Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Apr 19, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, I do not know any boy band members and probably never will, or do I claim to know there sexual orientation, or do I care.. If homosexuality offends you in anyway then please do not read any further and leave. If you are to young to read this then leave now.

Chapter 3 of Chance and Brian...........

As we got to our seats and sat down the lights slowly dimmed and the music started. The noise coming from the crowd was deafening. Nate was covering his ears. Once the boys were spotted it got louder until they started singing. I looked up to find Nick to the left with Kevin next to him then AJ, Brian and Howie. I looked again at the whole group and came to a stop on Brian, he was looking at me. He smiled winked and started singing.

I looked at the other guys coming to rest on Nick who was looking at me smiling, he then glanced down to Brian and then back at me, he was smiling he waved and added his voice to the song.

Throughout the concert I caught myself focusing on Brian and only Brian, with a huge smile from ear to ear on my face. I would turn and look at Nick or Kevin and would turn back to Brian to catch him staring at me. I started to wonder if he could possibly like me. I came to the conclusion that I was probably making more out of it than it was. He was being friendly and wanted to be friends. I'm sure that's it.

Nate was having a great time,he danced like a mad man most of the time, and yes, a few times I did get up with him and dance, but most of the time I just let him go. At this point the guys ran off the stage and Nick came on and did a solo, followed by Kevin and AJ.

Brian came walking onto the stage and said " So how's everyone doing tonight, I hope you're having a good time like we are. Now I would like to do a song for a friend of mine, but I'm thinking I could use a little help, he looked at me and than at Nate and said " Hey Nate, you wanna sing with me now."

Nate looked at me and said "Daddy can I?"

"Sure pooh go for it" I said.

I looked at Brian and handed Nate up to him.. He smiled at me and walked to the center of the stage and sat Nate on a stool, he then picked up a microphone from the other stool and handed it to Nate.. Nate laughed and said "HI" to everyone in the audience and they all yelled "hi" back.. I just laughed.. Brian Said "Everyone this is my little buddy Nate.. He and I have sung together before and want to do another song for you,".. "ok Nate you ready ??"

"YEP" was all Nate said and then the music started.

Brian spoke up and said "we would like to dedicate this to Nates dad" And smiled at me.. as Nate waived.

Brian started singing and I melted, Nate started singing and didn't do to bad for a five year old, as the song was coming to an end I was close to tears. I have always loved the way Brian sings and his voice is beautiful, but to be sung a song was outstanding. As the song closed the noise from the arena was amazing, I couldn't have been more proud of Nate as I was at that moment. I was smiling and did have a tear rolling down my cheek when Brian handed Nate back down to me.

He smiled and said "I'm glad you liked the song Chance."

"I loved it Brian thank you, I couldn't have asked for a anything better."

"that makes me very happy." he then smiled and spoke to the audience again and said they would be back out within minutes and disappeared.

At that moment I knew that I could fall for Brian.. And fall for him bad.. He was everything I looked for in a guy. Warmth, caring, compassionate, and most of all the way he dealt with Nate.

I hugged Nate and told him how proud of him I was and gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him I loved him very much. Of course he said " OH dad", I couldn't help but laugh.

The guys came on and did another set and the ended the concert with "everyone" it was an awesome show, I was so glad that I decided to come to the show after all.

The concert was over and we sat there for about 20 minutes when I figured we had waited long enough.. We headed back to the door that we originally went through and found the same security guard sitting there..

"Hi Chance, welcome back." he said

"Thanks, the guys asked us to come back after the show."

"ok, your all clear go on back.

"Thank you" I said and we walked back to the dressing room and knocked. I waited until Nick opened the door only to find him in his boxers..

"Damn, don't you Backstreet boys ever wear clothes?"

He laughed and said "yes we do, come on in Chance, hey Nate you wanna play N64 again." Nate was overjoyed. He ran off with Nick, which left me with Kevin, AJ and Howie.

Again, Brian wasn't in the room..

I said.. "Oh, I see Brian's not here again. Am I going to get another free show."

They all laughed and said "you may." A few seconds later Brian walked out in his boxers, he smiled at me as I smiled back.

"I'm glad you came back." he said

"so am I, thanks for asking."

His smile got even bigger.

"the show was awesome guys. You should be very proud of yourselves.

"Thanks" Kevin said "we've worked really hard on it."

"Well it shows, it's a awesome show."

They all smiled and said "Thanks"

I then spoke to Brian and said "Thank you so much for doing the song with Nate, he loved it, you guys were awesome, its something I will remember for a long long time, and im sure he will too."

"I enjoyed it too, And I wanted to do it"

I smiled and said "Thanks again Brian"

Nate came running over to me and said "Daddy, Nicks gonna show me the bus, if you say its ok, can I go please, please, please." I started laughing and said "ok pooh, slow down, and Yes, its fine for Nick to show you the bus. But, NO sweets!"

I looked at Nick and said "Nick do not give him any sweets, he's wired enough without sugar."

Nick laughed and said "Chance, I promise no sweets."

"Ok then go, Have fun, be gone, bye." And turned back to the rest of the guys.. And asked them what they were going to be doing for the next two weeks..

They all yelled out "SLEEP"

I started laughing and said "Well ok then."

My cell phone started ringing, I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID and it read Paula Evans.. I started laughing and hit send and said "Hey sweet Thang" and started laughing.

"Hey Sweet pea, how are you? I didn't see you online tonight so I figured I better call."

I told her the whole story with grandma and the hospital and about going to the concert.

"By god, you got to go see them, oh my god i'm jealous."

"Yes, paula it was a great show, we are just waiting for the crowd to clear out and then I'm taking Nate home, its been a long day."

"Oh, Hon I'm sorry, you sound really tired."

"I am, its been a long day."

She heard Kevin say "Hey Chance, do you want something to eat or drink."

I said thanks, but no thanks."

I knew something was coming, "Chance William Archer, who was that!!!"

I started laughing "just a new friend, why""

"Well you better give me details Mr. Man."

I laughed and said "well, here I will let you talk to him." I knew I was in trouble when she used my full name.

I handed the phone to the closest person which happened to be Brian. Brian looked at me shocked and said "What am I suppose to say, and, who is this?"

"Her name is Paula, I call her Pupu, she is one of my best friends, just talk to her she's a riot. She keeps me laughing all the time. Brian, just say hi." I started laughing.

He put the phone to his ear and said "Hi Paula" Of course I got a one sided conversation, what I heard was... Brian... Yea... A few days ago... Yea, I got him tickets to the concert tonight. Yea, He's a very nice guy... And started laughing.

I looked at him and said "Brian, can I talk to her for a sec."

He said "sure" And handed me the phone.

I spoke into the phone and said "I have only one thing to say to you and it is, You better be nice, and you better not be telling stories on me." she laughed and swore she wouldnt.

"Ok here's Brian again."

They went back to talking and I went and started chatting with Kevin, Howie and AJ..

Howie said "Chance, is that your girlfriend on the phone."

I busted out laughing and said "NO, I met her on line a few years back in a gay chat support room. We hit it off from day one. I love her to death, She is my best friend and I wouldn't trade her for anything. Even though we have never met we talk at least daily on the phone or computer.. She knows me very well. She knows stuff about me that no one knows."

I heard Brian laughing and I turned to look at him.. He smiled at me and said "oh my god he did, Oh, that must have hurt.

She's asking for it now I said "Ask her about the bathtub tabogganing." He asked her and was laughing so hard he had tears running down his face.

"Ok Brian you have endured enough pain for one day, Paula that is, and I mean that in the most loving caring way." And laughed.

"Paula, Chance wants to talk to you again, so I will let you go. Ok, have a great night, and I will talk to you later. Ok, bye." And with that he handed me the phone.

I said "ok, Pupu its time for me to go, I need to get Nate home and in bed."

She said "Ok, Oh and Chance, I like Brian he seems like a really nice guy."

"Yes, he is Paula, he is a very nice guy. And so are the rest of them."

All I heard was "WHAT, what do you mean the rest of them."

"All five of them, they all are very nice guys."

"What the hell are you talking about, Oh my god, are you guys having an orgy."

I busted out laughing and said "I could only wish, with these five studs, Damn." The guys looked at me like I was the devil and I said "She thinks we are having an orgy."

They all busted out laughing.. And said "NO WAY."

I got a hurt look on my face and said.."Well fine then, You will never know what you are missing, I am good damn it." And busted out laughing.

"That great Chance, but its something I'm willing to live without." Kevin said laughing while rolling around on the couch.

I picked up the pillow and flung it at him and hit him in the forehead.. "Damn, good arm chance." was his only comment as he rubbed his forehead.

"Thank's Kevin" was the only thing I said And went back to talking to Paula.

I said "no Paula no orgy, nothing like that at all."

"Then what's with the five guys."

"Paula figure it out, Brian, five guys, singing, Concert.. Come on Sherlock homeless."

She screamed "Oh my god, I was talking to Brian from the Backstreet boys?"

I said "yea.. So."

"What do you mean so, OH MY GOD."

I couldn't help but laugh. The guys could even hear her.

"Paula calm down, go take your meds hon, and I will talk to you in a bit, ok?

"Oh my god, no you will not."

I laughed and said "I will talk to you when I get home, then I can tell you about me and Kevin making out in the janitors closet." The pillow was flung at me and missed me by inches.

"Damn Kevin You better work on that." He flung another one and hit me square in the face. "well ok, maybe not." I added And started laughing.

"Ok Paula I'm out, talk to you in a bit. Yea yeah I love you too.. See ya Pupu." And we hung up.

Just then nick and Nate came walking in and Nate came running to me, he was very excited about seeing the bus. He told me about how big it is, and that it was way cool... I laughed at him and said "Pooh I'm glad you got to see it, but, I really think its time we head home.. I'm sure the guys are really tired from the show, I know I am and I just watched it. So get your coat and you go tell everyone thank you for tonight so that we can go."

He went around to all of them and said thank you for tonight it was way cool.. And went to Brian last and gave Brian a big hug and said.. "Bye Brian, thank you for everything.. I had a good time singing with you.. Maybe we can do it again."

Brian hugged him back and said "Anytime Nate, anytime."

Nate leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and added "ok how about tomorrow night then."

Brian laughed at him and said "sure we can sing together tomorrow night, but we need to pick another song. I want you to pick it out, ok Nate."

"Ok, I will tell you when you get to our house tomorrow night then."

"ok you have a deal then." with that they shook hands on it.

I went around to each of the guys and shook hands with them and said my thanks and left Brian for last.

I walked up to him and said "I don't know how to thank you for tonight, it meant a lot to me, and the song was beautiful." I then leaned over and added "you're a good man Brian and don't forget that ok."

"I wont, youre a great guy too Chance, and you have a wonderful son.

"Thank you Brian." and with that I released him.

"Ok, were still on for dinner tomorrow night right."

"Of course, I will be there at 6pm."

"That sounds great." I started walking to the door I stopped dead in my tracks and thought god how rude could I be.

"I'm sorry guys, Brian's coming over for dinner tomorrow night at my house, You guys are more than welcome to come along if you would like."

All of them except Nick said they had other plans.

"Nick how about you."

He started to say "well I...."

I interupted him and said "Ok.. you better be with him, no if and's or but's about it ok?"

"ok" was what I got back.

"good, then I will see Nick and Brian 6 pm tomorrow night for dinner, oh and guys don't dress up, dress very comfortable. I will probably be in shorts and a tee shirt.

They said "great, that sounds good.. We will see you then."

I said one last goodbye and Nate and I walked out the door.

We got about halfway to the door when I heard Brian yell my name. He came running up to me and said "Chance here's my cell phone number, also the number and clearance code to the hotel if you need to get a hold of me. I just wanted you to have them."

I smiled and said "thanks Brian. I appreciate that."

"No problem Chance, I'm happy to give it to you." He walked us to the door and said "I'm looking forward to tomorrow night and thanks for asking Nick, he would have sat in the hotel by himself."

"No problem Brian I like Nick and Nate likes him too. This way they can keep each other entertained which will leave us time to talk."

He smiled and said "great, I look forward to it"

I smiled and said "so do I"

Ok heres the end of part 3..... I hope you liked it..

Let me know what you think.. good bad or otherwise..

My email address is

Thanks for reading

see ya

Next: Chapter 4

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