Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on May 8, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, I do not know any boy band members and probably never will. If homosexuality offends you in anyway then please do not read any further and leave. If you are to young to read this then leave now.

Thanks to everyone that has written me and to those who write me everytime.. I do appreciate it.

Chance and Brian Chapter 9

I released Brian and said "ok guys I'm going to go call the insurance company and see what I need to do about the car, I will be back in a few minutes. Did you guys want to come in?"

"No Chance we will wait here for you." Kevin said

"Ok, I will be back in a few minutes" and with that I walked into the house and grabbed the phone and called my agent.. I told him what happened and about the damage.. he then informed me that they would consider it a riot and that the insurance company would not cover any of the bill.. I couldnt believe that this was happening, but then again there was nothing I could do about. I went back outside and walked up to the guys. Brian was the first over to me.

"Chance I can tell by the look on your face its not good, what did your insurance company have to say? "

"Well, they advised me that they considered it a riot and that they would not pay any of the cost to have the damage fixed. So I am going to run it down to the dealership and have them do an estimate so that I can figure out approximately what it will cost to have all the damage repaired"

"Chance you will not have to worry about paying for anything, The Firm will take care of everything. I started to object but Brian interrupted me and said " this is not open for discussion, the Firm will pay to have your car fixed and thats that. Kevin will you please call and have a rental car delivered for Chance, lets run your car to the delearship and have them start on it."

I started to object again but Brian held his hand up and said "Chance it will be taken care of so lets just go."

I gave up and said "OK, Ok, lets go, are you guys going to follow Nate and I then?"

"No, Nate shouldnt be riding in the VW with all that glass, he can ride in the limo with the guys. " Brian added

I asked Nate if he wanted to ride in the limo with the guys, He said "only if Brian is with me"

Brian walked over to Nate and bent down and said "Nate I would sweetie but I'm going to ride with your dad in the car, but Nick will be in the Limo with you, Is that ok?" Nate shook hes head yes.

"Ok well lets get moving then" Brian added..

"WAIT" I yelled.

Brian looked over at me confused, "Car seat" was all I said.

"Oh, yea sorry." I smiled and said "not a prob tig.. let me get it.. then we can go."

I walked over to the VW and unhooked the car seat and took it out.. I walked over to the limo and got in and set up the car seat.. I told Brian that I was ready for Nate.. he appeared at the door and set Nate down, Nate walked over to me and I put him in and buckled him in.. I kissed his forehead and said "Ok you behave yourself and I will see you when we get to the dealership" I got out of the limo and said "Ok were ready, lets get a move on"

Kevin walked up to me "Chance the rental car has been set up, they will deliver it here to the house at about 6 pm tonight. I hope thats ok?"

"Kevin that sounds great. Thank you so much for taking care of that for me."

"It was not a problem Chance.. oh, and the car is yours as long as you need it."

"Thanks Kevin"

"Chance it was the least we could do."

Brian walked up and said "Ok so are we going?"

"We sure are Tig, lets go."

The guys got into the limo and Brian and I got into my car. Brian kept appologizing saying he was so sorry about everything..

I stopped him and said " You need to stop apologizing, it was no ones fault Brian, and as I said before its only a car.. Im just glad every ones ok, Brian really I am not upset at all. But .... I am going to be if you keep apologizing for something that was not your fault. Do you understand me..??

I looked over at him as he was nodding yes that he understood. I then continued on "so as far as im concerned its done and it will be over with as soon as we get the car fixed.. then it will just be a distant memory."

He leaned over and took my hand and said "Chance your a great guy, I was just scared that with this happening that you would decide that you didnt want to date someone that has all this bull going on."

I started laughing "Brian, I dont care about all this bull.. I am not going to get all hyped up about a car and im not going to get all freaked out about something that your fans did.. you did not make them do this. they did it on there own.. its not what they do Brian, its what you do.. or what we do. Brian I am a very laid back person.. it takes a lot to upset me.. and please understand if I am having trouble dealing with anything I will come and talk to you about it.. I will tell you how I am feeling.. so that we can work it out.. OK?"

"Ok, but I want you to know I thought you were awesome, the way you handled the whole situation was great.. it just shows what kind of person you are." he sighed and added.."I was scared shitless"

"And you think I wasnt, hell Brian I was terrified, the only thing I could think of was to get us the hell out of there.. and to protect the people that I care about."

"Well Chance I was impressed and so were the other guys." "Really"

"Hell yea, Kevin even said he would want you around if he ever got into something like that."

Smiling I said "Cool, but this is going to be really bad press for you guys.. and I am sorry about that.. I can see the headlines now.. "Crazed Backstreet boys friend pepper sprays crowd" .

Chance, its already being taken care of, they are going to release a statement, explaining what happened and why it came to someone using pepper spray on an out of control crowd, plus we are going to do a press conference tomorrow to clear up any and all confusion of what happened. So please Chance dont worry about it, it will be taken care of.

"I hope so Brian."

"Well I do have one other thing."... he paused and added "They want you to be at the press confrence."

"WHAT, no way Brian I cant, I know nothing about doing a press conference, I cant, you guys will have to do it, I cant ."

"Chance, they want you there since it was your car that was destroyed, they will have pictures of the car and show them at the press conference, and they want you to recount the story of what happend and how you feared for the safety of your son and yourself as well as Nicks and my safety. Chance you will do great I know it and so does the firm and the rest of the guys.., or we wouldnt ask you to do it."

"Brian I am not a public speaker, again I know nothing about doing a press conference, your asking me to do something that is way above and beyond what I would ever normally do.. hell or even consider doing."

"I know that Chance but your the one who went through it.. I will be their sitting right next to you and so will the other guys... you will not be alone.. and really its not as hard as you think it is.. the firm is already writing up a speech for you to read, once the speech has been read then we will take questions for the crowd."

"Tig I want you to know if I do this I will be scared to death."

"I know you will sweetie, but I will be right next to you."

"UGGGHHHH... what time and where Brian?"

"Its going to be done at the Westin at 10:00 AM tomorrow morning."

"Fine I will do it.. but im only doing it for you, do you understand that"

He raised my hand to his lips and kissed it.. and said "Yes, I do Baby and thank you."

I added "But you have to understand if I make a fool out of myself tomorrow, Im blaming it on a head injury from the broken window"

He started laughing and said "Sounds like a plan to me."

We turned into the dealership and I pulled into an open parking spot in front of the body shop. I put the car in park and shut off the engine.. I truned and looked at Brian and said "I just want you to know that I care a lot about you Brian but im scared also." He started to speak but I cut him off and said " Im scared of what could happen Brian, Im scared of what has happened, and im scared of what could be.. hell Brian I dont normally let someone in my life like this , but with you its been easy, but im still really scared."

"What are you most scared of chance?"

"Of being hurt Brian"

"Chance I will never hurt you."

"I hope not Brian" at this point I was getting a little weapy

"Chance I promise you I will never hurt you and if I do you can kick my ass."

I smiled at him and said "Thank you Brian."

He had a confused look on his face and said "why are you thanking me?"

"Im thanking you for being here with me, and Im thanking you for just being you."

he smiled and said.. "Im very happy to be here with you."

"Thanks tig"

"Ok, so are we going to get this estimate or what" Brian said

"Yes im ready tig, but Im thinking a bet would be good, are you up for it?."

"OK, but what are we betting?"

"Whoever is closer to the dollar amount of the estimate, has to do something for the winner...."

Brian got this huge smile on his face and said "Anything?"

"Tig...anything within reason, dang you are such a horny little perv"

He busted out laughing and said "Only with you."

In the middle of laughing I said "well I hope your not this way with the other guys.. EWWWW"

He had this disgusted look on his face.. "YUK Chance" was all he said which made me laugh harder..

"Lets decide on the punishment for the loser and then we can go in. OK?"

"OK" he said

"How about this, the loser has to give the other one person a massage."

He smiled "Sounds like a plan to me" we shook hands on it..

"Ok Brian my guess is 4000.00, Whats yours?"

" I say it will be about 6500.00"

"well lets go find out tig so that you can pay up tonight.."I said smiling at him.

We got out of the car and walked into the body shop. I told them I needed an estimate for some body damage to my car. Chuck walked over grabbed a clip board and a pen and we walked outside. he looked at the car and said "Holy shit, what happened?"

"We had a little accident....." I replied

"Damn it looks like someone beat the shit out of the car"

I smiled at him and said "well you could say that, could you just do the estimate please."

Brian and I watched him walk around the car many many times scribbling who knows what on the clipboard. About tweenty minutes later he walked over to us and said "ok I have everything noted, why dont we go back in the shop and I will give you the price."

"Sounds good lets go." Brian replied

Chuck turned around and looked at Brian and said "Do I know you from somewhere?"

Brian said "I dont think so im not from around here"

"Oh, ok, you just look familiar."

"I get that a lot" Brian said turning and smiling at me.. I spoke up and said "yea he gets that a lot, he resembles one of the guys from a boy band, I think the name is Ummm.... The Backstreet Boys,, yes thats the name I think..

Brian turned and glared at me I couldnt help but laugh harder ..

Chuck said "Oh, that must be it, my daughter loves those guys, and yea I guess you do kinda look like one of them."

I busted. and said "yea, but this one cant sing at all!"

Brian started laughing and walked over to me and said "I will get you back"

"I can only hope your up for the challenge Little man."

"Yes I am Mr. Archer, you just wait and see."

As we were walking back in the office Brians cell phone rang, he turned to me and said "Chance I will be there in a few minutes, ok?."

"Ok Brian see you then" I heard Brian say "where are you guys?" and with that Chuck and I walked into the body shops office.

I followed chuck to the counter He said" ok give me like 5 minutes and I should have the dollar amount." "Ok thanks Chuck."

Chuck came back and said "Ok Chance for all the damage, the windows dent repair and repainting the whole car you are looking at approximently 5500.00 dollars I looked at him and said "your joking right?"

"No sorry, with all the damage and what its going to take to fix it 5500.00 is very fair. "

"When can you guys start on it and how long will it take to fix?"

"Your looking at about 2-3 weeks for it to be done and we will start on it within the next week, I have one job ahead of you."

"Ok fine, what do you need from me.?" I asked

"Well they require a quarter of the bill now and the rest at delivery."

Just then Brian walked in the door and said "The guys are on the way, they stopped to get some ice cream with Nate, they should be here in about 15-20 minutes."

"Ok thanks Brian, Im sure he's having a blast."

"OK, Chuck I will write you a check for the 1/4 down." I pulled out my check book and asked for a pen.. Brian said "wait, how much is it?"

I looked at him and half smiled and rolled my eyes and said " 5500.00"

He smirked at me and said "Heheheheeh you will pay up tonight."

"I have not doubt about that." I said laughing.

"Ok Chuck who do I make the check out to?"

"Auburn Volkswagon."

I started to write the check when Brian reached over and grabbed the check book from me and closed it and handed it back to me, "Chance you rip that check up, I told you the firm will take care of the bill." Brian pulled out his wallet and handed a credit card to Chuck and said "please put the whole bill on this."

"No problem sir" Chuck said. He rang up the bill and handed Brian the slip to sign. Brian signed it and handed it back to chuck.

Chuck walked over to me and said "ok Mr.Archer the car should be ready in 2-3 weeks I will call you when it is done."

"Thanks Chuck" I said as we walked out the door.

We walked over to my car so that I could get my cell phone and backpack out of it. I pointed to a bench in front of the shop and said "why dont we got sit over there until the guys get here."

"Sounds good to me sweetie"

We walked over and sat down on the bench I said "Brian what time is it?"

he looked at his watch and said "its 4:30 now why?"

"Well its 4:30 now and dinner is suppose to be at 6:00 maybe we should consider cancelling for tonight since its so late."

He said " NO we will not, we are not going to cancel this date Chance, this is our time together."

"But Tig we are not going to have enough time."

"Well we will just have to make time then."

"Brian and how do you suggest we do that?"

"OK, how about this when the guys get here we will go back to your house and you can get ready, then you come back to the hotel with us, once we get back to the hotel I will get cleaned up and then we go."

'It sounds like you have it all worked out Brian"

"I do and then when we are ready you can give me that massage that you owe me. if we have time that is"

"OHHHH so you have a hidden agenda". I said smiling. I leaned over and said "you just cant wait for me to put my hands on you again, can you?"

he smiled and said. "you got it"

"Brian can I ask you a serious question?"

"Sure anything you know that."

Well...I'm pretty sure the guys know that your gay. but Im not 100% sure about that.. and I am 100% sure they do not know about us."

he looked at me puzzled and said "what brought this up?"

"Well you told me in the hospital that I was the first person you told that you were gay, but Im assuming you meant outside of the group.. Nick seems to already know.. as well as the other guys.. and the second is when I kissed you on the cheek at my house I thought they were gonna freak.. but they didnt.. so I figure they know about you being gay but didnt know about us. I hope that makes sense."

He smiled at me and said ""Yes it makes perfect sense, and yes the first part is correct they do know that I am gay and yes you were the first person outside of the group that I told, and no they didnt know about us, but they do now.. I told them when you went in to call your insurance company, I hope that was ok?"

"Of course it is Brian, I just wasnt sure, so I figured that I better ask."

Just then the limo pulled into the parking lot.

I stood and said "Oh look prince charming your chariot awaits. "

He Started laughing and said "and in this little fantasy role playing that we are doing who would you be?

I smirked at him and raised one eyebrow and said " well of course your wildest fantasy."

He got this very excited look on his face and started jumping up and down and yelled "I have struck gold."

laughing I smacked him on the arm and said "Lets go already" we walked over to the limo and got in, Brian sat down and I sat next to him, I turned and looked at Nate and started laughing. Brian looked to see what I was laughing about and started laughing also.

I looked at the guys and said "Ok so who's idea was it for the Ice Cream?"

Kevin raised his hand.

"Well you could have atleast cleaned him up" I said laughing..

Kevin grabbed some napkins off the bar and handed one to Nate.

I said "Nate Please wipe off you face." He put the napkin to his face and started to rub.. but the napkin wouldnt move. He pulled his hand away from his face but the napkin just stuck to his face. I busted out laughing.. as did everyone else.. I grabbed my backpack and pulled out some wet wipes and threw them to kevin. Kevin pulled one out and started to wipe nates face off.

When Kevin got done I looked at Nate and said "now that looks like my son."

"So Nate how was the Ice Cream?" I asked

"Good" was the only response that I got.

Kevin threw the wipes back to me and I told him thank you for cleaning Nate up.

'No problem Chance I love kids"

Talking to Kevin I said "I can see that you will be a wonderful father."

"Thanks Chance that means a lot to me."

"No problem Kevin" I replied smiling at him

As we were driving back to the house Kevin was telling Brian and I about how they were not even recognized at Baskin and Robbins. He went on to say that it was really nice to just sit and relax and not be noticed.

I asked "doesnt it get really old having to hide who you guys are all the time and worry about being recognized.

They all said "YES" in unison. Kevin added "It gets really old, but I dont think any of us would want to be doing anything different at this time, you have to put up with the inconveniences to reap the reward. And our reward is being on the stage and singing. The rest just goes with the job."

"I'm sure thats true, I guess im looking from the outside in, it kind of scares the shit outta me since its such a different world than what I am use to."

"Thats understandable though Chance, It did us too when we first started" Brian said.

"Did you guys ever think that maybe you wouldnt get use to all the attention?"

Nick spoke "I had problems with it at first, I was young when we started, but you do adjust and everyday it gets a little bit easier until pretty soon you dont even think anything about it, it just becomes part of your life."

Brian leaned over to me and said "Are you ok?"

"Yes Tig im fine, I think,..... the whole fame thing scares me. I have never been one to be in the spotlight. Im sure I would do fine but it scares the Hell outta me." Brian put his arm around me.

'Guys I talked to Chance about the press conference tomorrow, and hes pretty Nervous about it." I added "Yes I am, more nervous than it shows I am sure."

"Chance please dont worry about it, we will coach you before we do the press conference, and if there are any out of the line questions we will tell you what to say. It wont be that bad, I promise."

"Ok Kevin Im going to trust you on this."

He smiled and said "good."

We pulled onto my street and into the driveway. I looked at Brian and said "So how much time do I have to get ready?"

"Half hour tops, if were going to make dinner at 6 PM"

"Ok but I will be done before that, you guys might as well come on in and make yourselves comfortable" with that we got out of the limo and walked to the front door.. I unlocked it and walked in. I turned and said "Brian and Nick pretty much know where everything is, help yourselves to whatever you like, oh and Brian could you please introduce Mom to Kevin, AJ and Howie and I will be down in a few."

I turned and walked up the stairs. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door and stripped, I turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature and stepped in. I scrubbed myself from head to toe and then washed my hair, I shut off the water and stepped out of the shower and started to dry off. Someone knocked on the bathroom door. I said "I will be out in a second."

"Ok" Brian said

I opened the door and said "come on in Tig"

He walked in and said " you know I never get tired of seeing you like this."

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the lips.

"Tig, I have wanted to do that since we left for the Dealership."

"Well how about another one then." he leaned in and kissed me again.

I kissed him back passionately and said "Ok thats the last one, I have got to get ready so that we can go."

"Chance Baby one more then I will go." He leaned in again and kissed me, I felt his tongue at my lips so I opened my mouth and allowed him access. I moaned with approval as he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer, it was a very intense and passionate kiss.. I pulled back and said "Damn tig."

He smiled and said "Yea that was very intense, I liked it." He started to lean in again and I pushed him away. "Brian, I liked it too but we have got to get moving if were going to go."

I moved away and put on my boxers and opened the door, I pushed him out of the bathroom so that he would not continue to distract me. I said "I will see you in about five minutes, you need to go. NOW."

He smiled and said "OK.. OK.. I'm going, I will see you then babe."

He walked down the stairs and I walked into my bedroom.

I walked over to the closet and pulled out a pair of olive colored dockers, and a Cream colored turtle neck. I then decided on a lighter olive colored pull over sweater. I slipped on my birks and headed to the bathroom to make sure I looked ok. I did the once over and thought.. "Hmm lose another 50 pounds and you wont look to bad for an old man."

I walked out of the bathroom and headed downstairs to find everyone in the livingroom watching TV. I said "Ok im ready to go." everyone turned and looked at me..

Brian got out of the chair and came over to me and said "Damn Baby, you look awesome."

"Thanks Tig, I feel pretty good too" and then I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

Everyone got up as I walked into the living room.. they all said that I looked great.. I said "Thanks guys, are we ready to go?"

"Yep lets roll" Brian said

"Wait Tig I've gotta talk to mom to make sure that she can take care of Nate tonight... with everything that's been happening I completely forgot about it. "

"Its already been taken care of Chance, Nates coming with us.. Nick is going to watch him tonight until we get back."

I looked over to Nick and said "are you sure Nick, he can be a handful sometimes. "

"Yes Im very sure Chance, we will have a great time together. We can play video games and eat tons of junk food."

"Well that's up to you.. but if that happens hes staying in your room all night.. so you just remember when hes bouncing off the walls at 4 AM, that I warned you."

"We will be fine Chance stop worrying, dont forget I do have little brothers too."

"Ok, well then let me go pack a bag for him and I.

Brian said "its already been taken care of Sweetie,"

I looked at him puzzled and said "Really?"

"Yep I took care of it when you were in the shower."

"Thanks Tig thats awesome." I said smiling at him

He said "So are you ready to go then?"

"I sure am tig."

I said bye to mom and told her that I would see her tommorrow night.

She walked up to me and said "Chance you look great", and then kissed me on the cheek and added "dont forget tonight is just you and Brian."

I kissed her on the cheek and said "I love you mom"

She smiled and said "I love you too Brat." yes that is my nick name from Mom.

Brian walked in the room and walked over and gave mom a hug and said "Thank you Mary for letting us stay here and for being so nice to us."

I walked out of the room to go talk to the guys.. well actually Kevin about the Press conference tomorrow.

Mom said "Brian it was my pleasure, you seem like some really nice kids (uggghh I hate that word)and it was good having you here. Its nice to have more people in the house again. Chance doesn't go out much and doesnt have many of his friends over since he has Nate full time.. I think he feels that he has to devote all of his time to Nate and should not have a life of his own, which isnt healthy. Brian, since you and the other guys have come into the picture its like hes alive again.. he has something to look forward to. and I want to thank you for that." Mom walked up to Brian and hugged him and whispered into his ear.. "hes not as strong as he makes himself out to be Brian.. Just dont hurt him please."

"Mary, I would never hurt him, I like him to much for that."

I walked back into the room as Brian said that last statement.. so I added "I like you too Brian.. However, you two have talked about me long enough.. we need to get going.!"

Brian walked over and took my hand and said "Im ready"

He turned around and said "Thanks again Mary"

Her reply was "You guys go have fun."

We walked out of the house and got into the limo, Brian put Nate into his car seat and buckled him in, and sat down next to me. I leaned over took his hand and whispered thank you in his ear...

He leaned in and kissed me and said "No problem baby im happy to do it for you. "

I leaned back and laid my head on his shoulder and listened to Kevin and the rest of the guys talk about the upcoming tour and the grueling schedule they were going to have. And how they werent looking forward to getting back on the bus.

I spoke and said, "Guys if it wouldnt be to much trouble I would really like to see the bus, when you have time of course."

Brian was the first to speak "Of course you can see the bus, I will show it to you later tonight if you want."

"That would be great Tig"

"OK I have to ask I cant stand it any longer, What is with the Tig nickname?" Kevin asked.

I smiled at Brian and said "do you want to answer that or should I?"

"Go ahead and answer it Baby since you gave it to me."

"Ok,Kevin are you sure you wanna hear this?"

He had a scared look on his face and said "Im not sure...Do I????"

Laughing I said "Well I give everyone that I am close too a nickname, its something that I have always done, its how I tell them that they are closer to me than other People, I gave Brian the nickname Tig for Tigger off of Winnie the Pooh. Because the first time we slept together he was all over the bed and wouldnt settle down, he had so much energy. Anyway thats where the nickname came from."

Kevin looked at us shocked and said "You guys have already slept together?"

I busted out laughing and heard Brian say "Kevin that is none of your business!"

I couldnt help but laugh.. so I added "Kevin, we slept in the same bed but we did NOT sleep together, I can be had... but I am not easy."

Kevin said "OK OK OK I have heard all I want to hear about it.."

I looked sternly at Kevin and said "Mr. Richardson, you may be the older one of the group, but you are not the oldest as long as I am in the same room... and if you dont want to know an answer then dont ask me while I am around because I will give you an honest answer.

Kevin lowered his head "Ok sorry, I guess I will know next time not to ask."

I laughed and said "Kevin your more than welcome to ask, but just expect an honest answer ok."

"Ok thanks Chance"

We got to the hotel about a half hour later due to traffic. This time there was no scene, and there was plenty of security.

"Ok guys everyone knows the routine. " Kevin said

I raised my hand and said "Oh wise one.. I dont...... could you please feel me in?"

Kevin smiled "Sure Chance since you and Nate are here, we will let you guys go first. Once you both are in the hotel then we will get out.. otherwise its to hard for anyone to get through the crowd after us."

Ok Kev sounds good, just let me get Nate out of his car seat and then we will be ready." I unhooked Nate and pulled him out of the car seat and said "Ok were ready arnt we Nate?"

"YEP" was his response.

"Ok Chance we will open the door and you get out and I will hand you Nate, then just walk into the hotel and wait for us inside the doors." Kevin said.

"Aye Aye Captain" I said as I saluted Kevin and Nate followed.

Everyone started laughing.

"Ok smart ass are you ready?" Kevin said

Nate turned and looked at me and said "Daddy, Kevin said a bad word."

"He sure did didnt he Nate, maybe you need to tell him about it."

Nate turned and looked at Kevin with a very serious expression on his face and Said "its not nice to say bad words, you need to say your sorry and that will be 50 cents from your allowance mister!!!"

"YEA!!!!" I heard Brian say.

I turned to Brian trying not to laugh and said " woooo... down big boy."

"OK, Im sorry about the bad word.. can we go now??" Kevin said

I looked at the rest of the guys and said "well what are we waiting for, lets go" and with that I opened the car door and got out. Kevin handed Nate to me and I walked to the lobby door which was opened by the doorman, I told him thank you and walked in and stood to the right waiting for the guys to come in.

I heard the crowd start screaming and knew that the guys were getting out of the limo.

Howie came in the door first and walked staright to the elevator and waited for the rest of the guys. Kevin was the next to walk in and then AJ, Nick and then Brian, they walked past me and over and into the elevator. I started towards them, but was stopped by security.

I heard Brian say say "Wheres Chance and Nate" as the elevator doors closed.

I looked at the security guard and said "I am with the guys."

His reply was "Yea right, Sir please step back or your going to have to leave the lobby area."

"No I am not leaving, please call Mr. Littrell, Mr. Richardson or Mr. Carter and tell them that Mr. Archer is down here waiting for them."

"Sir, I said step back or I will have you removed from the lobby.!"

"Fine, remove me because I am not leaving any other way." he grabbed my arm and started dragging Nate and I toward the exit.

Loudly I said "Your hurting my arm, Please let me go!" he turned and started to say something when I cut him off. and said "I suggest you let go of me NOW!"

Nate at this point started to cry, I hugged him closer to me and said "Its ok Pooh everything is fine."

The security guard said "I will not ask you again" he grabbed me very forcefully.

I pulled back and said "I have asked you once and I will not ask you again, LET GO OF ME....NOW!!!"

"Sir I have asked you to leave and I will not ask you again, or I will be forced to call the police."

I was nose to nose with the security guard and said "Call the police, call the mayor, call the friggin pope for all I care, but I am not leaving. I said LET GO OF ME" and pulled away from him.

At that moment I felt something hard hit my face. I stumbled back and couldnt believe that he hit me. I sat Nate down and asked him to go sit down.. and pointed to the chair that he was to sit in. he walked over and sat down.

I touched my face and pulled back with blood on my fingers. I walked over to the security guard and said "I will have your Job for this. you struck me with a five year old child in my arms.. I suggest you get your story straight because you will not and I do mean not ever hit anyone again!"

He grabbed my arm and was pulling back to hit me again, I looked him square in the eye and said "you better make it good, because if you dont, one of us will not walk out of here..and I can guarantee that it wont be me!"

I then Heard someone screaming.. "LET HIM GO!"

Ok ok sorry to end it here but I cant think of a better place.. heheheheh

I hope you all liked this chapter..

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Thanks for reading


Next: Chapter 10

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