By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Mar 9, 2024




The Purple Time Private LGBTQ+ Club closes at three in the morning, which is later than any of the public bars, so it gets a rush of drunk customers when other bars close. By one o'clock, though, The Purple, as everyone calls the club, was already ridiculously crowded. Andy, Dickie, and John were smashed on draft beer by then, while Gary, because he's losing weight, had been drinking water or soda, so he was fairly sober.

He's sober but getting a headache from rolling his eyes at the stupid things his three drunk buddies do and say. Plus, the cigarette smoke in the club was overbearing by now, and Gary wanted to leave but didn't want to ruin everyone else's good time.

John was drunk enough that he went looking for William... twice. It irritated Gary that John would wander off by himself, and then, the last straw Dickie, talking nonstop, missed his glass while pouring beer from the pitcher. He poured it on the table without realizing it. Gary stood up and said, "This is too stupid. I'm driving, so anybody who wants a ride home, come with me now."

Meanwhile, Dickie is furious, "Who moved that fucking glass. That was not funny!" Andy was not quite as drunk as Dickie, and helped him up, muttering, "The table moved, Dickie. C'mon, we're leaving.

John, feeling bad that he had sex with William, doesn't say anything.

Gary pulled on John's arm, getting him to stand, and with grumblings, Gary got the three drunks out the door and down to the car, saying to no one in particular, "I'm totally sober and driving. Normally, however, I'd be as hammered as you three stooges, and yet one of us drunks would be driving. That's scary to realize!

Dickie fell asleep on the ride home, his head in Andy's lap in the backseat, with John frowning in the front seat, second-guessing himself, wondering, 'Did I get fucked in the men's room, or is that a drunken fake memory?'

He almost asks Gary about that but doesn't because Gary seems grumpy. Back at the house, they all go right upstairs, Andy and Dickie to the bedroom they used last night, John's old bedroom, while Gary steers John into the bathroom first, assuming the other guys will want to use this bathroom as well. They take a piss, John mumbling, "Are you going to fuck me, or did you already do that?"

John's starting to think that maybe it was Gary in the club's lavatory who fucked him.

Gary finishes pissing and starts washing up, mumbling, "We'll wait for tomorrow morning for that. You're too drunk. Get washed up and brush your teeth."

John does what he's told without arguing because Gary is sounding very authoritarian tonight, and that's a good sound to John. The electric toothbrushes buzz for a minute, then Gary mutters, "Good job, c'mon to bed," and guides John to the bedroom. Gary looks at the twin bed, sighs, and says, "I don't suppose you'd sleep in the other twin bed tonight, would you?"

John starts whining, "Gary, I'm not used to sleeping alone. Ever since my coma..."

"SHH! Okay, okay, get in bed."

John gets in bed; Gary turns out the light and squeezes in bed with him. They rustle around to get comfortable, and then John is asleep almost at once. Gary considers taking a chance, getting in the other twin bed, and then shakes his head. Nah, Darling would get too emotional if he woke up alone. After another sigh, Gary drifted off to sleep. It was twenty minutes of two.

Waking up at quarter to ten the next morning, Gary feels great. He listens to a silent house, looks at John lying against him, and then awkwardly rearranges John's torso so that the back of his head isn't on Gary's face. Their bodies are still touching shoulders to feet, and Gary grins while grimacing because his dick is a hard boner that made its way out the fly part of his jockey shorts and is pressed against John's ass. His dick is feeling nice against the silk girlie panties John is wearing.

This is not natural, but Gary is horny as a randy squirrel. He subtly humps against John's butt cheek, biting his tongue, quietly moaning, "Ooh, damn..." and then realizes he's even hungrier than he's horny and mutter, "This blows!"

He looks at the side of John's face, staring at John's long, curved eyelashes and then at his facial features, which are as pretty as any girl's face Gary's ever seen. But, as pretty as John's face is, somehow, it is still definitely a guy's face. How can both observations be true?

Gary's arm is under John's neck, so he pulls John's head against his and kisses John's forehead, recommitting himself to losing weight so, in his mind, he'll be worthy of a boyfriend as sexy and pretty as John Darling. Gary knows John is infatuated by his confident, dominant personality, and Gary knows other submissive types like John, who get off on being bossed around, so he knows you need to keep tight control to keep them in line and interested. Gary doesn't have a clue why some guys prefer being submissive, nor has he spent much time trying to figure it out. He just takes advantage of it.

And that can work until another dominant, confident type comes along who, for example, isn't fat, and then perhaps off goes John with the more attractive dominant guy. Gary's crazy about having the best-looking boyfriend in Wyoming, meaning Darling, so he'll go on this pain-in-the-ass diet he's been considering for two years. John is the first boyfriend Gary's had who he feels is worth going to the trouble of a diet for.

He gets both arms around the still deeply asleep John Darling and hugs him against his fat body, murmuring, "Damn, he even smells good drunk," then eases up on the hug, his cock like an iron poker.

Then, a thought occurs to him. "Oh, no!" as he remembered that either this coming week or next week, he'll be away for three weeks of training in L&M's Minnesota automobile training facility. His boss, Dickie's father, Mr. Marshall, wants Gary to get trained on the increasingly high-tech computers and software being a part of high-end automobile models so that his auto repair business can expand to include newer high-end autos, as well as a detailing side business.

Gary's dick gets soft as he accepts that it's this Wednesday he'll fly out and stay in Minnesota for the entire condensed three-week training program. He was psyched about getting paid for three weeks of classes, but now he doesn't want to do it because his new boyfriend needs more of Gary's boyfriend training.

Gary tries to devise a way for John to be with him during his training. Well, there's no reason John couldn't go with Gary, except... no, that won't work. Gary will be at the training facility six and a half days a week, and in his hotel room, he'll be studying his ass off the rest of the time. Mr. Marshall would fire his ass if he spent all the money on Gary's training, and then Gary didn't earn the qualified certificate in the end.

He's pissed off at this bad timing, but not for long because the reality is that John's seriously into crushing on Gary, and who else is there for John to hook up with, anyway? John will miss Gary and be eager to please him by the time Gary returns. In the meantime, John will hang out with Andy and Dickie. Three weeks isn't that long, and it'll be easy staying on a diet not knowing anybody at the training facility to eat meals with. So, yeah, the training is shitty timing, for sure, but it's not a disaster.

He feels it will be okay for Dickie Marshall to throw a fuck or two on John's way, or John's old boyfriend, the nurse, can slip him his hard dick now and then. No problem. And, no, Gary wouldn't be this complacent about John going three weeks without his guidance, except Gary can see John is seriously infatuated with him.

Groggy but awake now, John goes, "Oooh, um, what time is it?"

"Oh, you're finally awake. Um, I don't know the time. Hee-hee, how is your hangover? By the way, I'm feeling wonderful."

John hugs Gary's fat waist, murmuring, "My hangover is terrible! Can you guess what would make me feel better, Daddy?"

Chuckling, Gary thinks, 'I'm going to miss this. I'm getting infatuated by this pretty boy!' He says, "Yeah, I know, but do you remember where your dildo is?"

As he's asking that, he's pushing a fingertip in John's anus, John going, "Mmm, oh," and Gary's now squinting, wondering, 'When did I lube up pretty boy's ass?'

He's feeling the lubricant residue from William's condom.

John, lisping and sounding like a baby, says, "No, Daddy, I can't remember where my dildo is."

Frowning now, mystified about John lubricated anus, Gary slaps John's buttocks, "Stop that baby talk bullshit!" and he smacks him again, adding, "I want to have sex with a guy, not a baby."

In his normal voice, John says, "I'm sorry, Gary. I'll find the dildo," and he reluctantly gets out of bed, crawling over Gary.

Gary holds onto John's arm, so John stands beside the bed. Gary says, "Look, I don't want to be a demanding asshole, but if we're going to be together long-term, I need to tell you how I feel about things as they come up. Um, well, here's something... I can't stand when you act like a baby. When you do that baby talk crap, to me, it's like fingernails on a blackboard, so don't do that. You can do that cute lisping, acting swishy shit that your nurse does naturally. I get a kick out of that because you're so cute doing it. Just please don't overdo it, okay? I needed to mention those two things to you."

John is struck by how seriously Gary told him that. He was very sincere, which highlighted the immensity of John's implied commitment to fat Gary as his long-term, maybe forever, boyfriend. That gave him goosebumps and shivers. John's shivering was so noticeable, Gary asked, sounding concerned, "Are you okay, Johnny?"

'He called me Johnny again!'

"Yes, I'm okay, Gary, thanks for asking, and I promise not to do my stupid baby talk anymore. I, um," and he leans over and kisses Gary, now liking the bristly feel of the beard on John's face. "It is so cool being your boyfriend, Gary," and another kiss.

"I'm happy you're happy, pretty boy. That was a nice thing to say, but now go find your dildo and some lube."

The kisses and affectionate words from John got Gary's boner roaringly hard as he put the curious case of lube in John's anus out of his mind. Instead, he thinks that not only does John seem more committed to him than ever, but Gary's feeling more committed to John Darling than ever.

Gary concentrates on the positive. It's not a great time for the three-week training, but it'll be a good time for his five hundred-calorie-a-day diet. He's looking forward to it now that he has a good reason for doing it. He wants to look like he did four years ago when he weighed a hundred and sixty-five pounds. Whoa, that's a challenge!

John walks around the bed and immediately spots the dildo partially under the other twin bed where it was tossed yesterday. Sucking on his bottom lip, he thinks, 'I can screw that thing in myself and impress Gary. He mentioned that it'll be my job eventually, so why not start doing it now? Plus, it's for a good purpose, getting my asshole opened little by little instead of all at once by his fat cock... BAM!'

Gary isn't looking, so John stoops down, grabs the dildo, then goes to the bathroom and closes the door. When he takes a piss, the memory of William's pissed-on finger in his mouth drifts past his brain. Jesus, that gives him a hard-on! Why didn't he exchange phone numbers with William?

Forget that for now. John definitely feels significant affection for fat Gary, but that doesn't mean he's in an exclusive relationship with him. Gary mentioned that's what he wants once, which John doesn't think counts. Saying something just one time? C'mon!

But for now, he wants to please his man, so he looks in the medicine cabinet for lubricant and sees Vaseline. He should look for the K-Y Jelly, but he's hungover and feeling lazy, so even though Vaseline has its itchy drawbacks, he uses it to lube the fat dildo, then reaches behind and awkwardly screws it in his anus, but it's going in crooked, so he starts over, telling himself that, in time, he'll get better at doing this.

As he's twisting it in, he automatically gets into his bowlegged stance; he needs to walk like that with the dildo up his ass. As he was doing the last two twists of the dildo, he muttered aloud, 'Goddamn, this is feeling surprisingly good... better and better the more I use it.'

He gives a thought to looking for his cock ring but shakes his head, muttering, 'That will be overdoing it.' Gary doesn't like it when John overdoes something, anything. John needs to learn what Gary likes and doesn't like. He doesn't know it yet, but that'll need to wait until Gary's back from Minnesota.

Washing his hands, John brushes his teeth, then walks bowlegged back to the bedroom. Gary is lying on his back in the middle of the twin bed, taking up most of the space, his hands behind his head. He asks, "What took you so long?" Then notices John walking bowlegged and adds, "Hey! Good boy! You put your dildo in yourself. Nice job, pretty boy! Goddamn, I'm proud of you..."

John's beaming with pride. Gary's praise feels so fucking good. Holy fuck, John wants to experience more compliments from his new boyfriend. He's just now realizing that there isn't anybody in the world he wants to impress more than he wants to impress Gary Thomas. What if they got married... John Thomas.

Oh, man! John's cock grows into a hard boner right before Gary's eyes as he gets off the bed; Gary's eyes are bulging, "Omigod! I watched you get a hard-on standing there! Holy shit, how do you do that?"

John grimaces, pulls on his boner, and says, "I'm kind of excited about feeling your cock inside me, Daddy."

Gary rubs John's back, murmuring, "Yeah, it appears you are slightly aroused," then hugs him, wanting to tell John about the three weeks he'll be away but doesn't want to get him sidetracked off what appears to be his deep infatuation of Gary. "I'm impressed that you took the initiative to screw in your dildo. I'll be expecting that from now on, though."

"Yes, and I want to do more things that impress you. I was going to look for my cock ring, but thought you'd feel I was overdoing it."

"Well, first of all, technically, neither the dildo nor the cock ring is yours. They're Dickie's. You need to buy your own now, and I'll help you buy them, okay?"

"Oh, great. I feel so good with a dildo in me. You said I would, and I do. Should I buy a cock ring too?"

Gary says, "Yeah, I just said that, but walk around more, pretty boy. We want to make sure your asshole has sufficiently loosened up. I do not want to hurt you! And, um, maybe you'll want to buy one or two other toys we can play with on you."

John's walking bowlegged around the room, nodding, "You know a million things more than me, Daddy, so I'll take your advice on the sex toys."

Gary mutters, "Yeah, sure. Ah, you remember what I told you about calling me Daddy, right?"

Stopping, reaching back to twist the dildo a little tighter, John nods, "Yes, I'm not to call you that with anybody else around because it might make you feel awkward."

"Goddamn, you actually listened and remembered. You're impressing the shit out of me this Sunday morning."

John gets shivers, muttering, "I love when you praise me, except this dildo, um, well, I'm afraid I'll cum on my own because the dildo feels so fucking awesome when I walk around!"

Gary mutters, "Sure. I'll take it out for you," and he pulls out the dildo, John going, "AAAAH! Ooh, ooh, ummm..." I thought you'd twist it out, but that felt so good, too."

Anxious to fuck him, Gary pushes on the back of John's head, getting John to lean over, his hands gripping the bureau right in front of him. Gary mutters, "Maybe we'll need to use the cock ring all the time to keep you from prematurely ejaculating, Johnny."

'He called me Johhny again!'

John says, "Whatever you decide is what I'll do."

All Gary can say to that is a gasp because he's so aroused by John this morning he can barely breathe. Looking at John's wide-open anus, shiny with lubricant, Gary takes a deep breath, doing it as quietly as possible, then he presses the swollen head of his elephantiasis-size boner against John's quivering with anticipation anus. Letting out his held breath, he pushes it inside John's body, John going, "Oww, ooh, no, it feels good..."

John's eyes are tightly closed because nothing could possibly feel this good! Then it feels even better as Gary slides that huge circumference hard cock extremely tightly four inches up John's ass and humps against his perfect buttocks. John squeaks, "Ahh! Mmmm, fuck me, Daddy..."

Gary can't remember fucking anybody, including earlier fucks on John's ass, that had him shaking with arousal and pleasure as this fuck right now. It must be his growing affection for John Darling and John's willingness to be who Gary wants him to be more and more. John already has fantasy good looks, so now Gary wants a real fantasy sex toy boyfriend who does everything Gary loves. John Darling needs to learn to do, say, and act exactly the way Gary trains him, and he's off to a good start.

Pulling back that fatter-than-makes-any-sense boner gets every nerve ending in John's rectum sizzling with extreme pleasure. John's squirming and moaning, "Feels so good..." as Gary's treasure trove of penis nerve endings are all screaming with pleasure simultaneously. Both guys shiver and shake with delight.

Back up his ass goes that boner from Mars as Gary begins moving it up and back, in and out, thrusting for two, three, four minutes with moans from both. Then eminent climax notices burst onto the scene, taking over all expectations. John makes whiney desperate, almost frighten-sounding, "Um, um, um..." and then a starburst goes off in his head as his climax explodes, cum streaking up from his nuts to blow out his boner, splashing off the front of the bureau.

John's still humping his hips, hoping for another shot of cum as Gary makes a breathy exhale, then shoots jism up John's ass, then a second later, a smaller shot of cum takes Gary's breath away. His fat boner comes out of John's ass when Gary stumbles back against the bed, then sits and gasps in air and starts breathing in bursts, his heart racing. He says, "Oh my god! That was one for the record books. Maybe starving makes everything else feel magnificently GOOD!"

"You know what, Daddy? To me, you always fuck better than anybody else.

Heh-heh, maybe I better get used to being John Thomas, huh?"

Taking another deep breath, Gary mumbles, "Mrs. John Thomas, huh?" He laughs but likes the sound of that. Then adds, "That's a long way off, pretty boy."

They were about to go to the bathroom to clean up but heard Andy and Dickie in the hall walking to the bathroom, so Gary says, "C'mon back to bed for a while, Darling. I need to snuggle with your skinny body a little."

Grinning, John waits for Gary to get on the bed. Then he gets on, too, and pulls the cover over them. Gary holds him in his arms, kissing his cheek, and murmurs, "I think I'm starting to fall for you, John Darling, or John Thomas, maybe."

Jeez, Gary, "I feel your cum leaking out on the bed."

"Oh, yeah? Shocking! You'll need to change the sheets."

Gary hugs John, feeling a deeper affection for him every day. The more they snuggle together, the more their bodies, one slim and one fat, find ways to fit better together. John and Andy's bodies did the same thing. It's because John is a world-class snuggle, and Gary thinks, 'This is going to work...'

John finds a very comfortable position against Gary's fatty side and falls asleep again. Gary lets him sleep off his hangover, thinking, 'I'm getting soft. I want to get a cup of coffee in the worst way, but I'm letting my boy sleep, which prevents me from getting my coffee. Dammit, when have I ever considered my sex buddy's or boyfriend's well-being over my own? Never, and now I'm looking out for my pretty boy like a sap, but I can't help it.'

It's not until noon that all four guys are in the kitchen, Andy and Dickie still in jockey underpants and t-shirts. John is dressed in a t-shirt and baggy shorts, but only because Gary insisted, he get dressed so he could come with him to buy Dunkin' breakfast sandwiches and coffee for everyone. Everyone except himself... only black coffee for Gary.

Except for feeling really hungry, he feels good while everyone else is hungover and, therefore, they're feeling shitty. Gary's upcoming auto school training is on his mind, and he's unsure when would be the best time to tell John about it. As he's considering that, coincidentally, he hears Dickie mutters to Andy, "Did I tell you I almost had to go away for three weeks?"

Oh, that's a nice opening. So Gary says, "Yeah, how come your old man is sending me and not you?"

"Because you're my fucking boss, which I understand. I'm not mad about it, Gary. Hell, you're older, and you're a much better mechanic, and you're smarter than me. So, yeah, it's you who will be away for three weeks of schooling. Honestly, I'm so fucking glad I don't have to do that, I can't even begin to tell you."

John frowns again and asks, "What? Um, you're going away, Gary?" He walks over to lean on Gary, who puts his arm around him and mutters, "Yeah, didn't I tell you about it, pretty boy?"

"No, I don't think you did unless it was last night. I was really hammered last night, and I can't remember everything."

Andy says, "Don't get that drunk again, Johnny. Um, Gary, you need to, you know, look out for him better."

Gary says, "You put your big noise in everyone's business, don't ya, nurse? He's my boyfriend now, remember?" Then to Dickie, "Can't you control your boyfriend, Dickie. He's in my face all the time."

Dickie says, "He's not in your face all the time! And anyway, he's Darling's nurse, and it's his job to look out for him. I look out for Johnny, too. I've always looked out for him. " Andy slides over next to Dickie, who puts his arm around him, adding, "Now I'm looking out for Andy, um... What's your last name? Sorry, I forgot it."

"Salsbury, Dickie. I like you looking out for me."

John says to Andy, "I'll follow your advice, Andy. I promise I won't get too drunk to remember, um, whatever."

Everyone is silent, eating breakfast sandwiches and drinking coffee, until Dickie says, "Thanks for the sandwich and coffee, guys. Um, now Andy and I are going back to bed for a couple of hours. I feel like shit."

Andy says, "Yes, thanks for breakfast. And, um, I'm sorry for butting in, Gary, but, as Dickie said, I am Johnny's nurse."

Gary wiggles his fingers at John, who comes right over to where Gary's sitting and squeezes in next to him as Gary says, "You guys. Um, Johnny is staying with me Monday night. It doesn't have anything to do with us squabbling today; I just need some private time with him to go over a few things. And I apologize for being too sensitive. It's just that, no matter what you might think, the fact is that I am looking out for my boyfriend, and I get freaked out a little by being criticized for not taking care of him."

Andy mumbles, "I said I was sorry."

Dickie, showing some leadership, says, "Everyone has apologized. We're buddies, but we're hungover, so we're cranky, which is why Andy and I are going to sleep some more. We're all good, right?"

Gary goes, "Well put, Dickie. You learned a lot from me."

It's Dickie's turn to roll his eyes, then mumble to Andy, "C'mon, Baby," and Andy gets right up.

As they go upstairs, John is so glad Dickie smoothed everything over because he hates confrontation. John had squeezed in next to Gary in the armchair and now lies against Gary's shoulder, his arm across Gary's big, soft, fatty tits, "Don't argue with our friends anymore, Gary... okay? And I'd like to go back to bed, too. With you, I mean."

"Aw, I was getting tired of your nurse saying I wasn't looking out for you because I am. That's all, and he makes a mountain out of a, um, out of a..."

John says, "Molehill. Can we go back to bed?"

Grinning, Gary says, "Well, sure. And I'd be happy to fuck that beautiful ass of yours again if you'd like that." They get up as Gary adds, "Oh, Dickie reminded me that, after using his dildo, you need to wash it really well and return it to him. After work tomorrow, we'll go to a shop I know in Colorado where you can buy your own sex toys."

"Do you mean I'll be at work with you tomorrow.?"

"Yeah, I told you about the part-time job. Two days a week, right? It's all set up."

John, not thrilled about this, mutters, "Oh, yeah. I didn't know it was this week, though."

Not listening to that, Gary says, "Huh, you know what? Now that I think about it, you'll stay with me tonight, too. Monday night and tonight. So, put some stuff together for two nights and two days with me. Old jeans for work because you'll be doing shitty jobs. You'll be doing grunge work for bullshit pay, but at least we'll be together. You'll work for Dickie, the three weeks I'm away. Wednesday, I'm off to Minnesota."

"Minnesota?" As they go upstairs, Gary explains the training, and then John lies, "It'll feel good working. I've never had a job."

"You're shitting me. You've never worked, ever? Christ, I've had some kind of job since I was twelve."

John screws in his dildo, and it went in easy because his anus hadn't completely closed back up from earlier. After walking bowlegged around their bedroom for ten minutes, Gary pulled him onto the bed, and they made out. It was their first serious make-out, and John was thrilled at Gary's expertise at making out and fondling his body.

He was gasping with arousal by the time Gary picked him up, turned him over, pulled out the dildo, and fucked him hard for six minutes, which was one of their longer fucks. John blew his load against his belly as he was lying on his steel boner when his orgasm went off.

Less than a minute later, Gary made a weird high-pitched sound, weird for him, as he filled up John's bowels with semen. A little later, sitting up in bed next to Gary, John said, "Wow, your cum is still drooling out of my ass. How do you build up so much jism after shooting a load just two hours earlier?"

"It's you, Darling. Seriously, I shouldn't admit this because you might get a big head, but I've never had orgasms as violently as the ones I have with you. You're very special, Johnny. Not perfect by a long shot, but very special."

John is swooning hearing that. He couldn't snuggle any tighter against Gary's fat body, his arms wrapped around Gary's left arm. John wants to know what he'll be doing on the job, and Gary says, "I've already got two guys working under me. You'll be the third, but I can't take the time to do your training, so I'll get either Dickie or old man Sylvester to train you on some basic, messy jobs that we mechanics don't like doing. I'm hoping to get you full-time sometime in the not-too-distant future. I need to convince Mr. Marshall you're worth minimum wage at least."

When John gets committed to something or someone, it's one hundred percent commitment, and he likes the idea of him and fat Gary being boyfriends. He just does, although, as he's admitted, he doesn't know why. He likes that Gary's almost three years older than he is, and he just likes fat Gary's confident dominance. He mumbles, "I hope I don't let you down, Gary. I don't know anything about cars except how to drive."

Gary hugs him, "Goddamn, pretty boy, you're so straight forward honest about everything. I'm going to miss you when I'm away. Go up on your side, and I'll give you a bonus fuck for being such a good kid."

The truth of the matter is that Gary shocked himself by springing another boner. With John facing away, up on his side, Gary tightly slid his boner up John's ass, both of them moaning, "Ahh, ooh, mmm." Gary fucked John for ten minutes before either of them had a climax of sorts. John had a spurt of a watery something that felt so good he squealed loud enough that Dickie heard him and yelled from his bedroom, "Way to go, Gary!"

Gary was grunting with the effort of thrusting, his jelly-like tits jiggling against John's back. Gary finally fucked a squirt of cum from his nuts and then collapsed against John's skinny body. After two minutes of heavy breathing, Gary muttered, "When we get to my place later, I'll start you on the free weights."

"Okay, but I've never lifted a weight in my life, so..."

"You haven't done a lot of things in your life. I'll teach you how to do stuff."

John's back in Gary's arms, neither of them talking as John thinks, 'I'm getting more and more committed to us being a long-time couple, maybe even falling in love. I probably should be more cautious and not jump at everything that comes my way, but I don't have a family, and I need someone to look up to, and Gary really likes me. I like him too, even though he's fat. Hey, I wonder what he'll be like when he's not fat?"

He thinks about that for a minute, then... oh, what should I do about Brian and Duke University?

Silently lying together, they both drift off to sleep and only wake up at ten-after-two hearing Andy and Dickie running in the upstairs hall, loudly laughing... again. Gary mutters, "Those two guys act like they're nine-years-old."

Stretching, John mutters, "My hangover is no more. Haha, you fucked my hangover away."

Gary is the one nuzzling against John now, murmuring, "And it only took three fucks in two hours, huh?" He hugs and kisses John, who smiles because he loves being hugged and kissed. He wonders, 'It's true! I'm not making it up... I really do care for and want to be with Gary Thomas,' and again mutter, "Johnny Thomas."

"What was that, pretty boy?"

"Oh, I was testing out my new name if we ever got married. Johnny Thomas, or should it be John Darling Thomas?"

"No, just John Thomas," and now Gary's thinking it could happen. Still a long shot, but...

They get dressed with Gary saying, "We're going to take off now, so pack what you'll need for two nights tonight and two-and-a-half days. I'll tell the boys we're leaving. I hear them in the kitchen."

"Should I shower first?"

"No, we'll do that at the apartment. I'm anxious to get back, actually. Just pack your shit as I told you, and let's get moving."

"Yes, Gary."

In the kitchen, Gary tells Andy and Dickie what he and John are doing, and Dickie asks, "Is it okay if Andy and I stay here the rest of the day?"

John walks into the kitchen, saying, "Sure, you can stay here. Andy's almost a part owner of the house."

Andy says, "That reminds me, Johnny, there are about a dozen unopened, I'm guessing, bills on the dining room table."

"What? Bills?"

Gary laughs, "Yeah, like electric bill, property tax, water bill, gas bill, and shit like that."

John shrugs, and Gary lets out an exasperated exhale, then says, "Do you have a checkbook, pretty boy?"

"I've got his checkbook," says Andy, "I'll go get it."

Gary tells John, "We'll take fifteen minutes to do your bills, then take off. You've got everything you need in that little suitcase, right?"

"Uh-huh. So, we're going to do bills?"

Another exasperated exhale, and Gary says, "Yes, it's something most people need to do."

Whining in a lisp, "Okay, but how am I supposed to know that? Nobody told me about bills." His eyes are filling up, two tears run down his face and Andy, with the checkbook in his hand, hurries over, hugging John. "It's alright, Johnny. We're going to show you how to do that now. It's my fault; I should have sounded more urgent when I...."

John nods, "Oh, are the bills what you meant about looking at the mail?"

Nodding, "Yeah, but we'll do it now."

Gary says, "Good job, nurse. Yes, that's a better idea. You help him with that. Ah, Darling, I'll be outside smoking. I've got your suitcase. Take your time." Then he asks, "Who can I bum a cigarette off of? You, Dickie?"

Going into the dining room, Andy says, "I'm going to be lonely in this house the two days you're working, but in a way, it'll be good. It's been a whirlwind for us the past couple of months, and it will be nice to just relax with nothing I absolutely must do. I'll clean up the house and watch TV."

Sitting at the dining room table, John picks up the bills, saying, "It's only two days a week, and I'll ask Gary if I can see you after work. Have dinner together and stuff. I'm sure he'll want to do that with you and Dickie."

"I hope so, but he might want you all to himself. Anyway, let's open these bills..."

Dickie and Gary light up cigarettes outside on the back porch, Dickie saying, "Do you see what I mean about Darling having a lot of baggage?"

"Yeah, when you said that, I didn't disagree with you. It's like he and I will be going along fine and then he'll start crying about something or almost crying. It's weird, but I can handle it. How are you doing?"

"Christ, I'm doing crazy good, Gary. This guy, Andy, is such a sissy, but he's great with sex and loves being the bottom when we're fucking; he gives fantastic head anytime I want it, and he's smart too; plus, he does what he's told! So, uh-huh, I'm doing great. I really like him. I was a terrible bottom boy for you, as you know better than me, so I'm in the right spot now. Dude, I'm a natural dominant top. You could tell that, right?"

Gary snorts, "You did what I told you, but yeah, you were a complainer and not a great bottom boy, but I liked you alright."

"Yeah, a complainer because your penis is too fat. Guys complain about my dick being too fat, but not the nurse."

Fat Gary says, "My new boyfriend, Darling, has never complained about my boner either. Plus, now he likes wearing the dildo and was volunteering to find his cock ring. Honestly, he's just about the perfect submissive bottom boyfriend."

"That reminds me, Gary, I want my dildo and cock ring back. I need to put them on my boy; get him used to wearing them. I brought the sex toys into our sex play; then you made me wear them... haha! That's something you learned from me."

They both laugh at making their submissive boys wear sex toys, but they're not mean about it. They're dominant tops, and they're both pleasing their submissive bottoms by being dominant and, okay, Dickie and Gary are a little arrogant about it as well. Then, they talk about work tomorrow, and Dickie's like, "No! I don't want to train Darling. What if I get frustrated and yell at him? He'll start crying, and that don't work in a macho automobile mechanic shop."

"Okay, I'll assign Darling to old man Sylvester."

Snickering, Dickie mutters, "Walter is not going to be happy about that."

"Fuck him. He's lucky to have his job considering the weak-ass knowledge he has about cars built in the twenty-first century."

Laughing now, "That is so cruel, Gary! It's just the car computers that baffle Walter, and..." but he stops talking when Andy and John come out on the porch.

Andy is holding five envelopes, "We're going to drive to the convenience store where there's a mailbox to mail these bills. Some are past due."

Standing, Gary says, "How about if you do that, nurse? Pretty boy and I need to get going." Then, turning to John, "Are you all set?"

Nodding, "Yes, Gary," then he leans his head over for a kiss from Andy. Then, Dickie grins, "Hey, how about a kiss for your lifelong best buddy," and, with a big smile, Dickie and John Darling do a sloppy kiss, affectionately messing up each other's hair while they're kissing."

Gary asks, "Is the melodrama over now?"

Nodding, still smiling, John takes his suitcase that Gary is holding out to him, then asks, "We're going to get together with Andy and Dickie tomorrow night, aren't we?"

Gary says, "We'll be with Dickie all day at work. We can probably include your nurse at night somehow."

Getting in the car, John's confused about something but keeping it to himself. He thought he'd get seriously aroused kissing Dickie and messing with his hair playfully, but he didn't. It was like kissing your brother. Looking at Gatry in the pickup truck's driver's seat, John murmurs, "Can I have a kiss, Gary?"

Gary rolls his eyes and beckons with his finger for John to lean over to him. John nods, leaning over, and Gary holds John's head between his hands and kisses him on the lips romantically, sucking John's top lip a little at the end. It was sloppy, too, saliva all around John's mouth. Gary moves his face back, asking, "Okay, pretty boy?"

John nods, pushing at his dick. It got hard as a brick in five seconds. Nodding again, he murmurs, "Yes, that was good." Then takes a quiet, deep inhale as Gary backs the pickup out of the driveway, muttering, "It'll be a relief just the two of us. I can spend some quality time with you explaining what you need to get better at in the coming months."

After a few minutes of silence, Gary looks at John and smiles at him, mumbling, "You're all mine now, Darling. Are you up for that, pretty boy?"

Gary's voice was different... it sounded ominous.

As they drive away, John looks out the window and watches Dickie's familiar Monte Carlo disappear from sight. He feels weirdly shy, like he's with a disciplinarian authority stranger who makes John feel like a little boy. A little boy who realizes it's just him and me with him most definitely the boss, but there's nothing to be afraid of, right?

John can't shake his feeling of shyness, feeling like he's with this stranger who will expect him to do whatever he says; blushing brightly for no reason, he lisps, "Will I be alright, Daddy."

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 24

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