Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on May 20, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nick Carter, and to my knowledge he's probably straight. Though, in this story, my version of him...may not be...we'll have to wait and see. None of these characters are real people, so I'm free to do lots of cool things with them.

Hey guys and gals, I'm really glad you made it this far. Not much romance in this story so far, but it gets better soon...don't want to give away too much though. So go ahead and read the new chapter, then hit me back with your thoughts and comments- leo1980@pride.com

Spinning Nick Chapter Five

DJ, I have something to tell you. DJ, There's something I want to share. DJ, I want to tell you all. DJ, There's something I want to say.

Friday couldn't come quick enough for Colin for many different reasons. He was going to see his friend James, and he was going to talk with Nick. Colin had everything ready for his interview on Monday, so he was free to use the whole weekend if necessary for his trip to Nashville. Colin and James had talked on the phone a couple times since the email, and they had agreed to meet at the apartment building they used to live at. Neither lived there anymore, but it was a common ground, in which they knew they could both find each other.

The drive wasn't that eventful really. Colin pulled into a fast food place when he had driven as far as he could stand. He was only an hour away at this point, so he was making great time.

He held Nick's last email in his hand. He had printed it out where he could keep it with him. He read it once more.

Hey Colin,

I'm sorry to hear you have to give up your weekend to business, but I can relate. I can't remember the last weekend I had! I understand that you'll be on the road, but I am really glad I can still reach you on your cell. I really want to touch base with you, before you start to forget me. Well, I suppose it would be hard to forget my celebrity person, but I want you to remember the real Nick too.

I'll call you Friday evening, Nick

So it was official they would be talking any time now. Colin placed the email back into his glove department, and exited his car. He entered the building, and made his way through the line to order his meal. With a burger and fries, he found a small table close to a window. He liked to watch people go by as he ate.

He was just finishing his food when his cell rang. Colin was very excited when the caller id informed him that it was a number he didn't recognize. He was pretty sure it was Nick. "Hello." Colin answered.

"Hey Colin, I hope you aren't still driving." Nick said.

"No, I'm eating my supper before I make the last bit of the trip." Colin told him.

"Cool. So where are you going anyway?" Nick asked.

"Oh, I'm going to Nashville to see my friend James. He and I used to write songs together. And as it turns out, one of our songs are going to be sold soon. So I have to be there to sign papers, and make sure I get my fair share of the profit." Colin told him.

"Really, that's funny because I'm in Nashville right now. I have a show here tomorrow night, and I'm doing some other business too." Nick told him.

"Wow, maybe we'll run into each other." Colin stated.

"It's possible, but it's a big town. And I have a hella busy schedule this weekend." Nick informed him.

"Okay, well it would have been nice to see you again." Colin said trying not to sound too upset.

"It is always nice to see a friend." Nick agreed.

The rest of the conversation went by quickly enough, and Colin decided it was time to get back on the road. It was less than an hour when he was pulling into the parking lot of his old home. He looked at the building and noticed that it had seen its better days. It looked like the parking lot hadn't been kept up, as there were pot holes all over the place, and trash was littered here and there.

"Hey there Colin, I'm so glad you could make it." James said coming up to give Colin a hug.

"Wow, you look great James. Have you lost weight?" Colin asked.

"Yes, thanks for noticing." James answered with a smile.

"You look great, but I can't say the same for this place." Colin said.

"Yeah, it closed down a year ago, and since it's not in the best part of town, no one ever bothered to do anything with it." James told him.

"So, where to now?" Colin asked ready to get out of the gloomy place that seemed to cheapen his past.

After a few directions and a promise from James that he'd drive slowly enough for Colin to follow, they were off to James' new apartment. It was a good fifteen minute drive, which to Colin's delight meant that his friend was now living in a better neighborhood. That meant that James was most likely doing pretty well with the music business.

As they entered the apartment Colin's suspicions were confirmed. The apartment was great, and James had some great stuff. "Wow, I take it your doing okay out here now." Colin mumbled sitting down on a very comfortable, yet stuffy couch.

"Yes, it all started a few months ago. I've sold about 10 songs already, and when my manager showed some of our stuff to Jive...they practically slobbered." James told him.

"So are you saying there's more than one song they want? And did you just say Jive was the label that likes our work?" Colin asked in shock.

"That's right. Apparently, there's quite a few artists that are coming out with albums in the near future, and they are all interested in one or more of the songs you wrote!" James dive bombed him completely.

"You mean...That after all these years...that someone actually heard our songs...and liked them?" Colin managed to get out.

"That's right, and your favorite band is one of the groups interested." James told him.

"The Backkksstreet Boy..boys? Colin asked.

"Yes, would you like a drink Colin?" James asked laughing at his friend.

"Make it a double." Colin answered.

With a few drinks, and much disbelief, James showed Colin the songs certain groups liked, and told him the amount of money that he had been paid for his previous songs. Colin saw money signs in his eyes, he had never been a money crazed person...but hell who wouldn't be excited about this?

Colin didn't sleep much that night, but pure adrenaline had him up and ready the next morning. He and James had an appointment to speak with their now mutual agent, and some people from Jive. Colin wasn't sure what he was doing there...he was the new kid on the block, but he was sure that James would be there with him the whole way.

"Come in Gentlemen, my name is Gary McDonald. I have been representing James for the last year, and you must be Colin right?" Gary asked as the boys entered into the small conference room.

"I'm glad to meet you, James has told me nothing but good things about you." Colin said to the man.

"I know these are highly unusual circumstances for you, but I assure you that we have been acting on your best interest the past few days. In order to continue to seek the sale of your songs, I will need you to sign these papers granting me permission to represent you." Gary informed him.

"I will have to read this through." Colin told him.

"Of course, I'll leave you and James to that. But Jive will be here in about 2 hours. I do hope you will agree with the terms. It's all very standard." Gary said walking out of the room.

After dissecting the contract, and looking at it with a microscope...making sure to throw it up in the air a few times to make sure it was real-neither of them found anything wrong with the contract. Percentage wise, their agent was taking less from Colin than the normal rate by .05 percent. Which isn't a lot, but anything less than the going rate is a welcomed deal. "I guess Jive must be offering a lot to get this offer." James told him.

"So, it's agreed then?" Colin asked his friend.

"Do it!" James practically begged.

With that Colin signed the contract, and hoped that they were about to get a good offer from Jive. Even if it was as much as James had made, they would both be well off men! With a little more, they'd both be rich.

The room was kind of stuffy soon as the Jive people entered. There were at least 3 men from Jive that were obviously executives, Gary, Colin, James, and Nick Carter. Colin was so surprised to see his friend smiling at him from across the desk.

"Why didn't you tell me you were involved in this?" Colin asked Nick.

"Well, to be honest I wasn't sure you were the same person as this Colin that wrote the songs...and when I found out it was, it was so late into it...I figured it would be a good surprise." Nick told him honestly.

"So I take it you have met Mr. Carter?" Gary asked with interest.

"I did an interview on his radio show." Nick told Gary.

"It was a very impressive interview in fact." One of the suits said...Colin recognized the voice to be the script giver.

"I'm certainly glad you realize now that I can do an interview." Colin said which drew a laugh from Nick and James. Colin had managed to tell James about Nick the previous night.

"Right, so the matter at hand is Jive and many of its artists have expressed interest in you gentlemen's work." Gary said bringing back order to the meeting.

"Quite right Mr. McDonald. We have talked it over, and we are interested in 10 of these songs you've submitted to us." Suite number 2 said.

At this point Colin was realing...He didn't know how many songs they had of his, but if they felt at least 10 of them were worth mentioning...he was flattered.

"Mind you, we are not sure if we will be able to use all these songs now. But we want to buy the rights to the songs. If the songs are actually recorded it will mean more money for you of course-plus royalty checks for sales." The accountant of the group informed them.

He shifted in his seat, and handed a contract over to Gary. Gary shook his head and made a mark on the paper and handed it back. The accountant smiled and nodded an agreement. "We will be sending out the final contracts by the end of the day. I do hope you both will agree to the terms." The first Executive said as they walked out.

"Okay...now it's time for you to share with us." Colin said. Nick was still sitting there across him with a big smile on his face. It was obvious he was able to see the contract better than the other 2.

"Read for yourself. You are receiving 200,000 for each song, and the standard royalty fee per single used and sold." Gary informed them as they read the contract.

They were getting paid a million dollars for there songs...with the agents cuts, and such it wasn't that much...but both men would be very comfortable. And with things as they stood, if they wanted they could write more music...the contract also stated that Jive had rights to bid on any future work first. This simply meant they were the first to hear about anything new the two might write. They were still able to sale to other labels.

"Congrats Colin, I knew you were talented as a DJ, but your songs are awesome. The other guys in the Backstreet Boys are definitely recording at least two of your songs, and are in discussion with a couple of artist about the third." Nick told them.

"You mean pop stars are fighting over our work?" James asked. All Colin could do was gawk at the moment.

That evening Nick asked Colin to spend some time with him. James wanted to go celebrate, but after Nick pulled him aside for a moment...James agreed to wait till tomorrow to celebrate.

"I can't believe all this is happening." Colin said staring at the stars, as he sat in a chair on the balcony of Nick's hotel room.

"Believe it, you and James are very talented writers. I hope you will start writing again, you have too much talent to waste." Nick told him.

"But I really like being a DJ and besides I'd probably have..." Before Colin could finish his statement Nick had reached over and kissed him.

"What did you just do?" Colin asked with his eyes as big as saucers.

"I believe I kissed you." Nick said smiling before he went in for another kiss.

After a few minutes the kiss ended and Colin felt his pulse start to calm down a little. "I guess I'm not the only gay person in this friendship." Colin said.

"Nope, and I hope this can be more than friendship." Nick stated as there lips met again.

Colin's mind went cloudy, as he slipped into what was quickly feeling like an elaborate dream. But he thought...`I might as well go with it!'

To be continued

Well, imagine that! Nick is such a hottie! And in this story, Colin is the lucky guy to make out with him. Is that all he's getting...we'll have to wait and see. But I'm hoping this scene, will wet your appetite...and have you coming back for more. Let me know what you think. leo1980@pride.com

Next: Chapter 6

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