Passion in Fashion


Published on Feb 26, 2001


Hi ho dear Nifty Readers! I'm back with chapter 16 of "Passion In Fashion" Again this story is dedicated to all who enjoy reading the printed word, and who enjoy mental stimulation from erotic literature. I am really thankful to Nifty and to all the readers who continue to write me and continue to enjoy my work. To this end I dedicate my work to you!

************* DISCLAMER *************

This is a work of fiction. No offence or mean intentions are meant towards N'Sync. They are merely the players in my story. If you can't read this where you live, Go somewhere where you can.

"Passion In Fashion" -16

AND NOW..........

The five men of N'Sync were ready and made up and miked for the show. Justin, Joey, J.C., Lance and Chris were all set on stage. The band was in their final preparation to play. The backup singers were fine-tuning their voices. All were ready to give another knockout performance to the multitude of people that had gathered to hear and see them perform. Lance glanced around to his fellow members, as he looked them over one by one. Chris was silent and dark, eyes intent, body taunt; Ready for action. Justin twisted his head around, relaxing his neck, eyes forward and ready to entertain. Joey was looking down at his shoes, checking to see that the laces on his Air Jordan's were laced and set just right, and ready to dance. And finally to J.C. Eyes forward, face a mask of seriousness, stiff as a board, he looked ready for the show to start. All five men were in position, as Craig ran onstage to give them a final look over.

"Ok guys, listen up! We have a full house, and they are wetting their panties in anticipation." Craig paced the length of the stage to inspect the men. The roar of the crow began to build, as the house lights dimmed and the anticipation mounted. Craig spoke up as the roar increased.

" Alright you guys are perfect. Remember what we worked on and focus on your work. Good luck and break a leg." And with that Craig ran off the stage. As he entered the wings, Greg was there to meet him.

" Are they all set?" Greg asked anxiously.

" As ready as they'll ever be." Craig replied." I just hope they get that number right." He kneaded his hands in nervous anticipation.

The announcer's voice boomed out like thunder, " And now, live and on stage. The world's most phenomenal singing sensation. N'Sync!"

The curtain rose as the throng of females present began to scream in one loud voice. The sound was deafening and a bit hypnotic. The group began to spread out on stage into their opening number's positions. As they crossed out to their prospective marks, All five men began to wave and blow kisses to the assembled mass of people. This sent the fervor of the crowd into over drive. The men lined up, and the band began to play the first notes of " Bye Bye Bye"...


Jaime and Danny went out of Escobar's office and headed off towards an area just in back of and to the left of the makeup area. As they walk, Jaime spoke to Danny.

" So where did Lance find you?" His face was forward as he asked his question.

Danny turned his head to answer him. " I work at Neiman Marcus in the men's department. The group came in to get their outfits for the show, and I helped Lance and he liked what I was able to do for him and I guess the rest is history."

Jaime harumped as Danny finished. " Yeah I should have been there with the guys today, but I was in LA looking for material for the backup singers." Jaime headed towards a rack of clothes and began to rifle through them as he continued. " I have to say you did a good job on what you picked out for them, especially Lance." Jaime began to pick out shirts and pants and coats and handing them to Danny. Danny's arms quickly began to fill with a pile of clothes.

" Um Thanks." Danny said; slightly burdened by the amount of clothes he was being handed.

" I have tried to get Lance made up in some nice stuff, but nothing ever seemed to click. I must say you did what I was never able to do in 3 years." Jaime said as he handed the final shirt to Danny. Danny's face was no longer visible under the mound of clothing that Jaime had stacked on him. Jaime faced Danny and had seen what he had done, and laughed.

" Oh I'm sorry Danny. Here let me get a few of those." Jaime began to peel away a few layers of the clothes he had deposited on the hapless young man.

"Thanks. " Danny replied. " Now I know what a cloak room feels like." Danny looked at Jaime sheepishly. " Where are we taking the clothes?"

Jaime directed Danny towards the dressing rooms. " Well since you are now Lance's fashion coordinator, You should have all his clothes. He is a 32 waist and 32 inseam. He is not good in red or yellow, and his eyes shine with green." Jaime and Danny approached their destination.

"Here we are. Lance's room. I will send a rack for you to put this stuff on, and you can meet up with me tomorrow so we can go over what they guys will wear for their next concert." Jaime opened the door and led Danny in. As Danny deposited the pile of clothes on the sofa, he heard the announcer start the show. Danny's head snapped towards the door, as if to get a better shot of hearing what was being said.

" Oh I gotta go see the show." Danny pleaded with Jaime; He looked at the pleading man with humor. " Sure you can go see him. I'm not your boss, Lance is."

Danny dropped the clothes and rushed on out the door towards the wings.


As Danny arrived at the stage Left wings, He met up with Greg and Craig. They exchanged quick nods and stood by and watched as the show progressed. The band talked to the crowd for a bit and sang " Bye Bye Bye" , " It's Gonna Be Me" , and several other hits off their "NO Strings Attached" album. After an hour or so, the group came to their finale " This I promise you". Right before they began to sing, as they bantered to the crowd, Lance said to the audience.

" I'd like to dedicate this song to my one and only, and I know you know who you are!" He glanced off stage towards Danny and winked. Both Greg and Craig looked at Danny with muted supprise. Danny's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as the familiar strings of the groups song began to play; The same song that Danny used to sing while out on the beach. Danny continued to watch Lance as he gracefully moved with the others in graceful motion, all of the new cues incorporated and timed just right. As the final notes faded off, the crowd went wild with applause and shouts for more. The group thanked their fans and headed on off the stage. As they all ran into the backstage area, Lance met Danny at full run and swept him into his arms and twirled him around as if he were a child in its parent's arms.

" Oh Babe we were great tonight!" Lance lowered Danny and kissed him full on the lips. Danny was taken by suprise, but did not fight it. He threw himself into the kiss with the same intensity Lance had. After a few moments they broke the embrace, and composed themselves. A few people stopped to watch the encounter, but most were use to this sort of display, and thought nothing of it. Danny looked at Lance and said, slightly breathless.

" Well if you're that way after every show, You're gonna wear me out!" Danny let out a small chuckle.

Just as Lance was about to respond, A Security guard came up to the two men and said, " Mr. Bass there are two men who have backstage passes and said that you were expecting them?"

Lance's face took on a confused look, till Danny snapped him out of it, " its Chuck and Chad. Remember I left word with the box office for them."

Lance quickly remembered, " Oh Yeah that's right, show them to my dressing room."

The guard nodded, and turned to leave. Danny began to lead Lance back to the dressing room. As they entered the room, and the door shut, both raced towards another, much more lust driven embrace. As the two lovers threw themselves into the fires of passion, a loud knock came from the door.

"Mr. Bass, your guests are here." Said the voice from behind the door.

Lance opened the door and was momentary shocked. In front of him stood two of the most handsome men he had ever seen; Aside from Danny of course. Lance stammered.

" Hi guys. Which of you is Chuck?"

The taller of the two answered, " I'm Chuck. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Bass. I just can't get over that you wanted to meet us." Lance looked over the man as he spoke to him. Chuck was about six feet tall, well defined, not too fat, and not a stick. His chestnut hair was slicked back and parted in the middle. His soft brown eyes were a compliment to his well-defined face. A strong proud nose made his face look intelligent and very manly.

" And this is my friend Chad." Chuck continued. Lance turned his attention to Chuck's Boyfriend. If Lance didn't know any better, he could have sworn that Chad had just stepped off the runways of a Hugo fashion show. A hair shorter than Chuck, Chad exuded an elan that offset his defined features quite well. His face was every bit as well chiseled as Chuck's but held a deeper edge of sophistication that gave him a mystique; At least on the surface. His azure blue eyes sparkled like polished stones in a stream. He smiled a toothy grin and Lance was almost blinded by the stark white and straight teeth he had in his mouth. His teeth looked as beautiful and straight as columns of some ancient Greek temple, and were the color of pure alabaster. Lance's eyes drifted down the lanky frame of this god of the runway and saw that his clothes hid nothing from the eyes. Well defined and tight were words that came to Lance's mind as he drank in the sight. At that moment Danny came out from behind Lance.

" Surpass guys!" Danny yelled.

Both men's jaws dropped as they recognized who was behind Lance. Both said in unison. " Oh My God! Danny?!"

Danny raced to meet their warm embrace. After the hug, Danny turned back to face Lance.

" Charles, Chad I'd like you to meet Lance boyfriend."

His words hung in the air. Both Chuck and Chad were awestruck by meeting Lance, but were dumbfounded by the introduction Danny had made. Both men turned Danny around and began to barrage him with congratulations and questions. Danny halted their verbal assault with an upraised hand.

" Guys we can all discuss this over dinner and drinks. Would you like to come with Lance and I back to the hotel?"

Both men turned to face one another and answered as one. "UH DUH!"

All four men let out a bevy of laughter as Danny ushered them into the room and closed the door.


As the five that comprised N'Sync let the stage, each divided themselves into their respective groups. Danny and Lance met in the wings, Joey and Justin Headed off towards their now joint dressing room, and J.C. staggered off the stage not looking at the display of love that Danny and Lance were showing. He felt that if he had to look at it, he might want to ruin it, so he thought it wise to just look past it and get to his room to rest before they headed on back to the hotel As he walked towards his room, He was grabbed from behind and whirled around. The person began to intone in a very annoyed voice.

" What the fuck is up with that shit man?" Chris said heatedly, " You grab my balls, act all wigged out and shit, what the fuck is up?"

J.C. nearly decked Chris where he stood. His mental control he had for performances was wearing off, and his confused and upset persona began to reassert itself. He bored his eyes into Chris with the intensity of magnified sunlight.

" What the fuck is wrong with me is that you are trying to fuck with my head." Josh responded in fury.

"Look who's taking?" Chris responded, " You're the Jekyl and Hyde. Fuckin' grabbing my balls and crying for Lance every five seconds. You're the one that needs to have your head looked at."

Josh let rage engulf him again today and picked Chris up by his shirt and threw him at door to his dressing room. The door had not been closed all the way and Chris flew in and landed on his butt.. He sat there looking up at J.C.'s Face, contorted in anger. Chris also glanced down to see J.C.'s fist clenched in preparation for a fight. Chris looked up into his friend's face and let out a sigh.

" Joshua we both need to calm down and talk this out."

" What I want," J.C. said as he slammed the door shut and locked it, " Is for you to stop fucking with me. I am really fucked up right now and need to sort things out."

Chris looked at him with pity. " I can help you Josh" J.C. went to the couch and buried his face In the pillows. Chris got up from the floor and went to comfort his tortured comrade. "C'mon let's go get some fresh air before we head on back to the hotel, and we can talk this out." Chris was rubbing his hand on the singer's back. Josh's back was so taunt and yet so masculine that Chris felt that he could rub it forever. After a moment of this, J.C. emerged from the pillowy depths and wiped his nose with his sleeve in much the same way a child would.

" Yeah, I'd like that." he said in a horse voice.

Chris rose from the Couch and held out his hand to J.C. Accepting it he rose and the two headed on out the door. As they prepared to walk out to the parking garage, both men saw two gorgeous men being led to Lance's dressing room. J.C. and Chris stared as the door opened and Lance greeted them with a warm reception. Chris grabbed J.C. by the shoulder and whispered into his ear.

" Hey look its Danny's friends. Man are they hot!"

The one who was introduced as Chad hypnotized J.C. He thought he had found beauty in Lance, but Josh was now being consumed with a new vision. He drank Chad's features in feverishly, almost to the point where he was drooling. Chris caught sight of this and again was enraged. Chris' mind began to race with possibilities as the two m en entered the dressing room.

" Hey buddy I got a great plan."

J.C. was jolted back into reality and responded, " What's that?"

" What's better than telling someone off?" Chris asked silly.

" I don't know." J.C. responded. His eyes still focused on Lance's door.

" Getting back at them with their best friend."

J.C. turned to face Chris. " What hairbraned plan do you have now?"

Chris broke out his Cheshire Cat grin, " I told you earlier, we use Danny's friends against him. We'll make it look like they are trying to get with Lance. He gets upset, loses them and tells Lance off. Lance is heartbroken and comes running to you."

J.C. was still in a daze from Chad's brief appearance. " I don't know now Chris. Did you see the one who looked like a model? He was gorgeous."

Chris playfully punched Josh's shoulder. " You dog! You're fickle. You got the hots for that guy now? What about Lance? What about me?"

Josh stared at Chris for a moment before answering. " I think I am beginning to realize that Lance is better off with Danny. But that guy is fuckin' sexy."

Chris grabbed J.C.'s shoulder a little tighter. " Patience my good man. We might be able to get you your it that guy, Lance, or me."

Chris began to lead J.C. towards the exit. " What makes you so sure this time?" Josh asked.

"No one can resist fame. It's the ultimate aphrodisiac." Chris said and the two men left the building.


Ok guys I know I have been late with this chapter, but I am still writing. I want to know whether You think J.C. and Chris should go with their relationship. Should they stick together, J.C. still try after Lance or go after Chad. EMail me and let me know. Until next Chapter... Ciao!

Next: Chapter 18

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