Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on Jun 1, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nick Carter or any of the Backstreet Boys, and all the events of this story are totally fictional. If you don't want to read about gay relationships, or gay sex, stop now or forever hold your piece.

Congratulations on making it this far-ten chapters through! I hope you are enjoying the story, and as it stands right now there should be at least 3 more chapters. Send me your thoughts and suggestions. You never know it might help continue the story on! Email: leo1980@pride.com

Spinning Nick Chapter Ten

Friday came to be right before Colin went insane. He was a nervous wreck boarding the plane. He was stressed out from not being able to see Nick in so long, and to top it off he was going to meet Nick's band mates. Colin had already talked with Brian, and the two seemed to hit it off with their musical common ground. This fact made him feel more at ease. He was sure that Brian was cool with him-one down, three to go.

The flight out was rather bumpy, as there was an unusual amount of turbulence. Colin was really preoccupied, but was starting to notice the look of fear on James' face. He hadn't flown that many times before, and never had he gone through this much turbulence. Colin took his friends hand and gave him a reassuring nod.

Don't worry James. Stuff like this happens on planes, and we will be landing pretty soon anyway." Colin said in hopes of comforting his friend.

"This thing is shaking too much." James squeaked out.

"Just stay calm, I'm sure they would let us know if there was anything to worry about_" Realizing at once that he shouldn't have suggested something could be wrong, Colin cringed as James squeezed the life out of his hand.

"Attention passengers we are going through some turbulence, but there's nothing to worry about. Please remain seated and calm. Please fasten your seat belts. We will be landing in a few moments." The captain spoke.

The plane landed and as the wheels hit the ground, Colin and James both took a sigh of relief-James because they had landed, and Colin because his hand wasn't ripped off. The attendants herded the people out, in what seemed to be a hurry. Colin didn't mind though, since he was more than happy to get off the plane. As he walked into the Orlando airport, he saw his boyfriend staring at him with a face of fear.

"What's a matter with him?" James asked laughing at the face Nick was making.

"Look." Nick said pointing towards the window. Colin and James both turned around to gaze at their plane. The wing was on fire. A fire truck was out there putting it out, but the fear of the situation was just starting to burn inside the three men.

The turbulence that the plane was experiencing was due to one of the engine's catching fire. They were lucky to have made it out when they did. If the engine would have exploded, they could have died. Colin felt Nick's arms wrap around him. Neither men were thinking about exposure-at that moment the men really needed each other.

"I could have lost you." Nick said his eyes spilling tears slowly.

"Don't let me go." Colin sighed. Somehow, James had managed to get some composure and led the two away. They located Nick's car, and they all set down and just stared at each other.

Then Nick and Colin moved towards each other and shared a long kiss. It wasn't as passionate as there normal kiss, but they both found an extreme comfort in it. Soon they were both back into a decent state of mind, and even James seemed to be fine now.

"Maybe we should go to my house, Brian is waiting for us. I don't want him to worry." Nick suggested.

Nick drove them all to his Orlando home. After parking the car, Nick walked around to let Colin out. Colin was flattered by this show of romanticism. James climbed out the back door as Nick took Colin by the hand, and the three proceeded towards the house.

Brian saw them coming and rushed to open the door. He looked pleased to see them all. His greeting was warm and friendly. The four men moved into Nick's living room to set and get acquainted with each other.

"This place looks great Nick." James told him.

"Thanks, I bought it a couple years ago, where I wouldn't have to stay with my parents when I was in town. Plus it made for a great place for the guys to come over and hang out." Nick told him.

"Yes, we have had a few parties here." Brian said with a chuckle.

"Cool, I would have liked to been and some of those." Colin joked.

The boys talked about parties, and the music business a while. Then they started discussing traveling. Brian couldn't help but notice James was starting to pale slightly.

"Are you feeling okay James?" Brian asked.

"I'm just glad to be off the plane." James said.

"I hate to fly too!" Brian commented.

"It's not the flying that bothered me as much as the fact the engine caught on fire." James told him.

"What, are you serious man?" Brian asked worried.

"Yes, but we landed safely. So that's all that really matters." Colin told him.

"I guess, but I'm still a little shaky." James confessed.

"I can only imagine, why don't you guys go lay down for a while. I'm sure you are exhausted." Brian offered.

"I think that's a good idea, Brian you are welcome to hang out here." Nick said getting up and leading the two boys towards the bedrooms. "Here James you can stay in Alex's room, he already said it would be cool." Nick told him.

"You mean AJ's room?" James asked.

"Yeah, that's the one." Nick laughed. James looked pretty excited about it. Nick led Colin towards his bedroom. Brian looked on in a daze, and he hoped that Colin was really as great as he seemed. For right then though, he was very happy for both men. He decided it would be better to return to his home than to hang out there alone. He left a note for Nick stating he and Leigh Ann would be by that afternoon.

Colin was too tired to make love right then, but the feel of Nick's naked body pressed against his was so wonderful. Their bodies seemed to fit just right. Nick's arms wrapped around Colin forming a cocoon of safety and love.

"I love you Nick. No more falling. I just love you through and through." Colin told him.

"I love you so much Colin, and I'm so glad you are finally here. I don't think I'll ever be able to let you go." Nick whispered in his ear.

"Nick, there's something I need to tell you." Colin said.

"What is it baby?" Nick asked.

"You know how James and I have talked about moving somewhere besides Nashville?" Colin asked.

"Yes, I remember that? You're not planning on moving to L.A. are you?" Nick asked with concern that his lover would want to move farther away from him.

"No, actually we decided on moving to Orlando." Colin told him.

Nick squealed out something that couldn't be made out, and then started kissing Colin frantically. Then he just held onto Colin so tight that both of them could barely breathe.

"I take it you're happy?" Colin asked jokingly.

"I'm so happy I don't know what to say." He confessed.

"We even started looking for houses, since we are here. We thought you might want to go look at a few of them with us. I think your opinion on the choice is important. Since, hopefully you'll spend a lot of time there." Colin stated.

"I think that can be arranged. I can probably pull some strings and get you a good deal even." Nick offered.

"That would be cool. I'm so glad I'll be closer to you soon, even if you do go on tour again." Colin answered.

"Ah, well it doesn't look like I'll be going on tour again soon. The guys have decided not to do a tour to support our next album, and slow sales have more or less canned my solo career for now." Nick told him.

"I'm sorry to hear that baby. Your music is so beautiful. I can't imagine there not being new Nick Carter songs." Colin stated.

"I know, but as long as I have you I'll be fine. Besides, I've been in the business so long, I think a break would do me good. I have plenty of money invested in other ventures, so I am not worried on that front." Nick told him.

"I'm glad you were smart with your money. Not all artists can say the same." Colin told him.

"I can only imagine. But if I ever do another music project, you have to write it!" Nick told him.

"I will write it with you." Colin offered.

"I would really love that." Nick agreed.

The two made out for bit longer, and then decided to get up and start dinner. That was when Nick found the letter from Brian. They made sure to cook enough for the 5 of them. James woke up an hour before Brian arrived, and helped out by setting the table.

When everything was ready, the three sat down to wait for their company to arrive. Colin laid his head on Nick's shoulder, and just enjoyed being close. James casually talked with them about the houses they wanted to look at. Colin and James both were very interested in a two story house with four bedrooms. That would be large enough for them both to have a bedroom, a guest room, and a computer room.

The guests arrived soon after, and the five went into dinner after Leigh Ann was introduced to everyone. Dinner conversation was polite, and everyone seemed to get along nicely. Leigh Ann did seem a bit nervous when they talked about anything homosexual, but she made no move to complain about it. It was obvious that she had not been around many gay men before. Colin was glad that most of her questions were positive, and showed that she had an interest to learn before making any judgments.

"So that's how guys have sex! I have always wondered." Leigh Ann said with a snort. Colin had just explained the basics of gay sex. She had blushed at a few statements.

"I normally don't speak about such things at the table, but you did ask." Colin laughed.

"That's fine with us. You should hear some of the conversations Nick and I have had with the guys." Brian said. Colin held his breath in deep, realizing Brian came close to outing his past to his wife.

"Yeah, I can only imagine. So, how long have you guys been married?" James asked noticing Colin's discomfort.

"Well, it's been a little over a year now." Leigh Ann stated. Colin let out his breath now. She had not put A with B. Colin then remembered that Brian would have to spell it out before she would ever suspect something anyway. People in love usually don't want to imagine anything like that happened in the past.

"That's great; it's good to see couples making a go for it. Here's to many more years of happiness." James said making a toast.

Glasses were clinked together all around, and people went back to their meal. After eating, Brian and Leigh Ann said there goodbyes. Brian also made sure to remind Nick that the other three guys would be by tomorrow. It was nice for Colin that he got to meet them in shifts, instead of at once.

That night the boys watched some T.V. and discussed the agenda for tomorrow. Saturday was going to be the busy day of the trip. They had to look at houses till around noon, when they would have lunch with AJ and Howie. Then they were supposed to go shopping with Kevin and Brian. Colin was starting to like shopping more now that he had more money to spend!

Afterwards the two love birds bid James a good night, and headed for bed. They probably would have served themselves well to get some sleep, but they were young lovers that had more important needs. Nick pushed Colin onto the bed kissing him softly.

Their lips parted, and tongues met yet again, swirling around, feeling the now familiar textures of the other. Colin was swept away by the passion of the moment, and couldn't help but rip Nick's shirt off. He popped a couple buttons off and that seemed to just excite Nick more.

"I want you so bad." Colin cooed into Nick's neck that he started nibbling, working his way down closer to the nipples.

"Oh god, I love you." Nick moaned.

Colin would have replied with words, but at the moment his actions was the best response. He dived down and started sucking Nick's already hard left nipple. Nick started to moan louder as Colin nibbled it, and sucked as hard as he could. Nick felt a twinge of pleasure as Colin's other hand pinched and played with the other nipple. Nick felt like he would explode as his mouth traded places with his hand. Both nipples were on fire, and Nick gripped the sheets with both hands trying not to shoot his load right then and there.

Nick grabbed Colin's shirt and quickly pulled it over his head. Nick rolled Colin onto his back, and started attacking his neck. He licked, sucked, and bit at the soft skin there leaving little love marks here and there. Colin was in heaven, moaning out Nick's name softly. Nick then took it upon himself to unbutton Colin's pants as he started to suckle on Colin's right nipple. With a little work he had the pants undone all the way, and had moved over to service the left nipple. Colin moaned out louder as he felt Nick's teeth graze his nipple, or one of Nick's hands touching him in some new spot.

Colin helped Nick in wiggling out of his pants, and he reached up to undo Nick's pants as well. After a little bit of work both men were left in only there underclothes - Nick in a pair of blue boxers, and Colin in a green pair of briefs. The two men started making out while grinding their packages together. Colin wanted to taste Nick all over. So he ended the kiss and started licking down slowly towards his ultimate goal. He quickly found the edge of the underwear, and sniffed in the manly aroma. He was in heaven, and he quickly started to lap at the bulge in Nick's shorts. Nick moaned out loudly as his cloth covered cock quivered at the bath it was receiving. Colin couldn't wait any longer, and pulled the shorts down and off of Nick's body. He looked at his prize for just a moment stroking it gently as his tongue touched the tip of his shaft.

Nick's cock was already hard by the teasing it was receiving, and was starting to leak out some sweet juices that Colin's hungry tongue gladly enjoyed. Colin then took Nick's dick into his mouth sucking softly as his tongue explored the shaft. The taste was sweet yet salty and it was enough to drive Colin wild. He started going up and down quickly. He got into it so much that he could hardly breathe, and he felt a tear rolling down his eye. He felt Nick start to wiggle and moan in pleasure, and soon felt the cock tighten up and shot out volley after volley of hot cum.

After Nick had calmed down, he informed Colin that it was his turn. He rolled Colin onto his back, and started kissing him softly all over. He licked softly at Colin's armpit, then suckled softly on his nipples, slowly working his way to his belly button, which he licked gingerly before pulling off Colin's briefs. Colin was already rock hard, and was dying for release. Nick didn't want to waste any time, so he grabbed a condom out from the drawer by the bed, pulled it over Colin's shaft. He poured some lube into his hand, and rubbed it all over Colin's love tool.

"Are you going to do what I think you are?" Colin moaned out.

"You know it baby." He said and started setting on Colin's huge cock.

Nick felt pain and pleasure both as the cock started entering him. He wanted to go slow to lessen the pain, but gravity and desire pushed him forward till he had the whole of it in his tight ass. Colin's eyes were rolled back in his head as all he could do was moan out. Nick was in so much pleasure that he screamed out. He tried to get composure, and started moving up and down slowly. Both men were having the times of their lives. Colin felt his balls tighten up slowly, as Nick started to really rock up and down. Nick leaned back, supported his weight with his hands, and continued to bob up and down on the pole that filled him so completely.

This was more than either of them could take, and Nick started shooting cum from his dick without even touching it! Colin was so turned on by this that he shot the hugest load into the condom. He was sure it would break. He didn't care at that moment, though - all that was important was how good he felt. He kissed Nick wildly as he pulled out his dick. He noted that the condom was still in tact, as he removed it, and threw it in a near by trash can. He returned quickly to kissing Nick.

"I love you so much." Colin said as their kiss ended.

"I love you too baby." Nick moaned. The two men soon fell asleep from exhaustion.

Morning came and James woke up the sleeping love birds. They had to be at the first house at 10:00 AM, so they didn't have time to waste. The three quickly showered and dressed and grabbed a bite to eat before heading out to the car. The first house was only about a mile from Nick, and it was a beautiful home. It was larger than the one they wanted, but it was still in the ranking. Nick really liked the idea of the house being so close to him, but after the tour was over, Colin assured him that the next house was close to him as well.

In fact the next house was only a block away, and the boys opted to walk the distance. It was a very beautiful day, and Nick and Colin enjoyed walking close together. They didn't hold hands, but they would occasionally bump into each other softly. James was in a chipper mood as well, and they were all looking forward to seeing the house that had been the shared favorite.

To put it mildly the pictures on the net that Colin had viewed didn't do the house justice. It was a lovely home. Everything about it seemed to be welcoming. The real estate agent was very friendly and informative. They learned when the house was built, and who had lived there before. It had been a home to a small family, and after the kids had left home, the couple decided to find a smaller place to live. Colin in particular liked the master bedroom on the second floor. It was very roomy, and he would have no problem fitting his personal stuff in there. The best feature of the bedroom however was the window that looked out over the back yard, which was beautifully filled with a flower garden and a small fountain. The private bathroom of course was nice touch! It was practically a done deal for them. James even found a room that was perfect for him, and that was good since the two wouldn't have to fight over the master bedroom.

"So what do you think?" Colin asked Nick while the agent was gone making a phone call.

"It's a great place Colin, and I think your bedroom furniture would look really nice in the master bedroom. And that back yard is just too much!" Nick told him.

"True enough, and you like it too James?" Colin asked.

"It's great, and the room downstairs will be perfect for our computers and music stuff." James told him.

"That's a very good point." Colin agreed.

When the agent returned Colin and James spoke with her and found that the price of the house was indeed as stated on the website, and that it was well in their price range. The agent had some papers for them to sign stating that they were officially making the bid on the house, and the agent assured them that the house was as good as theirs in a few days.

Well satisfied with it, they spent a little more time exploring the house, before realizing they needed to get back home to meet AJ and Howie.

To Be Continued

Thanks for sticking with my story this long. There will be a delay between this chapter and the next, but it shouldn't be too awfully long. I hope you will come back for more, and please send your comments or suggestions to leo1980@pride.com Also thanks to Randy for the help with editing this chapter.

Next: Chapter 11

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