Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Jun 2, 2002


Disclaimer.. UGHGHHHH This story is complete fiction.. I do not know any of the BSB.. or what there preference is.. nor do I care.. that is none of my business... if you are to young to read this or it is not legal in your state or if your offended by gay material then I suggest that you head to another section.. cause this one isnt for you...

This story is the sole property of the author and is not to be copied or moved to any other web site without the consent of the author.

I want to thank everyone who has written to me regarding this story.. sorry its taken me so long to get this chapter out. i rcvd a promotion at work and of course am working more hours now.. and i am in the process of buying a house.. so with that in mind dont hate me to much i have had many distractions .. heheheeh... anyway i hope you all have a great summer.. and stay healthy and be kind to each other.

Chance and Brian chap 25

Last time..

"Brian.. that's just it, she didn't tell me.. I could hear it.. I could hear her thinking it.. She's scared.. She's scared for me, for you and Nate. She's afraid of what could happen.. And how I'm going to take knowing that she's dying.. She doesn't want to tell me until she knows for sure what's going to happen.. She's afraid that I'm going to lose it." Brian again reached over and wiped away a tear.. He looked into my eyes then leaned in and kissed me saying "So you can read peoples minds now?" As he pulled away I said, "I don't know if you would call it that.. I could hear what she was thinking.. Well I guess you would call it that" He looked at me like I was crazy and asked " Ok.. If that is true.. Then what am I thinking right now." he closed his eyes and really just looked like he was constipated.. I couldn't help but laugh.. He opened one eye and looked at me.. I started laughing even harder..

"What???" he asked

"Nothing sweetie." I said as I looked down.. And added.. "I'm sorry your stiff." I winked at him and then added . "I wish there was something I could do to help you.. And... NO I will not do that Brian Littrell.. Good god we are in a hospital."

As we move on..

I look over at Brian thinking.. That cute, sexy little smile the way he tilts his head when he looks at me.. I just want to reach over stroke his cheek and then lean over and ravish him.. But im not sure that my body would be up for it.. However much I want to, I know that there is no way that it is going to happen any time soon.. I laid my head back on the pillow and sighed..Brian spoke.. "Sweetie what are we going to do about your mom?"

"Nothing.. Im not going to do anything until she feels like she wants to tell me" I looked over and saw the question in his eyes.. And yes heard it "Brian I know its going to be hard to keep this to myself.. Or between us.. But we have too.. She has to tell us, I will not do anything until she is willing to tell us what's going on.."

"But how can we just sit around and not do anything, we can call the best doctors, fly her to wherever they are, We have to do something.. Baby, this is your mom"

"I know that Brian.. But you don't understand.. She will be even more upset it we don't let her tell us.. We cant pressure her into anything Brian.. She will refuse all treatment.. Well.. That is if she has any treatment done.. " Brian looked over and asked." What do you mean by that?? She wont have treatment ?"

"She may not.. She has always said that if she found out she had cancer that she wouldn't do anything.. She wouldn't let them cut her open."

"But Chance it could save her life.!!" Brian said almost screaming.

"Brian I totally understand that .. We watched my great uncle fight lung cancer.. He was doing really good until they cut him open.. It was like it accelerated the cancer.. He was dead within two years.. She sits back and wonders how long he would have been alive if they would have let it run its course.. But I guess we will never know, because he's dead.. And I know she doesn't want to go through that"

"But.." I cut him off.. "Brian its not my choice, its moms.. She will be the one to decide when and where she tells us.. And if she does anything medically to try and stop the cancer.. I have no idea what is going to happen Brian, but I do know that its going to be hard."

"I know it is babe.. But we will get through it."

I leaned over and kissed him and then laid back on the bed wondering what was going to happen and hoping that mom wouldn't suffer.. I already knew that she wouldn't do surgery.. It wasn't an option.. And I'm not sure if she will allow them to do the chemo or radiation drugs. Brian shook me out of my thoughts when he laid his head in my lap after laying cross ways on the bed.. And Asking "So what do we do then??"

"Nothing.. We wait.. We continue on with our plans and wait and see what happens.."

He tilted his head back and then asked "are you still going to come on tour with us then?"

"I will Brian unless mom needs me.. If she needs me sweetie you know that I have no other choice but to stay."

"Chance, if she needed you.. I wouldn't let you come.. It wouldn't even be an option." I leaned down and kissed him saying "I love you Brian Littrell.. And I always will."

"I know you do babe.. And I love you even more."

Trying to change the subject I said " Brian.. What day is this.? And when do you guys leave?"

Giggling he said "its Tuesday and we leave Saturday at 7 pm sharp.. Why?

"I was just wondering.. I wasn't sure how much time I had left with my man.. "

"Well I will be here until Saturday babe. And I will always be your man.. Until the day I die." I ran my fingers through his hair and added "yep until your old and wrinkly." looking at me with a contented smile on his face he asked "well what about you?" laughing I said "Im already old and wrinkly so I have a head start, I will be waiting for you at the finish line.. With my walker and a prescription for viagra."

Laughing.. He said "I love you.. I don't know how you do it.. But you always seem to lighten the mood and make me laugh.. I can have the worst day and you always bring me out of it.."

"Well thanks sweetie, that's good to know.. If this doesn't work then I will try something else, but I don't want to do that?"

"Why, what's that?"

"Well... the other thing tends to put you to sleep so I cant do that.. Then I have to lay there and talk to myself.. And it gets really boring trying to get someone to answer your question when they are snoring to the beat of ice ice baby." Brian rolled off of my lap and was laughing hysterically .. Then He said "I do not snore.."

Snickering "oh of course you don't sweetie.. Just like I don't."

He looked up and said "I have never heard you snore."

"Case closed, that's because you snore so loud that you cannot even hear me. "

He gave me the evil eye and said "sorry, I didn't realize that."

"Sweetie you have nothing to be sorry about.. I love it.. It soothes me When you snore.. It lets me know that you are next to me.. Its one of the things that I love about you.. Well that and the cute little face that you make when you are .. Ummm.. You know."

"No? when im what?"

"You know.. When we are making love.. And you shoot"

"Chance I don't not make a funny face."

"Brian its not a bad thing.. Its really cute.. I love it.. Along with the high pitched sigh.."

He put his head down saying "Good god.. Can it get any worse.. "

"Brian there is nothing bad about it.. OH MY GOD.. I DO NOT!!!"

Brian looked up in shock and Said "WHAT?"

"Brian Littrell do I really look like that when I shoot?"

He had a slight smirk on his face when he asked "Ummm and what did I think you looked like?"

"someone that is being tortured!"

"OK.. Its going to be really hard getting use to you having this gift.. And im not sure if I like it."

"You may not but I do.. Its great knowing what you are really thinking."

"Yeah that's good for you but what about me.. I don't get to know what you are really thinking."

"Sweetie ask me and I will tell you.. You know that.."

"Yeah that's true.. Even if it hurts me you tell the truth." He said with a sad face..

The look on his face scared me.. I have never seen him look that way "I don't mean to do it in a mean way.. And if it comes across that way I'm truly sorry, I have never intended it to be that way.. I guess I need to work on that."

"Yeah I guess." he said sitting up.. I reached over and grabbed him and laid him back down and said.. "Im sorry Brian.. What can I do to make it up to you.. .. I will do anything."

"Anything?" he asked with big eyes..

"No Brian I am not doing that.. GOD you are such a Horny little shit.."

He started laughing and said "well I am in the prime of my life.. Boys need sex all the time to keep them satisfied .."

"Well I'm sure that is true sweetie.. I do remember those days.. However you better motivate that hand to take care of your willing member."

Smiling he said "well, you cant blame a horny guy for trying."

"You sure cant can you.." I replied laughing

Brian got up and off of the bed and started walking away saying "Well since your not going to help me.. I will be back in a few minutes."

"Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom.. I will be back in a few."

"Brian your not? Are you?"

"Yes.. If your not going to help me out I'm going to have to do it myself . See I cant keep walking around like this.." he said as he pointed to his crotch.

"Ok I guess your right.. Ok sweetie see you in a few." I wasn't sure he meant it or not.. I couldn't read him.. So I sat back and waited.. He turned and walked a few yards and then turned back to me asking "You don't mind that I'm in the other room jerking off?"

"Brian why should I mind.. We will be apart and at times we both will have to self satisfy our selves. So go ahead.. And get it over with and then come back to bed.. Im getting tired."

Smiling he turned and walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Ok.. To say the least I was shocked.. I didn't think he meant it or that he would do it. So to say I was shocked was an understatement.. So I sat back and waited for him to come back.. I turned on the T.V. and watched some show about the sites in Seattle.. Come on everyone knows you do not get many channels in a hospital. I heard the toilet flush and Brian opened the door and walked out into the room.. He shuffled over to the bed and sat down.. I could tell he wasn't happy. "Brian? What's wrong?"

"Well.. I.. Ummm.." he stuttered.. Then he blurted out.. "I couldn't do it.. I wanted to.. But I couldn't.. I kept thinking about you out here.. And I well... I wanted you to help me.. I didn't want to do it myself."

I was trying not to laugh.. I leaned over and hugged him and said "I'm sorry sweetie.. Do you really want me to help you out?"

"No.. not now.. I feel stupid. I cant believe I couldn't do it.. I never have a problem with that."

I was giggling "Brian its probably knowing I was in the other room."

"Please Chance." he laughed "When you tour with four other guys.. Jerking off is not a problem and you don't care who's around or how much noise they are making.. That has never been a problem, with any of us. The problem is I want you.. Not my hand but you."

"Oh Brian that is so sweet.. Hell probably one of the sweetest things I've heard"

He started laughing and added "Chance, im glad you've taken such an interest in our self stimulation, however im not sure the guys would appreciate you know about them jerking off."

I smacked him in the arm.. Hard.. "you dumb ass.. I was talking about you.. I don't care about the guys jerking off.. Ewww that just gives me the creeps thinking about it.. Yes I know everyone does it.. But ewww."

Brian continued to laugh.. I reached over and placed my hand on his crotch and asked "Brian what do you think about someone helping someone else with a problem." I slowly moved my hand up and down his crotch feeling the reaction that I was hoping for. He moaned out. "I have no problem with that whatsoever." he started lifting his butt off the bed trying to get maximum contact with my hand.. I removed my hand and slid further onto the bed.. With that his eyes flew open. Before he could say anything I adjusted my self and seductively said "Come over here sweetie.. We need to get a little more comfortable."

"Whatever you say babe." he said smiling.

I reached over and pushed the nurse button.. And waited. A loud voice boomed over the intercom. And asked if they could help me.. I answered with yes.. Could you send my nurse in for a moment please. The response was of course.. She will be right there.

Brian sat and looked at me with complete confusion in his eyes.. I just smiled and said "Its not gonna kill you if you wait for a few more minutes."

"Of course not babe, I'm just confused on why the nurse is coming in?" and with that the nurse walked through the door.. she walked up to the bed and said "I was told you needed to see me Chance?" thank god it was one of the nurses I was use to and that has been tending to me. "Yes Susan.. Brian and I need to have some private time.. Could you please make sure no one comes in and no one bothers us for about an hour?"

Smirking she said " Sure.. That is not a problem." she walked over and shut the curtains and walked to the door and added "You have an hour.. Any longer and someone may see something they might not want too.. So with that I will leave you two alone.." she then opened and walked out the door. Brian fell back onto the bed with a heavy sigh.. I started laughing "Brian.. It will give us some time alone and this way we can take care of your problem."

"Yeah I know chance but god.. Now I feel like a total perv, she knows what we are going to be doing in here.. Its just.. Well.. Weird."

"Brian they allow this to happen in the hospital.. She told me that earlier.. Its nothing to be embarrassed about its life." with that I reached over and stroked his chest finding his nipple and slowly rolling it between my fingers.. A low moan escaped his lips.. "Chance this isn't good."

"Its not good if you allow it to bother you." with that I slowly made my way down to his belly button rolling my finger around it.. He took a slow breath in.. I could feel him shaking.. So I slowly worked my way down to his belt buckle. I slowly undid it and unbuttoned his pants, Brian again moaned.. Not knowing what was coming .. I slowly leaned over and took the zipper in my teeth and lowered it.. I could see Brian slowly lift his head and look at me.. I could see it in his eyes and hear what he was going to say, so I cut him off at the pass.. "Brian I will be fine.."

I went back to his pants and tugged them down so that they were at this knees.. I was left with a beautiful sight. It was of my man with a raging hard on that I had no problem seeing through his boxer briefs.. I leaned over and kissed it. He moaned a little louder than I would have liked.. But he did it not the less.. I kissed it again and said "Brian we need to keep this quiet."

"Ok babe.. I will try."

I looked up at him and smiled knowing there was no way he was going to be quiet especially once I got the underwear off of him. I kissed his underwear clad penis again and slowly licked my way down to his balls.. Brian again moaned, I moved back up his body and kissed his belly button.. And then worked my way up his chest to his nipples and sucked on each one.. Brian let out a low growl.. With that I knew he wasn't far from shooting so I moved back down and stuck my hand in his underwear.. I came into contact with his penis head.. And realized he was oozing a lot.. For Brian this is a clear indication that he wasn't far from orgasm. I slowly stroked him while he squirmed on the bed.. I leaned down a little further and peeled his underwear off and down to his knees with his shorts.. Brian moaned as the air hit his now free penis.. I moved over and took his penis in my mouth and slowly started to roll it around on my tongue.. He again growled.. I reached down and started to fondle his balls.. And suck harder.. I heard Brian start to yelp a little and loved the sound of it. So I slowly moved my hand off of his balls and lowered them down to his hole.. as we sped up the rhythm.. I slowly circled his hole pushing every once in a while until my finger slowly entered him.. With that he was moaning loudly.. I slowly pushed in and out of his hole with the rhythm of his hips.. He sped up even faster and then he gave a high pitched yelp, with that I felt the first volley of cum hit the back of my throat.. I pulled back slightly so that I wouldn't choke as he kept moaning and shooting into my mouth, once he was finished cumming I slowly pulled off and licked the remaining cum off of his penis and pulled my finger from his hole as he moaned.

I got up and off the bed and slowly walked over to the sink and washed my hands and got a drink of water.

I returned to the bed to find brian sleeping just like I left him.. I smiled down thinking.. I could get use to this.. As I was pulling his underwear back up.. Brian woke up and slowly lifted his head to look at me.. " I was trying to make your decent if anyone walked into the room.. He lifted his hips and pulled his underwear and shorts back up and then turned on his side and patted the empty side for me to come lay down with him. I slowly walked over and sat down and then turned and laid down with him.. He leaned closer "Are you ok??.. Your not in any pain are you?"

"No.. Sweetie im good.. A little sore but good." he snuggled closer to me, I could feel his breath on my neck as he placed his arm over me and said "I love you so much Chance.. More than you will ever know.. Will you marry me?"

I started laughing and responded with "Brian we have already talked about this.. Yes I will marry you.. And I love you just as much if not more." I saw him reach into his pocket and pull something out.. He lifted his head and I could see in his eyes how serious this conversation was going to be. So I said nothing else.. He started with.." yes I know what we have agreed and you have my ring.. But I want you to have this too." He opened a little jewelry bag and pulled another ring from it.. He added " this ring is very special to me.. It is from the ring that my grandfather gave to my grandmother, I had it melted down and redone with you in mind.. The first small loop is for our first week together.. The second one." I looked over.. He continued "the second bigger one is for the years too come.."

"Brian its beautiful." I said looking into his eyes..

"And the Diamond on top is for the love that we will have forever."

I couldn't stop the tears that swelled in my eyes and slowly ran down my cheeks.. I looked at the ring again and then back up at brian and said "Brian its wonderful.. I don't know what to say.. Everyday you amaze me more.. I just cant believe that you could love me this much."

"But I do. Chance you are my soul mate.. You are the person that I am suppose to be with.. And I will never ever let that go."

I leaned over and kissed him on the lips, and said "I love you so much Brian.. Sometimes so much it hurts."

Smiling he said "see we fit.. I feel the same way." he took my right hand and slowly slid the ring on my finger.. It was a perfect fit. I looked at the wedding band on my left hand and the beautiful ring on my right hand and smiled from ear to ear.. I took the ring off my right hand and then took the ring off my left hand.. I slid the diamond on my left hand and then the wedding band on with it.. It looked wonderful.. And decided that's where they will stay forever.

Ok thats the end of chap 25... email me and tell me what you think. good, bad or otherwise.. sorry about any spelling errors or gramar errors.. but i was tired when i edited it.

My email addy is

Thank you..


Next: Chapter 26

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