Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on May 28, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nick Carter or any of the Backstreet Boys. I don't know Daniel Bedingfield either. So with that said enjoy this piece of fiction.

Hey, just to let you know-this is the last chapter of this story...not really, but the next chapter will start the new portion of the story. I am going to change the format a little...In particular, I believe I have taken the poetic beginning through its cycle, and that will be gone now. Express your opinion on the poems, and everything Spinning Nick at leo1980@pride.com

Spinning Nick Chapter 9

DJ, life is there before you. DJ, take it in your hands. DJ, fill your wings with air. DJ, take your chance to fly.

Colin's career as a DJ came to an end a week before his trip to Orlando was scheduled. Mr. Smith had found a replacement rather quickly. The late night DJ, had been wanting that spot for a long time, and now it was going to be hers.

His last show was a lot of fun for Colin. He had Bruce and Wayne come on to do the first part of the show with him. He also had Jackson to come in and do the second half of the show with him. They gave away some awesome prizes, including a trip to Disney world to one lucky family.

That night they had an office party to send Colin off with all the best wishes. The conversation was mostly centered on where Colin would live, and what kind of music would he be working on now.

"So, are you going to move in with James?" Jackson asked.

"We decided it's best for me to stay with him till we decide where to live. We both agree that Nashville is a great place, but it's better for us to both start out somewhere fresh. That way we are both sacrificing something." Colin told him.

"In other words, you want to both experience this move...hoping for inspiration from the new surroundings?" Bruce offered.

"That's the basic idea. Every new town offers a song, and every life change a record's worth of songs." Colin went on to say.

"Which cities do you have in mind?" Wayne asked.

"Well, L.A. and Orlando have been thrown around." Colin told them.

"So you want to move closer to the boy bands?" Jackson was amused.

"I guess so, and a lot of Jive offices are there, so it'll be easy to keep a good relationship with them. Our manager has confirmed that he would be able to transfer us over to someone within his agency. So getting someone there will be easy too. I think he was a little upset that we were leaving, but as long as we stay inside his company...we are still keeping the contract." Colin told them.

"Great and you'll be closer to Nick." Jackson stated with a smile.

Jackson had been the only person at the station who knew about Nick and Colin. Colin had told him because Jackson kept asking about what was bothering him. The past few weeks had been hard on Colin. And Jackson had been a good friend.

"True enough, maybe he'll give me another interview." Colin winked at Jackson.

As the party ended, Colin returned to his home. He would be leaving it tomorrow. Most of his possessions were already packed, and the others would be picked up tomorrow to go into storage. James' apartment didn't have room for all of Colin's furniture, so they agreed to store it till they made the move to their new home.

Colin had not told Nick about wanting to move to Orlando, but had hinted that he wouldn't be living in Nashville for very long. He decided it would be best to tell Nick in person. Since Nick had already suggested moving out to Orlando during one phone call, Colin was sure he would be glad to hear of his choice. He had less than a week to move his stuff into storage, and get out to Nashville. Where he'd have to turn around and move again in a few months. He hated moving, but he knew he really needed to get to work as soon as possible.

Colin was so lost in thought of the future, that he almost didn't hear his phone ringing. Once the loud ringing noise caught his attention he walked across the room glancing at caller ID. He was very pleased by what he saw.

"Hello baby." Colin answered his phone.

"Wow, you really are as friendly as Nick says." A new voice spoke into Nick's cell phone.

"Who is this?" Colin asked worried.

"It's just me Brian. Nick said I could talk with you...Sorry to call on his phone, but my battery was dead." Brian explained.

"That's fine, so what can I do for you?" Colin asked.

"I just wanted to talk with you for a while. I hear your coming down to meet us soon. The guys are all excited to meet you." Brian told him.

"I'm glad to hear that. I was worried you might not be too happy to see me." Colin said.

"Oh, that whole deal with Nick and I ended years ago. So I'm not jealous or anything. I just want Nick to be happy." Brian told him.

"That's good to hear. What's going on out there now?" Colin asked.

"We are recording one of your songs actually..." Brian told him.

"Awesome, which one are you guys doing?" Colin was excited.

"We are recording `Hold You'. I really liked that song, and we all thought it would be the best one to record first." Brian told him.

"Wow that was one of the first songs I ever wrote. I'm glad you like it though." Colin stated.

"Yes, it's cool...I was wondering who the song was about?" Brian asked.

"It was written about a guy I knew in high school. It was because of him I realized I was gay." Colin told him.

"So he was your first boyfriend then?" Brian asked.

"I wish! No, he was straight. I just had a big crush on him." Colin answered.

"We have updated the tempo a little, but it's still the same song." Brian stated.

"Ah, I can't wait to hear it. I wrote two versions of that song actually...one was much faster than the one you got." Colin told him.

"Really...Do you think we could get a copy of that version? Maybe we can compare notes between our new tempo, and it. Or use it for a remix." Brian was getting into the conversation.

"Sure, I think that can be arranged. But I want a copy of the song." Colin requested.

"That won't be a problem. Now back to what I actually called you about...What is your intention with Nick?" Brian asked.

"My intention is to love and be with Nick for as long as I live...I don't know if that will be, but I am hoping so." Colin told him honestly.

"That's what I wanted to hear. I just needed to make sure you and he were on the same page. He's been really missing you. In fact, he's going nuts right now...Would you happen to want to talk to him?" Brian asked.

"I think that would be nice actually." Colin said laughing.

"Okay, I'll see you soon man." Brian said handing the phone over.

"BABY!" Nick screamed into the phone.

"I'm glad to hear from you as well." Colin said laughing.

"I didn't think he was ever going to give me the phone...I've been sitting here going nuts." Nick told him.

"Awww, how sweet you are. You have me all to yourself now." Colin told him.

"I've really missed you...when is your flight getting here again?" Nick asked.

"Saturday morning at 10 A.M., I assume you will be picking me up?" Colin asked.

"Of course I am! I just hope I don't molest you right there in the airport." Nick laughed.

"I wouldn't mind, but going to jail for indecent exposure wouldn't be good for either of our careers. Not to mention it would out you." Colin answered.

"Okay fine...but I am going to kiss you. On that I won't compromise." Nick told Colin. A single tear worked its way out of Colin's eye.

"I love you Nick." Colin told him.

"I love you too, and I can't wait to see you...I need you so bad." Nick said.

"I feel like I'll go crazy if I don't feel your arms around me again." Colin confessed.

Elsewhere Brian was walking down the hall of the studio where Nick and he had been working on the song. His mind wondered back to when Nick and he were in love. `I thought I put it all behind me, but hearing those two talk...I forgot how much I once loved Nick. If I didn't have my wife, I don't know what I'd do right now. But I do, and so I must be happy for Nick.' Brian thought as he paced the hall.

"You ready to head back Brian?" Nick asked catching up with his friend once his phone call was over.

"I guess so. I think I need to spend some time with Leigh-Ann." Brian said with a smile.

"Feeling the romance in the air?" Nick asked laughing.

"I guess so. I'm really happy for you Nick." Brian told him.

"Thanks, I'll be happy when he gets here. I've really got to do my best to talk him into moving here. I know it's early in our relationship...but at least if he lived in the same city I would be able to see him." Nick told his friend.

"That's a good idea, and I'll be happy to help you talk with him about it." Brian agreed.

The two men wouldn't realize to later on, that they were indeed on the same page. It's funny how two hearts in love would soon find a common ground, and for now it was Orlando. The following week, Colin spent a lot of time looking for a house to purchase there in Orlando. James and he had found a couple they liked, and decided to look them over when they were down that weekend. James had already decided he would be going with Colin.

Nick would be glad to see James again, and talked both men into staying at his house. Nick's home had plenty of room for all four of his band mates to stay over if they wanted to. So fitting in James and Colin would be no challenge at all.

The week went by quickly, with Colin and James working on songs and unpacking Colin's stuff. Colin had his own bedroom at James place, and it was large enough to make it a comfortable place to stay. He had his computer set up in no time. He was even able to hook in with James cable modem. Colin loved the faster speed, and spent a lot of time downloading music-in the name of research of course.

It was Thursday when Colin received a call from his agent. Daniel Bedingfield was in town, and really wanted Colin to listen to his version of `Blue Eyes'. Colin was more than a little nervous, but knew that it was better to hear it now than later. This song was so close to his heart when he wrote it, that he couldn't imagine what it would sound like sung by anyone else.

"Come on in Colin!" Daniel stated as he opened the door to his hotel room.

"It's great to see you again Daniel. I hope things have been going well for you." Colin replied walking in after Daniel.

"Things are great, and I'm really glad you could come by to hear what I've done with your song. I hope to do it proud." Daniel stated.

Colin took a seat in a chair at the table there in the room, and waited while Daniel placed a cd into the stereo. "Here it is." He said pushing the play button on his remote.

Soon the air was filled with music. Colin felt himself drawn into the past as the music lapped over the shore of his memory. The music was exactly as it had been, except with more instruments to back it up. It was very beautiful really. Colin felt all warm inside with Daniel's deep voice began to sing the first verse. He had been right; the voice truly fit this song. He was in tears by the time the second verse was finished. He stood up and applauded as the song ended.

"I take it you approve?" Daniel asked with a happy smile on his face.

"It was wonderful! It's exactly how I imagined it to be, and more. Thank you so much. Peter would have loved that." Colin told him.

"Thank you, I really wanted to do a good job on it. I knew it was important to you." Daniel said coming forward. Colin was a little surprised by Daniel's move, but accepted the hug that came.

"Can I ask you a favor?" Colin asked.

"I don't see why not." Daniel said as the hug ended.

"I would love to have a copy of that cd, if that's okay." Colin asked.

"I was hoping you'd say that. Here, I made this just for you." Daniel said handing him a cd case with the name of the song on it. He also noticed that there was a picture of Daniel on it.

"That's a really nice picture, where was it taken at?" Colin asked.

"I took it back in London. There are lots of beautiful places in England. Have you ever been?" Daniel asked.

"Not yet, but I hope to visit someday. Perhaps I'll have to go there on business someday." Colin stated.

"Or pleasure...it's a great place to vacation." Daniel told him.

Colin left soon after, and the two exchanged cell numbers before he left. Colin was starting to like Daniel, and hoped that they would be friends. Daniel was still a young talent, and had not gotten cocky like some artists. He thought that Nick would probably like him as well. He hoped maybe the three of them could go out to dinner sometime or just hang out together.

To be continued

So will Colin be moving to Orlando? Will Daniel and Nick get to meet and hang out? Does anyone remember where I parked the car?

Next: Chapter 10

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