Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Apr 13, 2001


This is the first story I have written like this, so please bare with me while I work out the bugs.

Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, I do not know any boy band members and probably never will or do i know about anyones sexual orientation. If homosexuality offends you in anyway then please do not read any further and leave. If you are to young to read this then leave now.

I hope you enjoy.

Chance and Brian

I sat in the hospital waiting room praying that grandma would be ok. Mom was already up in the room with her to make sure that she was doing ok. We had been there for almost two hours now which makes it 2:30 am.

The nurses from the hospital called to say that they were having trouble with her and that she wanted to go home. So they put her on the phone.

She advised me that she wanted to go home and her words "Chance if you do not come and get me I will take a cab home".

I told her I would wake mom up and be there in about a half hour.. Of course she could not leave the hospital she had just had her shoulder operated on and was in no condition to go home, and we were in no condition to try and help her at home.

I looked down to see Nate sleeping beside me with his legs over my lap.. I smiled at how cute he was sleeping with his pooh bear next to him.. He loved pooh, so, I call him that as a nick name.. I think he's really cute, but then I could be biased. He had just turned five years old last may 5th. As I looked at him I couldn't help but think about how much he looked like his mother. He was a very good looking kid, thank god he got it from his moms side and not my side, I can thank the gods for that one.

I bent down and rested my head in my hands, praying that this night would end soon and that the morning wouldn't come to fast..

Someone spoke in the room asking me if I was ok. Which made me jump and I almost knocked Nate to the floor, I grabbed him and moved him further onto the seat and then turned to the voice.

I hadn't realized that someone had sat down directly across from Nate and I. I looked over to him and apologized I said "I'm really sorry I didn't mean to disturb you, I didn't realize someone else was in the room, as I laughed I said "I didn't even realize I said it out loud".

He said "hey its no problem.. are you ok"??

I said "yes I am fine, it's just been a really long day and an even longer night".

He said "yea I can relate".

I was rubbing Nate's back to quite him down so that he would go back to sleep. When I looked up and saw the young man smiling at us..

He said "he's a really cute kid".

I said "thanks.. Thank god he got his mothers looks.." he said " no he has yours to " I said thanks as I blushed… I asked "Do you have any children?"

"No, not yet anyway, but I would love to have a few one day" he said I said "well if you ever want to borrow one just to see what its like, let me know and we can start our own child lend program". He started laughing.. And said "well I will keep that in mind".. as we laughed, I said "It will at least give you and idea of what it will take." He said "well I will let you know" And we both started laughing again.

I Said "I am so sorry please excuse me" As I got up I extended my hand and said "I am Chance " He also got up, shook my hand and said "its ok .. My Name is Brian", as I went and sat back down I said "and this one here is Nate"

He asked me why we were in the hospital at this hour, I told him it was due to my grandma but that she was ok… it wasn't anything to serious.. I asked him the same question, he said he was here seeing a friend of his that was just brought in, and that he had to wait until they had him settled".

We talked for a good two hours that night talking about Seattle and about his life and my life.. But nothing important. He did ask me where Nate's mom was and I started into that story..

Well about two years ago she was killed in a car accident.. A youth stole a car and ran a stop sign while being pursued by the police and hit her head on.. She died instantly.. As I wiped a tear that started to fall ….

he said "oh god I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you"

I said "no its ok.. It gets easier day by day, and you learn to deal with things as they come at you. We weren't married, Nate's mom and I had a small brief encounter when I was 30, at that point I was trying to find out who I was and what I wanted in life and in a relationship"

He looked up at me confused and said " I'm sorry but I really am not following you, you mean as in being straight or gay?" I said "yes " "if you don't mind me asking, what was your decision?" he asked " I said "I'm Gay".

he kept staring at me, I wasn't sure what was going through his mind.

I said I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't just tell everyone that I meet, but my opinion is if someone asks me I am going to tell them the truth.

He looked like he wanted to run for the hills but he wasn't, he was still sitting there looking at me and Nate like he wasn't sure what to do.. And then all the sudden her blurts out… "I'm gay too". I think at that point I exhaled.. I didn't realize that I was holding my breath.

I smiled at him and said " its nice to meet a fellow sister.. We both roared with laughter"

When he calmed down he said "well you may find this strange but you are the first person that I have told about this".

I said "no actually, its always easier to tell someone when you don't really know them, the only thing you have to worry about is what the reaction is going to be, sometimes its not a good one, but sometimes it's a great one".

He said "well you're a very easy person to talk to, and I like the fact that you can joke around about it like its not a big deal".

I said "its not a big deal unless you make it a big deal, plus, if you don't have laughter what do you have, I would rather laugh than cry..

"I agree" he said but, sometimes you have to cry to get the feelings out that you hold inside.

I completely agreed with him and added "its hard not to let life get to you. Especially when things build up".

I spotted a coffee machine down the hall and decided that it was time for some caffeine, so I stood and said " I think coffees in order would you like a cup"?

"I would love a cup" he said.

"Great would you like black, black with sugar, black with sugar and cream?" I joked.

He started laughing and said "black with sugar and cream is fine".

"great the same way I take it.. This shouldn't be to hard.." he stood to give me money and I said I don't think so.. I am paying consider this repayment for the conversation.

He said well then I should be the one buying not you". I said "well then I guess you can leave the tip then" and we both started laughing, I will be right back" I told him.

I came back with the coffee and handed his to him and as I was walking back to sit down I spilled my coffee.. I went and got a paper towel and headed back to where I had spilled it.. I guess I spilt more than I thought because all of the sudden I found myself sitting on the floor laughing.. I looked over to Brian and saw the panicked look on his face.. And laughed harder.

I said " god I can be such a klutz at times" I tried to get up but realized that I must have hurt my knee.. When he saw me wince in pain he came to me and knelt down and said "are you ok."

"I think I must have twisted my knee, could you just help me up so that I can get back to my seat, but, since I'm down here anyway let me clean up this mess".

"No" he said "let me get you back to your seat and then I will clean up the coffee".

when I looked up again I saw two hands in front of me waiting to help me up.. So I did like anyone else and put my hands in his and he helped me to my feet .. His eyes never left mine trying to judge how much pain I was in.. I winced a little but nothing big and smiled at him.

"are you going to be ok".

I said "yes I think I will be fine"

he released my hands to try and help me back to the chair but since I still needed support I placed my hands on his shoulders just then I looked into his eyes and was lost at that moment.. They were the most beautiful greenish blue.. They say that the eyes are the window to the soul.. And looking into his I am pretty sure that this is true.. They told so much about him that you felt his hurt and pain and joy and happiness all at the same time.I hadn't realized that I was staring until he said "Chance are you ok??"

I said "I'm doing ok thanks"

he started laughing and said "well lets get you to a chair"

I couldn't help but agree after all I was still lost in his eyes.. He turned a little and put his arm around my waist and one around my shoulder and helped me to my chair.. And deep down I kept thinking.. Damn please don't let go.. Just keep holding me… but I knew that couldn't and wouldn't happen.. So he sat me down in my seat and then bent down and rested both hands on my knees.. Saying "I am going to go get some ice to put on your knee.. You sit here and I will be right back."

I said "Brian you don't have to do that, really I will be ok".

he said " Chance it is no trouble at all".

As he left the room I kept thinking.. Damn what a fine man… as I smiled to myself..

He was back within five minutes and had two Ice packs and an ace wrap.

He said "ok let me wrap it up for you and you should be set then", Who then heck was I to argue .. I wanted him to touch me again.

I apologized again and said "Brian I am really sorry to put you out like this".

he said "Chance it is not a problem ".

I said "well how about Nate and I take you out for dinner to repay you, Or if you want you could come over for dinner and I will cook a nice meal for all of us".

He said "Chance you have nothing to repay.. I was more than happy to help".

I said "well I feel bad so how about you take me up on my offer and make me feel better".

He said.. Well it has been a long time since I have had a home cooked meal, how about dinner at your place".

"That sounds great to me", I said "fine its done.. What night did you want to do this.. You let me know ok.. Any night is fine with me."

He said "how about Saturday then"

:Fine me with me Brian… how about six then? Is that ok with you?"

He said "sounds like a wonderful time to me". Ok its Saturday at six then.. We both agreed.. I grabbed a napkin and wrote out my address and also gave him my cell number as well as my home and work number in case he had to get a hold of me.. Yea well I was kind of hoping he would call..

I looked at the clock and realized that it was almost six in the morning and said to Brian "do you realize that we have been talking for about three hours now, and I really don't know that much about you.. So what brings you to Seattle Brian? your not from here, I can tell that from the accent.. It sounds southern.. So I'm thinking south east".

He started laughing and said "yes your correct I am in Seattle on business, I will be here for at least another two weeks and then we will see from there". He said " I really like Seattle its very pretty out here, the mountains and the trees and all the water.. Its absolutely beautiful, this is the kind of place that I would love to live and raise a family".

I said "yes it is a very pretty place and a good place to raise kids.. But it is kind of pricey with Boeing and Microsoft, it tends to get a little expensive. But none the less beautiful". He agreed.

He then asked " Chance why are you here?"

"what? you mean in the hospital? " I asked.

He started laughing and said "no in Washington"

I started laughing and said "sorry, I guess I had a blonde moment"

I explained that I have lived here most of my life.. I was born in Iowa but was raised here.. I work for a medical clinic as a bookkeeper, which isn't a bad job but not a great one either, but, it pays the bills. My life pretty much consists of raising Nate and working..

I asked him where he was from he said.. "I was born and raised in Kentucky, but, with my line of work I am based out of Florida".

I said "oh really and what do you do?"

He said "I'm in the entertainment field, its not to bad but all the traveling gets a little old".

I said "yea I'm sure it does". I looked at him and started laughing. He looked at me and smiled and said "what's so funny" I said "well, your not a stripper or exotic dancer are you?"

He busted out laughing and said "NO".

we both were laughing so hard that we woke Nate up.

Nate moaned "daddy, I wanna go home".

I said "yeah I know baby so do I, we will soon I promise".

He got up off the chair and came over to me and laid his head in my lap and hugged my legs, as I rubbed his back I looked up at Brian and saw him staring at us with a goofy smile on his face.

I said "hey pooh, why don't you go say hi to a friend .. His name is Brian and I will get you something to drink".

His head jerked up off of my lap and said "COKE" I said "well, we will see about that, but you go and say hi to Brian ok".

He got stood and started walking over to Brian with a smile on his face.. And said .. "I'm going to get a coke".

I couldn't help but laugh.., and asked Brian if he wanted anything .. He said "no I am fine". As I walked from the room pooh extend his hand and shook Brian's and said "hi I'm Nate, But my dad calls me pooh".

Brian smiled and said "well, I am Brian its nice to meet you Nate"

I got a coke and some orange juice for Nate and returned to the room.. To over hear Nate say.. "Brian will you sing a song for me". Brian said well I don't know what did you want me to sing". Nate said "how about over the rainbow ", Brian laughed and said "I will but only if you sing it will me". Nate said "yes" very excited.

As I walked back in the room I told Nate I had his drink and advised the orange juice is first then the coke. He made a face and said "OK DAD." I couldn't help but smile.

He came up to me and said.. "Daddy I didn't know we knew Brian ".

I started laughing and said "pooh we just met tonight".

He said "Brian said he's gonna sing for me", I smiled and said "is that so".. He said "yep" and started walking back to where Brian was sitting.. I smiled at how happy he was. As he sat down next to Brian I said "well I guess he has you figured out now doesn't he". He laughed and said "yes I guess he does".

I said Pooh "who is that ".

He looked at me and said "Daddy you know who that is, .. that's Brian from the Backstreet boys".

I laughed and said "and how do you know that".

He said "because of you".

"why because of me" I asked. "Cause you listen to them a lot".

As I looked at Brian I said "well I guess your secrets out ".

He laughed and said.. "You knew the whole time?"

I said "yes".

He asked "why didn't you say anything".

I said.. "How or why, I usually don't go around to everyone and say hi, I'm Chance, I am a bookkeeper. I figure what you do for a living is just that, It's not even a quarter of who you really are, being Brian from the Backstreet boys isn't all of who you are, it's a small portion.. It's great that you are Brian from the BSB, but, I would rather get to know Brian from Kentucky.. Being in the BSB is an added benefit". "God, I hope I'm making sense here."

He smiled and said "completely, and thank you".

I smiled and said "hey pooh, who is daddy's favorite Backstreet boy".

He smiled and shyly pointed at Brian.

We both laughed and I said. "Well, looks like my secrets out too."

That's the end for now. Let me know what you think. Let me know if you think I should continue. Any suggestions or comments are welcome. Email me at .

Take care


Next: Chapter 2

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