Passion in Fashion


Published on Dec 11, 2000


Welcome one and all to this next chapter of " Passion in Fashion" My Erotic Epic is taking on a whole life of its own. I hope all of you get your erotic and fictitious jollies out of it, and if helps you " Beat The Meat" I am only too happy to help;-) I dedicate this chapter to my good friend Alfred who is also an avid reader of this work, Alfie, I love ya buddie:-) And again all my thanks go to Joey, Piper, Casey, Adrian and the rest who continue to endow me with writing powers far beyond those of mortal writers;-) Now on with business........

************ DISCLAIMER ************

This is a work of HOMO EROTIC fiction. If you don't like it or can't read it because of religious constraints or because you can't read, I say get a life or get a tutor. As always any references to N'Sync's Sexuality is purely for story purposes.

"Passion In Fashion" -13


The Limo carrying the men sped along North on Harbor Boulevard to make good use of the rear approach to the Anaheim Pond. As the crossed the intersection of Katella and Harbor, Justin looked out the window, his face plastered to it, his nostrils fogging up the glass as he spoke,

" Hey guys, check it out! Disneyland! That is one cool place."

Joey reigned him in, and pulled him back to the chair as he responded, " You're acting like you've never been there, Goldy. You practically live there for Chrissakes." Joey's comment had an air of humor to it. Justin broke Joey's grip as he reapplied his face to the glass,

" Yeah, but that's Disney World you're talking about. This is the Original Disneyland. It's like the Graceland of Disney stuff."

J.C. chuckled at that remark; " You wouldn't think that if you worked there." He said.

Justin sat back down as the limo sped past the Magic Kingdom, and the Limo reoriented itself as it turned right and headed east, towards the Pond. Greg glanced at his watch,

" Ok guys we have 90 minutes till ShowTime. That will give you time to get made up, and to rehearse. We really need to work on the " This I promise you" number. The bridge needs a little polishing up."

Chris retorted, " The number needs to be revamped. I think Craig needs to bone up on the second act." Chris was not knocking Craig; After all Craig was the best Choreographer in the concert circuit today, but sometimes music and choreography get muddled in opinion. Greg retorted,

" Well for the money you guys are paying him, I think that the number needs to be either tightened up, or reworked. It slows the pace of the show."

Joey responded by saying, " It's a love song, Greg and it's a natural break in the show. We can't always be running and moving on stage. This ain't the friggin' Olympics."

" I know Joey," Greg continued, " But in the grand scheme of the show, it could be done better."

" The guys and I will work on it," Chris said, " Besides after all the hoopla today, we could polish our whole act."

Lance, J.C. Justin, and Joey looked at Chris with an expression of " Gee Whiz" Lance let out a small sigh, which Chris was quick to pick up on,

" Lance, do you have something to say?"

"No," Lance retorted, " I just hope we can get it down pat. I get a little nervous when we don't get the routine down."

Chris tried to allay his fears," Well, we'll pull you through.. Besides," He nudged Danny in the ribs," You have your man to make you remember."

Lance looked at Danny and smiled, then turned towards Greg, Oh Greg I almost forgot, I want to hire Danny."

Greg looked at Danny then at Lance," Umm what would Daniel do?"

"He 's going to be my personal dresser and fashion adviser. I think with all the ribbings the guys have given me, I think its time I get professional help."

All of them let out a small laugh. Greg shook his head, " Alright Lance, have it your way. I will talk to Escobar and have Danny added to the payroll." Greg stopped at that and then continued,

" Danny, will this interfere with your job at the store?"

Danny looked at Greg with a wide-eyed expression of shock; " Oh shit! With all that happened I almost forgot. I will call work ASAP and see if I can take a sabbatical."

Lance spoke up and put a steadying hand on Danny's shoulder, " Don't worry Danny, I'll call your boss tomorrow and straighten things out."

Danny put his hand on Lance's, " Thanks Hon, you are worth your weight in gold."

Lance smiled, " I am worth that much, yeah." Both let out a small chuckle, which turned Josh's stomach. J.C. thought he had gotten Lance totally out of his system; But between Danny, Chris' advancements and the fact he still hadn't really let go of Lance made Josh feel like he was being possessed by a specter who intermittently sought to wreak havoc with J.C.'s heart and mind. ' I wish they would stop that' Josh thought. He covered up his expression before being noticed. The Limo began to slow as it approached the back of the Anaheim Pond. The limo entered the back lot, past the guard shack and began its decent underneath the Pond, through the underground drive. The limo came to a halt in front of a set of double doors. The driver exited the car and went to the back and opened the door. The men began to pile out of the back of the limo.

As they entered the doors to the arena, Greg turned back to the driver and said, " Remember to be back here at 10."

"Yes sir, " Rob replied, letting out a loud sigh as the doors to the arena slammed shut. Rob collected himself and returned to the driver's seat to drive the limo into a nearby stall. After securing the vehicle, the photographer reached under his seat to retrieve the Nikon Delta camera he has concealed underneath it. The same camera N'Sync had taken from him earlier, the same camera that his dreams of fame and fortune were stolen from, and the same camera that Rob pinned all his hopes of recapturing his dreams on. He skulked around the corner of the stall, looking to the right and left to see if anyone was around. Seeing no one, he sped to the doors that the men had entered not more than five minutes before. He tested the door to see if it was locked, and to his suprise it opened. Carefully he entered and quietly closed the door behind him.

Once inside, Rob skulked towards the end of the long tunnel, where the dressing room/ green room was. He clutched his camera tightly and quickly went down the way, the way towards his salvation in the tabloid world......


The five members of N'Sync, with Danny and Greg in tow, entered the makeup area, just off the side of the stage. All five sat at the Makeup tables and a team of cosmetologists began to work their magic on them. Danny was escorted to the green room, where a buffet was set up to accommodate the group and their hangers-on. Danny laid eyes on the smorgasbord laid out in front of him and began to realize how famished he was. He hadn't had anything since he ate his breakfast bagel this morning. He grabbed a plate at the end of the table and began to pile his plate with food. Once Danny felt satisfied with the amount of food he collected, he went and sat on the couch to eat. He was famished, and the only way anyone could tell was to watch him eat. Danny scarfed down the whole plate in less than 5 minutes. He concluded his meal with a hearty burp.

Meanwhile in the Makeup area, Chris, Justin, Joey, Lance, and J.C. were getting their faces put on. Betty, the woman putting J.C.'s makeup looked at Josh's face with shock and horror,

" Honey, what happened to? Looks like someone took boxing lessons out on your face?"

J.C. flinched as she applied a heavy coat of foundation on his bruised cheek, " Well someone was, and I wasn't able to duck in time. Will you be able to cover it up?" Josh asked.

" I should be able to cover it up well enough," Betty replied, " But just don't rub it. If you do, it will smear and they will be able to see your bruise on the moon. I would have the doc take a look at it after the show if I were you?"

Lance glanced at J.C. who sat next to him in an adjacent chair. Lance couldn't help but chime in,

"I'm sure he'll be ok. I always told J.C. to take it on the chin. See how he listens to me?" Lance reverted to his Pre-Danny manner with J.C.

Josh gave Lance a sideways glance, " Well if you had listened to me...forget it."

Lance didn't even try to broach that topic with a ten-foot pole. He quickly shut his mouth and continued to get made up. Joey and Justin finished with their makeup and headed on towards the dressing rooms. Chris finished and went to stand behind J.C.'s chair, watching Betty put the finishing touches on J.C.'s angular face. Chris put his hand on Josh's shoulder,

" How ya doin' bud?"

J.C. felt slightly calmer and spooked at the same time. The past few hours still replaying in his mind. " I'm doin' good. I'm getting psyched for the show. I hear we're gonna break attendance records for this joint."

Chris gave the singer's shoulder a loving squeeze, " I know we'll make those girls wet themselves." He smiled into the mirror, and J.C. returned the smile in kind. Chris lowered his head to Josh's right ear and whispered,

" Let's talk in my dressing room."

J.C. turned his head to face Kilpatrick, " Um fine yeah sure."

Chris patted the shoulder again and turned on his heels towards the dressing rooms. Lance finished up and hopped out of his chair. Josh could not help but gaze at him. The makeup, clothes and just the fact it was Lance he was looking at, made J.C. drop his jaw in awe. All the feelings he thought he had overcome and purged from his heart came back with hurricane force. Lance looked like an angel sent from heaven, but this angel was not his. This angel belonged to Danny, but oh how he longed for Lance. He closed his eyes and tried to drive Lance from his mind, but he would have had better luck stopping the sunrise. He breathed heavily through his nostrils, and caught the scent of Lance. Once again this reminder sent endorphins racing through J.C.'s already tortured mind. Images flashed in his mind's eye. Images of he and Lance making love, making a life with one another, and of what the future held. Suddenly Betty nudged Josh,

" J.C. are you ok?"

Josh snapped back into the realm of reality," What? Oh yeah I was just dozing."

Lance was unaware of what Josh was thinking, as he glanced around till he found Greg off in one corner of the stage area talking to Craig the choreographer. Lance came up to the men, as Greg was finishing his discussion with the man,

" And I think we can step up the turn on the second bridge...Yes Lance what can I do for you?"

Lance nodded his acknowledgement of Craig and asked Greg, " Where's Danny?"

"He's probably in the green room," Greg replied, " Lance when you have a moment, I need you to round up the guys and meet Craig and myself on stage."

Lance nodded his head, and left to find Danny in the green room. Craig asked Greg,

" Who's Danny?"

"Oh Some guy Lance met at the store today," Greg replied, " Lance' is ga ga over him and wants to hire him as his dresser."

Craig watched Lance head off towards the green room, " Do you mean Lance is...."

Greg shot Craig a cold stare; " I'll remind you that they employ US Craig. No use speculating about our boss."

Greg began to walk off as told Craig," Besides, I'd watch my back if I were you. If the guys found out about you and the drummer; they might not bee too thrilled." And with that Greg walked towards the dressing rooms. Its a good thing Greg had his back towards the choreographer; That way he couldn't see the deep red shade Craig's face took on after that remark.


Lance entered the green room and gave it a quick scan. The room was well appointed with couches, chairs and a coffee table. Lance was suprised the room was not....well green. The light tan walls gave the room a quiet, luxurious feel. The buffet was also an eye-opener. Filled with salmon, turkey and other cold cuts. Fruit and veggies were on the other end of the table, as were the plates. Lance caught sight of Danny, just as Danny had done the same, Danny spoke first,

" Hey Love. I was wondering where you were." Danny rushed up to meet the open arms of Lance. The embraced for a moment, then Lance took a plate from the stack and began to load it with food. Danny felt sheepish as he said,

" You know with all that went on today, I forgot to ask you if you were hungry?"

Lance nibbled on a carrot as he passed on down the line, " Oh Hon it's fine, maybe its better that I had an empty stomach. If I had eaten, and all this shit went down, I might have lossed my lunch." He leaned in and planted a kiss on Danny's cheek. After selecting his meal, Lance went and sat on one of the loveseats. Danny sat down next to him. He watched Lance eat his repast. In between bites, Lance asked Danny,

" You having fun watching me wolf down my food?"

Danny laughed, " I love you so much would even watch you puke!"

Lance snorted in amusement at that, " Well keep up the laughs while I'm eating, and you'll get your wish."

Lance asked Danny, " Have any of the others been in?"

"No," He replied," You're the first I've seen. Maybe they went to their dressing rooms?"

Lance stood up and laid his plate on the nearby coffee table," I gotta get them. We need to meet onstage for the revisions." He bent down and pecked the salesman's cheek, " See ya in a bit." And Lance headed on out the door again. Danny called out to Lance just before he made it to the door," Say Lance. My friend and his Boyfriend are going to be at the concert tonight. Can I invite them backstage?"

Lance looked back at Danny, " Sure. Let Greg know and he'll give you a few backstage passes." As he exited, Danny called out, " Thanks Scoop." and Lance smiled as the door closed behind him.

Lance went to the bank of dressing rooms; he knocked on the first door. He heard muffled words and what sounded like person hitting the floor. " Who is it?" the voice was Joey's

" Greg needs us on stage, pronto!" He turned to go, then paused long enough to say, " Joey you better not have smeared Justin's makeup."

" He didn't!" Came the reply from behind the door, and the voice belonged to Justin. Lance smiled and went to the next door. He knocked loudly. " Yeah?" came the reply.

"Josh meeting out on stage." He headed to the last room. As he neared the door, the door he was just at swung open and J.C. emerged and called out, " Hey Lance, wait a sec."

Lance spun around," What is it Josh?"

J.C. came up to Lance and looked him in the eye, " Can he have a minute alone?"

Lance eyed him wearily, " Ok, what do you want to talk about?"

" I just wanted to say that, aside from what happened today; I love you and I will not let what I feel interfere with our professional relationship."

Lance looked down for a moment, then met J.C.'s gaze, " Thanks Josh. That means a lot to me. Well let me get Chris and we'll all get onstage for the meeting." Lance turned towards the other door, J.C. stopped him by calling,

" I'll get him. You go out onstage, and we will catch up to you. Will Danny be there?"

Lance flashed a stare at Josh, " Why do you want to know?"

J.C. shook his head and crossed his arms; " I wanted him to know I might want him as my dresser, too. He made you look like a million bucks, maybe he can do the same for me."

Lance's expression lightened a bit as he replied, " I think he went to go find his friends. They are gonna be at the concert tonight."

Josh inched a bit closer to Lance, very intrigued, and asked, " That's cool. Did you give them passes backstage?"

"I told Danny to ask Greg for two, one for his friends and the other for his boyfriend."Lance said.

Josh's eyebrows perked up at the reply, " Is Danny's friend Gay too?"

"Yeah," Lance replied, " Isn't it funny? Turns out we're all gay!" Lance hurried off, giggling a bit as he went off. Josh watched Lance head off towards the stage. From behind Josh, Chris emerged from J.C.'s dressing room and laid a hand on his shoulder. Josh's face broke into a wicked Grinch looking grin. Chris smiled as well as he said, " Josh, I think your weapon has been laid in your hand. Danny is in for a treat."

Josh looked back at Chris as he asked, " What do you mean?"

Chris snuggled up behind Josh's ear as he laid it out for him; " It will appear that Danny's friends will find Lance "Irresistible" So much so that they'll ruin Lance and Danny's relationship, not to mention his relationship with his friends. When it's all over, Lance will come running to you, and Danny will be out of the picture: permanently!"

Josh turned his head slightly and asked in a daze, " What makes you so sure?"

Chris nibbled at Josh's ear, " I can be pretty irresistible when need be, and because remember that reporter we ran into today? He drove us here today. I recognized him. If I can get him in my camp, and use him to take pictures of Lance with Danny's friends, and show them to Danny, I think you'll get your man."

Josh was frozen in place. ' The photographer?!,' Josh thought,' What the hell is Chris thinking?! Talk about playing with fire!' Josh found his voice as he spoke, " Chris why didn't you stop him? He's a cobra out to ruin us all?"

Chris laughed as he continued, " If I get to him first, and pay him off, it'll be ok."

"OK?!" J.C. exclaimed, " You're fuckin' insane man! What makes you so sure he'll do it?"

Chris spun him around to face him. His face looked like pure evil. Josh had never seen his band mate look this way before. In Fact in the past 6 hours, he had seen sides of his band mates he hadn't seen in 5 years of knowing them.

" What makes me so sure?" Chris replied, " Is the fact that if you want Lance as bad as you say you do, you sometimes have to deal with the devil!" Josh was stunned beyond words as Chris took him, arm in arm and said, " Let's go! We don't want to be late for the meeting." the two of them went off towards the stage as Josh thought to himself,

' Man oh man oh man...What have I gotten myself into!'


Well that's this weeks installment folks! For those of you wanting more cock and less talk, stay tuned, you will be in for a treat! Ciao:-)

Next: Chapter 14

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