Passion in Fashion


Published on Nov 6, 2000


Hello once again Nifty Readers! I'm back with another thrilling chapter of " Passion in Fashion" I hope it keeps you entertained and continues to do so. Please EMail any comments you may have, and flames will be cheerfully ignored.

************ DISCLAMER ************

This is a work of pure fiction. N'Sync is not Gay.........are they? Now on with the story......

"Passion in Fashion" -8


Danny and Lance lazily strolled down the sandy shore. It seemed that this day was tailor made for them to take advantage of. They walked most of the way hand in hand, till Lance took Danny's arm and tucked it into his. Lance laid his head on Danny's shoulder and gave it a loving nudge. He spoke up,

" Danny, what is it that makes people fall in love?"

Danny smiled and looked down at the sand as he replied, " Well I think it has to do with the person's heart, and their personality and sheer magnatism."

Lance drew closer to Danny, " Well babe you polarize me!"

Danny chuckled, " Lance, You are a gem."

Lance stopped and turned to face Danny. Both men locked eyes with one another, and in that instant, time came to a halt. Danny looked into Lance's green eyes and say what laid within: peace, laughter, love, passion, and sensitvity. Between the breeze, sunlight, and the crashing waves beyond, Danny could not have wished or planned for a more ideal moment, transfixed in a single moment in time.Lance looked into the jewled eyes of Danny and saw all the hopes and dreams he had ever had waiting for him. He became teary eyed. Danny watched a lone tear slide off the young man's cheek, and caught it with his index finger.

" Why are ya cryin' babe?" Danny asked puzzled.

Lance kept his gaze locked on Danny's, " I am crying because I have finally found all my dreams furfilled, that fame and fortune coudn't do. Danny I never want to let you go." Lance grabbed Danny and buried his head in his chest and sobbed.Danny sank his chin onto the top of Lance's head and nuzzled it gently.

" Scoop, you won't lose me, not now, not ever. I swear it."

The two held eachother for what seemed to be hours. The warmpth and love that was transmitted between them was incredible. They were conjoined in mind and spirit as if they were Siamese twins.Danny finally broke the embrace.

" C'mon Lance, let's keep walking."

" Just a minute more," Lance said quietly, " I feel good."

"Ok." They stood there, intertwined for a little while longer. Lance looked up at Danny,

"Race ya to the end of the beach?" Lance said playfully.

" You're on!" And with that, Danny pushed Lance off him and raced down the beach. Lance's face took on a look of amused determination as raced down the shore after him.After a few minutes at a full on sprint, Danny reached the breakers at the end of the beach. Lance came in breathless a few moments later. He bent over to rest his hands on his legs and looked at Danny,

" Well you sure can run fast."

" Comes from working out." He replied just as breathless as Lance, " Besides, the chase can be just as thrilling as the catch."

Lance smiled his beautiful smile and said," Well this great white hunter has only one lion in his sights." He extended his hand to Danny. Danny reached out and took hold of his lover's hand, and the two of them went out on the breakers. They walked ,hand in hand, out on the rocks; till they reached the end of the breakers. They sat down on the concrete pad of the harbor marker and watched the sea and the sun as it raced towards the horizion. Lance took hold of Danny's hand again and began to rock slowly. Danny scooted up to Lance and sat right behind him, and wraped his arms around Lansten and begins to rock with him.They both watch a fishing boat as it sailed off in the distance. After a while, Lance asked Danny,

" What do you dream about?"

" Well," Danny said with a sigh, " I will now start dreaming of you."

Lance sank his back into Danny's chest, " I bet you will, but what I want to know is, what is it that makes you who you are? What shapes your soul? What do you imagine about yourself and your life?"

Danny tightened his grip on Lance and started," I want peace and love in my life. Call it corny, but thats what I dream about. I had a few rough spots in my life, and I want to have someone there to make me whole and to stabilize my life."

" Have you been hurt by people?"

Danny took a few moments to answer," A few have hurt me, but you move on. What about you?", He nudged Lance, "Have you've been hurt before?"

Lance sighed, " Once. I was about 15, and I met someone, and I thought he was the one. He helped me come to terms with my sexuality, but he had other plans."


" He wanted his cake and to eat it too, " Lance replied," He wanted me at home, and he wanted to go clubbing and meet others. I couldn't take it, and I broke up with him."

" I'm sorry babe," Danny kissed Lance's neck.

" Oh well," Lance sighed, " If it hadn't happen, I woudn't have found you. Besides," He grabbed Danny's hands and squeezed them tightly, " You make him look like chopped liver."

"Hmmmmmmmmmm, " Danny cooed, " well I'm USDA Choice baby!" Lance laughed and Danny smiled. After a few more minutes,Lance asked,

" What time is it?"

Danny glanced at his watch and replied, " 3:45"

Lance bolted up, " We've got to get back to the hotel. I have to get ready for the show."

Danny stood up and looked at Lance, " Ok let's get a move on mister."

Lance mused, " I bet the guys are still in bed, snoaring away." The two of them stated on back to the shore.Nothing could be further from the truth.


Joey continued to pound away at Justin's ass with all the vigor of a bucking bronco. The squeeks of the bedsprings plus the grunting and moaning of the two young men , were good indications to anyone passing within hearing distance of the room that someone was having a grand ol' time . Justin became so overwhelmed with the beating his ass was getting, that he began to slam his rear into Joey's groin. The result was Joey increasing his already feverous pace.Joey's sweat began to rain on Justin's upturned ass. The moisture felt like a cooling effect on a body aflame. Justin began to convulse as he spoke thru clentched teeth,

" Oh Joey You're making me cum!"

Upon hearing that, Fatone grabbed Justin's hips and buried the hilt of his cock into Timberlake's butt with the force of....well Superman.He yelled in a gutteral tone,

" OH YEAH!!! Take my cum you bitch!!" Joey began to quiver and held his position. Justin could feel the thick ropes of semen entering him and filling his colon with the sticky solution.As he felt the cum fill him, Justin was filled with a surge of energy and began to shoot his load. It shot out of his boycock and hit the sheets of the king sized bed. Justin shot so much it began to pool underneath him. Justin was breathless as he spoke,

" Yeah baby! That was fuckin' awesome!"

Joey collapsed onto the bed. As he did, there was a subtle pop as Joey's cock dislogged itself from Timberlake's anus.Justin collapsed right on top of him. the two layed there, intertwined,sweat and cum soaked bodies strewned on the bed like two rag dolls after being thru the ringer.Both panted and tried to get their breath back. Joey spoke up,

" How do you like them apples Goldy?"

" Joey, you are a fuckin' animal. You keep fucking me like that and I'll never walk straight again."

Joey reached onto the bureau and grabbed the pack of smokes and lighter. He lit one of them and gave it to Justin, then lit another for himself. For a few moments they laid there, exactly as they had fallen, smoking their cigarettes.Justin got up from the bed and put out the cigarette. Joey flipped over and rested his head on his hands and watch Justin as he examined himself in front of the mirror, naked and glowing.Justin struck a few poses and then turned to Joey,

" So you like what you see, huh?" Justin gripped the base of his cock, which was getting hard again.

Joey licked his lips and said, " Uh huh." He looked at the teen's cock and coudn't look away. Justin was a blond god and had the body to match. Justin moved closer to Joey and began to caress his goatee.

" Wanna real treat?"

" Oh yeah! What ya got in mind?"

Without a word, Justin got on the bed and straddled Joey. Without a word, he sank his ass onto Joey's face. Joey began to suck and slurp the precious elixer that ran out of Justin's ass.

"Yeah that's it baby. Suck and lick my ass clean." Justin was rolling his head in a relaxing motion as he listened to Joey's slurping.Justin stood up and jumped on the bed. He spunin midair and landed on top of Joey. His knees landed on the bed and softned the inpact on the helpless Fatone. Joey looked up into Justin's eyes and smiled.

" Wanna taste?"

Justin bent in to French kiss the handsome Italian stud who had just roto rootered his anus clean. His toung swirled inside Joey's mouth. He tasted sweat, sex, saliva and cum, mixed with a faint taste he had never expereinced. Justin began to kiss more deeply to get more of the taste. Joey broke free of the kiss and said breathlessly,

" I knew you coudn't resist the taste. I have to say you taste better than anyone I have ever had."

Justin hummed, " Oh I am huh? Well I may not want you to taste anyone else."

Joey looked at Justin with a sly look," Oh really? And what will you do to stop me?"

"Well," Justin replied," maybe I won't let you have any of this." Timberlake dipped his butt onto Joey's face again, and he eagerly shot his tounge out to get more of that succlent ass. Just as Joey's mouth serpent touched Justin's pink knot, Justin pulled off and jumped off the bed and headed on to the bathroom. Joaey watched the teens bubble butt as it sauntered towards the bathroom. He let out a sigh and thought to himself,

'Man is he a piece. Cute and a good lay. I think I could fall for Justin.' Joey cloed his eyes and replayed the events that had just transpired.

Meanwhile Justin was firing up the shower. As he entered the tub, he also went over the past half hours events.

'Joey is all man. Hairy, rugged and a good fuck. I bet he and I would be perfect for eachother.'

As Justin was lathering himself up, the door to the bathroom opened , and Joey entered.

' Let's see if I can convince Goldy to go my way.' Joey mused as he neared the shower.


J.C. and Chris were frozen in place. Greg still hadn't picked his jaw up off the floor, and all three stood there. Both J.C. and Chris finally collecten themselves and Josh pulled up his sweats, while Chris grabbed a towel off a nearby chair and covered himself. Greg spoke first,

" Well guys?! Let's hear it."

" There's nothing to say Greg," Chris retorted, " What J.C. and I were doing was our own business, not yours!" Chris' voice was firm.

Greg was momentarily taken aback, not prepared for Chris' response, " You're right Chris, it isn't my business, but you two better not let it slip; Not if you still want a career. Most of those screeming girls will turn on you faster than you can blink if it gets out." He retorted.

" Well let us worry about it," Josh responded, " I think the World would accept us."

"It's not the World you need worry about, " Greg shot back," Its the minds of millions of love crazed girls you need to worry about. Besides," Greg turned towards the door to exit, " If you two don't get ready, they will come after you regardless." And with that Greg exited the room.

J.C. and Chris turned to one another. Josh spoke first, " I think Greg has a point. Let's cool it for now."

Chris stared at him, " Well I won't force you, but I will get in your pants sooner or later."

J.C. shot him a slightly cold stare, " We'll see. Remember I still want Lance."

J.C. turned towards the door to go , Chris came up beind him just as he had opened the door, and gripped his cock thru the thin material. Chris snuggled up to Josh's right ear and wispered, " I see it right now." Josh's cock was getting hard again. He fought the urge and pused Chriss off of him and exited the room. As he walked down the hall, Chris shouted to him,

" Remember J.C. my door will always be open for you, among other things." Chris let the door close shut, as he was still staring after Jos as he wennt on down the hall to his room.

To Be Continued.....

Well folks let me know how this one was. I think I am hitting my stride again. Hope you enjoy it, till next time.Ciao!

Next: Chapter 9

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