Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Jan 17, 2002


Disclaimer.. UGHGHHHH This story is complete fiction.. I do not know any of the BSB.. or what there preference is.. nor do I care.. that is none of my business... if you are to young to read this or it is not legal in your state or if your offended by gay material then I suggest that you head to another section.. cause this one isnt for you...

Ok with that said onto the story..

Chance and Brian Chap 23

Brian then leaned over and kissed me, he reached up and touched my cheek and pulled back a little.

"Mary could you come over here for a minute, please..?" Mom walked over to him. "Could you feel Chances forehead.. I think he's running a fever." Mom reached up and touched my forehead and then turned and walked out the door. I sat there stunned trying to figure out what the hell that was all about. Not two seconds later she came walking back into the room with a nurse. Brian got off the bed and stood on the same side as mom.. The nurse came over and stuck the thermometer in my ear.. (Yes it was an ear reading one.. Heheh..) it beeped and she pulled it back and looked at it. "I will be right back." and with that she walked out of the room. I looked at mom and Brian.. With im sure very large eyes and asked "What the hells going on?"

"Chance you may be running a fever, if you are they need to get you on medication to stop it now."

"Oh ok." The door pushed open again and in walked the nurse and a gentleman that I assumed was probably a doctor.. They both walked up to the bed.. The doctor asked me "how are you feeling?"

"Fine thanks, a little tired.. But ok.." I responded.

"Ok.. Well im here because your running a fever.. And I need to take a look at the dressing from you surgery. "

"Ok that's fine, but first, how high of a temp am I running?"

"As of just a few minutes ago its 101.5, the nurse here is going to give you a shot of antibiotics and put a cold rag on your head and neck and that should bring the temp down.. while she is doing that I will take a look at the surgery site and the bandages"

"Sounds fine doc." I replied

The nurse made me roll on my side a little and gave me a shot on the butt, I rolled back over and waited for the doctor to take a look at the bandage.. He walked up and moved the gown to the side and started to take off the dressing.. He peeled it away.. And looked up at me and said. "You have an infection at the surgery site.. I need to get it cleaned up and then redressed with some antibiotic cream on it, but I have to tell you.. It looks pretty bad.. If it gets any worse we may have to go back in and reopen it up and clean it out."

"Your joking right?? I feel fine.. A little tired but fine.."

"No Chance im not.. This is serious.. You may feel fine, however You have just had surgery.. We cannot let this spread or it could risk your life."

"Ok.. Do whatever you have to do, to stop it then." Brian walked up to the side of the bed and took a hold of my hand.. You could see the worry in his eyes.. "Chance it will be ok.. Im sure they caught it fast enough, to keep it contained."

"I hope so Brian.. I really do."

The doctor applied some cream and redressed the area.. And told me that if I needed anything to let them know,... he also said that it was very important to try and rest.. Then told the nurse to give me a shot of something to make me relax and sleep. He looked at me and said "Its very important you get rest Chance.. And if you start to feel worse you tell the nurse.. Ok?"

"Ok Doc, I sure will." And with that he walked out the door.

Brian leaned over and kissed me and said "I think we should go and let you get some rest." I looked at him and gave him the best puppy dog eyes I could.. He smiled "Ok maybe I will stay a little longer then."

Mom spoke up and said "However your son and I are going to head home so that I can put him in a regular bed for his nap." I looked down and saw Nate sleeping on the floor where Brian had set him down. I smiled at the fact that.. Well.. That he was my son.. And that we.. Brian and I had a long way to go with him.. I would say at least another 15 years to mold him further. Mom walked over to him and picked him up off the floor and I watched as Nate shifted and then found the perfect spot on moms shoulder.. Mom walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek and said "I love you.. And we will see you later tonight."

Brian walked over to mom and took Nate from her arms and told her that he would walk her out. "I will be back in a few minutes sweetie."

"Ok Brian.. Thanks." mom waved and Brian smiled at me as they walked out the door.

I laid back on the bed thinking.. I guess im not getting out of here today. Brian needs to call Wynonna and let her know. I closed my eyes for what I thought was just a few moments.. When I opened them again, Brian was sitting in the chair by the bed "Brian sweetie why didn't you wake me when you came back in, and what time is it?" He scooted the chair closer to the bed so that we were face to face and said "Because you need the sleep, and its about 6 o'clock.. you've been asleep for about 4 hours."

"Really?? That long, I guess I was tired."

"Chance, your fever has gone up a little. They are talking about getting you into a luke warm bath to try and get the fever to come down.. They say your tired because of the fever."

"Brian please don't leave me.. Ok"

"Baby.. Im not going anywhere.. I will be right beside you."

"Thank you sweetie"

"Chance there is no need to thank me.. I love you.. I wouldn't ever think about leaving you." he got up and sat down on the bed running his hand along side my cheek.. I closed my eyes feeling the heat coming from his hand.. I leaned into to his hand a little further.

"Brian.. Im scared."

"I know you are Baby, but we will get through this.. Its just one more hurdle we have to get over."

"Brian my head really hurts.. I think maybe you should go get the nurse." I could see the panic in Brians eyes.. "Brian please stay calm.. Im sure its just from the fever." I pushed the nurses call button as I held onto Brians hand. The same nurse walked in not two minutes after I pushed the button.

"Chance can I help you?"

"Yes. My head is really hurting."

"Ok let me take your temp." you could see her eyes get bigger than they were a minute ago "I will be right back." she said and was gone..

I looked over at Brian and said "Im thinking that's not a good sign Brian." and giggled a little.

Brian sighed and said "Im thinking the same thing."

The same doctor walked back into the room with the nurse following and said "Chance.. Your fever has gone way up.. Its over 103.. We need to do something."

"Ok.. What are my options?"

"Well we go and try water therapy.. And get you into a luke warm bath for a matter of time.. Or we go back in and open you up."

"Water.. It is.. Surgery will be last as far as im concerned."

"That's fine Chance my concern is getting the fever down."

`OK so what do we do?" I asked.

"We get you into the bathroom and into the shower with luke warm water.. We do that for five mins.. Take you out and do that again a few more times.. That should take care of it.. I will have a male nurse come in and get you undressed and in the shower."

Brian spoke "No you wont.. I will do it."

"Brian you cant.. You cannot afford to get sick."

"I don't care about that chance.. If anyones going to do this it will be me."

"Brian.. Please." I begged.

"No Chance, I will not take no for an answer.. I am going to do this.. It is not open for discussion!"

"OK.. ok... im not arguing with you.. Lets just do this and get it done." Brian looked over at the doctor and said "what needs to be done?"

"Go ahead and take him in the bathroom.. Start the shower so that it is luke warm and have him stay under it for about 5 minutes.. Take him out for about another five and then another five under the shower again.. Then repeat that one more time.. And that should help bring the fever down." Brian took my hand "You ready for this baby?"

"As ready as I will ever be." and smiled up at him.

"Last time we were in the shower you sounded a little more excited than you do right now."

"Well I cant imagine why.. And I cannot believe that you just said that."

He looked at me with pure love and concern in his eyes.. And said "I don't care.. I love you and I don't care who knows it."

"I love you too Brian.. And I don't care either."

Brian pulled me up and off of the bed and walked me over to the bathroom door.. He pulled open the door and led me in and shut the door behind him. He untied the gown and let it fall to the floor and leaned me against the wall.. he opened the shower curtain and turned the water on.. And then started to unbutton his shirt. "Brian what are you doing?"

"Im going in with you, your not strong enough to do this alone Chance, plus im going in to make sure you don't fall and hurt yourself."

"Ok." was all that I could mutter as I watched him take his shirt and undershirt off and slowly unbuckle and unbutton he pants.. I wasn't sure I was going to make it through this. Being so close to him and having him naked. I shut my eyes and tilted my head back a little.. Brian asked "Chance are you ok??" I could tell by his voice that he was worried. I opened my eyes and said "yes Bri.. I am fine. Just tired.. And kinda worried that im not gonna make it through this shower. I saw his eyes get really big and he started to say "Do..." I cut him off and said "Bri.. Not for that reason.." I slightly smiled and added "For that reason." and pointed down to his crotch. He started laughing "Well Chance there will be nothing happening until you get better.. So it doesn't matter if im naked or not."

I frowned slightly.. He just smiled and said "Ok in the shower with ya.. We have work to do.." He turned me so that his front was to my back and led me into the shower.. The water was very luke warm.. But felt good. I sighed as I felt it hit my face and head.. I leaned back against Brian and let it flow down on me.. Brian wrapped his arms around my waist and just stood there holding me.. Moving me ever so slightly making sure that the water was hitting all sides of me.. After a few minutes and with my teeth chattering I told Brian.. "Im cold."

"I know you are baby.. Just a few more minutes.. And then I will get you out of here and dried off, but then we have to do it again two more times.. Remember."

"Yeah I know sweetie, but until then I wanna turn around and face you." I slowly started to turn, I got about three quarters of the way turned around and felt something hit my leg.. I looked down and realized that Brian had a little problem. I looked back up and said "Well I can see that someone is happy to see me."

Brian started laughing and said "Im always happy to see you."

"Yeah I can tell." was my response. I completely turned so that I was facing him and hugged him close and rested my head on his shoulder, I was still shivering from being cold.. But the warmth from Brians body calmed the shivering a little. We heard a knock on the door and the nurse say. "Its five minutes, would you like some warm towels.?"

"Yes, Please." Was Brians response. Brian reached over and shut off the water and ushered me out of the shower stall.. I leaned against the wall while Brian got the towels that were hanging on the rack.. He started to dry me off when there was another knock at the door.. "I have the warm towels, do you want me to bring them in?"

I looked at Brian as he said "That's fine come on in." Can you say shocked.. I was naked.. he was naked.. What the hell was he thinking.. Brian reached up and shut my mouth.. And smiled at me.. The nurse walked in and turned bright red.. I wanted to chuckle but knew that it wasn't a good idea. Brian looked at her and said "could you please give those to me." She walked over and turned a brighter red.. And tried not to look down.. I chuckled.. She turned and looked at me and gave me a slight grin.. I then heard Brian say "Ok, Come on you're a nurse, im sure you have seen many guys naked, could you please help me get him dried off."

"Yeah.. Ok.. sorry.. it just shocked me."

"No problem.. Lets get him dried off." was all that he said. They both got me dried off and sat me down on the toilet.. So that we could wait out the five minutes.. Brian quickly dried himself off and put his boxers on.. The nurse went and got a warm towel and wrapped it around me.. I looked up at both of them and said "Thank you."

They both smiled at me. I then asked.. "Do we really have to do that again?" In unison they both said "Yes" very firmly.. And started laughing.

"Chance I need to take your temp.. to see if it has gone down." And with that she came over and placed it in my ear, it beeped as she pulled it out and looked at it.. She had a slight frown on her face and said "it hasn't gone down." something beeped in her pocket so she added "Time for the shower again. I will let you guys take care of that." and she walked out the door.

Brian stood me up again and unwrapped me from the blanket.. He again leaned me against the wall and bent down and slid his boxers off. He walked into the shower and adjusted the water temp.. he walked back over to me and guided me into the shower again.. Again I was facing the wall with Brian behind me.. I stood that way for a few minutes and asked if we could turn so that I was facing him.. Brian slowly turned me around until I was facing him.. I slid my arms around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder.. And muttered.. "Brian... Why is it getting dark in here."

"Baby.. Its not.. Are you ok? Chance.. Chance.. Baby.. Please wake up.. Please.." with that he felt me go limp in his arms.

Brians point of view****

I felt him go limp in my arms.. And yelled for the nurse.. Yelled.. Ok more like screamed.. She flung open the door and ran into the bathroom..

"Hes passed out.. I cant hold onto him much longer!!" she ran over to the shower stall that we were still standing in and shut off the water.. And grabbed some towels.. She dried him off the best that she could.. I drug him out of the shower stall and picked him up and carried him out of the bathroom and laid him on the bed. With tears streaming down my face I turned and went into the bathroom and dried myself off and put my clothes back on.. I walked back into the room to find The doctor checking Chance over. I walked up and stood next to him and asked "Ok what happens now? Is he going to be ok?"

"Brian, we will have to wait and see.. The fever really hasn't come down as much as I had hoped. His eyes are not dilating as they should.. My main concern now is that his body has Shut itself down to try and fight off the infection and the fever."

"Doctor I have no idea what the hell you just said, or what that means, could you please tell me in English."

Ok.. Sorry.. Im afraid that he has slipped into a coma.. His body is trying to heal itself.. Its fighting the fever and the infection.. And the way that it is doing that is by going into a coma."

"umm... what.. Howww... I... ummm.. How long do you think this is going to be?? Oh my god, I gotta call his mom. Oh my god." I broke down and started sobbing..

The doctor walked me over to the chair and sat me down.. He then leaned down and said "We have no clue about coma's Brian.. I cannot tell you when he will come out of it.. Or if he will." He let it stand there. My heart sank.. I had everything running through my head.. He has to come out of it.. He has to.. He cant leave me here like this.. OH MY GOD.. how could this happen. I leaned over so that my head was between my legs.. I was afraid that I was going to vomit.. When that passed I looked up and saw Mary standing in the doorway.. She rushed over to me and asked " What the hell happened? Brian.. Brian.. Is he ok?"

Sobbing I answered "Mary... He.... hes in a coma, the doctor doesn't know how long it will be before he comes out of it.. If he does."

I stood from the chair and let Mary sit down.. The nurse came in and looked at me and said "Brian.. it's a good sign that he is breathing on his own.. It shows how strong his body is."

I walked up to the side of the bed and reached out and took Chances hand and held it.. I got on both knees and prayed.. Asking god to please help us.. And to grant Chance the safety and guidance that he needed to get through this. I then pleaded with him.. That I would give up anything and everything if I could have Chance back with me.. I begged... that I need him... my life has really meant nothing without him in it.. And that I wasn't sure that I could go on without him. I broke down in tears.. And said "please god.. Please.. don't let anything happen to him.. I need him more than you possibly ever could." Sobbing I stood up and turned and hugged Mary and said "this cant be happening... it just cant." She hugged me tighter and slowly rubbed my back until my sobbing slowed and then stopped.

"Mary.. What are we going to do?"

"Brian the only thing we can do, wait and see what happens."

Ok that's the end of this Chap..

I got one email from the last chapter.. So I am assuming no one is reading anymore.. So with that in mind.. I am leaving the story as is for a few weeks until I decide whether I will continue on with it, or end the story with the next chapter..

Its been a great ride.. But as I told a friend tonight.. I don't think people understand truly how hard it is to write a story like this and keep it going.. I applaud all of the other writers.... You do awesome jobs. You made me attempt to write and I hope that I have at least achieved a little tiny portion of the ability that You guys have.

My email address is

If you would like to email me..with questions or comments.

Take care


Next: Chapter 24

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