Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on Jul 2, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know anyone that appears in this story, they are all made up people save for the celebrities and they are nothing like their real world selves, so they might as well be fictional too! So please do not look upon this as an indication of Nick Carter or anyone else's sexuality. Just enjoy the story!

The new chapter isn't very long, but I'm sure by now you are all ready for a new segment of the story. I know I was! I really had a lot of time with this chapter and I hope you will as well. Please send your comments to leo1980@pride.com Thanks lots!!!

Spinning Nick Chapter 13

Colin wasn't home long before two very important things happened. Firstly he received a call from his manager that the Backstreet Boys had an issue with the song they were using on their new album and according to their memo they would need to discuss needed changes with Colin and James. The second happening was that David had sent him an email that he would need to talk to him on the phone soon. Colin emailed his friend back first of all seeing it to be the easiest to deal with.

The email wasn't long, but it was long enough to tell David Colin's availability for the rest of the day. He couldn't imagine how to explain the rest of the weeks schedule to David. He knew that he had a meeting with his agent, and that he would have to meet with a representative of the Backstreet Boys. But he did not know when this would happen.

Apparently his agent was sending them a list of times most appropriate for the meetings. His agent was very kind in listening to Colin's preferences though. Colin really wanted to get the meeting schedule for sometime in the morning, since he seemed to do his best writing in the evenings. He really wanted to get some work done, since he knew moving and everything would be expensive.

The next day for Colin was going to be very interesting. He had received the phone call from David that morning.

"Hello." Colin answered.

"Hey Colin it's me David." He stated.

"Oh it's great to hear from you man, so what's going on?" Colin asked worried that maybe he was having troubles with his boyfriend.

"Guess what? I got a promotion! I'm going to be a full agent now, and I already have my first client set up." David told him.

"Wow, congratulations!" Colin stated. David had been working at an agency that catered mainly to stage actors for a couple years now. He had only been an assistant last time they talked about the job.

"So there is one down side though. I have to move...Eric said he was going to try to get a transfer though, so he could move with me!" David stated.

"Great! So I guess everyone's moving around these days." Colin said.

"So it would seem. I can't wait to tell you who my first client is, but I have a meeting in an hour, so I better go." David said hanging up the phone almost rudely.

Colin was never fond of ending a call without a proper good bye, but David probably had his reasons. Colin's guess was he wanted to build up suspense about his mystery client. Colin checked his email once again to see that his agent had set up a meeting for 3:00 that afternoon. Colin was glad this would probably be the last meeting before the move. He was really looking forward to getting back to Orlando, and Nick of course!

It was still about an hour before he needed to get ready for his meeting, so he decided to take a nap. He had barely laid down when his phone rang. "Hello." Colin answered some what annoyed.

"Hey babe, why so cheerful?" Nick asked.

"Oh it's you! I was afraid it was someone else. I was just laying down for a nap before the big meeting this evening." Colin told him.

"Ah, the meeting to get you and James through the transition period?" Nick asked.

"That's the one. I'm sure they will have papers for us to sign, and last minute briefings on how to get in touch with management in Orlando, maybe we'll get to meet our new agent." Colin stated.

"I kind of doubt that, they usually don't come out to meet you. You'll meet him or her eventually though." Nick told him.

"Figures, but it would have been nice to get that over with. I am not real big on meeting new people." Colin admitted.

"Me neither, especially one's that have my career in their hands. It's a very nerve racking thing to give your trust to someone you hardly know." Nick stated.

"You pulled the thoughts right out of my head. But I've been lucky so far. I've gotten all royalties I was supposed to, and I've gotten a lot of song deals in the works." Colin told him.

"That's great! You heard that our new album is coming out next month?" Nick asked.

"Yes I heard that. I actually did the presale thing on cdnow.com." Colin said.

"You dork, you could have asked and I could have got you a copy for free." Nick said joking.

"No every little bit helps the sales, and the better the record does the better we will both be." Colin stated.

"That's true I guess." Nick responded.

"So what will be your first single?" Colin asked.

"It's going to be `Hold Me'. It's a great song you have to hear it." Nick said with a small laugh.

"You're releasing one of my songs as your single?" Colin said then he dropped the phone.

Colin screamed and motioned for James to come over, and he told him the big news. There was a mixture of high fives and screaming, and Nick on the other end of the phone was just laughing his butt off.

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to drop the phone like that. Um, I thought you guys wanted to have a meeting about the song? I was worried you wouldn't even put it on the record, now you are telling me it's the first single?" Colin asked.

"Yes. Oh, the meeting thing...that's Kevin calling that." Nick told him.

"Oh I don't like the way you said that." Colin said being brought back to reality.

"Don't freak out. I think he just wants to talk to you. Brian and I have both been working on him. I think he's going to be okay about everything now." Nick said.

But to Colin it didn't sound very convincing; in fact he was sure he heard doubt in Nick's voice. What Nick didn't tell Colin is that Kevin was not speaking to Nick. Nick's only communication with him had been through Brian. It was indeed turning into a sticky situation.

The last thing either of them wanted was to cause the end of the Backstreet Boys, but Nick was never going to give up on Colin. "Don't worry babe, whatever he has to say...it has nothing to do with us. Okay!" Nick stated.

"I know, I just hope I am not causing trouble to your group." Colin stated.

"Trouble! Your song was tested with our fans already, and it's been overwhelming how much the people seem to like it. Your song may very well save the group. So don't worry about a thing!" Nick said this time very truthful and enthusiastic.

"I'm so happy to hear that. I do hope it's a success with the non fans as well. For more than one reason, I want it to be a big hit." Colin joked.

"Yes, I can understand that. I want to see your career flourish just as much as you do though. I'm really proud of you Colin. You are very talented. And I have the fortune of calling you my lover." Nick said.

"I love you. You are just so sweet Nicolas Gene Carter." Colin stated.

"Oh no he knows my full name, run away..." Nick says feigning fright.

"Ah, well I promise not to use it in the bad way, like your mother probably did." Colin joked.

"Are you suggesting that I would have done something to get in trouble? I'm hurt!" Nick stated. That lasted two seconds before they both started laughing.

"Well there was that time you got arrested not to long ago...So I know you've been a bad boy at least once." Colin stated, playing along.

"Ah well that was the night Brian and I had a big fight. We weren't dating anymore at that point, but I guess we still had some feelings for each other. I confronted him and asked if he was really straight now, and he was offended and we both said a lot of stuff we didn't mean. So I kind of went out and got drunk. I know it's not a good way to handle things, but it was all I could do at that moment." Nick told him.

"I can understand that. I guess if one of my ex-boyfriends got married, I'd be a little upset myself." Colin stated.

"Well it's not so much that he got married, it was the fact he acted like we were never in love. Like we were just friends the whole time we knew each other. I was okay with him moving on, but it was like I didn't exist for a while there. But after that, Brian and I worked things out. Now he's very open with me about what's going on in his life. And we are better friends now for it." Nick told him.

"I'm really sorry I brought it up, I hope it's not hard for you to remember that." Colin stated.

"No it's no big deal. I really appreciate that I can tell you this. And you didn't interrupt me half way through, that's a really good quality. You're a great listener." Nick said.

"Thanks, I've been told as much. So, in less than a week I'll be in Orlando again!" Colin said taking his chance to get excited.

"I can't wait! I am going to spend the first week you are here with you...unless you have plans?" Nick asked.

"I have plans that whole week actually." Colin stated with a long pause. Nick took in a breath and held it waiting for Colin to continue. "I am going to spend the week with my boyfriend, and make love with him every day!" Nick began to breathe again, and this huge goofy grin came across his face. He was really looking forward to next week now.

"Well, I guess I need to grab a shower if I am going to make my meeting, but I'll call you tomorrow if that's okay with you?" Colin asked.

"That's great, I'll be home after five, because we are doing press and shooting the video for your song. Though I have to admit that sometimes these things run over, so if that happens, just leave a message and I'll get back to you okay love?" Nick asked.

"That's fine, and I do expect a copy of the video you know!" Colin stated.

"Of course! I'll make sure to send you one as soon as we are finished with the editing process." Nick told him.

"Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow I hope. I love you." Colin said.

"I love you too, bye honey." Nick stated.

After they had hung up, Colin took his shower and got ready for the meeting. It wasn't a very exciting meeting...but Colin did learn a few interesting tidbits.

The agency building was only a 20 minute drive from his house, and he would be able to get in touch with the office anytime since the agency there has a great automated system. Most of time there was someone working there anyway, since they also worked with international clients.

"So when do we actually get to meet the person handling our account." James asked.

"You'll be meeting him in about five minutes actually. I just got a fax about an hour ago that he'd be here to meet you. We usually don't have our agents come to meet before the transfer is complete, but this one insisted apparently. I'm very pleased that he's so enthusiastic though, as should you be." Mr. Smith stated.

"I am glad to meet him anyway. I really did want time to adjust to him before we got down to business." Colin admitted.

"That's certainly understandable. I do apologize that we were thrown together so quickly." Mr. Smith said kind of embarrassed about how fast things came together.

"Well, that was a special circumstance wouldn't you say?" James stated.

"Yes indeed! It was very big deal, especially for writers just getting started. I am thinking you both will go far. I really hate to see you go, to be honest." Mr. Smith stated.

"We won't forget you! We will make sure to keep in touch, and if we ever meet another young act trying to make it, we'll send them your way." Colin promised.

That seemed to please him, and soon he was buzzed by his secretary, apparently the visitor had arrived. James and Colin both were very nervous when Mr. Smith told them their new agent was here. The door started to open and the man who entered the room looked very professional. He was wearing a nice looking suit, and he looked very familiar. Colin was so surprised when he stepped into the room.

To Be Continued.

Who is the new Agent??? Stay tuned to find out. Send comments to leo1980@pride.com And make sure to check out "This is the Night" if you haven't already. It's in the Celebrity section, and the writer is a friend of mine. :) Thanks Randy for the help with editing.

Next: Chapter 14

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