Passion in Fashion


Published on Dec 2, 2000


Greetings fellow Nifty readers! I am back, big as life and twice as ugly:-) I am here to peddle my latest installment of " Passion In Fashion". I hope I continue to instill you with erotic myrth and good will.Please feel free to EMail me anytime to talk about the story or chit chat. I love talking with people. Please if this stroy encourages you to pursue writing in any way, I encourage you to write. The World needs stories and lore to keep the flow goin'. My special thanks go out to Alfred, Joey, Adrian, Piper, Casey, And all the rest of you who continue to inspire me to write. Now on to the matter at hand...........

********** DISCLAMER **********

If you are under 18, wait till you are to read this. If you aren't allowed to read this where you live, Read it anyway!As always N'Sync isn't gay, or so I'm told.

"Passion In Fashion" -12


Danny and Lance headed on into his and Joey's room. As they entered, Justin and Joey were arranging eachother's outfits. They looked like a couple already, and why shoudn't they? They have practally lived with one another for several years. They scarcely noticed the two men enter the room, as the door shut, Joey looked at the two of them and spoke.

" The fighting over out there?"

Lance headed into the closet to gather his outfit for the show as he replied,

" Yeah, I hope so. J.C. is really confused right now." Lance began to put on the item he had selected from the rack.

"Speaking of confused," Joey continued, " You gonna wear my Shirt?"

Lance looked with a blank stare at Fatone, then looked at the shirt in his hand. It was the wrong shirt. Danny let out a soft chuckle as he headed on towards Lance. He took the shirt from his outstreached hand as he spoke,

" C'mon Mr. Bass, time to take a crash course in fashion."

Danny grabbed Lance's clothes out from the rack, and led him by his free hand towards the dressing area in the bathroom. Justin and Joey watched them go. Justin and Joey continued to adjust themselves as Justin turned Joey towards the mirror and stood behind him. He took a moment to admire the Tommy Hilfiger outfit that Joey had chosen earlier that day at Nieman Marcus. Between Joey's build and his 100% maleness, he looked every bit the part of a entertainer. Justin cooed behind him as they looked at eachother thru the mirror,

" You are a sexy bitch."

Joey grabbed Justin's arm as it snaked across his chest, and gave it a light squeeze,

" I ain't no bitch, Goldy. That's your department."

Justin slapped Joey lighty on his left breast, " Well this is one bitch who will make you cream your Tommy's" He massaged the Italian's chest. Joey tightened his grip on Timberlake's arm as he responded to him,

" Justin, can we get serious for a minute?"

"Sure lover, what do you want to talk about?"

Joey tightened his gaze into Justin's reflection in the mirror, " What's gonna happen to us?"

Justin's gaze froze in that image reflected in the mirror, " I thought we were going to wait till tonight after the show to talk about this?"

Joey continued to look at Justin. " Well I want to know somthing right now, before tonight."

Justin swallowed slightly. 'Oh no here we go!' Justin thought to himself, ' He's gonna dump me.'

" I want to know that you're serious about what you want us to be."

Justin thought about it for a moment before replying. It seemed Joey couldn't get the thoughts he had in the shower out of his head. Justin whispered into the red head's ear,

" I'm as serious as I can be. I love you and I want to make it work." Justin nibbled Joey's ear playfully. Joey broke Justin's grasp and headed to the bureau to get his watch and ring. He looked at the blond, still standing at the mirror and cracked a grin,

" I just wanted to make sure. HEY SCOOP!" Joey yelled to Lance who was still in the bathroom, " Getta move on or we'll leave your butt here." Joey's comment had a note of playfulness to it. Lance emerged from the bathroom, with Danny in tow. Lance looked like he had finally joined the world of the fashion concious. His Silver silk shirt was a dazzling sight. If the poor lighing was any indication, his shirt would make him look like he were made of spun platinium on stage. His flared black poly cotton blend pants soaked up any residual light to make Lance look every bit the part of teen heart throb. Danny stood behind Lance, arms crossed, face beaming as he showed off his handywork.

" I knew I could reform him." Danny said jokingly, " Its amazing what some little fashion sense and a great person can do to an outfit."

Joey and Justin were very much taken by Lance's outfit. They had seen him in good garb before, but the way the clothes layed on him ; The glow of his face, made him look like an angel. Justin spoke up,

" Hey Scoop, I dig. " he nodded his head to emphasise the point. Lance smiled, and it beamed like a beacon.

" I coudn't have done it without Danny," He said, " I feel so good." He spun to meet Danny's aproving gaze, " I want to make you my dresser for all my concerts."

Danny's face took on a suprised look, " Do you mean it?"

Lance laid a hand on his shoulder, " If I didn't I woudn't have said it."

Danny jumped up and down like a little kid, " Oh Lance, thank you thank you thank you!" He planted a kiss on the blond's cheek.

Justin broke up the scene by saying, " Hey! No one looked at my threads," He began to turn , arms extended as to make Justin look like an arowhead. The Black velvet jacket he wore made him look very formal. The pant, shirt combo Danny had helped him out with at the store complimented it beautifully. The shirt was a cotton poly blend, slightly ribbed and a off white color, The pants were every bit the black the jacket was, and the outfit as a whole exuded style and trendiness. Danny winked and gave a chin led nod of approval,

" Justin, If I didn't know any better, I'd say you could model for Armani."

Justin giggled as he pivioted on his heels, " I have you to thank Danny. I knew I could dress, but you put the sizzle in my style." Joey looked on as Justin displayed his acrobatic skill.

" I wonder if J.C. and Chris are ready?" Justin said as he ended his moves.

"I'll go see," Joey replied. As Joey headed towards the door to check on the other two men, Lance's face dipped for a moment as he thought about what had transpired in the past few hours with J.C. Justin called back to Joey,

" Make sure they look sharp, we got some girls to impress!' he let out another giggle.

" Yeah yeah, " Joey said as the door closed behind him.

Danny saw that Lance was down and asked him softly, " Scoop? You alright?"

"Yeah," Lance replied, " I'm ready." his gaze still fixed on the door. What Danny would have given to know what was going on in that beautiful mind of Lance's. If he did, he would have been silenced. ' I need to be careful of Josh,' he thought, 'I can't let him become me and Danny or the group.'


J.C. let the door shut behind him. He was positively washed out. He felt like he had been thru a war and had to walk 500 miles afterwards. He went into the bathroom to wash up and get ready. Josh snapped on the light and was shocked into wide eyed horror. The fluorescent lighting in the bathroom ,and the mirror which reflected that light, played a sick and cruel joke on his poor face. Between the makeup, bruise and his crying, his visage was one of a grotesque clown, and how he felt like one, too. He broke into more tears as he was fully aware of what stared back at him in the mirror. He turned on the fawcet and began to remove the makeup and tears from his face with hot water. As he finished up on his face, he looked back into the mirror, and was slightly relieved to see a more noticable face reflecting back into it. Josh was jolted back into the realm of reality as someone knocked on the door.

" Who is it?" he called out.

" J.C. it's Chris. Open the door, man I wanna talk to you."

J.C. took a towle and began to dry his face off as he went to open the door for Chris. As he opened the door, he was momentarily suprised to see Chris in full rig.HIs turtleneck and pants were very compliemtary to his aready well built frame. He walked passed Josh as J.C. let the door shut behind him. Chris spun to face J.C.

" Josh we need to talk." Chris said in a serious tone.

J.C. crossed Chris and headed towards the bag of his clothes from the store. He removed the items and began to undress in front of Chris to get ready. Josh replied as if annoyed,

"Well start talkin'."

Chris crossed the room towards the dressing singer, and began to help him out of his clothes. "I want to know what's going on between you Danny and Lance?"

J.C. increased his pace of undress, not noticing the help Chris was doing as he retorted, " It's over Chris, end of story. I am over him, and I am over that guy he's dating and I am over it all." J.C. now stood in front of Chris naked. Chris' eyes dipped down towards the virile man's crotch to admire his manhood. In it's flaccid state, Josh's cock was nestled between the divide of the two most exquisite balls Chris had ever laid eyes on. the cock hung to just an inch above the end of the ballsac. Chris' mouth began to water as he thought of all the lovely things he could do with those balls. Reflexively, Chris' hand went to kneed them, and to his relieved suprise, J.C. did not rebuke him. He continued to stroke the sac and repled,

" I worry about you Joshua. I know you care for Lance, but you don't need to sulk, and I can help you forget your problems. Let's go out there tonight nd knock 'em dead, and afterwards we'll start to forget you ever were in love with Lance."

J.C. closed his eyes as Chris' minstrations had the desired effect. He rolled his head to relax and in his relaxed state, his cock began it's ascent towards full erection. Chris took this as his cue to lean in and place a light kiss on the handsome man's face. As his lips made contact with J.C.'s, J.C. took the invite to go further, and began to press into Chris. He grabbed Chris from behind and began to massage his firm ass in his bare hands. Chris moaned while kissing, as he had begun to remove his clothes, and throw them haphazardly on the floor. in a scant few seconds, while still locked in their kiss, Chris was naked, and had a raging boner sticking into J.C.'s The two hot men staggered towards the bed and fell back on it, and began to kiss in ernest. Chirs snaked his tounge into Josh's inviting mouth , and the two of them began to tounge wrestle. Thier hands groped and pulled and clawed at eachother, as the two were consumed by passion ; The all too familiar feel of those on the rebound.Chris whispered into J.C.'s ear between nibbles,

" Hey babe, slow down, I'm not going anywhere."

J.C. increased his rebound induced frenzy and replied, " C'mon babe, let's make some noise."

Josh began to move down the chest of his new love intrest as he finally found his prize. He slipped Chris' uncut cock into his hot mouth. As the foreskin slipped passed J.C.'s pursed lips, Both let out a loud moan of intense pleasure. J.C began to bob on Chris' prick pop eagerly as Chris hissed thru clentched teeth,

" Yeah suck it." Chris put his hand into J.C.'s hair and thrusted Josh's head further on down his cock, now engorged and garreted inside Josh's mouth. Chris began to buck his hips to the rithym of the bobs. Chris was in total esctacy as Josh moved his tounge along the prick as expertly as one could. All the built up tension and unrequited relase of earlier pushed Chris off the edge of orgasam. He grabbed hold of J.C.'s head and pushed it down all the way. J.C. began to gag, but was able to control his reflux.Chris behan to fill Josh's mouth with his elixer of love. Thick ropes of the pearl tonic bathed Josh's tonsils and back of his throat. J.C. gulped down every drop, and moaned his approval. Chris released him and Josh moved up to kiss Chris.

" You have an incredible mouth. You sing and suck better than anyone I know." Chris said, slightly out of breath.

J.C. wiped the slime and semen that drooled out of his mouth as he replied, " Well at least there's one person who feels that way. Thanks for letting me prove it Chris."

Chris patted J.C. on the shoulder as he rolled him off his torso and got up to go tot he bathroom. The sound of the sink and the toilet seat hitting the lid of the cammode was an indication that Chris was cleaning up. He shouted out to J.C.,

" Hey, you'd better gagrgle with some Listerene before you sing, or you'll spit my goo on all those chicks."

J.C. followen him into the bathroom and reached for the bottle of mouthwash, " Way ahead of you man." He guzzled down some of the mixture and began to gargle. Chris chuckled, Josh was gagrling to the group's song " This I Promise You".After he spit out the liquid, Josh called out ot Chris, who had vacated the bathroom to get dressed again,

" Chris, I don't know if what we did was right."

Chris stopped buttoning his pants, " Well it felt good to me."

J.C. exited the bathroom and grabbed for his clothes. He began to dress as he retorted, " I still can't get Lance out of my mind. I know I've acted psycho, but I know deep down he loves me like I do him. What we just did was heat and pressure lettin' loose." He straightened his leather pants of creases as he continued, " And when he gets rid of that 'Chippy' He'll come runnin' to me." He turned to face Chris. Kilpatrick's face took on a concerned expression. He went to straighten out J.C.'s collar and countered,

" That's why we're having the powow after the concert tonight.You can't keep doing this to yourself or him. We also need to get it clear who's gay and who's straight, and to keep it out of the rag mags." He checked himself in the mirror, " Besides, I have a feeling their relationship is doomed."

J.C. stared at Chris, who's attention was still at his reflection in the mirror. " And what makes you so sure of that?" Josh's reply was full of confused sarcasm.

Chris grabbed at Josh's arm and led him towards the door. " I get the feeling that after the concert tonight, Lance is going to see Danny in a different light."

J.C. responded, " What makes you so sure?"

Chris opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by a loud knock at the door. J.C. opened the door to reveal Joey standing there in his outfit for the show. He asked matter-of -factly,

" Cool, you guys are ready. Let's go."

The two men exited the room, and were joined by Justin, Lance and Danny. all six men conversed for a moment, til Greg called to them form the Elevator Bank,

" Ok gentilemen, time to go to the show."

The men headed, en mass, towards the lift. as they entered the lift, Danny held the doors open, while they all piled in. J.C. brung up the rear. As Danny entered the lift, and the doors closed, Josh took the moment to rethink his strategy. He broke the ice with Danny,

" Hey Danny, I'm sorry about earlier. Let's start over." Josh extended his hand out towards the salesman. Danny reluctantly reached for it and gave it a good stiff shake. Lance broke into a smile and said, " Now that's what I wanted to see. Joshua I'm proud of you." He leaned in and planted a kiss on the bruised cheek. J.C. turned towards Lance and said,

" I wanted you to know I care, Lance. And I will do anything to make you see that.I'm over it."

Justin and Joey smiled and Chris looked away. Greg broke in, " Well I'm glad somthing is resolved. Now guys standard proscedure: Exit the elevator and go towards the tunnle towards the limo." He ganced at his watch. " Ok we'll be there in 5 minutes, when we get there, we'll go directly to make-up. And some of us," He placed a hand on J.C.'s shoulder, " Need a little more." J.C. broke into a half smile. The doors parted and the men headed on down the tunnel. as they neared the exit, they could see the limo, with chauffer holding the door opene. The seven men piled in one by one into the Lincoln Town Car limo, as Danny entered, he looked at the chauffer and did a double take, "Naaah" he thought to himself as he entered. As they all seated themselves inside, the driver closed the door and entered the driver's door. Somthing about the driver looked familiar. He wasn't the same driver from this morning, but he looked familiar. The limo pulled away from the serice entrance and began to go north on Harbor Boulevard. As the limo sped off, a faint muffled yell could be heard from a nearby doorway, just off the side from where the limo was. Inside the door way, was the bound and gagged underwear clothed body of the real chauffer. Apparently he was replaced by someone else, but who that was, would remain a mystery. While inside the driver's seat of the limo could be heard the humming of a N'Sync song.......................

The song was "Bye Bye Bye".......................

And the driver was none other than Rob Salem, the same Rob Salem who just a few hours ago almost sank the careers of N'Sync. He smiled a devilish grin as he raised the partition between the front and back seats. He chuckled slightly as he thought to himself,

" Like I said no one can out smart Rob Salem! You guys are gonna wish you hadn't fucked with me . Fame and fortune here I come!" The limo headed on up the road, towards it's date with destiny......................

TO BE CONTINUED....................

Well folks I hope this is worthy of your time and attention, and to make things get a bit better in the plot line. I hope you keep enjoying my little " Dallas-esque" attempt at erotic fiction. Until next time Nifty people..ciao!

Next: Chapter 13

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