Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on Aug 22, 2003


Sorry for the long delay on this. I didn't really want to end the story, but at the same time I knew I had done as much with these characters as I really wanted to. I think there are some more stories left in them, but for now I'm going to call it quits. I hope you guys will enjoy this last installment, and will stick with me, because I'm sure I'll have stories around in the future. Let me know what you think of my final chapter, and my story as a whole. Lots of love to all my readers, and don't for get to reach me at leo1980@pride.com

Spinning Nick Chapter 19

The next few weeks after Nick and Colin's outing, went as good or as bad as could be expected. There were certainly highpoints and low points. Nick tried to focus on the good moments, and Colin just felt like his head was spinning.

The bad part was that there was a lot of negative press. Most of the articles written by close minded people were all about Nick and Colin. They were kind enough to inform them of how they were going to burn in Hell. Also there was backlash from within Jive. They rallied to push back the release of Backstreet Boys album. But the good news would prevent this.

The single was top on the charts. It was selling like fire. Whether it was from the controversy, or if the song was just that popular no one could say. But the point is it was their best single possibly ever. By the time all the sales came out, and the fans who had shown up with loads of emails, letters, and phone calls expressing their continued support of Nick and the Backstreet Boys: Jive had no other choice but to release the album on time. The sales for the album broke all the records.

Colin and Nick did many more interviews on every form of media from talk shows to magazines. Out magazine did a great article on them, including a nice photo spread to go along with it. Nick and Colin were really pleased with it and made sure to buy extra copies of the magazine to keep.

Colin's parents surfaced during this period to say some hurtful things, but Colin ignored this as best as he could. It would have been great if the world would have excepted them with open arms, but that's not how it happened. It was more good than bad though, and Colin was very pleased with that.

It was three weeks after the article that they found themselves starting to get back to a normal life. Nick was working on songs with Colin...because James was off with Daniel in England.

"This is a lot of fun writing songs with you. I've never worked with anyone but James before." Colin told him.

"Yes, and you guys make a great team. But then again so do we." Nick said giving him a small kiss before he continued to play. Colin began to sing softly his words joining Nick's music.

"Sometimes I just want to feel your touch.

To let you know I love you so much. Sometimes I get the feeling that if you ever leave, I would find it hard to breathe. I just want to love you, and do those special things we do. I know that you are with me. I know that you would never leave me. I lay beside you until the day washes away my dreams. I will love you till the rivers all turn to steam."

"That sounds nice...might need a little polishing, but a good start." Nick said with a smile.

"Yes I'm not that crazy about the rivers part. It's hard to make a rhyme with dream...ah. Oh well I guess I could go with something that doesn't rhyme." Colin answered back.

"What about this...I lay beside you the rain won't wash away my heart. I will love you forever so let us never part." Nick sang to his own music.

"That does sound nice. But then again everything sounds nice coming from your voice." Colin said dreamy eyed.

"Okay that's enough song writing for now. Let's go to bed." Nick said.

"It's only 10 are you sleepy already?" Colin asked.

"Who said anything about being sleepy?" Nick said walking towards the bedroom.


Eric and David had a late dinner, and then retired to the bed room. They had both had long days at the office so to speak. Eric was receiving a nice back rub from David.

"Um...that feels so good baby. Your hands are like magic on my sore muscles." Eric moaned out.

"I'm glad I can help. After this I'll have to do your front." David said with a chuckle.

"That will be fun, mmmmm..."Eric moaned again, then began to roll over.

It wasn't long after the massage started on Eric's front that a full out make out session began, and a night of love making followed. David had never been so happy before as he was with Eric. The cuddled up together for the night after making love.

"I am so glad you didn't give up on me Eric. I'm sorry I ignored you for so long." David said.

"It's okay dear. I knew you'd come around eventually. Now that I have you, I'll never let you go." Eric said then they shared a nice kiss before drifting off into dream land.


It had been two weeks since Brian's wife had left him. When Nick's sexuality came out, Brian somehow felt lead to tell his wife about his own past. She did not take it well at all. When Brian confessed to still being attracted to guys it was more than she could handle. Brian was sad to see her go, but was starting to adjust to single life slowly.

AJ was over tonight, and they had been watching movies all night. Brian was getting sleepy so AJ decided it was about time to go. "Well, Brian I've had a lot of fun tonight, but from the looks of things your about to fall asleep." AJ said

"True enough, you heading out?" Brian asked.

"Yes, I guess I better get to my place before I get too tired to drive." AJ said.

"Okay thanks for hanging out tonight. I'll see you tomorrow?" Brian asked.

"Sure we have some band stuff tomorrow...They want us to hear the remix for one of our songs, that they might use as our next single." AJ said.

"Right, should be interesting. You just be careful on the way home." Brian said as they both got up. Brian was walking him towards the door, and as they got their Brian went in for a hug. But AJ kissed him instead. Brian didn't fight it at all...it felt right just like at that party not too long ago.

The kiss ended and Brian was crying..."AJ." Is all he could say.

"I'm sorry Brian maybe I shouldn't have done that." AJ stated.

"No it's not that...it's just too soon. My wife just left and all. But I want you to know I have feelings for you." Brian said.

"I feel the same way Brian. And I don't mind taking it slow. But I can't say I won't kiss you from time to time." AJ said with a smile.

"I will take that as a promise that you WILL kiss me whenever you feel lead to, because I really enjoy it." Brian said smiling through his tears.

"It's a deal. Now I really don't want to go." AJ admitted.

"Then don't. You can stay with me, just no sex." Brian joked.

"Sounds good to me, I'll just hold you, if you will let me." AJ offered.

"I would love that." Brian smiled his tears disappearing.

Over seas:

James and Daniel were still working on his album...when they could keep their hands off each other. But with all luck Daniel's new cd would be ready soon. James would be leaving in a few days back for the States. Daniel had some important news for him which he told that very night.

"So why are we eating out tonight? Shouldn't we be working on your last song?" James asked.

"We needed some rest, and besides I really just want to be with you right now." Daniel said with a smile.

"You've been with me every night this week," James said with a chuckle.

"Yes, but we've at least pretended to be writing songs most of the time." Daniel laughed back.

"Okay then, I won't argue with that logic. So what else do you want to do after we've ate?" James asked.

"I have a few ideas, but first I have to tell you something." Daniel started.

"Okay, I'm listening." James responded.

"I'm going to be on tour in about two months to support my new album, and I want you to go on tour with me." Daniel stated.

"I would love to do that. It sounds like a lot of fun." James said.

"I was hoping you'd say that. I'm sure we'll have a great time." Daniel said right before their meals arrived.

The two of them spent most of the night holding hands when they thought it was safe, and walked around till they found a club. They went in and did some dancing. They had wandered into a gay pub, so it was more than okay for them to dance together. Daniel was pretty sure they wouldn't mention him being there to anyone, since lots of celebrities went to gay clubs to dance.

It was a good time, and after that they returned to Daniel's apartment for some alone time. They had a lovely night together, and the next day they finished the song, and the album was ready for the finalizing steps. James had co-written three of the songs with Daniel, and he was really excited about the tour. Things were looking up for everyone.

At Colin's house the next morning:

"There's just something magical when you know everything is so good for once in your life. I received a post card from James the other day that he and Daniel were getting along smashingly. Eric and David are like the happiest couple I know, other than Nick and me of course! I know it's sad that Brian lost his family, but I just know good things will come to him. AJ is becoming a good friend of mine, tomorrow I'm supposed to have lunch with him and Brian both actually. I really hope that he will find someone special. Howie and Kevin are the two members of Nick's group that I don't see that often. I guess maybe it's because they are older than the rest of us...or because they have their own families to deal with. Either way at least now when Kevin and I are together we are nice to each other. Nick and I have decided finally to move into his place after we get 'married'. I know it's not legal here, but that's what it will be. We are having a ceremony with our friends and family...well Nick's family. Mine won't be attending I'm sure, but then again our family is the people who love us. So with that said I have a really great family. Leah-Ann agreed to come to our ceremony and, as she put it, is trying to get used to the whole gay thing still. I don't know if she will get used to it enough to get back with Brian or not...no one can really know the future. Nick and I have actually talked about adopting a child sometime in the future when our lives are normal enough for that. I can't imagine my life every being normal...but someday I hope to have a child to love and see grow up. But whatever lies ahead I won't fear it. I will look to God for guidance, and I pray that my friends will always be near. No matter how many songs I sale, or how many celebrities I meet...I'll always be that same DJ scraping for ends meat, the friend that hurts when others hurt, the lover that will always ache for one more moment with that special someone, and the best Colin I can be. Thanks for hearing my thoughts Diary." Colin ended as Nick read a bit over his shoulder.

"You know this is supposed to be Private." Colin stated.

"I apologize then, but I had to see what was so important to drag you out of bed this early in the morning." Nick said with a smile.

"I'm a writer...sometimes we just have to put our thoughts and feelings on paper. You are welcome to read that page...just don't flip back to when we first met." Colin said with a laugh.

"Oh I bet you were all drooling over me and shit. I have to read that." Nick said with a big grin.

"No it was more like, I can't believe what a arrogant jerk Nick Carter is. He thinks that everyone falls madly in love with him...just because he's a Backstreet Boy." Colin said as he ducked...because sure enough Nick chunked the diary his direction.

"You know the only person I wanted to fall in love with me was you Colin. There was just something so special that I saw in you even the first time we met." Nick told him.

"Please don't tell me it was love at first sight, because I think I'd vomit right here and now." Colin joked.

"Not at first sight...but I did think you were someone special. I just never could imagine how special you really are." Nick said.

"Well, I had a lot longer of gazing at you from afar than you did to see me...So I was well aware of you being someone special. But now that you mentioned it when I met you I certainly thought you were a lot more real that I could have guessed, and more friendly that I could have every hoped. I had a crush on you for years, but meeting you in person was just amazing! I think that's pretty much what I thought...AMAZING!" Colin said finally taking the conversation seriously.

"That is both of us together dear...AMAZING. I cannot imagine life without you now. Every day with you is an adventure. And I love you more every moment, every kiss is like...wow! If a lover's kiss isn't the best thing in the world, then I don't know what is." Nick said and they shared a slow kiss.

"Do you think we will be together forever?" Colin asked.

"I can't say for sure, but I know I will do my very best to always be with you." Nick promised.

"I will do everything I can as well." Colin said as the two kissed more urgently.


Big thanks To Ryan for always being there to encourage me to keep writing, and for editing my work. Thanks to all my readers (especially those that contacted me about my work!) I hope you all enjoyed it, because I really enjoyed writing the story. Email me at leo1980@pride.com

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