Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Dec 30, 2001


Chance and Brian Chap 21

Just a quick note to thank everyone that has written me.. it is very much appreciated..

Disclaimer.. UGHGHHHH This story is complete fiction.. I do not know any of the BSB.. or what there preference is.. nor do I care.. that is none of my business... if you are to young to read this or it is not legal in your state or if your offended by gay material then I suggest that you head to another section.. cause this one isnt for you....

Ok with that said onto the story..

I hope you enjoy it..

Chap 21

I sat back and closed my eyes.. wondering what would happen next... the guys had the press conference in the morning about the mace'ing incident and im sure that they will be asking now about the shooting.. I wondered what the guys would say and how much information they would give out . I was very uneasy about the whole thing and thought I should call Brian...... I looked for the phone but couldnt see one.. I pushed the nurse call button and waited.... I heard a speaker come on behind me and asked if they could help me.. I asked if they had a phone that I could use in the room... she said that she would be right in to help me.. not five minutes later a nurse or nurses aid walked through the door.. she walked over to the bed and said.. Hi Mr Archer Im Karen.. what can I do for you tonight.. I smiled and said "Hi Karen first off call me Chance, I would like to make a phone call .. but I do not see a phone." "Oh im sorry they put the phones behind the bed so that they are out of the way.. . let me put it on your stand for you." she walked over picked up the phone and placed it on the rolling stand.. I told her thank you very much.... she smiled and said "if you need anything further you just let me know..

"Thank you Karen, I will be sure to do that."

She smiled and said "Ok see you later then." and then turned and walked out the door.. as I reached for the phone it rang.. I jumped, cursed under my breath and picked it up.. and said "Hello?"

"Chance Archer please?"

"This is he.. who is this?" I asked.... the voice sounded very familar ... but I couldnt pinpoint who it was..

"Oh Hi Chance this is Steven Gray from Channel 7 news.. we were wondering if you would do an interview with us about what has happened the last few days.."

"Ummm how did you get my name and im not sure what you are referring to with the last few days.?"

"Look Chance im not going to beat around the bush with you.. we know you have been seen with the Backstreet Boys.. number 1 we know that you and your son and a few of the Backstreet Boys were assaulted by some fans at the hotel they are staying at.. 2nd we also know that you were assaulted by a security guard that was later arrested and then released on bail.. who then came after you at the same hotel.. and ended up killing two security guards and shooting you.. would you like to make a comment? we would love to do a story on this.. actually.. we would love to be the first channel to do a story on this since it has made headline news throughout the country.. we want to get your perspective and maybe talk about how you met the Backstreet Boys and how everything else came about.. what do you say..?"

"I need some time to think about this.. give me your number and I will call you tomorrow with my answer."

"Chance are you sure you wouldnt like to talk as soon as possible."

"Look Steve.. you have my answer for now.. if you continue to go on with this then my answer will be NO right now.. I think I have made myself clear.. I need to think about it.."

"Ok sorry Chance... if I have upset you I am sorry.. that was not my intention."

"Its not a problem, could you give me your number.?"

"Sure it 253-xxx-xxxx.. call me at anytime.. it is my cell phone number."

"Thank you Steve I will talk to you tomorrow." and with that I hung up the phone.. thinking.. holy hell how did they get my name.. I need to call someone.. I need to talk to Brian about this.. as I reached for the phone it rang again. I pulled my hand back and thought.. please let this be Brian.. or anyone that was not associated with the press.. I picked it up and again said "Hello???????"

"Hey, babe.. whats up.. you ok???"

"Oh my god Brian im so glad its you.. I was just going to call."

"Whats wrong Chance...?"

"Brian why did you call..?"

"I dont know I got this weird feeling.. and knew that I needed to call you.. are you ok.. is everything ok..???"

"WELL NO!!!!".. I yelled ... "I got a call from a local T.V. station.. they are pressing me to do an interview about everything thats happened.. I told them I would get back to them tomorrow.. I wanted to talk to you guys first.."Brian started laughing.. I wanted to cuss him for laughing.. "Brian its not funny.. they knew my name.. they know who I am.. this is not good.. they know about everything.. the car... the security guard.. and then the shooting.. what am I going to do.. how should I handle this.. can you call Kev. and ask him what I should do.. well.. ummmm.. hell call everyone im scared Brian.." Brian started laughing even harder and said "Babe, we gave him your name and number we want you to talk to him.. the story needs to be told and who better to tell it than you... by the way we canceled the press conference tomorrow we figured we would tell the story when you did the interview with Steve.. that is if your ok with it?"

"Brian why didnt you tell me that before hand.. instead of scaring the shit outta me..!!" I demanded..

"Im sorry Chance.. but we had just talked about it before all of us left the hospital.. I ... .we didnt think he would call you this quick. but I guess we were wrong.. Im sorry.. we should have talked to you first.."

"Your damn right you should have.. it scared the hell outta me.. I cannot believe that you guys called him and told him to talk to me without talking to me yourself."

"Im sorry Chance.. I really am."

I was mad... and I thought I had every reason to be.. it pissed me off.. that they did this without a word to me first... Brian and I had just talked about how important it was to talk to each other and then this happens.... I could hear someone talking to Brian in the background and I heard him say.. "Yes.. hes mad.. no because I didnt talk to him first." I then heard mom say.. "let me talk to him Brian."

Brain got back on the phone and said Chance.. I really am sorry.. and I love you.."

All I said was .. "I love you too Brian, go ahead and put mom on."

I could hear Brian say " Hes really pissed." Brian must have handed the phone over to mom..

"Hi honey.. how are you feeling?"

"Im feeling ok mom.. what did you want to talk to me about.?"

"Well I wanted to talk to you about the reporter I think. ..." thats when I cut her off. and said.. "Mom im sorry but you really need to stay out of this.. this is between Brian and I and the guys.. they should have talked to me first before giving out my name and then telling the reporter to call me.. I would never do that to them and I expect the same treatment from them." and then added... "Im tired mom im gonna go and try to get some rest.. so I will talk to you guys tomorrow.. I love you all."

"Wait Chance... Brian wants to talk to you.."

"Ok put him on.." I could hear Brian breathing but not saying anything so I finally said "Tig you wanted to talk to me.. so whats up?"

I heard "I ... ummmm.... Im really sorry Chance.. I didnt mean to upset you."

"I know you didnt Brian.. Im still pissed, but I will get over it ok.. im tired so im gonna go to bed.. I will talk to you tomorrow ok?"

"Ok Chance.. I love you..... "

"I love you too Brian Goodnight" and I hung up.

I laid back down and closed my eyes... still angry with all of them for not waiting to talk to me..

Karen walked in saying "How ya doing hon?? are you in any pain?"

"I am.. but nothing I cant live with. Could I get something to drink Karen.. like Orange juice or Apple juice.. and then maybe something to help me sleep ?"

"Sure I will bring you one of each ... and let me check the chart for the sleeping aid.. I will be right back." Karen walked back in with the juices as promised and sat them down on the table. "I checked your chart and the doctor hasnt prescribed a sleeping aid... but you are allowed pains killers for the pain how about if I give you a shot of one of the pain killers and that should help you sleep?"

"Thats fine by me Karen.. and thanks..."

"Your more than welcome.. I will be back in a few minutes with the shot." As she walked out of the room the phone rang again.. I sat and looked at it not wanting to answer it... I figured it was Brian and wasnt in the mood to talk.. I let it ring three times before I made an attempt to answer it, on the forth ring I picked it up and said "Hello?"

"Chance please..... "

"This is Chance.. Who's this?"

"OH MY GOD.. you mean to tell me that you dont recognize your new best friends voice?"

I started laughing I couldnt help it "What are you doing.. and how did you know that I was in the hospital." I asked.

"I talked to Brian a few minutes ago... he gave me the number, I was calling to find out when you wanted to get together.. so that the kids could play, but I guess thats not going to happen since your in the hospital... Brian told me what happened Chance how are you feeling."

I couldnt help but smile at her voice and how wonderful she truly was... "Im fine.. really.... just hurt a little.. what are you doing up so late Wynonna...I dont think the kids would want to play at this time of the night.. and your leaving soon arnt you.?"

As she was laughing she said "Chance its almost seven in the morning.. and yes we are leaving the day after tomorrow."

"Oh really.... im sorry to hear that Wy.... where do you go from here?"

"We head to California and then into Nevada." then she chuckled and said .. "I have no clue from there.."

"Brian leaves in a few days.. " I paused and didnt say anything else.

"Chance what are you going to do? are you going to go with him?"

"Im not sure what I am going to do Wy.. Im going to miss him so much.. but then again all we seem to do is fight and make up.. and fight and make up.. I know its not healthy for him.. me or Nate... so Ive really got to figure out whats best.. and then go from there."

"What do you want to do Chance?"

"I want to go with him.. be with him all the time.. However I dont think thats possible at this point.. Im afraid that we would fight all the time.. Damn.... Wy.... were still in the getting to know each other phase.."

"I know you are Chance.. but maybe this is the chance"..she laughed.. "no pun intended.. to get to know each other." I couldnt help but laugh... I sat there thinking.. but is that the correct thing to do.?. would it put more pressure on him and me that we really dont need at this point.... you know sometimes you just have to think.. when something great happens why is it so damn hard.. I heard. "Chance are you there.. hello Chance.. HELLO!!!"

"Sorry Wy I got lost in my thoughts.. What were you saying?"

"Well I was saying that maybe you could go for a few weeks?"

"Yep.. thats what I was thinking. and then I would head back home and get back to work and Nate back in day care."

"That sounds like a plan to me Chance... Im sure Brian would be ok with that."

"Im sure he would.. but then again hes going to have to understand that I have a life to get back to too."

"Im sure He knows that... but its going to be hard for him to accept that." She paused and added "You do know he loves you very much right.. he would do anything for you.. he just wants whats best for you and Nate.. as far as hes concerned you both are his family... and always will be."

"Thanks Wy.. we had a long talk last night.. he told me how much he cared for me and that all he cares about is being with Nate and I.." She said nothing... I think she was waiting for me to continue on.. but I was scared to say anything more.. for fear that I was going to start crying. So I calmed myself down and added "I love him a lot too.. and I do see a long future for us.. but its just scary.. thinking that we will be so many miles apart for long periods of time."

"Chance I can understand how you feel.. believe me... but it will only make the times you are together even more special... keep that in mind.. I can tell you from experience how much more important it is when you go home."

"I cant tell you how much you have helped Wy.. thank you so much for calling and talking to me about this. "

"Hey ... thats what best friends do for each other, I will expect the same from you someday."

"Youve got it girl.. I will be happy to do it at anytime." The door slowly pushed open to reveal Brian standing there looking great as normal.. the boy can wear sweats and damn he looks good.. I smiled at him and motioned for him to come in and spoke into the phone.. "So when did you want to get together Wy.. we can do it tomorrow.. I plan on getting out of here today." Brian sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at me shocked that I would even attempt to get out of here today.. I reached over and squeezed his hand and kissed him..

"Chance why are you making kissing sounds??"

I couldnt help but laugh and told her.. "Well you know how much I like you Wy.. but the man of my dreams just got here and I was saying hello."

"Pee Wee Herman just walked into your room?" I chuckled and said "No.. that would be your dream man not mine.. but if you want to continue to try and play it off like your not in love with him.. then im thinking therapy is a good thing."

"See this is why I like you.. you fight back.. you have spunk.. you have character you have..." I interupted her and said.. "Your gonna make me sick if you continue on.. I love talking to you too Wy."

Laughing she said "Ok ok .. I get the hint... you go spend some time with that man of yours and tell him I said hi.. and I will see you guys tomorrow.. tell Brian I will call him later with the details of when and where.. ok????"

"I shall do that.. thanks for calling Wy.. and thanks for the talk."

"Anytime Chance you have my numbers call me if you need to talk."

"I shall do that.. you take care and we will see you tomorrow."

"Sounds good.. bye Chance." then she Screamed "BYE BRIAN" I couldnt help but laugh.. Brian Leaned over and Said.. "Bye Wy.. I will talk to you soon" and with that I reached over and hung up the phone.. I looked over at Brian and said "I cant tell you how much I missed you, would you lay down with me for awhile? Ive missed having you next to me.. and ummm... I need to talk to you."

Brian had a concerned look on his face and asked "Are..... you.. we...ok Chance?"

"Yeah sweetie I am fine actually.. I just wanted to say that im sorry for being such a bitch last night.. I shouldnt have gone off on you like that.. I was just scared.." Brian started to interrupt me as he laid down next to me.. I held out my hand and asked "Brian.... Please just let me finish this ok??"

"Ok...." was all that he said.

"Brian it seems whenever we fight.. somehow most of the blame goes onto you.. and its not you.. its not me.. its us.... when we fight its both of us.. not one.. and im sorry that you have had to apologize so much and that I havent.... I truly am .. It takes two to fight.. and I havent taken my share of the blame." I looked down trying to collect my thoughts.. Brian reached over and rubbed his thumb along my jaw line and placed his index finger under my chin lifting it so that I was looking into his eyes.. I continued "as I said im sorry that I was so mean last night... I had no right.. after we hung up I realized that it wasnt you that made the choice.. it was the group.. and that I had no right to take it out on you... I can and will handle whatever you guys think is best for the group.. but foremost you.. I love you Brian."

"I love you to Chance and that will never change.. bitchy or otherwise.. we all have bad days night and weeks.. we will get through it.. I promise" I leaned over and hugged him and said "I cannot believe that I have lived without you for this long." he started laughing and said "I cant believe it either." I smacked him on the arm and said "But you wanna know the most amazing thing??"

"Of course" he smiled at me..

"I cant believe youve made it this far without me."

"Very funny smart ass.." he said while laughing..

"You know I would get up and take a bow but im afraid that I would moon the hallway.. and that wouldnt be a pretty site for them ." He started laughing... leaned over kissed me.. and laid his head on my shoulder.. and then let out a soft contented sigh.. I thought he had fallen asleep until I heard him say "Ive missed this."

"So have I sweetie.. so have I."

He spoke again and said "Chance can I sing something that I have written.. well finished writing last night. After we hung up.. I felt really bad.. and missed you.. and wanted to finish it, is it ok if I sing it for you.?"

"Of course Brian I would love that." He leaned over and kissed me and

He then started to hum to get the correct tone and started with..

Sometimes I feel like just letting go I guess giving up is all that I know But your smile isn't fading and I sense this dreamlike feeling cascading your words shine, fluorescent and bright it somehow seems worth the fight

And love is a risky game to play And sometimes we won't know what to say So I'll just do what comes naturally And hope you'll do the same for me As long as we believe it will come through I'll always take love's chance on you I can't be tainted or broken when you're near When I'm far away, listen hard, your words are still here I can feel your warmth linger and your gaze If I ever seem lost, youll light the way I close my eyes, escape and feel free Just think of you thinking of me

You bring my spirit back to me You guide my hands to be Within your protective reach I drop this shaded veneer stand back, breathe,Swallow hard and shift gears You give me a reason to live this life You bring me a joy that makes everything right

I'm trying to find my way the best that I know how Today, in this life, I feel I know now I haven't got it all figured out, or understand all the rules And even if it takes my whole life I'll always, always take that chance on you.

I sat there dumbstruck.. I wiped away the tear that was starting to slowly roll down my face and realized.. that Brian truly did and does love me just as much as I love him.. "Brian thats a beautiful song.. thank you so much.." I wasnt sure what to say.. I moved over to the side of the bed that he was sitting on and added "Brian.. I love you.. I truly do hope that I have made that clear to you..

"Of course you have Chance.. I just felt that I needed to tell you how I felt.. I wanted to say it the best way that I know how.. and for me thats in a song."

"Brian I couldnt have asked for anything better.. thank you so much.. and I love you too." I bent over and kissed him on the cheek and added "You truly are the most wonderful guy in the world.. I couldnt ask for anyone better."

"I feel the same way baby.. I really do."

We both sat back and didnt say a word, I felt completely at ease with the silence.. I looked at Brian and noticed a slight smile on his face.. and immediately smiled at the realization that he is content and happy, which makes me very happy.

"Hey Sweetie play a game with me?"

"Sure, Which one.. do we have any?"

"Brian I didnt mean a board game.. lets play 20 questions.. you can ask anything you like and the other person has to answer it honestly." Brian looked scared and said "Anything?"

"Yes sweetie anything and you have to be honest, even if it hurts."

"Ok sounds interesting.. lets play."

"Ok Brian you can ask the first question."

"Ok babe.. Question 1.. at what age did you lose your virginity?"

"It was age 15..with Tim smith.. he was a really cute guy from school.. I had a huge crush on him.."

"Ok Brian question 1 to you.. How long have you been in love with Nick?" Brian sat there not saying a word.. his face turned a little pale and he was starting to sweat..

Ok im thinking thats enough for chap 21 at this point..

let me know what everyone thinks.. good bad or otherwise, my email addy is

Dont forget its very important for writers to get feedback.. its what makes us want to write more..

Take care


--Chance-- Copyright 2001 Sticks and Strings Music, Ltd

Next: Chapter 22

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