Passion in Fashion


Published on Sep 20, 2000


Hi once again Nifty Readers! Here I am with the second installment of "Passion in Fashion". I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it. One of the reasons I am writing this story is to say thanks to all the Nifty readers,writers and sponsors. This website is a great forum to express our love of erotic writings,and to put our spin on fantasies and desires....which is the key to our sanity; For what is life without expression and imagination? I want to Thank Casey and Franklyn and all the others for your EMails......keep them comming!!!! I am an EMail junkie and will respond to all letters,flames will be cheerfully ignored! By the way if no one knows, Write me with your choice for the love interest for Danny. The most EMail votes will get Danny hooked with the N' Syncer of your votes:-) So here we go and have fun!!!!!!

*********** DISCLAMER ***********

This is a work of fiction. Any refrences to the sexuality of N'Sync is purely the perversion of the author and those who read the story. This story is not to imply that Lance, J.C., Joey, Justin or Chris is Gay.....but oh Christ Let one of them be;-) The settings are real,the Emotions are true and the rest............thats for you to decide.

Now on with our story...................

"Passion in Fashion" Part -2


"We will be there shortly Gentlemen." Said the Chauffer to his passangers.

"Cool! I can't wait to get some new threads!" Justin said excidedly. "I'm so glad they let us come early and shop without any hassle."

"Boy you got that right Jus," Joey chimed in. " I love our fans, but they don't need to see us shoppin' for our underwear for Chrissakes!"

" C'mon guys, " Chris said " At least we aren't shoppin' for our clothes at Sears!"

All five let out a roar of laughter at Chris' remark, which was directly aimed at their arch rivals:the other boy band known as The Backstreet Boys, Who had done a commercial for Sears some time back.

" At least out manager has taste! " J.C. said cooly. " Nice car, nice scenery, great store to go shopping in." He leaned back into his seat and clasped his hands behing his head, " I know when we go out onto the stage tonight we will be dressed to impress, and to the nines."

" Well some of us still need help in the taste department." Lance chided J.C. playfully.

J.C. looked at Lance with mock hostility " Oh really Lansten?! Well when you need help making sure your clothes match, I will be more than happy to help you out."

Lance rolled his eyes and laughed lightly, " J.C. you know as well as I that plaid went out in the 70's. Too bad no one told you about it."

"Thats it!" J.C. went for Lance's throat with great flourish.

"Ok boys quit the roughousing!" Greg said firmly. Greg was the band's Charge D' Affairs and and ocasional nanny. " How will it look when you and Lance are on the front page of the Enquirer with the headline 'Boy Band Battle'?"

" Oh we won't go that far. " Lance said bemused, " Just enough to make J.C. see the error of his ways."

J.C. looked at Lance and flashed his eyes mockingly. " You know you're too pretty to hit Lance. Besides, we all know how sharp of a dresser I am." J.C.'s face was positively beaming.

" Sharp? That's an overstatement!" Lance said in mock suprise, " The only thing sharp about you is your snoaring."

Joey and Chris sighed, and Justin laughed. Greg rolled his eyes, "Enough you two, or you will shop at Target!"

Both J.C. And Lance glanced at Greg and then at one another." Ok ok we'll stop the snaps." Lance said sheeplishly.

"Truce." J.C. said. "And to make it serious," J.C. held out his right Pinky to Lance.

"Pinky swear!" Lance chimed in as his right Pinky interlocked with J.C.'s and they shook them in one grand flourish.

"Peace in our Time." Chris said mockingly "Now let's get the facts straight. We will be going to Neiman Marcus. We are picking out clothes we will be wearing tonight, becuase the store has a promotional tie-in with the Pond where we're playing tonight,right Greg?"

"That's right," Greg toned in, " So pick out somthing fashionable. Neiman Marcus is a fine store and has a good selection of the latest clothes you guys willl like."

"Listen to him shovel it! " Joey broke in, "He sounds like a friggin' salesperson. Hey Greg? Are you getting a rake off from the store for your plug?" Joey was smiling as he spoke.

" Ha ha. " Greg said drily. " Well if you don't be careful Mr. Fatone you will be doing commercials for Target's Men's Department and have to wear THEIR clothes selection! I'm sure they have a fine selection of Superman Clothing."

All of them let out a howl of laughter. Joey had a Superman addiction and it was no secret, but the boys still kidded him from time to time about it.

" That would suit me just fine. " Joey said in his defence. " If its Supes wear, It's Joey's wear!"

"Ohhhhhhh " Justin said mockingly as he clasped his hands in mock prayer " Superman you're the greatest."

"Yeah yeah yeah keep dishing it out Goldilocks!" Goldilocks was Joey's nickname for Justin , "You're just lucky we have to preform tonight! I was gonna go Kryptionian on your ass!"

"Promises Promises!" Justin said."One day you might be able to do what you claim." Justin was having fun with the crimson haired singer.

Joey gave Justin a sideways glance and remained silent. The limo began to turn into the parking lot of Nieman Marcus. As it started to roll to the front of the store entrance, Greg spoke up.

" Ok guys we have an hour to shop. One complete outfit for the show and one personal outfit for each of you. Once you've found what you want bring it up to the register."

" I thought the clothes were free?" Lance said slightly confused.

"They are Lance, but they need to be inventoried by the store so they know what we chose."

Lance felt slightly blonde for even saying it. " Silly me." he said with his trademark puppy smile.

The limo rolled to a stop in front of the store. As they five of them looked out the window, they saw several security guards form a walkway from the limo to the entrance of the store.

" They really are rolling out the welcome mat for us, huh?" Joey said matter of factly.

"Its precautions Joey," Greg said ," We don't want you assaulted as you shop."

"Well let's get this goin' then," Chris said as the door to the limo was opened. As the first of the band memebers were exiting the limo, they saw a young man approach them wearing a suit. One by one they eyed him as he aproached.

The young man came up to them and paused. He looked positively astonished. 'Must be a fan?' Greg thought, The young man spoke to the assembled group.

" Welcome gentlemen to Neiman Marcus, Fashion Island. My name is Daniel and I will be your personal shopper for the duration of your visit. If you'll follow me I will escort you to the Men's Department."

The five memebers and their manager eyed the salesperson and gave him a quick once over. He coudn't have been more than 25 tops.Well dressed and handsome. " Well at least we have someone our own age to help us pick clothes." Lance said, " Whenever we have done this in the past we always get some guy who's old enough to be our dad or grandfather."

Danny smiled. That smile was electifying . It made him look like his face was made to smile, Lance returned the grin.

"Well thanks for the compliment Mr. Bass. I hope we can find what you want to wear tonight." Danny was drinking up Lance's gaze. Was there a connection there? Did Danny see somthing in Lance's face that said "Hey I find you cute."?

'Oh C'mon Danny snap out of it! He's straight and he probably thinks you are a nice guy. Lance always thinks the best of people. At least thaty what they say in those teen magazines.' Danny's mind was saying to itself.

Lance smiled again. " Well let's get to it then." Greg said , and as one , the band members, Danny and Greg headed on into the store.


As the doors parted for the men, Danny turned to them and started to walk backwards as he spoke to them . " We have a wide selection of clotheirs you might like such as Versachi, Boss, Polo, Tommy Hilfiger, and the like. If you need to try on your choices there's a dressing room off to the left of the department for you to try on your selections."

Lance met Danny's gaze and held it as they walked to the Men's Department. Danny became slightly unnerved as Lance drank him in; So much so Danny slipped and knocked into a table display, sending it and Danny speeing to the floor. As the display broke Danny's fall, Lance rushed to help the fallen salesman up. Danny reached for Lance's outstreached hand.

"Here let me help you up." Lance said quietly as he started to pull Danny from the remains of the fallen table.The moment Danny and Lance's hands met, Both felt as if they had touched a live wire.

'Oh my God!' Danny thought wildly, ' What the hell was that?! I feel like I could fly.'

' What the Hell?!' , Lance thought amazed, ' That was incredible!'

As Danny regained his stature, he held onto Lance's arm and came eyeball to eyeball with this handsome man. Both of them looked into eachother's eyes for what seemed to be like an eternity. Slowly they came to there senses and realized everyone was looking at them. Chris coughed slighty.

" Um guys, are we going to stand here all day?" Chris asked the two awestrucked men as they broke their eye and arm lock.

" No, ummm, " Danny said as if he has just awakened from a deep sleep, "I am so sorry gentilemen for that awkward and clumsly display of pratfalls.I'm trying to get on workman's Comp." Danny winked at the end of his statement.

The men let out a small chuckle, but Lance still looked at the salesman with a catatonic expression. Almost as if they young clerk had put a spell on him.

" Hey Lance are you ok?" Justin asked slightly concerned, " You're acting as if you fell on the floor?"

"No," Lance shook his head as to clear the cobwebs from his mind, " I'm ok I just got lost in thought." ' Yeah lost in thought as to how much I am attracted to this hunk!' He thought slighty breathless.

" I'll bet Lansten," Joey said mockingly, "I know what you were thinking."

Lance covered up his glaze quickly enough, " Oh yeah Joey? And what exactlty is it that you think I was thinking?"

" About how much better I am going to look tonight than you!" Joey let out a hearty laugh.

Lance rolled his emerald eyes, " More like how ridiculous you will look." Lance smiled a toothy grin.

Joey smiled and let the jab slide. " Ok ok guys if the mutual admiration society meeting is over let's get this show on the road." Greg said slightly annoyed at the delay. " C'mon on you go." And as one they continued on to the Men's Department, Danny still looking at Lance and vice versa.

'Oh c'mon Danny snap out of it! Lance Bass of N' Sync is not Gay and was not checking you out!' Danny rationalized as he walked the men to the department the rest of the way in silence.

' He is one hot number.' Lance thought to himself,' I wonder if he thinks the same about me? He loooked astonished to see us in the limo, Hmmmmmm I wonder??' Lance thought as they finally entered the Men's area.

A man rushed up to greet them" Hello Gentlemen," It was Mario who greeted them ," I'm the Manager of the Men's Shop here at Nieman Marcus. Please feel free to peruse and try on anything you like. When you're done just come up to the register and we will get you taken care of."

" I already brief the guys in the limo." Gred said, " They know what to do."

"Well then Gentilemen, " Mario continued , " Let your shopping experience begin!" Mario swept the department with his hand and the 5 men went to work looking for clothes.

Well guys thats the end of Part 2. I loved writing this part and I hope you like it. PLEASE please I beg on my knees write me and tell me what you think? Will Danny go with Lansten,or will another N' Syncer take him?Will There be an SECOND love interest? who knows, but let me know what you think. If all goes well I will have the third installment out within a few days.

Also tell me how long you want this story to go? 3 parts, 300? The more I read the more I will write so keep writing.:-)


Next: Chapter 3

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