Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on May 26, 2003


Spinning Nick -- Chapter 8 By Lee McDougal

DJ, things sure do seem great. DJ, I finally found him. DJ, I still want you in my life. DJ, things sure do look good.

Friday night was painful to say the least...Nick was so busy with making up for lost time that he wasn't even able to call. He did however manage to get some flowers sent to Colin's house. Colin was very pleased with the beautiful red roses that had a lovely card with them:

Thanks for the wonderful day, and I hope it's only the first of many more. Wherever I may go, my heart stays with you. I can't wait for the guys to meet you babe!

Love, Nick

Saturday David called to the surprise and delight of Colin. It was soon arranged that Colin would have dinner with him and Eric. Colin looked forward to going out with his two friends. He hoped that it would take his mind off Nick for a while, which was impossible in it's self; Colin was a man falling in love very fast.

That night at the restaurant three friends set down to a nice meal. Everyone was in good spirits, save for Colin, but he was doing his best not to let it show.

"So you guys finally started dating?" Colin asked Eric who looked very pleased by the question.

"Yes, he finally realized I existed." Eric said as the three laughed. "Though seriously I am very glad David and I finally got a chance to talk about each other. It turns on he liked me all this time too, but he didn't think he was my type."

David was blushing now. "Well, I thought you were in to masculine guys...I mean you did date that one gorilla guy." David said.

"Don't' remind me. That was like a spur of the moment thing, and afterwards I was kind of afraid to dump him. I mean did you see those muscles?" Eric joked.

"He was a whole lot of man." Colin answered.

"So, what's up with you tonight?" David asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine and dandy." Colin answered.

"Then why haven't you touched your food?" David asked.

"I guess I'm not too hungry." Colin said.

"I haven't seen you like this ever without there being something wrong." David responded.

"Well...I miss my boyfriend." Colin blurted out before he could catch himself.

"Your boyfriend? You're dating someone? That's so cool, when can we meet him?" Eric asked.

"Um yes I have a boyfriend...I don't know when you can meet him, because he travels a lot." Colin told him.

"Travels a lot, you didn't hook up with a salesman, I hope." David stated.

"No worse, a musician." Colin answered.

"You're kidding. You and Daniel Beddingfield hit it off?" David asked joking.

"Not at all, well I can't really tell you unless you promise to keep it quite." Colin started.

David was really interested now.

"Go on Colin, give us the dirt...we won't tell anyone." David said, as he was now pushing buttons on his cell phone, acting like he was ready to make an announcement for the 10 o'clock news.

"I'm serious David. You can't tell anyone else." Colin said looking stern.

"You know I wouldn't Colin. Go on, sorry for the joke." David looked serious now.

"Well, I'm dating Nick Carter." Colin said.

This was received by nothing but blank stares and silence. Eric looked as if he was ready to dismiss it as a total lie. David looked like he was ready for the rest of the punch line. And Colin...he was just enjoying the looks on their faces.

"You don't actually expect us to believe that do you?" Eric spoke finally.

"That's your call Eric. But you guys asked me about my boyfriend, and I told you the truth." Colin answered back.

David took a deep breath and then let it out. He wanted to say something, but he wasn't sure what.

"I...I believe you. I know that look on your face. You only look that way when you are serious. And you could never keep a straight face when lying." David spoke.

"I'm glad you believe me, because I would hate to have to call him up...just to defend myself. You both know that I met him at the concert where I had backstage passes right?" Colin asked them.

They of course agreed, and then Colin went on to tell them about how Nick caught him in the dressing room and about dinner after the interview and he also told them about Nashville. That had convinced them well enough. Though Eric probably would have argued further, if not for a look David had given him. David was happy for his friend, but also very concerned about what might happen.

"You know that Nick will be traveling for possibly a long time...You might be an old man before he's ready to settle down." David stated.

"I know, and that does scare me some, but he promised me that we'd find a way to make it work. He's already shown me that he'll go out of his way to do so. Just the past Thursday he flew out to see me." Colin told them.

"Oh my God, you are kidding right? He was doing a show in Canada Tuesday night." Eric exclaimed.

"So that's why he wouldn't say where he was." Colin muttered realizing how far Nick had gone out of his way to be with him.

"Sounds like he really likes you Colin. I hope you guys will be really happy." David said feeling better about his friend's new relationship.

After the meal, Eric picked up the check and despite arguments from the two men he went to pay it. This left David and Colin alone a moment to talk.

"So how is he treating you?" Colin asked.

"He's wonderful Colin, he's everything I ever wanted. He treats me nice, and he's very romantic. He's a tiger in the bed, but at the same time so gentle." David told his friend.

"I'm so happy for you." Colin said truthfully.

"And Nick better treat you right as well or I'll take off his Backstreet balls." David told him.

"No worries there he's wonderful." Colin said looking kind of dreamy.

"I take it you've had sex?" David asked.

"Yes, we did. He's really good at what he does too." Colin told him.

"Well, if it wasn't for Eric I'd ask you to do that comparison thing." David joked.

"Your so naughty. Hey Eric make sure to give him a spanking tonight." Colin stated as Eric rejoined the guys.

"It would be my pleasure." Eric said, making a growling noise at David.

"Mmmm, I think we have to go now Colin. I'll call you sometime tomorrow." David told his friend as they all excited the building.

Colin climbed into his car, and realized he felt better having told someone about Nick. It somehow made it seem more real. He decided to write an email to Nick telling him about it:

Dear Nick,

Tonight I told my best friend David about our relationship. He and his boyfriend Eric had dinner with me tonight. Neither of them believed me at first, but after they heard the whole story they believed me. Don't worry; I made them promise not to tell anyone. I probably wouldn't have told them anything, but David could see something was up. I was feeling kind of down tonight, because you were not here. But when I told them everything...it just felt right. For some reason, our relationship was just more real after sharing it with someone who cares about me. I guess what I'm saying is...I'm proud to be with you. And having my best friend know about it, and even support it is a really good feeling.

I found out tonight you were actually in Canada Tuesday night. You shouldn't have flown that far just to see me...but I am truly honored that you cared that much about me. It only confirms what I already know, that you're a great guy. I really want to tell you something right now but I think I would want to tell you in person more. It's less than 3 weeks till I see you again, but it feels like forever.

Write back soon! Love,


Colin finished up the email, and stared at the screen. After his email was sent, he realized he had some mail to read. The email that really caught his attention was from James. He had sent him a file. According to the message, James had composed a song, but couldn't find the right lyrics for it. James hoped that Colin could help out.

Colin was really excited. He had already planed to work with James when he was done at the radio station, but getting an early start was a good idea. The music was very fast, Colin thought it would be a great dance song but didn't know what to make it about. He decided he would take this as a chance to get out some of his emotions. He started writing a song that was both romantic and fun. It had a heavy Nick influence to say the least, but was devoid of any specifics that would implicate him.

Colin worked on the lyrics for a good 3 hours...making sure that the rhyme scheme matched the beat of the song. With it all set up, he had two good verses, and a really good chorus. He wasn't sure about the end of the song...so he sent it off unfinished to James. Colin knew that James and he worked best if they bounced ideas off of each other. So he hoped that James would like what he had so far, and suggest something for the last verse.

The second email of interest was from Colin's manager. He had worked out the deal with Empire Records. They would be buying Blue Eyes, and Daniel Beddingfield was even specified in the contract to be the sole performer of the song. The amount they had offered was to say the least a lot of freakin' money. Colin quickly printed out the documents, and signed in the appropriate places. After that, he faxed it all back to his agent.

The phone rang, and Colin walked over to answer. "Hello" He answered.

"Hello, so did you sign the papers yet?" A male voice asked.

"Who is this?" Colin asked confused at first then later recognized the accent.

"It's me, Daniel. I wanted to know if you signed the papers. We are going to be recording my second album early. And I really want that song!" Daniel Bedingfield told him.

"Yes, I just faxed it to my agent. Darn, I was hoping to squeeze another interview out of you when we met about the song but I guess I won't now." Colin joked.

"Interviews aren't that much fun, but I'm sure we could hang out sometime if you'd like?" Daniel offered.

"That might be cool, if we are ever in the same town, that is to say." Colin answered.

"It's bound to happen sooner or later. Listen, can I ask you for a favor?" Daniel asked.

"You can ask but I'll have to wait and hear what it is before I can agree to it or not." Colin told him.

"Fair enough. When I get the song recorded, I want you to listen to it. I want your opinion on whether I did it properly with the original vision. I usually write all my stuff, and I know how important a person's art is to them." Daniel told him.

"Sure, I'd love to help out. I think that's very awesome, that you'd care about my vision enough to make me a part of the recording process." Colin said honestly.

"It's a good song, and I just want to make sure it's done justice." Daniel confirmed.

"It's a deal then. By the way, who gave you my number?" Colin asked him.

"It's in the local directory dude, you might want to change that before you become any bigger." Daniel told him.

That was when it hit Colin that he was becoming a name in the music industry and that he might need to worry about privacy himself someday soon. He never hid his sexuality, but then again he's never been real open about it either. Would he have to hide his true self just like Nick had? He was now for the first time faced with the choice on whether to be open, or completely quite about this very personal part of his life.

When it came time to decide he chose to be honest. He assumed that being gay, and behind the scenes wouldn't be that big of a deal. Since most of his songs were about guys anyway it would come out eventually. So as it was he knew that as soon as he moved out he'd have to set up a meeting with his agent. He'd want to know about the decision. He also sent an email to James asking what he thought about the issue. He got a response the next day:

Hey Colin,

I totally agree with you. I don't think anyone will care about our sexualities. And I am going to be open about it as well. I might not be dating anyone right now, but my sexuality is an important part of what makes me me. I agree also that we need to tell Gary about our choice on this issue. But I will wait till you're out here.

I also think we should discuss whether or not we want to continue operating here in Nashville. Now that we are known, we can operate from almost anywhere. It's a big choice to move, so I think it'd be lame for me to just expect you to move here because I live here. Maybe we should find another place, where we are both starting out fresh there. A new city, to go with our new life sounds good to me.

Your friend, James

This email really gave Colin a lot to think about. He had assumed they would be living in Nashville, but there certainly are other cities that offer just as good music environments, and some even better. This was not a choice he could make tonight though. He would have to talk it over with James and with Nick as well, because he had full intentions on making Nick a part of his life.

Next: Chapter 9

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