Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Apr 25, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, I do not know any boy band members and probably never will, or do I claim to know there sexual orientation, or do I care.. If homosexuality offends you in anyway then please do not read any further and leave. If you are to young to read this then leave now.

I just wanted to thank everyone that has written to me.. it is very much appreciated.. I hope you continue to read the story.

Chance and Brian... Chapter 6

I got off the bed and told Brian I was going to start breakfast.

"Ok babe, I miss you already."

"You could always come along, you know "

"Thanks sweetie, but I think I will see if I can get a little more sleep"

"Ok see you in a bit then."

With that I walked out of the room and headed downstairs. I found Nate watching blues clues.

"Did you eat breakfast yet?" I said as I sat down next to him.

"Grandma made me some oatmeal"

"Where is grandma?"

"She went to see great grandma at the hospital"

"Why didn't you go" I asked

"I wanted to stay here with you and the guys"

I leaned over and hugged him and said "I love you Pooh boy"

he laughed and said " I love you to pops"

He knew how much I hated him calling me that.. It made me feel really old, so I started tickling him. He was laughing so hard that he was crying.. Just then we heard a yell from upstairs. It was Brian saying " were trying to sleep up here" Nate and I just laughed.

"Ok Nate go make sure Brian is up, Tell him that I need a favor."

He was smiling from ear to ear and said "ok".

But, make sure to wake him up the same way you wake me up. Ok" (which means jumping up and down on the bed)

he said "Ok" and ran up the stairs."

I walked into the kitchen opened the fridge and pulled out the eggs,bacon and sausage.. I went over and sat down at the table and waited for Brian to come downstairs. A few minutes had passed when I heard Nate start laughing.. I figured Brian was up and Nate was being tickled.

I heard a big thump and Nate start screaming..

Brian screamed "Chance get up here." you could tell by his voice that he was scared.. I ran up the stairs and went straight into my room.. Nate was in Brian's arms sobbing.. Nate saw me and immediately wanted me.. I walked over and asked him what happened. In between sobs I heard.. "Brian pushed me off the bed." I took him in my arms and said.. "oh pooh, I'm sure Brian didn't mean to push you off the bed, could it be that maybe you feel off the bed. when brian was tickeling you."

"Yea" was all I got..

I hugged him and said "are you ok, where did you get hurt."

"My head hurts daddy"

"ok pooh, but show me where"

he pointed to a mark right above his left eye.. It was a little red and he did have a little bump, but I'm sure it wasnt anything serious.. so I kissed it and said.. "well its not bleeding and I dont think they will have to do surgery, how about if you run downstairs and get a piece of candy out of the drawer.. that should help with the pain." at this point he was calming down and he wasnt crying anymore. I figured a little bribe wouldn't hurt.. besides at the mention of candy his face lit up and he said "ok"

I looked over at Brian and you could tell that he felt really bad.. and was really scared.. I smiled at him and winked and said. "Ok Nate .. you go get that piece of candy, but first you need to go give Brian a hug. I think you scared him pretty good."

I put him down on the bed and he walked over to Brian and hugged and kissed him on the cheek and said.. "Its ok Brian, I hurt myself all the time." and with that he jumped off the bed and ran for the stairs..

I walked over to Brian and hugged him.. and asked "Are you ok?

"Yea I think so, god chance I was so scared.. I was tickeling him and I guess I didnt realize he was so close to the edge of the bed.. one moment he was there and the next he was laying on the floor. it scared the shit outta me.. im really sorry i feel really bad."

I hugged him again and started laughing.. I leaned down and kissed his forehead and said.. "Tig, it happens all the time.. hes a child he falls and hurts himself all the time.. unless its really bad.. you just kiss it and make it better. Then you bribe him with something else to take his mind off of the hurt. Are you sure your ok."

"Yes, it just really scared me."

"I know it did Brian, you should have seen your face.. your white as a ghost. I was afraid you were going to pass out. but then again that would have meant that i would have had to do mouth to mouth on you.. hmmm"

he smiled and started to laugh, i was glad to see that..

he asked.. "well can we do mouth to mouth anyway, it could make me feel better."

I kissed him then pulled back and said.. "ok are you better now."

he pouted a little and added.. "well a little, but a few more would make me feel a lot better."

I laughed and kissed him again and again and again.. I then pushed him away. He started to object but i held my hand up to his mouth and said "you can have more of those later.. i dont know about you, but i am hungry.. and i need food.. shall we go make something for breakfast?"

"sure lets go."

"ok, but first we need to wake Nick up."

"Chance you may not want to do that.. Nick gets a little grouchy when he first gets up."

"oh really now.. hmmmmm "

"What are you thinking, and what are you going to do??" he asked..

"I dont know yet Brian, but its going to be something good. I can tell you that.. I gave him an evil grin and said.. "Ok lets go."

I walked into nates room to hear Nick snoring softly. I crawled onto the bed and laid down next to him and started rubbing his back.. he didnt even move.. I moved closer and said "Nick baby, its time to get up.".

He again didnt move.. I started touching his lips and face and said "Come on Nick get up." and started shaking him.,. I then got louder.. well ok a lot louder.. and said.. "Nick, Baby get up.. damn boy.. I know I didnt wear you out that bad last night.

Hell I did all the work so you shouldntbe tired at all" I screamed "Nick oh nicky get up.. im hungry and I want you for breakfast.". His eyes fluttered open part way.. and he looked at me.. for effect I bent down and gave him a huge sloppy wet kiss right on the lips..

His eyes then flew opened.. and he pushed me away and jumped off the bed.. he stood there looking at me.. I wanted to laugh so bad., but i knew i couldnt.. not yet anyway.

Brian came walking in the door and said,. "Nick , Chance what the hells going on.. OH MY GOD! Nick you had sex with chance last night too."

"I looked at brian and said.. "Damn tig you make me sound like a ho or something." I put a hurt look on my face.

Nick said.. "Oh my god.... did we.. we didnt.. Oh my god. did we..???"

I busted I couldnt help it, Brian wasnt far behind me..

I looked at nick and said. "Nick honey if we did.. believe me you would not forget it." and started laughing harder. Brian was practically laying on the floor he was laughing so hard.. Nick looked from Brian to me, then back to brian and back to me.. I was laughing so hard that I was crying.. and the only thing i saw were stars as the pillow hit me over and over again.

Rolling to the side I dodged the last hit and rolled off the bed. I stood accross from Nick.. looking at him without a smile on my face I said.. "Nick hon, you better put that thing away."

"Why you started it"

"Nick. I dont mean the pillow.. I mean the thing thats hanging out of your boxers."

He looked down. and gasped as he saw his dick hanging out.. you could tell he wanted to crawl under the bed and hide.. he quickly turned around and tucked himself back in.. and then turned back around to face me..

I said "Well damn, I have now seen two backstreet boys showing all their stuff, ummm hmmm it is a good life isnt it."

I looked over at Brian and said "Mmmmm I think im in the mood for sausage." he busted...

Nick groaned and said "come on guys, cant we just go get some breakfast."

"Im sorry Nick. I didnt mean to tease you.. but if youve seen one dick you have seen them all.. its really not a big deal. Sorry.

With that i walked over and put my arm around Brians waist and said.. "Well I dont know about you clowns, but im going to go make some breakfast."

Brian added "Im coming with you.". and put his hand in my back pocket."

"Nick are you coming." I asked

"Yea in a minute."

I couldnt tell if he was upset or not. so i asked brian to go down and check on nate and told him that i would be down in a minute..

I walked back into nates room and said "Nick can i talk to you for a minute."


I sat next to him and said "Im really sorry Nick, I didnt intend to upset you.. and if I did im really sorry... that was not my intention at all.. i hope you can forgive me."

He said "Chance its not a big deal, you just caught me off guard.. and it just made it worse with all my stuff was hanging out."

"Nick its not a big deal.. were all guys right.. its bound to happen sooner or later."

"Yea, but its not like yours was hanging out for everyone to see."

I laughed and said "No that is true, but it was only Brian and I, and im sure Brians seen you naked before. and with me, well..... just think of it like this. you have now made a fan very very happy.. Big guy."

He started laughing which made me feel better, I really felt bad for embarrassing him.

I asked again "Are you sure your ok."

"Yep Im fine, and thanks Chance your a really nice guy, I can see why Brian likes you."

"Thanks Nick, I can see why Brian likes you too. Now lets go eat."

"Ok Im right behind you."

I walked downstirs and into the kitchen to find Nate and Brian making a mess.

"Wooo hoooo, my two favorite men in the kitchen, what more could i ask for."

Nate said "Money."

Brian said "True love."

"It wasnt a question it was a statement." I said laughing

Brian walked over and kissed me. I smiled and told them that I would start the french toast... as I was taking a sip of Brians coffee I heard.. "Daddy are you and Brian going together?"

I about dropped the cup. I turned and looked from Brian to Nate and then back to Brian. I really didnt know what to say.

I walked over to nate and said. "Pooh, Brian and I like each other.. or atleast I like Brian, and I think Brian likes me."

Brian added "Yes, I like your dad a lot "

"So for right now Brian and I are friends. But in the future we will have to wait and see what happens." I asked nate.. "how would you feel if Brian and I were going together." My heart was pounding and I was scared to death.. First I wasnt sure I wanted to know the answer.. and second you never know whats going to come out of a kids mouth.

He looked at me with a huge smile and said. " That would be way cool.. I really like Brian."

Breath Chance Breath.. thats the only thing that was going through my mind, then it registered what he had actually said.

I hugged Nate and said "I hope you know how much I love you."

He held out his hands and said "this much.."

"No pooh.. more lots more than that."

I looked over at Brian and saw relief in his eyes.. I winked and said "ok whos hungry.." all of our hands went up.

"Well ok lets get busy then."

Once breakfast was made we sat down and ate, I do have to tell you Brian is a very good cook, or should I say he makes Great Pancakes, But none the less breakfast was great.

I was in the kitchen putting the dishes in the dishwasher as Nate and Brian cleared the table, once they were done Brian came in and said "Chance we really need to talk."

My heart sank.. I figured this was going to be one of those talks. I had so many things running thru my mind.

1: This is over and it hasnt even started 2: He doesnt like me. 3: Im not his type. 4: I have a child, and hes not ready for that. 5: He needs more time.

The scenarios wouldnt stop, or at least I didnt think they would until Brian said "Chance are you ok??"

I stuttered "y....e... sss.. Brian Im fine ..what's on your mind." God I didnt want to know, I really didnt.. but I knew it would come eventually.

Thats when he spoke and said.. "I was thinking that maybe.. well..... ummmm.. well ... well... would you go out with me?"

As he was talking I turned away from him to put a bowl away, actually the reason was so that he wouldnt see my face and the tear that was sliding down my cheek. When he finished I turned around to face him and he saw that I was crying. He rushed over to me and said,, "Whats wrong baby, why are you crying?, Im sorry, I didnt mean to upset you.. god im sorry."

I hugged him and started talking.. "Brian.. that was very sweet probably the sweetest thing that someone has said or done for me in a long long time. You caught me off guard.. I was expecting something bad.. and when you said you wanted to go out with me.. it made me very happy because i was expecting the worst. Tig hon.. these are not sad tears.. these are happy tears. Mr. Littrell, you are probably the sweetest guy i know." With that I kissed him and said "I would love to go out with you, but didnt we already decide that we were going out on a date?"

He wiped away a tear and said "yes, but you asked me, and I thought it was only right that I ask you also."

I kissed him on the lips and said "What a sweet man you are.. and by the way where are we going tonight."

"You will just have to wait and see."

I stuck my lower lip out and said "Oh come on not even a little hint."

"Nope." was all he said as he leaned in and kissed me and started to suck on my lower lip.. I kissed him back and opened my mouth and started sucking on his tongue, I pulled away and asked "not even a little hint."

"ok, after that maybe a little one." he said breathing heavy

"ok ok then tell me please"

He laughed and said "It has to do with music and thats all you will get out of me."

I leaned in and said.. "Isnt there anything I can do to get more information out of you?". and started sucking on his ear.

He pushed me back and said "nope.. you will have to wait and see."

"ok, but can I have atlease one more kiss?"

He smiled and said "You bet you can."

Ok heres another chapter, I know its short but it is sweet. Anyway i hope you like the story.. let me know what you think good bad or otherwise my email address is

Again thanks for reading


Next: Chapter 7

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