Passion in Fashion


Published on Jun 6, 2001


I have returned fellow Nifty readers for another installment of "Passion in Fashion". I am glad most of you still continue to get some sort of enjoyment from my word driven fantasy. I hope I continue to make all your dreams come true, for this story that is.

#%#%#%#%#%# DISCLAIMER #%#%#%#%#%#

As usual this work of fiction is for the sole purpose of making your cum come out. I think that N'Sync is a great talent and some handsome men. As to their sexual preferences and the like, that's up to them!

"Passion in Fashion" - 21


Danny sat dumbfounded. "Lance?" Was all his mouth could muster. Both Jaime and Craig nodded.

" Es is very persuasive when he wants to be." Craig said. " He worked so closely with the guys that he was able to establish a personal rapport."

Jaime spoke again, " And when he left, he kept up the ties."

Danny looked at both of them, slight fear beginning to take hold; " Did Lance know of your guys' romance?"

Craig let out a long sigh, " If he did, he never let on."

"So he doesn't know that Es is gay?" again Danny looked to the men for some sort of acknowledgement " Right?!" Danny was now beginning to panic.

"Danny calm down." Jaime said harshly;" What we're trying to tell you is that He is a snake and you'd better watch it, or Es will make your life a living hell."

Danny didn't know where to let his mind race first. What would posses Lance to take this snake back into the fold? It just didn't make sense. After a silent moment, Danny spoke again.

" How come you didn't quit when he came back?"

Craig looked at him with a look of concerned sorrow; " I felt that I could look past what had happened, and the fact that this job is important and pays good. Old Boyfriend or no, I was gonna keep it."

Danny rose to his feet." Well I think that's a bunch of bullshit! I mean I know about co-workers falling for each other, but this is extreme."

Craig, arms crossed, still held his gaze;" Well Danny, He's not after Lance. He's after you."

Danny blinked. Craig's words were like cold water on his face. Danny was trying to divert his thoughts by assuming Es was after Lance, but it was just a mask to hide the fact that Es was after him. He lost his anger and let out a loud sigh.

" Me? Well he can't have me."

"Oh you just try to think that." Jaime said with a laugh, " He will charm you whenever he can. And since you two will be working together, He will turn it on overdrive."

Craig interrupted Jaime;" Its all up to you Danny. Either quit, break it off with Lance and go with Es, or resist and live with it like I do."

Danny didn't know what to think. He took in all that was said and let out another loud sigh; " Well in this instance; Resistance is not futile."

Jaime rose and went to the door; " Well gentlemen, let's get back to the hotel. I am beat."

Danny and Craig rose and followed Jaime out of the room, and on towards the parking lot, and the car that waited to take them back to the hotel. As the three men went to the car; a figure immerged from the shadows. Escobar had heard everything the men had talked about. His face was contorted in angry ambition. 'Those two queens were not going to be the end of his lust for Danny. Sooner or later Danny, ' Es thought,' You will be mine!'


Joey went into the bathroom to collect Justin. As he entered the steamed room, he heard Justin humming. A smile spread on Joey's face as he became intoxicated by the sound of the humming, the shower, and the man who was behind the glass. He quickly and quietly stripped and opened the shower door. A soap sudded hand grabbed for him and he quickly entered the shower.

"So, did the food get here?" Justin asked as the water and his hands quickly engulfed Joey.

Joey nodded in silent reply as he let the jets and the hands do all the work.

"Good," Justin replied," Now I can really have a good meal." He sank to his knees in front of Joey and quickly swallowed his now rigid penis. Joey was unprepared for this quick action, and slumped to the wall of the shower. Between the steam and the fog in Joey's head, this was taking on a surreal feel to it. He had showered with Justin this afternoon, but this time it was more so. This time Joey began to lose himself in the desires and the feel of the moment and his heart. He let animal urge get the better of him for a moment and grabbed onto the sides of Justin's head.

"Yeah, baby, make me happy."

"Mrffghhhhh." Came the garbled reply. Obviously Both men were in complete agreement as to the feelings being conveyed. Justin made every tongue twirl and twist he could think of to make this moment and this even one to remember. His reward was Joey's moans and sighs. Justin extracted his mouth from the rod and proceeded to tongue the Italian's balls with all the care of a lover.

" Justin, you make me so happy." Came Joey's breathless reply.

" Baby, you're my happiness." Justin answered. Joey moved his right hand up to his left breast and began to pinch it, causing the arriola to swell with blood. He barred his teeth in sensual desire. Justin looked up and saw the titillation going on.

" Hey save some for later."

Joey looked down; " You're right. We need our strength. C'mon Goldy, Let's get cleaned up and eat." He effortlessly hoisted Justin up. Justin turned his back to the hunky man. " Ok, but you need to get my back real good. I have a feeling that I am going to wear it out tonight!" Joey sank his chin to Justin's shoulder;" You know it, babe." And the two men continued their bathing.


Josh and Chris wasted no time in getting down to business. The two were like starved tigers fighting for food. Josh pawed at Chris' face and back with relentless force. Their lips were locked in a slobbering clash and their tongues were lancing for erotic attention. J.C.'s hands moved down to Chris' buns and massaged them with a fierce intensity. Chris threw his head back and let out a silent moan of intense delight.

" Oh Josh don't stop." Chris begged.

Josh didn't reply as his hands continued to make quick work on Chris' posterior. Both men were jolted out of bliss by a loud knock at the door.

"The Guys?!" Josh answered. A look of surprised excitement in his wet face.

"I'll go get them. Stay here." Chris replied. He began to exit the shower. Josh grabbed for Chris' arm; " Put on a towel." Chris smiled and said, " Sure."

Chris crossed the bathroom and went to the door. Wet and naked, Chris looked through the peephole and saw the familiar visages of Chad and Chuck. An evil smile spread across the singer's face as he opened the door. Both men were caught in mid sentence as they realized that Chris was naked in front of them, dripping with water and looking every bit the sexual lightening rod that he was.

"Uhhhhh", Chuck said, at a loss for words.

Chris grabbed onto Chuck and Chad's hands and tugged them in and shut the door. He began to paw at their clothes, trying to get them off. The two were slightly disoriented as Chris began to step up his effort.

"Chris..What are you doing?" Chad asked.

Obsessed with a button on Chuck's collar, Chris replied," You guys look dirty, let's get you showered up." Both Chuck and Chad exchanged a curious glance as Chris continued. Just as Chad began to reply, a voice called out from behind him.

" Just listen to him fellas. He is insistent when he wants to be."

Both men turned to see who had spoke, already knowing whom the voice belonged to. J.C. stood full on at the door to the shower, naked and wet like Chris and with a raging hard on. At this sight, both men began to wordlessly and without hesitation, remove their clothes in wordless submission.

" I thought you'd see it our way." Josh said as he grabbed Chad by the hand and began to lead him to the shower. All four naked men now went back to the shower and entered. As Chris closed the bathroom door, he said to all the men present, " Time to get this night started off right." And the door closed with a soft latch.


Here it is guys. I am sorry I have not written, but I am in a slump. Life is a cruel bitch sometimes, but I want all of you to know I am here, and will write as much as I can. I hope you're still all interested and wanting this. Please let me know:-) Thanks!!

Next: Chapter 23

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