Passion in Fashion


Published on Jan 29, 2001


Greetings to all Nifty Readers, both foreign and domestic. Time for more 'Passion In Fashion" I want to thank everyone who continues to inspire me to keep this thing going, Without your support I would not be writing this...I'd be writing warning tags for mattresses! I want to dedicate this Chapter to my good Dutch friend Adrian; who is my biggest Fan in the EU. To you my friend I dedicate this chapter............I hope it's good!

*********** DISCLAMER ***********

This work of EROTIC FICTION is purely for stroke purposes. The men of N'Sync are whatever they are, I have merely "Borrowed" them for the purposes of a plot device. If you are under 18 or can't read or can't read this where you live, Grow up, get a reader, or move so you can.

And always remember SUPPORT NIFTY!!! Without them I would not be able to reach out, neither would anyone else. NIFTY=FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION FOR EROTICA!

"Passion In Fashion " - 15


As the group broke up from the rehearsal, Justin and Joey headed off into their now "Shared" dressing room. The two entered the darken room and quickly closed the door. Joey immediately grabbed Justin's arm and drew him into a fiery kiss. Justin felt his curls curl even more as the red head tried to extract Justin's tongue from his mouth! Justin tasted the faint flavor of cinnamon on Joey's tongue; the result of Joey sucking on a Certs earlier, and that sent Justin's tongue deeper in pursuit of more. Joey stammered, as he clumsily tried to reach behind him to flip on the light switch. Justin realized what he was attempting to do and grabbed for his arm.

" No. I love the dark, especially when I'm with you."

Justin was able to see the Italian's smile from the dim light protruding from under the door. Justin collected himself as he told Joey, " Don't move. I want to do something."

Joey shook his head in amusement, " Goldy, we go on in less than half an hour, we shouldn't be even in here right now. We need to get made up one more time before we go on."

Joey could not see what Justin was doing, but he could hear what sounded like a CD case opening and the boom box on the counter being flipped on. A moment later, the tiny room was filled the strings of Percy Faith's " Theme to a Summer Place".

Joey let out a small laugh, " What the hell is this stuff, man? Sounds like I'm in an friggin' elevator."

Justin emerged into Joey's sights from the darkness as he grabbed onto Joey's arm and replied, " It's a nice dance to."

Joey looked into the blonde's eyes. Although he could barely see them, he knew enough to know they were soft and quite insistent. He took hold of Justin's hand.

"I'll lead"

The two men slowly danced to the music. They slowly circled each other as the song drifted off. They held onto each other for a few more minutes, as the two of them were silent; Lost in thought as they both relished in the moment. Joey broke the silence.

" That was nice."

Justin looked at him almost misty-eyed; " I always wanted to dance in the dark."

Joey laughed, " You do, every night on stage."

Justin gave him a playful slug on the arm; " You know what I mean, silly!"

He laid his head on Joey's shoulder. Justin closed his eyes, content as a babe in its mother's arms. Joey held him for a moment more before he responded.

" We should have done this along time ago."

Justin nestled his head further on Joey's shoulder as he closed his eyes. The two began to sway gently, as if rocking in a hammock.

" Well we have alot of catch up to do, starting tonight." Justin said almost as if in a dream state.

Joey flicked on the lights. The light blinded them for a brief moment, till they both adjusted to the brightness.

"Hey, you could have given me a warning." Justin chided, slightly annoyed.

" Well, " Joey responded as he broke free of Justin's grasp, " We'd better get going, Time to make our appearance."

Joey turned tail and headed on out the door; Leaving Justin slightly shocked and bewildered as to the sudden abruptness to which Joey ended the moment. As Justin continued to look at the door in shock, Joey popped his head on back in and brought Justin back into reality.

" The quicker we finish, The quicker we can start on catch up." He winked that seductive wink which could make you follow Joey to the ends of the Earth. Justin regained his composure and leaped towards Joey; upset and relieved that he had just played a silly prank.

"You fuckin' asshole!" Justin was a bit too late; Joey had already ducked back out just as Justin had reached the door.

Justin let out a chuckle and a smile broke out on his boyish face. ' Boy I love him.' And headed on out the door.


J.C. was a man possesed. He grabbed, pulled, and manhandled Chris like he was a rag doll. For the second time in as many hours, Josh was consumed with passion, but for all the wrong reasons. He kissed Chris with an intensity that rivaled the earlier encounter in the hotel room. Chris returned the passion in kind, as he grabbed J.C.'s butt and kneaded it in his hands. Chris was supprised at the firmness and the gentleness that Josh's butt conveyed by his touch. The pants blocked much of the sensitivity, but with a quick jerk of his hand, the pants and underwear would disappear. Chris was about to undertake that mission, when J.C. stopped him with a breathless voice.

" Chris, we have to get out on Stage. We'll finish what we started tonight."

" Just a little taste, man. Something to tide me over." Chris looked at Josh's eyes with a piercing stare.

J.C. felt that his resolve was as flimsy as wet cardboard. He gave in and rightly so in his mind's eye. Chris was giving him what Lance wasn't right now: A Physical relationship. A touch can mean so much. And while Chris is no Lance, he was a man. He felt like one, acted like one, and smelt like one. J.C. buried his face into Chris' shoulder and deeply inhaled his scent. The aroma of new clothes and Chris' musk intermixed in J.C.'s nostrils to intoxicate the hapless singer as if he had drunk a bottle of fine wine. His head swam in the harried frenzy of the moment. J.C. had been through so much today. Lance, the fight at the hotel with Danny, the first seductive passes made by Chris all made J.C. feel like his mind had been made into scrambled eggs.

As J.C. was about to give in, a knock came from the door. Both men froze in place.

"Chris? Is J.C. in there with you?" The voice belonged to Lance. Once again J.C. was overwhelmed by the siren call of his voice, and all of the old feelings came crashing back in his mind. Chris picked up on this, and for the briefest moment, let his face snarl in aggravated fury. Luckily Josh's attentions was diverted towards the door, and by the time J.C. returned his attention to Chris, his face returned to a nondescript look. Chris called out to Lance.

" Yeah, we'll be right there."

J.C. extracted himself from the entanglement he and Chris had become, and both began to arrange their clothes to conceal their actions. Chris kept looking at J.C. till his nastiness got the better of him.

" You are still hung up on him, aren't you?" Chris seemed to spit out the words like venom.

J.C. spun around to meet his gaze. " Chris it's hard not to. I know I just came in here and told you I needed you, but I am so royally fucked up I can't seem to get him out of my mind. The more I try to push it away, the harder it is to let go."

Chris walked up to J.C. and laid a hand on his bruised cheek. " He will never love you like I can." Chris was full of resolve.

J.C. stared blankly into the vortex that swirled in Chris' eyes. " I though you were gonna help me get Lance to love me?"

Chris tightened his grasp on J.C.'s cheek, making him wince in pain, " I will, but in the mean time I need to be taken care of."

"You're hurting me." J.C. was able to squeak out.

Chris tightened his grip till J.C. began to moan in pain; so much in fact that he his knees began to buckle. " You would be better off with me. Can't you see that?" Chris said as he bared down on the bruised cheek. J.C. was utterly helpless; His mind was no more than a pool of Malt-O-Meal in his head. After today's concert, he was going to take a whole bottle of Valium and write off this day as a bad dream. Lance and Chris were really doing a number on his psyche, but he was becoming a willing part of it. As if he were a Puppet on a string. J.C. laughed at that thought. A puppet, just like in their song " Bye Bye Bye". J.C. was able to reenter the realm of reality as he answered Chris softly.

" Chris, I am so confused. Lance, You everything is just making my head spin. Please let go of me. I'm really in pain."

Chris lessened his grip, but did not release his hold on the bruised and battered face. " Joshua, face it. We are a group. We are brothers. We will always be there for one another, but if one of us is in pain, its up to all of us to help him out."

J.C. was really confused now. " Chris what are you talking about?"

He leaned in and whispered into J.C.'s ear." Lance is not there for you, nor will he be as long as Danny is there. And who knows if they break up if he will be there for you? I want you. I want you to realize that." Chris now began to massage the shoulder of J.C. with the hand he had held the cheek in a moment before. " I care for you. Lance thinks of you like a brother. I on the other hand, think of you more like my lover."

"I thought you weren't gay?" J.C. said dizzily. 'Man is Chris trippin' or what ?!' Josh thought. " You told me earlier that all you wanted was to have some fun?"

Chris leaned in and licked Josh's ear, " Suprise! You made me see the light. I'm gay and now I'm out for you."

J.C. was on the verge of vomiting. They say you never get to know someone fully, and he was finding that out all to well. In 24 hours, his close knit family became a model for a psychological study on obsessive love. J.C. could almost hear the faint cracking noise in his head, as sanity tried to flee the sinking ship that was his mind.

"Chris, I need some air. I'm gonna throw up." Josh began to gag.

Chris released him, and J.C. rose and headed towards the bathroom. He barely reached the basin, just as the first heave of vomit came out of his mouth. Chris stood by the door of the bathroom and crossed his arms; Waiting for Josh to finish. J.C. looked up as his fits began to subside to see Chris' reflection in the mirror staring back at him. From this view, Josh felt that he was looking into the face of the Devil himself. A wicked smile spread across Chris' face as he saw the realization spread out on J.C.'s face. The realization that Chris was manipulating him.

" You better get out on stage. I'll be there in a minute." J.C. said quietly..

Chris stared at him in the mirror. " Fine. See you out on stage...partner." Chris turned and headed on out. J.C. washed up and gave himself a once over in the mirror. This was not his day. He looked like hell, and felt worse. But at the same time, he felt as if Chris had planted a seed within him, and that seed was beginning to quicken and grow. That seed was one of perverted persuasion, and he now knew what he had to do.

"If I'm ever gonna get Lance, I'm going to have to deal with the Devil, like Chris said. Even if the Devil is Chris himself. But I will get what I want. And that Danny is my first target.' J.C.'s face took on a smile that would make Chris proud, as he finished up, and headed on out the door.


As Chris exited the dressing room, Lance was ready to knock on the door again. " Oh, good you're ready. Where's J.C.?" Lance asked inquizically.

"He'll be right out. Are you ready Scoop?" Chris asked.

Lance beamed. " As ready as I'll ever be. See you in make up."

Chris watched as Lance turned and headed off towards the stage. A few meters down from where Chris was, he saw Danny join up with Lance and the two of them walked in tandem towards the stage.

J.C. exited a moment later, nearly walking right into Chris. " Oh ya scared me." Chris said.

Chris turned to look at Josh. He seemed different somehow. For one thing it looked like J.C. was happy and smiling. "Feeling better?" Chris asked.

J.C. leaned in and whispered in his ear. " I will after tonight. Will you be ready for it?"

Chris batted his eyes as he looked towards Josh's crotch. " Oh yeah baby."

Without warning, J.C. grabbed Chris' crotch. Unprepared for the attack Chris was taken completely by suprise. " Uhhhhhh Josh Ummmmm you're hurting me. Let go."

Josh tightened his grip as he retorted, " Pain can be pleasure, lover." J.C. licked Chris' ear as Chris had done to J.C. earlier. Chris' face began to pale as the tight grip of Josh began to turn into erotic pleasure. J.C. felt Chris' uncut member grow under his pants.

"Oh Yeah?" Chris replied shakily.

" Yeah. " Josh cooed, " Since you were and want to play games with me, You will have to be able to keep up. Oh and by the way, I'm a top... BITCH!" With his final word, Josh released the bunch of cock he had in his hand, and stormed on towards the stage. Chris took a moment to collect himself as he watched J.C. go. Chris thought, ' He is gonna be a good fuck. As they say in the Olympics: Let the games begin!'

Chris regained his smile and began to follow Josh down the stage for the final make up and check before the show was to begin.


Chris arrived in the make up area directly off the stage. All for of his fellow band members were present and being tended to as they were earlier. All the makeup personnel were baffled that all five men had smudged or ruined their makeup. Chris took his chair and began to be powdered and painted. Off to one side of the stage, Danny stood almost directly behind Lance's chair and watched as the final makeup was applied. Greg came over to stand next to Danny.

" Danny, Can I have a word with you?" Greg asked.

"Um sure. " Danny replied. " What did ya need?"

" I thought we'd take the time to get you set up in the Payroll department, and set you up with the fashion director." Greg looked as if he was hesitant to even discuss this with him.

" Uh, " Danny stammered for a brief moment, " Right now?"

"There's no time like the present." Greg motioned for Danny to follow him." Follow me and I'll introduce you to Escobar and Jaime."

"Who's Jaime?" Danny asked quizzically.

"Jaime, " Greg continued as he and Danny went down the hall towards the offices, " Is the fashion coordinator, and now that Lance is taking you as his own," Greg stopped at a door and knocked, " You will be working with him." A person answered from behind the door.

"Yeah." came a reply.

"Es? It's Greg."

"Come in. " Replied Escobar as Greg opened and entered the room, with Danny in tow.

"Hi Es. This is Danny. He is gonna work with Jamie in the fashion department. He's Lance's new personal fashion dresser/consultant"

Danny gave Escobar a quick once over. From outward appearances, Escobar or Es as Greg had called him looked to be no more than 35 at most. He had close cut black hair and thin rim hexagon glasses which concealed his coffee brown eyes. His pencil line beard and goatee were complimentary to his light olive complexion. Somehow Danny didn't think Es was 100% Latin. Escobar rose and extended his hand to Danny. Es could have been one of the dancers onstage. His lean frame was well defined under his gray Hugo wool turtleneck. The black pants complimented it perfectly. He looked less the accountant and more of the star than anyone did. Danny couldn't resist asking as he took Es' hand to shake.

" Nice to meet you. I have to say you are very well dressed, and really don't look like an accountant" Danny said as he looked into his brown eyes.

Es smiled politely to Danny's comment. Greg spoke up. " Escobar was a dancer when the group first went on tour. After the first tour he went back, finished school and became the band's accountant. And a damn good one at that. " Greg smiled back at Es.

Danny Continued. " Well he still has a dancer's body. So Escobar. Is that Hispanic?"

Es smiled again. " Well the name is. My last name is Stavros. My mom is Puerto Rican and my Dad's Greek. They met in San Juan while my dad was the embassy attach^Â there."

"Well they made one good looking kid. " Danny's reply got laughs from Es and Greg.

Greg began again. " Es, get him set up with payroll. I'll go get Jaime and they can meet and discuss the work."

"Sure thing Greg. " Escobar replied. Danny watched as Greg let himself out of the small office and closed the door. Es motioned to Danny as he said, " Please sit, this is gonna take awhile."

Danny sat down as Es began to pull out forms and hand them to Danny. " Go ahead and fill theses out. If you have a question about anything, let me know."

Danny began to fill out the papers as Es watched him. Now it was Escobar's turn to give Danny the once over.' Not bad.' Es thought as he watched with intense interest in Danny's mannerisms and looks as he filled out the paperwork. Es leaned back in his chair and began to stoke his lips with the pen in his hand. After a few more minutes, Danny finished the papers and handed them back to Es. The Accountant reviewed the papers one by one, nodding his approval.

" You have lovely handwriting." Es said as he began to put the paperwork in a file.

"Thanks, " Danny replied. " I am quite proud of that. In School I was told I had bad handwriting, and when I got into college I took lessons and improved. Now I have friends who ask me to write letters for them."

Es eyed him over the paper he held in front of him as he replied, " Daniel Seth Briggs. Born in Riverside, California February 2nd, 1975." Es read and committed the info to memory.

Danny felt slightly embarrassed. " No one uses my full name anymore."

"February 2nd?" Es replied. "Groundhog Day?"

Danny shrugged. " Yeah. I guess it's a lucky coincidence."

Es filed the paper with the rest. He gazed intensely at Danny. Danny felt that he was being examined from the inside out. While it would have made someone else feel uncomfortable, He was used to it, and besides, Es was a handsome guy.

" Well I have all your papers filed and Greg or Jaime will negotiate your salary."

Danny was slightly confused. " Do you know what I will be making?"

Es shrugged. " That's for Greg and Jaime to decide. I just fiddle with the books."

"OK fine." Danny said. " So tell me what's a handsome Puerto Rican Greek such as yourself doing behind a desk? You look like you still can be out on that stage with the guys?"

Es took a moment to ponder the question before responding. " I know I wouldn't be able to dance forever, and since my parents wanted me to be the best, I went to school after the tour and got my BA in accounting. When I came back to the group, they hired me on as the bookkeeper. And I've been one ever since."

Danny became intrigued. " It looks like you still keep up with it?"

Es smiled " Well I swim allot and go clubbing, so yeah you could say I still dance."

"Well if I may say so It's done you justice." Danny couldn't believe it.... He was FLIRTING with Escobar.

" You're not too bad yourself. Do you work out?" And Danny was further floored to realize that Es was flirting with him as well!

" Well I do but I'm not too religious as I used to be about it."

Es stood up and came over to stand next to the sitting Danny. Danny looked up at Es as he stood over him. At this angle, Es looked like a giant, and a damn handsome one at that.' Cool your jets buddy' Danny thought. ' You have Lance. Game over. No more chasing.'

Es kept on talking. " You look like a model. I can tell you have that look."

'Oh God!' Danny thought, ' He's cruising me! Well they say that when it rains...'

Danny responded, " I have been told that. You know you could be one, too?"

Escobar laughed a sort of deep chuckle. 'He has a laugh to go with the bod.' Danny thought.

Just as Es was going to respond, the door opened and in entered Greg and another man who Danny assumed was Jaime.

" Danny I'd like to introduce you to your new CO-worker Jaime Swift. Jaime, meet Danny Briggs, Lance's new fashion coordinator."

Danny rose to shake Jaime's hand. The man standing in front of Danny was no more than 35 and was as well dressed as Escobar. Jaime was shorter than Danny, but was a not short on stature. He carried himself very well and exuded magnetism from the top of his sandy blonde locks to the bottom of his black Fargamo patent leather shoes.

"Pleasure Danny." Jaime said as he gave a firm but curt shake.

"Well you guys have allot of talking to do. Why don't you head on out to check the outfits for the second half."

Danny and Jaime both looked at each other and nodded. " Sounds good. Danny let's go see what we can whip up for the guys." Danny smiled and said his good byes to Greg and Es.

As the door closed behind the two men, Escobar and Greg watched the door shut before speaking. " He's really gonna have fun here. " Es said with pleasure.

Greg snapped his head towards Es. " Don't tell me you've got the hots for Danny? IN case you weren't made aware, The reason he got his job is because of Lance. Get it, Lance."

Es crossed his arms and sighed. " We can have our thoughts."

Greg clutched his head. " I need more aspirin." He looked at Es with a hard glare. " Es, you know better than anyone about affairs with co workers. In case you forgot about your 'Brief' affair with Craig that led to your 'Early Retirement'?"

Es shot a glance at Greg. " I haven't forgotten. But Lance is lucky. Danny is gonna work out fine."

" We'll see. " Greg replied, " If they don't break up or fight before the end of the tour."

"You see trouble in paradise?" Es asked

" I am a realist." He retorted." I assume the worst." And with that Greg headed on out.

"Well well well." Es said to himself as Greg exited the cramped office. " Lance has himself quite a catch. Too bad he'll never be able to enjoy it."

Escobar let out an evil laugh as he began to think of how he could get Lance to break it off with Danny and he could get it on. Es went back to sit being the desk, and continue his work.


Well guys that's it till next week. This story is getting very tangled and I hope you all can follow it. I hope to make this as intriguing as I can. LMK how I'm doing. Until next I write. Ciao!

Next: Chapter 17

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