Passion in Fashion


Published on Jan 22, 2001


Welcome Nifty readers! I have returned! Here today is my newest installment of " Passion in Fashion"! I hope your New Year was safe and peaceful. Mine was nowhere near that, but that is neither here or there. I hope you all continue to get some sort of jolly from this tale.

************ DISCLAMER ************

This is a work of fiction. If you are not allowed or are to young to read this, please go or wait till you are.N'Sync is real, but the situations and sexuality is not.

" Passion In Fashion" - 14


J.C spun Chris around before he could take another step. " Chris, I want Lance bad, but not bad enough to fuck us all over."

Chris eyed him up and down, as if sizing him up for a battle. He let out an exasperated sigh, " Fine J.C. have it your way. We won't use the photographer, but his friends will come in handy."

J.C. looked at him with a face clouded with conflicting thoughts. He loosened his grip on Chris' arm, and Chris headed on back into the dressing room he and J.C. had recently vacated, and got on the phone.

" This is Chris Kilpatrick", He said to the person on the other end of the phone, " Our chauffeur is a photographer, and not supposed to be here. Get him and throw him out; Oh and call the hotel to find out where our real chauffeur is." Chris put the phone back on the cradle. He turned to face J.C,

" Satisfied?"

J.C. nodded his approval. " Thanks, Chris. For a moment there I thought you were going psycho."

Chris put his hand on Josh's shoulder. " Naaah not me. I just hope that little fucker gets his ass whipped. Now let's get going before the guys get wise to us. " J.C. broke into a small grin as they left the room, and headed on out tot he stage to join the others.

Meanwhile... Rob skulked around the lower tunnel bend that led towards the back stage area. He had come too far to stop now. Getting caught was par for the course for the paparazzi, and he wouldn't let that slow him down. He quickly moved towards the area directly in back of the performance platform. 'Almost there!' he thought, ' Time to get some revenge!'

No sooner did he think that that a swarm of security descended upon him likes a duck on a June bug. He tried to run, but was stopped by a burly security man.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?!"

Rob broke into a smile," Just getting a lay of the land."

The giant of a security officer took him by the arm and said as he led him out towards the exit," Well you'll getta jail!" He led Rob off towards the doors he had snuck into earlier.

As Rob was being led off, a security officer who had first spotted Rob yelled out to the one leading him off, " Make him open the door with his head." The other guards laughed. Knowing that the guard would do just that.

" Well so much for that." Said the head guard as he relayed into the radio on his shoulder, " Red seven to base, fox is out of the coop, repeat fox is out of the coop. ten-four over and out."


Josh and Chris were none too soon in getting out on stage. Craig was facing three of the five members who were already onstage. Craig looked at them with impatience, " Well, now that we're all here, we can get a move on."

Chris and Josh fell quickly in line as Craig continued what he had said before Chris and J.C. had arrived, " OK after the second bridge into the chorus, I want Chris and Joey to twist left as Lance Justin and J.C. wait two beats to follow."

The guys nodded in approval, as Craig continued, " OK from the first bridge. Five, six, seven, eight!" At that prompt, the music began to fill the stage. Since the group was going to be moving more than used to for this rehearsal, the track was off their album, so the members began to lip sync to " This I Promise You". They moved with the flow and grace that they were known for. It seemed that Craig's revisions were going to work beautifully. At the second chorus bridge, the turn and shift came off without a hitch. As the song ended, both Craig and Greg, who had come out on stage during the number clapped their approval.

" Guys, you were great!" Craig said enthusiastically. Greg chimed in.

" OK guys a few more times and then you will go in for final makeup and costume checks."

Joey called out to Craig, " Looks like we're gonna pull it off. Thanks man you put a beat back in our step."

Craig looked slightly shy as he responded, " Thanks Joey. I couldn't have done it without help from all of you."

The rehearsal went on for another 15 minutes, till Craig was satisfied. As the five men headed off the stage, Chris came up behind J.C. and nudged him in the ribs. " We'll be great tonight."

J.C. continued to walk off the stage as he replied, " Yeah I hope so. I also hope they got that Photographer." J.C. headed on towards the dressing rooms, and heard commotion from the tunnel. 'Maybe they caught him.' He thought. J.C. headed on down towards the noise. J.C. emerged near the exit doors, and was greeted with a pleasant sight.

Rob sunk into the grip of the guard, as he was lost in thought of the riches and fame, slipping away, probably for good. As he neared the exit, Rob caught sight of J.C. standing near the exit. As he passed the singer, J.C. Said to him in a hushed and exaggerated expression.

"Bye bye bye." he waved to emphasize the point.

Rob's scowl darkened as he was led out. The guards' faces took on a hungered look as they picked up the downtrodden photographer and proceeded to take him out headfirst. Rob resisted as much as his restrained arms would allow, and in the struggle to stop was about to happen, he dropped his Nikon Delta camera. J.C. picked up the camera, and called out to the men, " Hey, he forgot this!" Josh threw the camera towards the closed door. The camera overshot the men and hit the door with the force of a bullet. It fractured into several pieces, as the sound of plastic, metal and shattered glass echoed through the hall.

"Oops!" Josh called out.

Rob finally surrendered to the men, broken as his camera, as he felt the impact of the metal door on the top of his head. As consciousness fled from his head, Rob's last thought was of what fame would have been like for him.


Danny returned from the front office, where he had left the two passes and word for Chuck and Chad. He came through the back stage door and spotted Lance as he headed off towards his dressing room. Danny called out to Lance.

" Hey Lover wait up."

Lance spun towards Danny and let loose with a big smile. " There's my sunshine! Did you get everything arranged?"

"All set. Before I came back here I called and left word on Chuck's machine. He always checks his messages." Danny continued, " How long till you have to go on?"

Lance glanced at his watch, " About 25 minutes."

Danny's face broke into a devilish grin; " Well that means we'll have a few moments alone together."

Lance's face began to glow, " Well now that we do have some time, I want to see what it is I'm getting into."

Danny took hold of Lance's hand, " Well, c'mon then. Time to make the doughnuts!"

The two young men laughed as they went towards Lance's dressing room. As they approached the door, J.C. was just entering Chris' room. He glanced towards the two men and began to smolder as he saw the playful way they interacted as Lance opened the door. His eyes narrowed as his eyes locked with Danny's. Danny stared back into those dark unforgiving eyes and thought to himself.' It's not over with Josh and me. Not by a long shot.'

As the door closed shut, J.C. fought the tear that had formed in his eye. He entered Chris' dressing room and slammed the door shut. Chris jerked his head around and gave J.C. a shocked stare.

" What was that all about?" Chris asked the stoic singer.

"Nothing," he retorted, " Not now anyways." he moved towards Chris, and took him by the waist, and pulled him into him. " Besides, why have a boy...when I can have a man." Chris smiled and J.C. sank his lushious lips on Chris', and the two men began to smother eachother in the fires of passion.


As Lance's door shut behind them, Danny took Lance's hand and spun him to face him. Lance was suprised by the sudden move, but recovered quickly. Danny said quietly.

" Hell I can't wait any longer." Danny slammed his lips onto Lance's. The impact was nothing short of exhilarating. Lance's mouth eagerly opened to allow Danny's tongue in. The two sexy men began to let loose all that had been pent up and built upon since that one moment in the dressing room at Nieman Marcus. Lance moaned loudly as he threw himself into the kiss fest with gusto. Danny grabbed the back of Lance's head and pushed their faces even closer together. Lance's hands began to pull at Danny's shirt. Danny assisted with his effort and within a moment, the shirt was discarded on the floor. Lance broke the kiss and moved down towards Danny's exposed chest. Lance caught his breath as he spoke,

" You are so beautiful. I can't believe heaven sent you to me." Lance began to suck on Danny's nipple buds.

Danny threw his head back as the golden throat of Lance Bass began to make oral love to his chest. He ran his hands through Lance's spiked hair. Lance freed himself briefly to say,

"Danny I have to go on in a bit. I can't get too messed up."

Danny sighed as he placed his hands on Lance's stooped shoulders. " Lance I can't get enough. Don't stop."

Lance nibbled tenderly on the left breast, and Danny hissed his delight. Lance made expert work of the sensitive bud, now engorged and stiff with fresh blood. He swirled his tongue around the base and coated it with a fresh coat of saliva. He made loud smooching noises as saliva; suction and motion made for a noisy time. Danny threw his head back again and let out a laugh. Lance broke his contact and looked up at Danny.

"Why ya laughin'?"

Danny put his hand over his mouth and continued to giggle, " I just realized that Lance Bass of N'Sync is making out with me, and I can't believe it."

Lance rose to full height. He rubbed is nose with Danny's. He peered into Danny's eyes for a moment, as Danny's chuckles subsided. Lance spoke softly,

" And I can't believe that I love you."

Danny froze. Time one again today came to a screeching halt. He knew that Lance loved him, but now he was given the verbal affirmation that confirmed it. He paused as his heart went haywire with all the emotions and feelings and events that happened during the past 12 hours. He felt something that he hadn't felt in a long time..Joy. Pure and utter joy. Danny's head fell forward as the full realization had struck him. He had had such a good time and some hair raising things happen today, but somewhere along the way he had put the L word on the back burner. Now Lance had said it and Danny's mind released all of the pent up feelings and frustrations of the past several years. Not since his romance with his first love in college did he ever feel this torrent of thoughts. And another thing happened to Danny that had been absent for a long time. For the first time in as long as he could remember, Danny began to cry.

A lone tear escaped his left eye and began to slide down the curve of his cheek. Lance tilted Danny's head up to face his, and noticed the tear. Lance drew his index finger forward and caught the tear with it. He looked into Danny's reddining eyes.

" Honey, why are you crying?"

Danny sniffled as he stood in front of Lance and was held captive by his stare. He spoke quietly and with a broken voice.

" Because I just realized that I'm freed from the specter of hopelessness and loneliness that has held me prisoner for a long time. And because I know know what my heart was telling me all along. That I love you Lance Bass. God has finally sent me what I was longing for."

Lance was deeply moved by his new lover's candor. Lance cupped Danny's face in his hands,

"And what were you longing for Danny?"

It came out a whisper, but was an arrow straight into Lance's soul, " You."

Lance began to break down as well. These two lost souls had drifted in the sea of sorrow for so long, and had finally found one another Lance's eyes welled up with tears as well. Danny looked at Lance as he saw him begin to cry. He regained control of his emotions, and reached out to embrace Lance. When his arms made contact, Lance sank into Danny's chest and began to sob uncontrollably. Danny sank his head on Lance's and began to massage Lance's back.

" Hon, I think we had what's known as a breakthrough."

Lance looked up at Danny and smiled, that smile that was like a beam of light in a darken room. Lance found himself as he spoke,

" Talk about an Oprah moment." He let out a slight laugh.

Danny lifted him up and looked him over. " Man oh man am I one lucky bastard."

Lance turned for Danny's inspection. He came to a halt and took hold of Danny's hand and said excitedly, " I have a wonderful idea. Tonight after all the hoopla is over, let's go out."

Danny smiled as he pulled Lance close, " Where did you have in mind?"

Lance smiled, " Something you'll have to think about while I'm onstage, after you think of me of course." He winked seductively at Danny.

Danny had a smile that was so big it threatened to spread right off his face. He thought a moment before speaking. " I've got and idea. Why don't I ask Chuck and Chad if they want to join us? We could double date. Maybe go out to dinner?"

Lance inched closer to Danny, " Sounds like a plan, Stan. We'll make it a late dinner."

Danny grinned again. It seemed he was doing more of that lately. He glanced towards the clock behind Lance and saw that it was nearly showtime.

" Time to get the final touches put on. " Danny said.

Lance's face slightly, " OK. I can't wait till the end of the show." He leaned in and kissed Danny's cheek. " Catch ya in a bit my love."

Lance headed on out the door, leaving Danny to arrange himself and go find his friends. ' Boy will they be suprised!' He thought as he exited the room.


Well guys I'm back, and I hope this chapter gets us all movin' again! I will begin to crank them out in a timely fashion once more, and I hope to hear from you. Until next time. Ciao!!

Next: Chapter 16

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