Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on Apr 23, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, I do not know any boy band members and probably never will, or do I claim to know there sexual orientation, or do I care.. If homosexuality offends you in anyway then please do not read any further and leave. If you are to young to read this then leave now.

Chance and Brian Chap 4

I left the arena and walked back to the car carrying Nate. Why is it that kids can sense that its going to be a long walk and they immediately want to be carried, I swear it must be a sixth sense. Once we got to the car I got Nate strapped in and headed for home, by the time we got home Nate was sleeping in his car seat.. But not before he told me how much fun he had and how awesome Nick and Brian are. I just agreed.

We pulled into the garage, I got out, unhooked Nate and carried him to bed. I laid him on his bed, undressed him and redressed him in his PJ's, and tucked him into bed.

"Nate, I love you with all my heart."

I then turned on the night light and left his room.

I walked to my room and stripped to my boxers and crawled into bed.. It must have only been a few seconds for me to fall asleep. because the next thing I can remember is.. The bed bouncing up and down. I barely opened my eyes to find a five year old getting ready to jump again.

"one more jump and your dog meat Mr." he laughed and moved away from me slightly and I could tell he was getting ready to jump again so I rolled toward him and grabbed onto his ankles.. And pulled him down on the bed .. He screamed at the top of his lungs and then started laughing. I rolled him over and started tickling him, he was laughing so hard he was crying, so, I went for the ultimate and gave him a raspberry on his stomach. I then rolled back to my side of the bed and said "what did you need pooh"

"Dad I'm hungry"

"Isn't grandma downstairs?"

"yea, but she told me to come wake you up, and tell you to get your butt out of bed, so here I am"

"Ok I'm up, and I will be down in a few minutes, I will get you something to eat then"

"Ok pops"

"I will get you for that one pooh"

I heard him yell "WHATEVER".

I couldn't help but laugh, I guess my mouth was rubbing off on him.. "Whatever" is my favorite word, so I'm not sure if it's a good thing or bad thing at this point.

I finally got out of bed and put on some sweats and went downstairs.. As I walked into the kitchen I spotted mom sitting at the table in the sun room. I walked in a little further and saw Nate sitting in the other chair eating cereal..

"well, I see you didn't need my help, your eating already".

He smiled and in between shoveling another spoonfull in he said "yep".

I grabbed a bowl and dumped some cereal into it then added a little bit of soy milk and sat down with them..

Mom looked at me and said "Long night last night???"

"No, but we had a great time didn't we Nate."

"Yea, it was way cool."

I smiled and said "Yea it was way cool".

She smacked me on the arm.

"Owwww," I said, "you know that is called child abuse".

"Well, here let me do it right then". and really started hitting me.. I was laughing and said "ok, old lady knock it off" she smiled and said "I will give you old!!!"

"I have to go to the store in a bit if you need something write it down and I will pick it up."

"No I should be fine, what are you going to make anyway".

"I figured I would make a pork steak in wine sauce, some potatoes with carrots and chives, with a lite salad. For desert I think I will make a sheet cake.

"That sounds good Chance."

"I thought so too, but I need to go pick up a bottle of wine, and some other small things."

"Ok, If I think of anything I will write it down."

I finished my cereal and said " I'm going to go take a shower. Nate you be good and I will be down in about twenty minutes." He just kept eating and completely ignored me.

I went up and showered, changed clothes and cleaned up my room. I headed back downstairs and told Nate while I was at the store, that he was to go pick up all the toys on his floor and put them away.. And to make his bed.. I grabbed the grocery list and headed to the store.

I got home about an hour later and thanked her for adding the one thing to the list.

She said "Well better safe than sorry."

"True, but I was laughing so hard in the middle of the store people thought I was nuts." She just laughed. the thing she added to the list was condoms.

"I don't think I will be needing them anyway"

"But you never know.. Now do you.?."

"I guess not" was all I said

I had just finished cleaning the house when the phone rang, mom picked it up and said "Chance its for you"

"Ok, tell them to hold on a second please"

I finished putting away the vacuum and picked up the phone and said "Hello"

The voice on the other end said "Hey Chance its Nick."

Nick?? I don't think I know a Nick, sorry, you must have the wrong number."

"You know nick from last night."

"I wasn't with a Nick last night.. You must have the wrong person."

He laughed and said "You sure know how to make a person feel special."

As I laughed I said "sorry nick, I was just joking. So how's it going this morning?"

"Not to bad old man how's it going with you."

"Oh, now your asking for it.. When you least expect it I will get you back."

He laughed and said "I'm up to the challenge you no teeth salad tosser."

I busted out laughing and said "Nick don't ever call me that again."

He was quite and said "Why, what did I do or say??

I was laughing even harder and said "Is Brian in the room with you??

He said "Yea, he's sitting here, why??

"Tell him what you just told me, your up to the challenge to toss his salad"

"Ok.. He turned to Brian and said "Chance told me to tell you I'm up to the challenge to toss your salad" Brian busted. Nick was getting frustrated you could hear it in his voice..

"Ok Nick, let me explain something to you.. What you said really has something to do with sex.. gay sex.. I was laughing.. I couldn't help it. I felt bad for him but it was funny.

"YUK.. Ok so I guess I'm not up for it then." he said and started to laugh.

"Its ok Nick most men arn't." And I laughed even harder.

"Ok can we change the subject.. Please."

"Sure, so what are you guys doing?"

"Not much just hanging out, we were thinking about going to a mall or something.. Or just hanging here.. We haven't decided yet."

"That's cool.. You guys are still going to be here at 6 right?"

"Yep we sure will."

"Cool.. if you want you can come earlier and hang out here. That is if you don't mind us boring people..

"Let me run it past Brian real quick."

"Ok." and I waited, I could hear the two of them talking back and forth. Nick finally came back on the phone and said "would you mind if we came down in a few hours."

"Not at all, that's cool with me, we can find something to do around here until dinner. What time do you think you'll be here."

"How about 3 if that's ok?"

"Sounds great Nick, what's Brian doing and why didn't he call?"

Nick started laughing and said "I took the number from him and wouldn't give it back."

"You are a little heathen arn't you."

laughing he said "you know it."

"Well Nick, if Brian wants to talk to me put him on otherwise I need to go give Nate a bath and clean up myself."

"Ok" "Let me ask him." Brian, did you want to talk to Chance?"

"You know I do dickhead!" was Brian's comment. Nick snickered and said "yea, I think he does."

I was laughing and said "well put him on heathen."

"Ok I will see you at three Chance, it was good talking to you again."

"Yea, it was good talking to you too Nicky, but could you try and stay out of trouble until you get here."

"I will try, here's Brian, he's gonna die if he doesn't get to talk to you."

All I said was " Bye nick" He only got the B from bye in before Brian was on the phone.

"Hi Brian, how's it going?"

He said "good, how are you doing."

"I'm doing good, I was just getting ready for you guys to come over."

"Chance please don't go all out, you really don't have to."

"Oh I'm not, I had to fix dinner anyway, so what the heck is two more mouths to feed." I said

He was silent so I said "Brian, I was joking, I'm making a nice dinner for all of us."

"Oh ok, I thought for a moment you were serious."

I laughed and said "Brian once you get to know me, you will know when I am serious, I love to joke and have fun.. Its just who I am."

"Good, this should be fun tonight then."

"Well I hope so, If not we will put you to sleep with how boring we are."

"That's ok Chance, I could use that in my life right now."

"Well that's good because you will get it here. Nick said that you guys were going to do some shopping."

"Yep there's a few things I need to pick up and then we figured we would head to your house, if that's ok?"

"No problem at all Brian, do you still have the directions?"

"I sure do, I will give the address to the limo driver and he can find it."

"Oh ok, A limo, huh?"

"Yep, but they are not as wonderful as everyone thinks."

I laughed and I said "I'm sure that that is true to someone who rides in them all the time. but for us little people its a big thing."

"I'm sorry Chance I didn't mean to upset you."

I said "No Brian you didn't. I'm not a big luxury person.. I don't care about fancy cars and fancy places that not me. The thing I care about is what's inside those things. Love happiness etc. material things do not mean anything if you don't have someone to share them with and someone to love." He didn't say anything so I said "I'm sorry Brian I hope I didn't upset you."

"Not at all Chance, I was taking in what you said and you are right.. Sometimes we take for granted what we have and don't enjoy whats right in front of us."

"Your exactly right Brian, its too bad more people cant see that."

I Then added "Ok I've got to go, but I will see you guys at three then right?

"Of course you will, see you at three Chance."

"Ok Brian, see you then." I could hear Nick in the background yelling "Bye Chance." I smiled and hung up.

I was nervous and scared at the same time. I liked Brian but wasn't sure if he even liked me. I am not one to think fame and fortune is wonderful. It will not make you happy or keep you warm at night. When your with someone your with them not what they do for a living. Don't get me wrong Moneys nice, but sometimes it can get in the way. I get by doing what I do for a living, but sometimes its hard. But then again I don't think I would be the person I am today without those struggles in my life.

I got Nate out of the tub and dressed when the doorbell rang.. Nate ran down ahead of me and opened the door and said "Hi Brian, Hi Nick.."

I could hear them both say "Hi Nate how are you doing"

"Fine" was his reply

"Wow is that for me?"

Brian laughed and said "it sure is."

Nate Then walked in with the biggest pooh bear I have ever seen.. I started laughing and said "Oh my god you guys, you shouldn't have." They both said it wasn't a big deal that they were happy to get it for him..

I looked at Nate and said "well, I do believe you should be thanking someone for that bear don't you."

"Oh, yea.. sorry, thanks guys." and ran over and gave each one of them a hug. They were both smiling at me.

"Ok guys let me show you around and then we can kick back and relax.

"that sounds great." Brian said

Just then nick walked back outside. I looked at Brian confused and said "Where's nick going?"

"He has to get something out of the car."

"Oh ok.. I thought maybe he wasn't going to stay."

I then walked Brian through the living room into the sun room and into the kitchen. Mom was in the kitchen so I reintroduced Brian to her.. As we were walking from the kitchen into the dinning room Nick came back in the door and had flowers and a bottle of wine in his hand.

"You guys didn't need to do this."

"We know we didn't, but we wanted to."

"Mom could you come here for a minute, please."

She walked into the dinning room so I handed her the flowers, I told her that they were from Nick and Brian. "That was sweet, thank you both." she said

"Mom this is Nick , Nick this is my mom, Mary." They shook hands and started chatting.

I continued the tour of the house for Brian."Bathrooms here its a Very important part of the structure. I giggled. "Up here are the bedrooms" as we started up the stairs. "This beautiful room is mine." Its really not, plain colors pale green and tan. With a little bit of mauve and gray.

We walked in and he said "cool you have a computer."

"Yep, that's how I keep in contact with Paula."

"Chance, can I talk to Paula again? she was hilarious."

"Of course you can, and yes she is that."

We walked out of my room and into Nate's. Of course I had to be a smart ass and said "This is my moms room, I've talked to her about the color scheme but she just wont change it." It was done with a lot of bright colors, Crayon type colors.

He started laughing and said "you are too funny."

I blushed and said "No I'm not"

"Yes you are.. Your hilarious, that's why I like talking to you."

"Well, ok, as long as you think that, that's all that matters."

He busted out laughing again and said "see, you are too funny."

"ok, ok, so this is Nate's room. What gave it away?"

He just laughed. I then showed him my bathroom, Moms room and we headed back downstairs.

As we started into the kitchen I heard mom and nick talking, Nick was telling her, Brian really does like Chance, but he wont say anything about it because he's to shy.

I turned and looked at Brian and said "should we... be bad?"

Smiling he said "Lets."

We then started kissing heavily.. "Brian you should have told me sooner you felt this way." I was trying not to laugh and so was he.

"I was afraid to, I knew I liked you from the moment I met you."

"Oh me too, I want you Brian, I wanted you last night and I want you even more now."

"I agree Chance, Lets go back to your room.. Please." he begged

I looked to the left and saw mom and nick looking at us with huge eyes.. I busted out laughing.. As did Brian..

"This is what you get for letting everyone hear what you guys are talking about." I said.

Brian said " YEA"

I busted and said "Wow not so many words there big man."

As he was laughing he said "I didn't know what to say."

I smiled at him and said "Well, I think I could use a cigarette now, wiping the sweat off my forehead." We were all laughing.

"Ok, I do have a little more cooking to do. I have to make a cake anyone interested in helping?

"I will." Brian said

"Not me.. I can burn water.. I do not cook at all." said Nick

"Ok Brian it is."

We headed into the kitchen and I started pulling out the ingredients for the cake, I realized I forgot vanilla.

"Damn Brian, I forgot vanilla, I need to run to the store."

He said "ok, is it ok if I come with you."

"Of course it is, Lets go."

I yelled out that we needed to run to the store but would be back in about 20 minutes.. They all said "Ok see you in a bit."

We got into my car and drove to the Fred Meyer down the street.. we got the vanilla and headed for home, as i was driving I said "Brian can I ask you a serious question."

He glanced at me and said "sure, I guess." he was biting his lower lip.

"Is it true what Nick said, do you really like me?"

His face went pale and said "yes.. I hope your not upset"

I couldnt believe it "How could I be upset.. You're a great guy Brian. I take it as a compliment that you even find me attractive."

"But I do, and I was hoping maybe we could get to know each other better?"

"I would like that very much Brian, I really would.. But, we need to talk about a few things before we even go that route ok."

He said "Sure i understand, when did you want to talk?"

I said "How about now?

"Ok" was his reply

I started with "well the first thing is your married. I guess I'm a little lost on why your married, if your gay, how does she fit into this. I'm not good at sharing Brian I'm really not.. So I guess I need to know what's going to happen with that."

He said "Chance its all a put on. We did the marriage thing to throw off fans and reporters from thinking that I was gay. It's the only thing we could do, the company thought up this crazy idea that if I got married then the rumors would go away, which they have for the most part. Some still think that it's a scam, but they cant prove it. And as far as my life goes. I will be with the one that I truly love, the marriage thing is just something that I had to do for the here and now, but once the BSB ends then I will get a divorce. But that wont stop me from being with whomever I want to be with.

"I can understand that Brian, I guess I was just a little confused, But I'm still concerned that if we do get into a relationship how its going to effect us. Brian I am the type of person that has a hard time giving up control of his life, I have been through a lot in my life and its hard for me allow someone in my life, and now my life with Nate makes it ever more complicated. so I guess we need to talk about that. How would you feel about dating a man with a child..?

"God Chance, an instant family what more could I ask for" he said happily.

"Brian it has its downfalls. "

"Oh really?"

"Yes, God it is not easy, but I love it and that's all that matters."

"Chance, nothings easy."

"That's true, but are you sure? are you sure your willing to commit to a man that has a child, Brian its a lot of work, and I do mean a lot. Baths, school, when he' sick, when he' cranky.. Brian don't get me wrong, I would love nothing else to give it a try, but I want you to understand Nate is my son and on MOSt levels he has to come first since he is five years old, is that going to be ok with you?"

"Chance, yes I am sure, and I understand that."

"Ok, for now we date and nothing else ok, and if we decide to take it further we then need to talk again at that time ok?? I asked

He said "Ok." And leaned over and kissed me.. and what a kiss It was.. It sent chills down my spine.. I really didn't want it to end but I figured if we were to live and do it again I better get my eyes back on the road. So I pulled away and smiled at him.. He still had his eyes closed and his lips puckered.

I giggled and said "Brian.. You can come up for air now."

He smiled and said. "Wow"

"umm, you can say that again"

He said "WOW"

I couldn't help but laugh at him he was so cute.

I then leaned over and looked in his eyes and said "Mr.Littrell would you go out with me?"

"I would love to Mr. Archer." he replied

Ok everyone that's the end of this part, I hope you all liked it.. let me know, good bad or otherwise.. email me at

Thanks for reading


Next: Chapter 5

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