Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Jan 14, 2002


Just a quick note to thank everyone that has written me.. it is very much appreciated..

Disclaimer.. UGHGHHHH This story is complete fiction.. I do not know any of the BSB.. or what there preference is.. nor do I care.. that is none of my business... if you are to young to read this or it is not legal in your state or if your offended by gay material then I suggest that you head to another section.. cause this one isnt for you....

Thanks... to Paula for all the pats on the back and all the pep talks.... its appreciated.. more than you will ever know.. I love you Lots.. your my best friend...

Scott.. thanks for writing that wonderful song.. I still cannot believe someone would write a song for my little story.. I cant thank you enough.. for reading and being my friend

and again to everyone that has written to me.. thank you very much.. there are times I think maybe I should end it.. that maybe it has gone on to long.. or that there is to much drama.. and then i get emails that say they would have it no other way then what it is..

Thanks.. again. as Ive said before I cannot believe that this has gone on this long and that im still writing it..

Ok with that said onto the story..

I hope you enjoy it..

Chance and Brian Chap 22

I reached over and touched Brians arm and said "Sweetie.. Its ok really.. I was just wondering, I see how you look at him sometimes.. I was just wondering how long you have had feelings for him.. I mean good god look at him, hell look at all of you.. Your all gorgeous, well most of you .. A.J scares me a little, But its all good. Nicks a beautiful guy.. Who wouldn't like him or have feelings for him.."

"Do you have feelings for him?" he asked.

"No I don't Brian.. I mean don't get me wrong, Nicks sexy as hell.. But I have all that I want.. Your way sexier than Nick." Brian turned and smiled at me.. I could feel myself turning red..

He reached over and grabbed my hand and said "Babe, I love it when you embarrass yourself. Its so sexy.." I couldn't help but smile.. And asked again "So... answer the question, how long have you been in love with Nick."

Brian again looked down and stared at our hands.. "Well I have liked him for a long time.. Love him.. Im not sure I would say love Chance.. I love you, I think what I felt or as you say feel for Nick is just attraction. Like you said hes sexy as hell, I don't think I really knew what love was until I met you and fell in love with you." He looked up at me and then leaned over and kissed me.. He started to pull away but I kissed him again more passionate this time.. Opening my mouth to let me tongue dance across his lips. He slightly opened his mouth and moaned. I pulled away and smiled at him.. He still had his eyes closed and his mouth open. I couldn't help but giggle.. To think that I could do that to my man was an amazing feeling. Brian smiled fully and said "Ok question number 2 to you.. would you ever have a threesome?"

"No.. I wouldn't, im not that kind of person.. I want one man and one man only." I paused and said "Same question to you, would you have a threesome?"

"Hell no.. I have everything I want." he then leaned over and kissed me on the nose and added "and I cant wait to have you again." I chuckled and said "well maybe I will have you next time."

"Im sure we can work something out baby." I sighed.. Frustrated and in need knowing that nothing could be done because of the surgery.

"Baby... once your feeling better I will be all over you.. I hope you know that." laughing I said "I will take that as a promise."

"You can take it anyway you want it.. it's the truth."


Seductively he answered "Yes Chance?"

"Its your turn." I wanted to laugh.. I knew where he was going with this but it wasn't going to happen.. First off we were in a hospital and second I just had surgery.. Hell there wasn't much that I could do..

"Oh... ummm... ok.. Lets see.. Ummm." he stood and walked around the room a little.. Which made it very obvious that he was very aroused by our conversation.. I giggled and said "come on sweetie.. Its not that hard." and busted out laughing.. And added "or has all the blood left your head and gone to other places." and continued laughing.. He came over and sat down and tried to be angry and said "You know you can be a real tease sometimes." you could see the smile on his face.. Even though he tried to keep it hidden.

"Brian I know I can be. But this wasn't my doing.. You're the one that was making yourself all hot and bothered.. If you want some help with your not so little problem I will be glad to help out?"

"No I think I will be fine.. And it is you that makes me all hot and bothered.. The kisses, the way you look at me, the way.. Oh god the way you touch me.. Its all you.. The only part that is me Chance.. is the part that goes from my brain to my crotch.. that's me.. The rest is all you."

"Thank you Brian.. That was really sweet." he walked over and sat back down and kissed me again.. I then added "Well ummm I do have a confession to make though." he looked at me and I could see the question in his eyes.. I smiled and took his hand in mine and laid it on my lap and said. "My confession is, you do the same to me.. Cant you tell?"

He smiled his wonderful smile and said "That has just recently been made clear to me" as he squeezed my erection.. I moaned in appreciation and pushed his hand away and said "This will have to wait sweetie."

"Come on Chance... I could just help you out with that.. And no one will ever know."

"Brian.. The problem is that I don't want just a hand job or a blow job, I would want more and im not capable of doing more right now.. that's why we will have to wait." He leaned over and kissed me again and said "Thank you sweetie.."

"Why are you thanking me ?"

"Because I feel the same way.. Sometimes a hand job or a blow job isn't bad and helps, but when you can wait for all of it.. Why bother."

"You amaze me more and more all the time, but you scare me too."

"What do you mean I scare you?" he got up and sat back down on the bed so that we were face to face. "Well the way that we think so much a like scares me at times." I chuckled and added "It scares me that someone actually thinks the same way that I do."

He smiled bent over a little and smacked me on the arm and said "Damn, you had me scared.. You ass." I couldn't help but laugh. I laid back on the bed and looked at him.. He crawled up the bed until he was directly over me.. He bent down and kissed me and said "I love you Chance Archer.. With all that I am and all that I will be." I leaned forward and kissed him and copied him and said "I love you Brian Littrell with all that im not." and started laughing. You see I was laughing because he was tickling me.

"Chance you do not give yourself enough credit for anything.. God look at you.. You're adorable.. You have a great life.. A wonderful family.. And look at the wonderful creature you helped create, how can you even say that your not all that?"

"Brian honey.. I was kidding.. I understand and thank god everyday for all that I have.. I have the family that I have always wanted, a great kid and a wonderful boyfriend/Fiancé and eventual husband. I truly do have all that I could ask for." He leaned down and kissed me again. I melted into the kiss.. I heard the door open as Brian pulled back from the kiss, there stood mom and Nate.

"Hey mom.. Hey Pooh.. How ya doing.. What are you guys doing here?"

"Well we just came to check on you.. Nate wanted to find out when you were going to get out of here and come back home, and Mr. Littrell I think that maybe you need to be more careful, after all this is a public place and anyone can walk in and catch you guys, you need to keep that in mind." The look she gave us was not a happy one. You could tell that she was upset that anyone could have walked in and caught us.

"Ok Mary.. Sorry.. I guess I wasn't thinking of what could happen."

"No I guess you weren't.. im just saying you need to be a little more aware of your surroundings Brian.. Not that it matters to me.. I was just thinking of your career and the press." she started giggling and said "And if Kevin caught you guys like that I can only imagine the rant and rave he would have given you both." The look on Brians face was priceless.. Just the thought of Kevin scolding him was enough to make him cringe. I could only laugh..

"Why are you laughing Chance, Kevin can be a real dick if hes pissed about public affection."

"I know he can sweetie.. I wasn't laughing about that." I giggled and added "I was laughing about the way you switched gears when mom said that about Kevin.. It was pretty comical."

"I will give you comical!" he said.. And started jumping around the room and chasing Nate.. Nate was laughing hysterically screaming.. "Poppa.. You cant catch me." and added "Your too old." I busted.. I couldn't help it.. I was laughing so hard I almost fell off the bed.. Brian stopped chasing Nate and sat down on the floor and acted like he was crying.. Nate walked over to him and said "Poppa.. Poppa.. whats wrong.. Are you hurt.. Are you ok.." he was then shaking him.. He turned and looked at me and said in a very scared voice "Daddy, something is wrong with poppa .. Poppa's crying.." he then started yelling.." Poppa don't cry.. Please." and then Nate started crying.. He kept saying over and over "Poppa.. Poppa.. please don't cry." as he was sobbing, Brian realized that Nate was really upset, so he got on his knees and looked at Nate and hugged him saying "Nate honey.. Im not upset.. I was playing around, im so sorry that I upset fine really." Nate wouldn't even look at him.. Brian finally pulled back a little from Nate and forced him to look at him.. Brian Lovingly said "See Nate im not crying.. Im sorry.. I was playing." Brian hugged him to his chest.. rocking him back and forth, Brian looked up at me with pleading eyes to help him.... I just shook my head no.. I just slightly smiled and hoped he understood that he was doing fine.

Mom walked over to the edge of the bed and asked me "So when do you think your going to get out of here?"

"Im hoping today.. But I have to wait for the doc to come in and tell me whats going on."

"What time do you think that will be?"

"Not sure mom.. They usually do there rounds in the morning.. So I would think anytime." I looked over at Brian and Nate, Nate was now sitting on Brians lap and Brian was singing to him.. I strained to hear what he was singing I heard the chorus and realized it was Nsync's Song called "Selfish." (If you havent heard it go listen it's a well written song.) I smiled on with pride knowing that Brian is going to be a great dad to Nate and to the other kids that im sure we will be adopting.

Mom spoke up and said "Chance we need to talk about the condo when you get out of here."

"Why? Whats wrong?"

"Well.. we got notice from the owners, they are going to be selling it.. And have offered us first chance.. If we say no.. then they will place it on the market as of June when our lease is up."

"How much?" I asked scared of the answer.

"Ummm.. it's a little under 150,000.00"

"Well tell them that we will consider it.. But we need a little time to think about it." I paused and added "Tell them we will have an answer for them within a month and if that's not good enough.. Then tell them to go ahead and sell it and we will look for another place."

"Ok I will email them back and let them know."

Brian looked over and asked "Whats going on?"

"They are going to sell the condo.. And want to give us first shot."

"You guys should do it.. it's a nice place."

"Yeah it is a nice place Brian.. But we need to find out specifics and find out if we can get financing... along with can we afford it."

He just nodded his head and said "I totally understand."

Mom spoke up and said "But lets not worry about this right now.. Lets get you out of here and home and then we can discuss it."

"Sounds like a plan to me mom.. What do you think Brian?"

"Sounds good babe." Brian smiled at me and added, "Maybe you guys should think about buying a house.. That way there will be a backyard for Nate and the others."He let it lie there and didn't say anything else.. All that I could do was smile.. I knew what he was referring too since we had talked about adopting kids.

"I agree Brian.. What do you think mom? We don't have to figure it out right now.. But Im thinking that would be a smart thing to do."

"Yeah I think that's a good idea.. But I do have a few questions.. If that's ok?"

"Of course it is mom, ask away."

"Well if you two get married are you going to live here or.. well... where are you planning on living? I would not be able to afford a house or the condo by myself."

I looked at Brian and asked "Why don't you tell her what we have talked about Brian, if you wouldn't mind"

"Not at all babe... Well .. We talked about having a place here and having a place in Orlando.. The place here would be a house for all of us.. As would the place be in Orlando.. I will be on the road a lot of the time as usual, we want all of us to stay together.. So we thought if we kept the place in Orlando and then we bought a place here we could avoid worrying about where we were going to stay, Plus I would rather we raise the kids in Washington.. And not in Florida."

"And I agree with him, I think Washington is a much better place to raise kids, so what do you think mom?"

"I agree with you guys, but how are you going to feel with me around.. I mean .. you guys are just going to be together and I don't want to feel like im in the way.. I could always just get my own place.. They have some really nice apartments around here."

"I would prefer that you were with us.. After all I like having you around and so does Chance and Nate.. I couldn't imagine you not being with us Mary.. You're a major part of the family structure here.. And I wouldn't want that to change for anything." Brian said with love and admiration in his eyes.

"Thank you Brian that is very sweet.. I just don't want to feel like im in the way or have you guys feel like im in the way.. that's the last thing that I want."

"That would never happen Mary.. I.. We wouldn't want you to ever feel that way. I know how important it is to have family with you, and I also know how close you guys are, and that shouldn't change for anything in the world."

Mom walked over to Brian leaned down and kissed him on the cheek and said, " I can see why Chance loves you so much.. Your quite the man Brian Littrell." Brian blushed a deep red and smiled.

"Ok we have that settled.. We will all move in together.. Right??" I asked. Yes... was the answer from everyone including Nate.

Brian spoke again and said "Well I do have some news since we have discussed the moving part and it has been settled." I gave Brian a confused look and asked "Whats that sweetie?"

"Well, I've already looked at a few places here.. And there are two that I really like.. The realtor suggests that we decide soon since its a good buy, she thinks it will go fast " I looked at him even more confused now and said "Oh"

"Chance before you get upset.. And I can see it on your face that you're going too .. Please let me explain."

"Brian I am not upset.. Shocked yes, but not upset, but go ahead Brian im listening."

"Well.. I was going to buy a house here anyway.. So I contacted a realtor the first day we had free and looked at a few houses.. I hadn't thought of it since.. Until she called me two days ago.. And told me that I needed to look at these two, they are nice.. They need work, but they could be wonderful."

"Ok.. I can understand that.. But how much are we talking here Brian.. And it will not be you buying it and us living there.. It has to be a mutual thing or we don't do it at all.. Agreed??" Brian smiled and got off the floor and kissed me and added "Agreed"


"Agreed.. I whole-heartedly agree." she said and started laughing.. And added.. Why do I feel like im in a court room, or on trial here."

I started laughing.. And responded with.. "I have no clue.. why you feel like that.. Is there another life your not telling us about Mom?"

Laughing she said "None that im aware of."

I gave mom a strange look and turned back to Brian and asked, "Ok since that's been settled.. Now.. How much are they asking for these places?"

He looked at his feet and said, "The first one is 950 and the second is 1.250."

I stared at him and said, "Your joking right, you're kidding me.. Nine hundred and fifty thousand and one million two hundred fifty thousand.. Dear god Brian are you nuts.. that's too much.. You can get a really nice house here for three hundred thousand.. Why would you spend that much money for a house?. hell we cannot afford anything like that." I continued. "Brian you can buy acreage.. And im talking twenty acres in the country and have a house built for a lot less money than what you would spend on those two."

"You would move out to the country and commute for me?"

I smiled and said, "Of course I would.. I cannot even believe that you would spend that much money on a house." He looked at his feet again and said, "Chance, the house in Florida cost me three million."

"Ohhhhh.. well.. they cost a lot more down in Florida?" I was trying to fathom someone spending that much money for a house.. And my little pea brain just wasn't able to grasp it.. I mean im sure it's a wonderful house.. But damn.. 3 mill for a house.. What I could do with three million. Brian looked at me and started laughing and asked "Whats wrong.. It's a really nice house Chance."

"Brian im sure that it is .. Im just trying to imagine how many houses I could buy here and rent out for three million dollars.. Hell I could buy six houses here if not more and live great."

"I know Chance.. And maybe that's something we should think about investing in.. but right now we need to find a house for all of us."

"I understand that Brian.. However I cannot justify spending that much money.. I really cant.. I am not accustomed to spending so much money.. Hell.. I have a budget I live on.. And that's what I need to stick too.. I cannot afford a million dollar house Brian.. Hell I cannot afford a three hundred thousand dollar house.. I could... if all three of us paid for it.. But I cannot afford that by myself."

"Babe, you don't have to worry about that.. I can afford it."

"Brian.. You know how I feel about that.. That's your money.. My money is what I earn.. Your money is what you earn.. I cannot and will not expect you to pay for stuff like that.. This has to be an equal partnership.. I could not and would not want you to buy a house and have all of us live in it.. That wouldn't be right.. I would feel like I wasn't pulling my weight.. And that's not what I want.. I want us to be equal.. And im starting to realize money wise that that's not going to happen since you have a lot more than I do."

"Chance I don't care about that.. And I know that you want to pay your share.. But as an equal.. Your money is my money and my money is yours.. So it shouldn't matter, the only thing that I care about Chance is that we have a safe and secure place for all of us to live.. If you want to build a house for a lot less then that, its fine with me.. The only thing that matters to me is that Im with you.. And that you're with me.. The price of the houses mean nothing if you're not in them."

I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and gave my reply, which was "Ok.. Whatever you think Brian." he looked at me with a shocked expression on his face.. And said "I.. Ummm.. I.. I won that one????"

I started laughing and said. "Yes, you won that one.. I guess im losing my touch... or you're perfecting yours"

Ok thats the end for now.. I hope you liked it..

let me know me what you think.. good, bad or otherwise.. my email addy is

all feedback is welcome and appreciated.. and dont forget when writers get feedback.. it tends to make them want to write more..

Take Care Tnerb

Next: Chapter 23

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