Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on Apr 17, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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Dear Reader: If you have not been following the story an explanation of where it came from is after the end of the chapter

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 27

"Zounds! How do you do that?" Roared Brood as he scurried to me and shot an enormous load all over my chest and face. We had not noticed him watching us as we engaged in our passions and he had been excited enough at our antics to strip and begin flogging his lance. I had just come with both Gwydion and Sprite in me. After double fucking Sprite it was Gwydion's turn to be penetrated by Sprite and myself, then it was my turn to be penetrated by them. Let me tell you, it was like my head had exploded. Not just from having two lances in me at once, but because of this strange energy that existed between us.

"Did you like what you saw?" Gwydion asked from the ground, looking up at Brood who was trying to catch his breath, as I fell off the dual lances and onto the ground beside him.

"Boys are not my thing, but that was so amazing. Do you lot really enjoy that?"

"Ngh," I grunted with a smile. Having been on the receiving end it was taking me longer to recover. It was easy to understand why Sprite had passed out when he had been the first. I swear I could feel their come swimming around inside me, probably still having sex in their way. Rather than feeling drained I felt lustier than I had before they penetrated me.

"What we have is exceptional, but yes we more than enjoy it even with others." Said Gwydion.

"Doesn't it hurt?" The ogre asked.

"You came a lot Brood," Sprite said looking at my come drenched body, "seems a shame to waste it." With that he rolled toward me and began to lick Brood's milk off me.

"He likes that?" Brood seemed astounded.

Gwydion giggled "We all do. I know you don't `like' boys Brood, but have you never been with one?"

"Not really. I've let them suck me and jerk me, but nothing like what I just saw."

"You must try it some time."

"After what I saw I think I might have to." The sound of boy chatter and laughter could be heard approaching "that will be my mates. We're meeting here to cool off."

Gwydion helped me to my feet "Come on lads, time for a wash and then we must go." The three of us jumped in the river and once again swam across and back. By the time we returned there must have been eight or nine naked Squires and Pages frolicking in the shallows, making me realize most of them probably did not know how to swim. We'd have to correct that down the road.

The three of us headed back toward the Castle, all agreeing we were starving. Between boughts we had eaten the slight provisions I had brought. As we walked Gwydion looked pensive, none of us really speaking, our bond had passed the need of words. "We need some place to go." He said, "someplace private where we will not be disturbed."

Shik and I nodded in agreement; but having no suggestions. "I have an idea. Shik, are you busy this afternoon?"

"If Brood and the rest are swimming now I assume there will be no training today so yes, I guess I am."

Gwydion grinned "Then stay with me today and if my idea works you can help me out."

"But don't you have to work with your father today?" Questioned Shik, drawing us all to a halt.

"He will understand. This is too important. We only have a week together before Bug goes journeying. We need as much time as we can make until then before we are separated." The gravity of what he said suddenly sunk in to all of us. We were going to hug there in the middle of everyone but managed to hold back knowing we might lose control if we touched, much less hugged.

"Come along lads," I urged our giddy feelings dissipating under the dark cloud of the future. I had not had time to think what, now that I had found them, it would mean to be apart from them.

We stopped at the kitchens and found something to eat then went our different ways. The other two on a mission and me to find Agatha. She was nursing a hangover and clearly did not think my plan would work as we made our way through the village to Ceres. On entering the weaver's rooms, one would hesitate to call it a shop, we found her at her loom. The sight of me seemed to brighten her day.

"Welcome Jack. I was not expecting to see you again so soon. Have a new page, need of more tunics or?" She greeted us.

"Unfortunately, none of those. I have come to purchase loin clothe and to introduce Agatha here to you. She is a new lady in waiting to Ladies Lillian and Marjorie. I thought she should know the best seamstress in town to better serve her mistresses."

Ceres gave me a skeptical eye and smirk rising to close the door behind us saying "You mean the only seamstress in town." She shut the door and shot its bolt before spinning around and crossing her arms. She then spun around and went to a stack of plain cloth and asked "how many."

"Three." She pulled out three and loincloths and handed them to me; Gwydion would teach Sprite and me how to bind ourselves in them later.

"Alright, now cut the shite Jack and tell me what this is really about." She barked.

I sighed, shrugging, and said "I knew I couldn't get anything past you Ceres. The fact is we need your help. Agatha is a lady in waiting to the Ladies, but she is also known hereabouts as a healer..."

"A witch."

"I prefer sorceress." Huffed Agatha.

"Don't believe in either myself. Tell me what the story is." Ceres glared.

So I explained my plan which made Ceres roar with laughter and cry "Oh this is too delicious! Of course I will help. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to get every gossip in town's tongue wagging."

Agatha looked amazed "Why? Anyone can see it is a load of rubbish."

Ceres put her arm around the older woman "Agatha, I am doing this for a number of reasons because it will be fun, and because I am sure it will result in more business. Perhaps Lady Marjorie's wedding gown for example. But mostly because Jack and I are friends with an understanding. We watch out for one another. Trust me, by this time tomorrow your abilities as a `sorceress' will be the talk of the town as well as your prophecy about the birth. Now get along you two, I have gossip to spread." With that she hustled us out the door.

As we strode back to the Castle Agatha seemed in a much better mood and I remarked on it to which she responded "I believe she will spread the `prophecy' and make them all believe in me."


"Because I know her secret, I saw the apple. Don't worry, I won't tell. Good allies, no matter how strange, should be held close. I shall have to escort Marjorie there tomorrow to be measured for a gown." I just shook my head and chuckled.

On our return we were met at the Ladies chambers door by Mandragora. Agatha had told all of them of the plan and she was anxious to know if Ceres would be our accomplice unwittingly or wittingly. When she heard the news she brightened up and began to hurry out.

"Where are you going?" Agatha asked.

"To the kitchens, Ceres is not the only gossip in town and I have to do my part too." With that she disappeared out the door leaving Agatha and I laughing.

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066. . Editing I have eliminated anachronism and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible. EG: these, and thous are replaced with you, me and us. Medieval English can be very confusing and I apologize if I have gone too far in the transliteration.

Next: Chapter 28

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