Passion in Fashion


Published on Sep 23, 2000


Hello once again fellow Nifty readers, tis I your humble writer here with another exciting and provcative installment of " Passion in Fashion"! I hope you continue to love reading it as much as I do writitng it. I want to thank all of you who continue to write and I hope I make your day just a little more erotic. Enjoy!

************ DISCLAMER ************

This is a work of Fiction. Any mention of Gay acts or tendencies by the charaters in this story ( I.E. N' Sync) is purely the sole preversion of the writer. I do not emply they are Gay, but if one of them is and they are reading this story, EMail me and we'll talk;-)

"Passion In Fashion" -4


"J.C.!" Lance said mortified, " Uh uh it's not what it looks like." Lance stammered as he and Danny broke their embrace.

"Lance, its ok," J.C. said quietly as he inched closer to the pair, " I've had my eye on you for some time , and when I saw Danny go into the dressing room to check on you, I thought I'd make my move." J.C. was now within inches of the two of them.

" What?! Is this some kind of joke?!" Lance was getting very worried. He had never seen such a look of hunger in his bandmate's eyes before. Danny was standing next to Lance and was just as shocked as Lance. Partially because he was shocked to find out J.C. was gay, but also that he thought he was seconds away from losing his job and going to jail. Danny spoke up,

" J.C. you won't tell anyone about us, will you?

" Oh no," J.C. said quite smug, " But my silence has a price."

Both Lance and Danny looked at eachother, then at J.C. both said in unison," What's the catch?"

" Well...." J.C. came even closer to them. Lance could feel his breath on his still bare chest., " you both have to give me a kiss, on the lips."

Lance and Danny's mouths dropped open at the statement. " Yyyyy you want to kiss me?" Danny said light headed. Two N' Sync memebers in one day! what were the chances?'

Lance was purely annoyed, " J.C. why ask us to kiss you? Can't you see I want Danny? J.C. you're like my brother. I coudn't..." he didn't have time to finish.

At that moment J.C. decided to put his proposal in action, he planted a kiss square on Lance's lips. The kiss was charged and full of emotion; not the longing and hormone enduced kiss he and Danny shared earlier, but one of pent up frustration and unreqited love.

Lance pulled away after a moment. He was not turned on by the kiss, but he did sense the emotion behind it. 'Oh My God', Lance thought , ' J.C. is in love with me! Poor guy.'

As Lance pulled away, J.C. turned his attention to Danny. " Now it's your turn Danny," J.C. said, " Pucker up."

As if he has to kiss a toad, Danny reluctantly inched closer to J.C. Their lips met and Danny broke contact after a few seconds.

Lance spoke up. " Ok J.C. a deal's a deal. You got what you wanted, now let us go. And remebember you said you woudn't say anything."

"Ok deal, " J.C. said quietly and he turned around and left the area.

" Oh Danny please forgive me I didn't think J.C. would leave or keep quiet unless we did as he said." Lance was starting to tear up. Danny caressed his cheek.

" Lance it's ok, I had to do it too," Danny said with pure forgiveness, " But let me just say that......... I think I am falling for you." Danny leaned in to kiss him.

Their lips met again , and this time the kiss was one of tenderness and growing love. Lance returned the kiss eagerly and with the same amount of emotion.

They broke the kiss and Danny spoke in a whisper, " I have to get back on the floor. Can I see you again?" It seemed as if Danny was pleading.

Lance looked at him with pure shock. " Are you kidding? You will have a hard time NOT to keep me from seeing you. Danny I feel the same way about you too. I want to see if you are the one for me. I want to make it work." he gave Danny one of his trademark smirks.

Danny pecked Lance on the cheek and said, as he rushed out of the cubicle, " Well lemme give you my phone number so you can call me. " He reached for a pen he had in his coat pocket.

Lance stopped him, " Danny I have a better idea. Do you want to come to the concert tonight?"

Danny was floored. " Boy would I . Yeah sure!" Danny was then suddenly brougth back to Earth. "Oh, " he said suddenly deflated, " I have to work till 6."

" Leave that to me, " Lance said as he put his shirt back on. Both proceeded out to the main area of the department. Mario caught Danny's attention as he and Lance emerged from the dressing rooms.

" Ah there you are Dan-O. I was wondering if you were lost. Mr. Fatone was wondering if we had anymore Superman Silk ties in back?" Mario asked.

Lance spoke before Danny could reply, " Mario can I ask you a favor?"

" Sure Mr. Bass, what can I do for you?"

" Well , seeing as we are getting these clothes for promoting the store at the concert tonight, its seems only right to ask that someone from the store come to the concert as its represenative." Lance turned to Danny, " And I think it should be Daniel here." He placed a hand on Danny's shoulder.

Mario looked at Lance with quizical look, " Un I'd have to get clearence from the store manager to do that."

Just then Greg came up beside the three men and spoke up, " Lance, what's going on?"

Lance turned to Greg and spoke," Greg I want Danny to come to the concert as the store's represenative tonight."

Greg was confused, " Ummm ok. May I ask what brought this up?"

" I think he is a cool guy and deserves to come after the stellar service he's given us. Just ask any of the others I think they'd agree." Lance said with confidance.

At that, J.C. came over to the small group and spoke, " Yeah, Danny's really deserved to come to the concert tonight." He flashed a quick smile to Lance.

"Well let me call our manager then. " With that Mario hurried off to the register station to place the call.

" Well Danny, as it seems that you are comming tonight I will have to get some personal info to let the men at the stage door know to let you in." Greg said. Danny turned to him and said,

" Sure no problem. But first let me go in back. Mr. Fatone is waiting for his tie." Danny said with a slight chuckle.

After Danny returned from the storeroom, with Joey's tie, He gave Greg all the necessary information for getting in tonight. Mario returned and said that the store manager had given his approval to Danny going. Danny then went back to helping the band pick out the clothing they would be wearing that night.As the hour wore on, Danny helped Justin pick a nice shirt and pant combo to go with the black velvet jacket he wanted to wear. Joey chose a Tommy Hilfiger jean sweatshirt combination and an elegant Armani sharkskin suit to go with his Superman tie. J.C. finally chose a pair of leather pants that suited his taste and a skin tight light blue tee to wear under a cotton nylon grey jacket. Chris chose a Armani black shirt with grey jeans and matdching jacket, and Lance chose the silver silk shirt and grey slacks.

As the five men brought their selections up to the counter, greg spoke up," Ok Guys we have to get a move on. The store opened ten minutes ago." All around them people who came in to shop realized who was shopping and started to congrigate at the entrance to the department.Danny quickly started boxing up the clothes, and one by one handed a giant shopping bag to each of the memebers filled with their new clothes. When Danny handed Lance his bag, Lance looked at him and said,

" Thanks Danny for the great service, and I hope you enjoy the concert tonight?" He winked at the grining salesman.

"I'm sure I will, I just wish I could go home now and get ready." Danny said slightly depressed.

" Well you can!" It was Mario wo said that as he came up behind Danny, " Our manager Mr. Prescott has instructed me to give you the rest of the day off."

" Aw right! " Danny exclaimed, " Well I guess I'll see you all tonight then." Danny took out his car keys and headed on to the back to clock out. As he did, Lance called to him.

" Hey Danny wait up." Lance rushed to him. " Mind if I tag along with you? I told the fellas that I was going to have you take me to the concert, since you are going too."

"What did Greg and the others say?" Danny asked slightly concerned and excited at the same time.

"They were ok with it, besides I am an adult, and I have my own life." Lance said smiling, " So, where shall we go tiger?" Lance said as he started to reach for Danny's hand.

Danny looked at his watch as he spoke, "Ummm well let's see. It's 10:30 now the show starts at six, and you have to be there, when?"

"At five-thirty." Lance said, " So that gives us almost six full hours to be together."

Danny and Lance continued to talk as they headed off to Danny's car in the parking lot. They agreed to go home and have sex right off the bat was a bad move. So Lance spoke up when Danny asked for suggestions.

" Wanna go somewhere to talk?" Lance suggested.

" I could go for a drink right about now, " Danny said " how about the Four Seasons across the way?"

Lance cooed, '"Sounds dreamy, but anywhere you are is fine by me."

" Great," Danny continued, " Let's go then."

And with that the two got into Danny's Mazda for the short trip to the Hotel. On the drive over Danny and Lance held hands. The bond between the two was growing stronger by the moment.' Wow!' Danny thought ' I think I have finally found the one for me. The love of my life.'

' Can you hear the music of my heart......' Lance thought of one of titles of one of their hits as he held Danny's hand. more than ever he thought Danny could hear it, and that is what made him fall for him all the more.

I WONDER......

As Danny and Lance went off on their own, the rest of the band and Greg headed off to where they were staying, which was the Anaheim Hilton. In the Limo ride back, the guys were curious as to what came over Lance. For Lance to go out of his way to invite a total stranger to their concert was not anything out of the ordinary, but the way Lance went about it was very somthing that made the guys wonder out loud. Chris was the first to speak out.

" I wonder what Lance and Danny are doing now?" he mused.

" I bet they're going to go do the nasty. Scoop needs a little action, by anyone who will give it ." Justin said with a wicked laugh.

" Watch it Goldy," Joey retorted, " Lance is a sweet guy, but I don't think he's queer."

" Oh I don't know, " J.C. responded, " Maybe a good man can make our Lance a bad boy. " J.C. was positively wicked with his comment.

" Well whatever Lance may be, he's still Lance and our brother, " Chris said emphaitcally, " But you have to admit that if he is gay, he picked one good looking guy. Whatever his taste in clothes, he has good taste in people."

Justin and Joey exchanged glances and J.C. looked out the window at the freeway traffic, Greg chose that time to speak up, " Well it's better if we didn't go there. Just what I need to deal with , a suspected gay heart throb." Greg put a hand to his head, " I feel a migrane comming on."

Joey looked at Justin in the akward silence and noticed just how cute he looked. Curly blond hair, sensuous lips, nice tone body. ' Whoah there Joe,' Joey thought, ' You like the females, remember? Getta hold of yourself, he's like your brother for chrissakes!'

" Hmmmmm I never noticed how beefy Joey is,' Justin mused, ' Firm, strong and handsome.HA HA just like Superman! I gotta watch it, its Joey I'm thinking of JOEY!!!' Justin trued to shake the thougth of the sexy Italian form his mind.

J.C. looked out the window at the passing traffic and thought, ' Why is it just when I think I am ready to find love, somthing happens and I get the shit end of the stick! I love Lance, I want to make him happy. he makes me laugh, he makes me happy. Now he has his new "beau" and I am stuck back at square one. I have money, fame, and things, but all I want now is Lance. I'd give it all up for one night in his arms. Feel his kiss and his body next to mine as we make love. I swear if its the last thing I do, I will make Lance see me for what I am, the love of his life!'

J.C. hardened his stare and his heart as the limo continued down the freeway towards the hotel.

To be continued...........

I know I know another cliffhanger, but I need to think where this will go next. And for those of you wondering, yes Danny will meet up with Charles and Chad at the Concert. Who knows, maybe there will be an orgy. LOL anything is possible at Nifty Archives.So keep your EMails comming and I will continue to write. Untill next time friends, Ciao!!!

Next: Chapter 5

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