Chance and Brian

By moc.loa@56brenT

Published on May 2, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, I do not know any boy band members and probably never will, or do I claim to know there sexual orientation, or do I care..

If homosexuality offends you in anyway then please do not read any further and leave. If you are to young to read this then leave now.

Again, Thank you to everyone who has written me.. it is very much appreciated. your responses are welcome, actually encouraged..

Chance and Brian Chapter 8

I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt and headed downstairs.

We left the house before noon and stopped at the hospital to see grandma. Before we went into the hospital I advised the guys that grandma doesnt know that I am gay and that I didnt feel it necessary that she know since she is over 80 years old, but everyone else in my family knew, well, everyone who was important to me knew that I was gay, and have no problem with it whatsoever

Of course I made Brian and Nick come in and meet her. She loved them, she had no clue who they were except friends of mine, which made it even better. I told grandma that I had to get Brian and Nick home and kissed her on the cheek and told her that I loved her. We walked out of the hospital within an hour of the time we arrived.

We all got into the car and headed to The Family Fun Center which is a family entertainment center here.. they have Arcade games, Laser tag, Batting cages, Minature golf, go carts, Water bumper cars and basketball courts. We played everything and did everything they offered, however we saved basketball for last.

I told them that I was not that good anymore since I hadnt played in a long long time. They said they didnt care since we were playing around anyway.

I couldnt make a basket to save my life, Hell I couldnt even come close to the backboard, it was very pitiful, but once I relaxed and adjusted my shot. I started making them.. I went out and tried a 3 pointer hitting it dead on.. Brian said "Damn Chance your getting pretty good."

"Thanks Tig.. Its been a long time but I think Im picking it up again." I went to center court and lobbed the ball and made it without a problem.

Brian walked over and said. "Wow. your a lot better than I thought.

"I laughed and said "Tig., just because im bigger doesnt mean that I cant play basketball .. they use to say the same thing to me before I made the basketball team in high school. just because im bigger doesnt mean I cant shoot."

He smiled and said "Yea I can see that."

I hit another 3 pointer and Brian said "Damn Chance, you can be on my team anytime."

I started laughing and said "Tig, we are on the same team remember."

"I didnt mean that way.. but you are correct.. what I meant was that you can be on my basketball team anytime, because your that good."

"Brian I would love to be on any and all of your teams."

He walked over to me and said "Ummmm Chance, but your already on the most important one."

I turned and walked and away and said "and you know what Mr. Littrell I wouldnt have it any other way." I turned back around and winked at him.. he was smiling.. out of the corner of my eye I saw a basketball flying through the air towards Brian . I yelled "Duck Brian." he immediatly bent down as the basketball flew by his head.. I looked in the direction that the basketball came from only to find Nate standing there smiling.

"I walked over to Brian and said "that was a little close."

He said "Yea it sure was."

"Ok I dont know about anyone else.. but I think Im ready to go."I said.

Everyone else agreed.. we walked out to the car talking about how much fun we had and what we were going to do now..

"Brian what time is it anyway?"

"About 2:45 Why?"

"Well dinners at 6 so maybe we need to think about getting you guys back to your hotel so that you can get cleaned up. That way I can go home and get cleaned up too., am I going to drive tonight Brian or are you??

"How about this, why dont you take Nick and I back to the hotel and drop us off.. and then you can come back here say about 5:30 and we can just go from the hotel."

"Ok that sounds good to me.. but if we take my car I can drive us to dinner but your gonna have to drive us to whatever you have planned or your gonna have to tell me where we are going."

Laughing he said "How about you come to the hotel and then we can decide from there.. does that sound ok ?? "

"Tig it sounds wonderful."

We got to the car and I said "Brian you wanna drive."

"Are you sure Chance?"

"Yes Im sure, unless you dont want to."

"NO I want too.. of course I will drive."

"Ok I will be the navigator." I said

Once we were on the road I was telling Brian which way to turn to get us into seattle.. I wasnt paying any attention to the back seat .. I turned around to find Nate and Nick both sleeping.. I leaned over and touched Brians arm and said "oh look honey the kids are sleeping."

"Oh arnt they cute." he said laughing.

"Yea hon pain in the asses but cute., but of course I only mean that in the most loving way." Brian started laughing..

"You know Chance Nick sure likes you."

"What makes you say that Tig"

"He told me that.. he said that you are so down to earth and open.. and your not afraid to tell us like it is.. you dont treat us like big stars you treat us like Brian and Nick.. not Brian and Nick from the Backstreet Boys.. and he really admires you for that." Brian went on to say that a lot of people they met or meet tend to treat them like they are gods.. and want to tend to their every need instead of treating them like the people they really are..

"Thanks Tig I like Nick too, he's a great guy, he's kind of like a little brother. Like the little brother that I never wanted." Brian laughed. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and added "but I like you better."

We were now only about two blocks away from the hotel.

Brian pulled up to the front entrance of the hotel What a mistake that turned out to be.. the mob was outragous..

"Drive Brian get us out of here.. if they see you guys were dead."

Before we could even move the fans had the car surrounded.. they were pounding on the widows.. and rocking the car...

"Brian you've got to get us out of here." I yelled..

Nick and Nate were now up and Nate was screaming at the top of his lungs..

"I cant Chance they are completly around the car."

"Just start inching forward then they will get out of the way."

"Nick get on your cell phone and call for help." he just sat there... I yelled "NOW NICK" he pulled out his phone and started dialing..

The car was rocking really bad.. the window next to me shattered.. I yelled "Brian get us the fuck out of here.. I heard another window crack and turned around and looked, the back window was also cracked..

"Brian we have got to get out of here..!!! "

"Nick when is help going to get here.!!" I screamed..

"Chance they are on the way" he yelled back..

I bent down and opened the glove box and pulled out a can of pepper spray .

I looked at Brian and said "I hate to do this but I have no choice."

I completely opened the sun roof and stood up and started spraying the crowd.. I went to the sides first and then to the front, and I continued to spray until they had eased off the car .. It did what I had hoped it would and started to clear a spot in front of the car..

I screamed at Brian.. "its open in front GO!!! get us out of here NOW!!"

He slowly left the area of the crowd and then floored it once we were past the last people, I sat back down and told Nick to call the guys and let them know that we were ok and that they would need to meet us somewhere else.

Nate was still sobbing so I asked Brian to pull over so that I could change places with Nick.. He pulled over and Nick and I changed spots. I hugged Nate and told him everything was fine and that he was ok I was rubbing his back but he was still crying pretty hard.. so I reassured him that everything was ok.. and that we were all really scared.. but that everything was fine now..

"Brian could you please take us home.". I asked

Brian pulled out of the parking lot and I gave him directions on how to get to the interstate. Once we were on the interstate Nick called the guys to let them know to meet us back at my house.. we all were pretty quite on the way to the house.. Nate had calmed down enough so that he wasnt crying anymore.. about tweenty minutes later we pulled onto my street and into my driveway.

Brian shut off the engine and turned and looked at me and said "Chance I am so sorry."

"Brian it was not your fault, I think maybe we should have anticipated that there could be a crowd, However I never expected them to react like that"

Just then a limo pulled up and Kevin, Howie and AJ got out.

Brian and Nick got out of my car, I unhooked Nate and passed him to Brian.. and then got out. Brian handed Nate back to me. I hugged him like there was not going to be a tomorrow. I shut the car door and stepped back to look at the car.. the only thing I could say was "WOW"

Kevin walked up to me and Said "God chance I am so sorry, the Firm will take care of everything."

I started laughing, I couldnt help it , I guess it was a stress reaction. I looked at Kevin and said "Damn, is this the response you guys get everywhere you go?"

"No not at all, I have never seen them do this before." kevin said

I walked around the car to look at the damage. the passenger window was broken out, the rear window was cracked, there were dents all over the car from front to back and side to side.. It looked like they had been kicking it.. and scratches.. wow.. I have no idea what they were using to scratch it but they did one heck of a job on it..

I started laughing.. everyone looked at me like I had lost my mind, which made me laugh even harder.. I then said.. "you should have seen the look on everyones faces when I started spraying them with the pepper spray, it was like they couldnt believe that I actually had the nerve to spray them, hell I was protecting my family and friends."

I stopped laughing and said " Oh shit guys this isnt going to be good.. Oh my god its going to be bad press for you guys.. Shit im sorry!"

Brian walked over to Nate and I and hugged us saying "Chance you did what you had to do to protect all of us, if you hadnt they would have continued until they got to Nick and I. Hell, Chance they destroyed your car!"

"But still this is not going to be good Brian . Where the hell was security anyway?"

Kevin walked over to us and said "They got there as soon as you started spraying, they figured at that point since you were taking care of it that they had no need to step in, so they stood back and watched you guys drive away."

I walked around the car again just looking at it.. I couldnt beleive that anyone could do that.. They didnt care that it was someone elses property and what made it worse is they didnt care that there was a child in the car screaming at the top of his lungs from fear.

The only thing I could think about was if this is how they live day to day then I wasnt sure I wanted any part of it .. Believe me it wasnt the car.. its just a car. a hunk of metal with an engine , it can be fixed or replaced, but what I knew was that I couldnt put Nate in that situation again to be possibly be hurt or even killed by some out of control fans.

I didnt realize that I had started crying until Brian came up and hugged Nate and I saying " Im so sorry Chance, Im sorry you guys had to go through that and Im sorry about the car."

You could see the tears in his eyes as one fell I hugged him back and said " Tig its not your fault, I dont care about the car its just a car, but I do care about what happened, it could have been a lot worse than it was. Tig I will not put Nate through that again, I cant and I wont. We can take care of ourselves but he cant, hes only 5 years old. Brian I am not upset with you at all im really not, so please dont think that ok.. We drove into a really bad situation, but we need to make sure that it doesnt happen again, otherwise I will be forced to pull out the gun next time instead of the pepper spray."

Everyone Looked at me with shocked expressions. so I said " What you guys think your the only people who have stalkers?"

Brian looked at me and I started laughing.. and Said " Damn, you guys need to calm down.. I do not have a gun nor do I have a stalker. well, I do have Paula but shes a friendly stalker.

So, Tig the full time position is available if you would like to apply for it. "

"OK, but what kind of testing would I have to go through to get the job?" he said

I wiggled my eyebrows up and down and gave him a half smile and said " Im sure that I can think of something, that is if your willing to stalk me?"

laughing he added "I am more than willing to stalk you anytime and anywhere.."

"Hmmm maybe we should just consider the job filled then" I said to him

He said "Well I guess the jobs filled then.."

"Fine by me Tig" as I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

Well thats the end for now.. I hope you liked it.. let me know good, bad or otherwise.. My email address is

Thanks for reading


Next: Chapter 9

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