the barracks house where he too resided. Gwydion went on his way and we all agreed to meet at the swimming hole in the morning. The rest of us returned to Robin's rooms where he and Idris were naked in bed exchanging lovey kisses after having had some time to themselves they were enjoying a tender post-coital moment.

"Whew!" Robin grimaced, "you smell like you've been fucked by an army!" I just grinned, saying I would tell him in the morning and that it was not an army, but several.

"Cheeky Devil!" He exclaimed with a grin.

"Indeed it was between my cheeks I entrapped them allowing no retreat until they had spent all their ammunition. Would you like a taste?"

Robin snorted a chuckle saying "thank you but I have had my meal for the night." You cannot get anything better than having a master with a sense of humour.

I Disrobed and met my pallet with force. Oh did I need sleep!

The next morning I woke and the routine of the days before was repeated only this time Shik and Michael accompanied me. I noted that Michael had picked up a scissors and a shaving knife from a box he had and that Shik made it a point to take two bars of soap from our shared storage. I would have to get more. I asked them about it as we left the kitchens, having raided it for breakfast enough for six.

"Brood does not have to look as ugly as he does," chuckled Michael. "A haircut, and a good scrubbing to him and his clothes, he'll be a new boy." Thinking about it I could not agree more.

Gwydion was already there when we arrived and was bathing. "Go in with your clothes on," encouraged Shik. "You will be travelling soon and should at least set off in clean clothes. I will wash all of ours today." Where did a fish boy formerly known as Rump, who had never seen a bar of soap until a few days prior, suddenly become an expert in washing and cleaning? Probably Agatha.

Gwydion had almost ripped my tunic off me when I jumped in the water and immediately we clambered back onto the bank and sucked each other to completion as the other two laughed at us. What can I say but that my almost twin, my brother, was irrisistable? We couldn't help ourselves.

Done with the appetizer for morning lust, we splashed back into the water. I was scrubbing Gwydion, specially his very stiff nethers, just as Shik scrubbed Michael when Sprite and Brood arrived. Both looked rather cheery. Shik and Michael flew out of the water naked and dragged the other two boys in fully clothed. It was not long before they were parted from their garments amongst much laughter. In spite of our lust for one another we were still boys and good natured rough-housing goes with that territory.

When things finally quieted down a little Shik went to work scrubbing clothes then hanging them on bushes to dry, while the rest of us went to work on Brood. First giving him a good soap wash, then pulling him up to the bank where I shaved his face. He only had the beginnings of a beard, but it was uneven. After that it was the man hair on his arse, bollocks and lance. Said lance becoming hard at my touch and beginning to drool meant I naturally had to help him out with my mouth. Not to be left out Gwydion and Sprite used their mouths on his teats while Michael applied his lance to the newly shaved arse, shooting a load of his own in the process. That third bollock keeping him in his usual overdrive.

Then Michael went to work Brood's hair which was a long, unruly tangle. Sprite, Gwydion and I formed a circle of mouths connecting each other to scratch our own morning itches. Done with the laundry Shik was feeling left out, but Brood wrapped his lips around the boy's lance and let Shik fuck his face to his own conclusion. Michael would not let Brood move his head as he was comming the mane of the Squire now tamed, that inability to move making the perfect receptacle for a mouth fucking.

The problem with all this morning fun was it was in haste. I believe all of us would have readily slowed things down if we did not have other duties to attend to. Regardless, the end result was a Brood (who would never actually be fetching) that was no longer just plain ugly. Even attractive in some ways if you like brutish men.

On the way back to town I asked him if he had enjoyed the previous night.

"Very much!" He replied enthusiastically "I don't know how some of the boys I have screwed ever put up with me. I'm not sure I will ever give up on women, but boys are very enjoyable. In fact, I wonder if someday it might not be nice to bury my face in a woman's breasts while mounting her at the same time as another boy or man is filling my arse with his lance." Now there was a picture I was not sure even I was ready for. Little did I know how I would experience it myself in less than a year.

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cor. I have eliminated anachronism and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible Cornwall, Wales and Scotland were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066. I have eliminated anachronisms and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible. EG: thees, and thous are replaced with you, me and us. Medieval English can be very confusing and I apologize if I have gone too far in the transliteration.

Next: Chapter 33

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